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ii� ��a»�r�i; . .f,::•`.i'�,n`!�� <br /> �� . ,. , .. . • <br /> , -- <br /> `.'�w�'Lv�:_�, . ' _ . .. . a C�+.��ea>_.+i. <br /> � -. � -°- „ J...,N,r.,,,,,�,,:..-'_' -, . . . . . . �•�w�1��..�'. .- <br /> r . . .. .. " � . , • „ . . . _ ��=.i,-:li., <br /> , ' . . . :G.�� , , <br /> � �_ �09'�°?'2 <br /> TOQBTHBR WITH nll d�e improvements now or iiereafter erected on the property, and all e.�sements,appu�tenances,aaid <br /> tiatures now ar hereafter a part of the property. All replacea�.en�s and addldons Fi�all alsa be covered by tliis Securiry <br /> Instn►ment.All of the foregoing is refened to in thls Secutity 1[�sttument tGS the"Prop�:rry.° <br /> :; � BORROWBR COVSNANTS dtat floaower Is lawfully seised of ttie es[ace liere�iy convcycci wd has che ri�llt ro�rant Mnd <br /> _, ._ .. convey the Property twd tltat the Property is unencumbered, except for encuuibrnnces of record. Bonower watrants and will <br /> " defend ger.etally tlie title to the Praperty agaiast all clain�s nnd demands. subject ro any encumbrances of record. <br /> �••�•^ THIS SBCURITY INSTRUMBNT combines uniform covenants for natioaal use and noa-uniform covenants with limited <br /> � varladons by jurisdicdon to consdtute a uniform security instrument coveriu�real propertY• • <br /> UNIAORM COVBNANTS.Bonawer and Lender covenant and agree as follows: _...�• <br /> 1. Payment of Prindpal nnd Intere9t; Prepayment and Late Charges. Honower shall prompdy pay when dne the .;� <br /> principal of aad interest on the debt evidenced by the Note snd any prepayment and late charg�s due under the Note. _.���� <br /> ' 2, Fuads for Taxes and Insuranse. Subject to appltcable law or w a written �vaiver by Leuder, Aorrower shall pay to ;, ,,� <br /> Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,�sum("Funds")for;(a)yea+rlY taaes �i V= <br /> und assessments which may attain priority over thls Security Instnuneat as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments ` <br /> tnsurance premiuws;(d)YearlY fload insuranse Premiums. `-�- <br /> or ground reats on the Property,if any;(c)yetuly hazard or propercy' --__� <br /> � if any; (e}yearly mortgage insurnnce Fremiums� if any;and(�nny su�s PAyable by Bonower to Lender, in accordance wltt► ___ <br /> the provisions of parag�aph S, in licu of the payment of martgage insurance premiums.These items are called"Sscrow Itzms•" ,=';;:.: <br /> . :}�• <br /> Lender may, at any titne, collect and uold Punds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lendet for a iederally .:.�.�.L: <br /> . related mortgage low may require for Borrower's escrow accounc nnder the federal Real Estate Settlement Proc�dures Act of � ;r�:;� <br /> ' 197a as amended from time to tLne, 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funds =_ <br /> secs a lesser amount. If so, Leader may, at any cime, collect and hold F►mds in an nmount not to exceed the lesser amount. •_ <br /> ' Leader may estimate the amount of F�nds due on the b�.sls of current data and reasonable esdmates of expeadi�ures of future K�.�_ <br /> Bscrow Items or othecwise in accordance�vitli aPPlicable law. '°` <br /> ��-��_ <br /> '� The Funds shall be held in an iusdtudon whose deposits are i,�;ufut bY a fcdcral ag�acp, instiu*!'!?�ua�tY� or endtv � �,. <br />',� � • (includiug Lender,if Lender is such an institudon)or in any Pederal Hoiue Loan Bank• I.ender shall apply the Funds to PaY the -- <br /> flscrow Icems.Lender may not chatge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annuallY analYziAS the esetow accouut,or <br />_- � ������p,�ra.;.I�,��1 pn�ler�+ays gono�ver interest on the Punds nnd applicable law perniits Lender to make such _ <br /> a charge.However, I.ender inay require Borrower to pay a one-pme charge for an indepeadeni reai esm�a cax lci,�►+w�a�r:'irx — <br />' used by Lender in caunection with this loan, unless applicable law provides ot}�erwise. Unless An agr�eeu2ent is made ar <br />- ° applicable law requires�nterest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Bonrower any incerest or ear.aings on the Funds. <br /> T�--�'�tit'�ti7 - Borrower and Lendei n+ay agree in writiug,however, that iaterest shall be puid an t�e Fw�ds. Lender shall g�ivf i whic each —� <br /> _r..� . , <br />'_.��:�._;���.;: � without charge, an annunl accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and e purpo <br /> �� `` `�� debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as addidonal security for all sums secund by this Securiry lastnunevt. ___ <br />�i�-�f.,�i�:, o, <br />-:.��""`°'�t� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pemiitcecl to be held by appliaable law,I.ender shall account to Borcowet - <br />_.Y"�.�W�� . r. <br /> for the excess Funds in accordeace with the recluirements of applicable law. If the amount of tl�e Funds held by Lender at any <br />=�:.�'� s-°' Qlme is not sufficient to pay the$scrow Items when due, Lender may so nodfy Horrow�r In wri► such case Bomower <br /> ``�'�r'���� shnll a co Lender the amuunt necessary to make up the deflci�ncy. Borrower shxll makeup the deSciency iu no more thai► _ <br />__��i:...��. P Y � <br />-""""�`•�'� ' twelv�e monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br />—_ '�,a�..:, . <br /> �;c-r�;,,�� : Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Iustr�mant, Lender shall prompdy refu�ad to onawer any _ <br />---���_� ` Funds held by Lencier. lf,under paragraph 21,I.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,Le�1er,prior W the acquiyidon or sale <br />= r�'����� of the�11 apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisidon or sale ns a credit again5t the sums secured by <br />--_.:.-��;; <br /> ---_ �'7•;� ctus Sccnrity Instrumant. <br /> �''`'���� 3.Applicxtian of Payments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under pflragrapbs <br />�ii:tialC'`"t� <br /> -� �� 1 and 2 shall be applied:6rst,to any prepayment cl�arges due under the Note; secand,to amounts payable under paragraph ; <br />--,:�:,oa�� <br />�*_�-- thicd,to interest due;fourth,ro principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the ote. <br /> - --�,�..�- — <br /> _:� 4.Char�es; Lier►9.Bonower shall pay all ceaes,assessm�nts,charges,fines and lniposidons attributable to the mperty — <br />-:.,;,;;,�;p� wlrich may attain priorlty over this Security Insavm�t,o�llease�o�ld�a�Y�ID�` B�er shall payYthem on time di�paY =_ <br /> .-"''"'��`-'- these obligaduns in the manner provided in paragrap P -- <br /> ���,�° to the person owed payment.Bonower shall prompdy furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to bs paid under tlus paragraPb. `�- <br />, = �:,w _ <br /> -N-F+:�,�:� �• If Bonawer makes these payments directly Borrower shall pmmptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing t1►e payments. w}"_ <br /> �y}:'S^Y'�.��'"• � <br /> Borrower shall promptly discl�arge any lien whicli has prlority over this Sesuriry Instntment unless Boxrower:(�)agrees m �__3,. <br />-�:•��'�i-. '�� wrlting ro the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a menner acceptable to I.ender; (b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> .:<, . .. .. •� _ <br /> st,":„'''; by, ar defends agaiust eaforcement of the lien in, legal pmce�dinSs which in tlie Ixnder's opinion opetate to prevent the <br />=�':,�tf• enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfastory to Lender subordinatu�tt►e lien ro � <br />��: this Security InstrumBnt.If Lender deeerniines that any parc of the Propercy is subject to a lien v�hich may attain priority over ._�,_- <br />-�• this Security Iastrument,Lender may give Bormwer a notice identifying the lien. Barrower sUall sadsfy the lien or take one or R�"�.1- <br />�`•' ' � more of the actions set focth above within 10 days of the giving of nadce. <br /> �Y <br /> . .�}�. <br />_ Form 3028 9 O — <br /> . .. i , ,y�1�. <br /> 1. .. <br />- ��ORINEI te��st.o� P'9•z°�e w���•• -. <br /> •y�... �T�.�Q_ .'� <br /> ��'+� <br /> _`_------- -- <br />__._----�r-__--_.--_-� :. ----._-- �- -- ,�, -' --,� - <br /> _ ._: . �---...._.__...s-�.� • - •'••-:..;':"::'.tie�vti4 - � . <br /> �.�•""u�" �. <br />- . . - --- ;�pw.,.u:: ° . . . ' . . ' - - . -` ,. <br /> -, " . - •i .. ., . - � , . ,. . q <br /> . . . _ .. . .. .. . . `- . .. .. � �, . . . <br /> ; 1 . � �. . . . .. . <br />-- _ - ., ' u .. <br /> - . i <br /> � " <br /> , r.�i_ - - <br />