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. � , . •. , . � �_ <br /> ,;,<: <br /> ,� <br /> �������M � , • . " • .. . ~ � _— __ <br /> •i�1y�[�Y. <br /> 7 r:�n,- <br /> • . . -. . . . . �r _ <br /> - .vw�,._... ' - . .... .... '_''' <br /> , . .. �. ' - • - . ..rL_-�+. <br /> _ . '. . m.�ro:'�:.,,.:��� r�K�y• , , . �:'..�-�'��r-- "-�a�f.C°3"S. _ '_ _ __'_ ".,E_.'.' —_ <br /> . .. <br /> � <br /> .. - . .. . . ,i - . .. . • _ . . • . . ... - ........ .. . --.,. .. <br /> .. � .. 1 _ . l��a �0�f �� � i� <br /> V� <br /> S, t�azar�l or A'rogerly Iniurence. F3orrower sbnll keep dce in�provements now existi�ig or herexfter erected rn► tlic <br /> "' Prupeny insured agxinst la�s by firr,hvatrds incluJed within�he term "extended arver��ge" iuid xny odier htwirds, includius <br /> � fl�x�ds ur flnoQli�g, for whicli L..a;nder reyuirev insuranc�.Ti�is in:+urance nliali I�e maintaii�ed in tiie�tmoun�s and fc�r Aie peri�ds <br /> thKt Le►xter cequirey. Tlie iiLSUrencG ensder nrnviding the btsurance shall be chosen hy Durrawar subject ►o l.ender's approval <br /> wl�ich shall not be unre�sonxhly w[tldield. If Bc�nower falls to mAli�tain coverage descdbed above, Leuder Leader's <br /> aption,obtetin wve�age to pr��¢cct Lender's righGS in the Prnperty in accorda�te;e witti ps►rngrdpl�7. <br /> � `' All insurtwce policie9 and ret�ewals shall be ac�:eptable to L.eixtex ei�d shall include a standard niortgage clause. Leuder <br /> `„r; st►all liave the dgi�t to uold thc: policles and renewals. if Lender requires, Ik�rrower shxll pramptly give to Lender all receipts of , <br /> ,"�,,�, pald premiums ru►d renewal notices.ln tlic evettt of loss,Barrowar shall give prompt notice to the inr•ura�u:e carder and I.ender. <br /> Lender cuay maice proof of loss if nut aiude promptly by Borrawer. <br /> U�less Lender and Bonower oth�nvise agree in wridng,Insurance proceeds shall be applled to restoration or repair of the <br /> property damaged,If the restoration or repuir is econnmicnlly feasihle a�d Leuder's security is not lessened.If the mstoradon or •, : <br /> ^ cepair is not economically feasible or I.ender's secudty would be lessened,tUe insuranse proceeds shall 3�e applied ro the suzus :_.�;_�F <br /> secured by thls 5ectulry Iastrument,wttether or not then due, with any exctss paid to IIarrower. If Borrower abandons the `;�;:�*� <br />: Properry. or does not answer within 30 days a nodce from Leuder that tUe insurance carrier has offered to setde a claim,Wen ::r. <br /> � I.ender may collect the insurance proceeds• Lender may use the proceeAs to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums =���; <br /> secured by this Securlry Instcument,whether or not then due.Tiie 30�day period�vill begin when the nodce is given <br /> �"• Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree ia wridng� any applicadon af pmceeds to pr�nciPal shall not exten� or •:�� <br /> , � postpone the due date of the mouttaly paya�en[s referred to in paragraphs 1 au�ci 2 ar change the amount of the payrnents. if under i <br /> k�, paragtaph 21 ttte Property is acquired by Lender, Bonuwer's right to a.:.y insur�u:ce g�licies and proce�eds resulting froni ���'�:�:;� <br /> '' da�ge ta the property prior to the scquisidon sh�ll pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secumd by this Securiry Insaument --� <br /> • immedIately prlor to the acquisi8on. !-�' <br /> Leasehold9. �.'~.,1'"= <br /> ' ' ,�,� 6.Occupancy, Pr�servatfon, Maintenante and Protectiara oY the Pmp�rtY;&►rrower's I.oan Applicauon; i�--- <br /> Pr s <br /> .�... <br /> Borrower sball occupy,establish, and�se the Pcoperty as 13onower's prindpal residence witbin sixty days after the execudon o _ <br /> �, tbis SecL�rity Instnuneat and sLall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after �--- <br /> • Qie�ite of occupact�y,unlcss Ler�er otheiwite agrees in wridn,g,which conseat rhall aot be unreasonably wlthheld, or unless <br /> extenaating circumstances eaist whlch are beyond Borrower's wnuol, Borrower shall not destroy, damnge or iwpali ihC --�----.-- <br /> property, tillow the Property to deteriorate. or wmmit waste on the Pcopeny. Borrower shall be in default If any farfeiture _- <br /> :;�• acdon or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgment could result in fo�Feihare af the __ <br /> " '`'T'` � �P�n3►or oWerwise materia.iiy impair�ae iien cccxicd by uus SH.-ariiy:�:r�ens oz P•,aa'��»�iry inrerece. BorcoNCr may _ <br /> :::,.;:,:.. _ <br /> ' cure such a default and relnstnte,as providecl in paragraPh 18,by causing the actiou oP proceedins to be dismissed with a ruliug <br /> � � that,in Lender's good itdtl� detern►inadon, precludes forfeiture of the Bonower's interest in the Property or other material <br /> � ,• impai�ment of the llen created by this Securlty lnstrumeat or Leader's secudty interest. Borrower shall also be ln default if <br /> ' .. Bonower,during the loan applicadon process,gave waterially falae or inaccurnte fnformadon or statementa to Lender(or Failed <br /> , to provide Lender wlth any materlal infam�adon)In connecrion with the loan evideviced by the Note.including� but nnt limited - <br /> -��-.:...:= to�representadons concerniu8 borrower's occupancy of the Propeny as a principal residence. If this Security InstNment is on a <br /> -�'•-�� � leasehvld, Bortower sball con►Aly with all the provisions of the lease, If Borrower acquires fee dde to the Property. the <br /> u—`='••'w'+� leasedold and the fee dtle st�all uot merge unless Lencler agrees co the merger in writing• <br /> `'t+'` ." 7.Protedion oi I.ender's Itlghts tn the Propeify.If Borrower faUs to perfotm the covenants and agreemrute contained in <br />.:;_��J!'t'.;_��y . <br /> >-...;�a , this Security Insavment. or ttiere is R legnl proceeding tbat may significandy affect Lender's rights in ttie Property (such as a <br /> ����`�' proceetling in banktuptcy,pmbate,for condemnadon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or reguladons),then Lender m1y do and = <br /> `-`"°�`"�`LL� a for whatever is necessary to protect the value of tLe Propeny and i.�nder's rights in the Pmperry. Lender's acdons may <br /> �"�r.� pnclnde paying auy sums secured by a lien wlilch has prlority �ver this Security Insm�ment, appearing in courc� PxY�nS <br /> - ;�:���� masonable attomeys'fces and entering on the Pmperty to make repairs.Although Lender may take acdon under t�is paragraph <br />_:�.-� <br />_:,:r_.a�,f 7,Lender dces not have W do so. <br />-"-�=g,..:: Any umouuts disbursed by Lender under this para�rnrnp'h 7 shall become addidonll debt of Borrower secured by thls <br />''_���; Securtty Insmimeut.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other teims of payment. tliese amounts shall bear interest frcm the _::_ <br /> ��'"�"' date of disbu:senient at the Note rate aucl shall be payable, with intecest,upon notice from Lender to Bomower requesdng <br /> K,�:s. <br /> �-= ��� payment <br /> _'""�'� 8.Moxtga�e Inswv+nce.If Lender required mongage insurance as a condidon of making the loan secuced Uy tliis Security _ <br /> ".,��f,Mv`:�' "n=—_'. <br /> Instrament. Borrower shall pay the premiums reqni�ed to maintain the nno�t�age invuranse in effect. If, for any re�son, the <br />- -'`�z='��.:: mongage iativrance coverage roquired by Lende�lapses or ceases to be in effect,Bortower sUall pay the premiums Teqaired to ��,=_-, <br />�•=::i�.. ..:. .., -- <br /> - obtain coverage s�bskwtially equivalent ta th:anartgage insurance previously in et�ect,at a cost suTM��nt':ally equivalevt to the n <br /> cost to Eorrower of the mortgage ins�usnce previously in effect, from an alceruate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If = <br />__ , � ' ,� substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available. Borrower shall pay ro Lender each month a snrn equal to �_ <br /> one•twelftli of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bein8 pnid by Borrower �vhen the insurance covera�e lapsed�T ceased to �'� <br />. s".. be i�effr��,I,ender will accepc, use and retain these payments as a loss resenre in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve _ <br /> t. �:;__�-- <br />_ . ; Form 3028 !80 '��-� <br /> { '•"'- <br /> j Q�m 6RlNE1�o2�s�.oi Pps 3ot 8 imtw� ;r�t,'�t: <br /> , ., �, `�' "� �._ '-: <br /> ,.� ��.����_ <br /> ._. . `:'c{`i`° <br />. � ' -�---awras!�P�lG ... ....>` <br />. . . P.-isiC -- �.: ••��` <br /> " • • .. ' . . •`r . <br /> ' • `. <br /> i . ' i �' . .. • <br />. • ; ' <br /> tl � <br /> . � <br /> - • . . . � � . . . <br />