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<br /> S;�,A�,wi��ps.Trusta sholl pa�r all taxa,ass�ssnw�is and oHMr charq�s,intludfnp,without Ifmitatiae,fln�s and Im-
<br /> posftions arnibutobb to tIM PropKt�,ad I�osdwid pa�nts or qrouid nnt:.N arqr,b�fon th�sanM b�cart�d�lhquw�t.Tnntar shdl pranp-
<br /> tl�hirnish to B�nficiary dl notica of amourds dw u�dK this paapraph,ard in fM.v«n Trusror sholl ma�k�pa�m�«�r dt►�crl�,Trusta slwll _
<br /> �-� ;�, promptly fumish to 8�fkiarl►r�aip4s widmcinq such po�rm�nh. Trustar sholl pay oa taxa ad�s�ssnMMS whkh nwp b�I�r(d upo�
<br /> " •�r:,,�,�;,.: - B�fkiary's irnK�st hrr�in or upan this DMd of Trost without rpord to amr law tFwf moy b�mact�d impos(np poyn�nt of tiw whol�ar any
<br /> ��' pat thKwf upon tFM 8�fkbry. —
<br /> ` ;,l,,;c,,,,;r�;,;,,,,. _: 6_ Ai�li�i IM���nt�e1M�f 1�ikirry��S�cwMr.Trustor sholl ma�ic•dl poym.ms of i�K�sr ad ainc�Ol and pa�rn�s of on�
<br /> - ` -- ' " --°`• othK diary�s. fMS ad�xp�ns�s caifrat�d To b�paid to an�existinp li�nhold�rs or prior b�fkiari�s under an�prior dNd of trust or mor• ""
<br /> a� f�op�brfan tt�dot�ttN�a�dalGpuont and pramptly pay ond dischorpe mry ad oM oth�r I(ms,cbims or cha►pK whkh mo�r�opadi=�the
<br /> ��� . ~..Er y�.. w .
<br /> j,p;;;,,,�:�-. .':•`':`u:N sauriry prant�d hK�in. If Trustor falls to mak�arnr suth poynNnf a fdls to pKform an�of tM cov�nonts and apr�ntnts coMaGNd in this
<br /> , � •=�' ONd of Trust, or in an�p►ia ma'tpope a d«d of trust.of if ony oct(on or procNdinp is can�n�nad which mot�►folly aff�cts 8�n�ficiary's in-
<br /> -- .�:...,�.:
<br /> -- • �.�"���''�" d - ��. te�st In tM PrapKt�,inelu�in�,butnot limit�d to,�min�nt domain p►a�edinps,or paNdirps involvinp o dactnd�M,or if Trusta fails to poy
<br /> ' �'"�'� T►ustor's drbts paMraUy as th�y b�come dw, then Bm�fkiary,ot BaNfitiary's optfon and wNhout ratiea to or d�rtiond upon Trustor and _
<br /> '�' � �. : without r�l�osinp Trustor fran any obli�ation h�r�und�r,ma�r maka sueh app�anea,disburs�such sums,and tok�such aetion as is naessary
<br /> '��• �'• to protact 8m�ficiory's intK�st incWdi�p,but not limited to,disbu►sammt of nasonabb attorne�'s fNS,paym�nt,purchas�,cont�st or com-
<br /> '�* �.�� � �„�� promis�of ony mcumbra�c�. charg�or ihn,and ontry upon the Prop�rty to make rpairs. In the av�nt thot Tnntor shall fail to prceure in-
<br /> � �;r._,�,,,�;• -:;f- � swonc�or to po�tax�s, ass�ssrtwms, or any other chary�s or to moke any poym�rns to�zistirg prior lien holders or bnefidoria,Ben�fkiory
<br /> ; , , . map praun such Insurance and moke such paymQnt.An�amounts disbursed by Ben�flciary punuaM to this Parapraph 6 sholl b�coma additional �
<br />- -. �� � fndtbtedness of Trustor secaed by this Deed of Trust.Such amounts slall 6o po�oble upon notke ftom Baneficiary to Trustor r�questiny pay
<br />-- -� �-:_,-�-�1- „ -, . ment thereof, and shall bear interost f�om the date of dis6urnment of the rata payobl�from tims to time on outstondinp principol undK tha 4
<br /> ^ • Note unless payment of iMerest ot such rote would be contrmy to opplicable law,in which eveat such amounts shall M+m intorest at ttw highest
<br /> ,._— � � . ,;,.,., , rat�permissible undtr applicobb law. Nothinp conmin�d in this Parapraph 6 shall rtquiro Ban�ficiary to incur any expenso or tak�ary afion
<br /> `.._.:=_- Fwreunder. �_
<br /> -�.:��-��:_===�=-=
<br /> -� �,, r,� 7. Aaipw��t o1 R�m.Berwfitiory shall hove tha right, power and authority durinp the continuonte of this Oeed of Trost to coll�ct the _...
<br /> -"�:� ' � reMS,issues and profits of the Property and of any personal propert�loeated th�reon with or without takirg possossion of the property offeeted
<br /> =.,�.•�
<br /> � �r�' hereby,and Trusta hereby obsdut�l�and unconditionall�ossiqna all such rents,issws ond profits to 8arwficiary.Bmoficiary,howaver,horeby �'�• '
<br /> �,��; ,�•• ,i consents to the Trustor's coNection and rotantion of such rents,issuos and profits os they accroo and become poyable so lorq os Trustor s not, —
<br /> ���� ot such timo,in default with respact to poymant of any indebtednass secured hereby,or in the pQrformance of any apreement hereunder.Upon
<br /> -- � any such default,8enoficiary may at any time,oitlur in person,by apent,or by receiver to be appoint�d by a caurt,without notice and without
<br /> -=- „ ' repard ta tfw adequocy of any security fa th�ind�btedness hereby secwed, (a)tnte upon ond take pos:�ssion of the Proparty or any port
<br /> --_ •� -- — therenf,�d in its own nam�sue for a otharwis�collat such ronts,issues and p►ofits,inctudinp thosa past due and unpaid,and appty ih�sama,
<br /> -,;�`..'� � less wstf and expenses of operotan and coll�ction, including reasonoble ottorne�s fees,upon any indabtedness sacwed hartby,and in such -- -
<br /> ���'� � order as B�neficiary moy determirni(b)pe►fam suth acts of rapair a protectan as may be nuessary or p►oper to consarve tiw value of the k-"-
<br /> �.:;• Properryj(c)lease the sam�or any port thereof for such rental,term,and upon such conditions as its judymeat may dictota or terminate or od- �''.'
<br />'�,�,�. � � . just th�ternis ad conditions of any aisting Ioase or leases.Unless Trustor aid Borwffciary oprae othtrwis�in writinp,any opplication of rents,
<br /> � L`� issues or profits to any indobtedness secured hQreby shall not�xtand or postpone tha due dote of the iestollm�nt poymmts as provided in mid
<br /> `��' promissay note or chanye the amour+t of such installmmts.The enteriny upon and tokirp poss�ssion of the Proptrty, the colloction of such �?"
<br /> -• ' rents,issws and profits,and the application ther�of as aforasoid, sholl not waivQ a cure any dafoult a ratice of d�fault hKeunder, or in• �"�"
<br /> � A vdkiote ony act don�pursumt to such notice.Twstor also assiqns to een�ficiary. os further srcurity for tFN p�rformance of the obliqations � '
<br /> � ' �, � .. .�,�:.. secund heraby,oll prepoid rents and all monies whleh moy have been or may hareaHer be d�posited with wid Trusta by any IessN of th�Pro•
<br /> �_".:-
<br /> __ • p�rty,to secure the paym�u of on�rent w damayes,and upon defoult in the performance of any of tFw provisions hereof,Trustor aprees to
<br />_'�, �� ' dollver such rents and deposits to BMeficiwy.Oelivery of written notice of 8eneficiary's exwcisa of tha riphts qrant�d MrQin,to ony t�nont x-
<br /> -.:� ��+�• �, eupyinp wid premis�s shall b�suffkient to require said tenant to poy said rent to the Boneficiary until furthar notito.
<br /> ;'.�: ` . g,C�INn.If title to any part of the Prop�rty sholl be token in condemnotion praeedinys,bY ri9ht of emin�nt domain or similar attion, _
<br /> :� or shall be sold undor threot of cond�mnotion,all awads,damapes ond prae�ds ara her�by assigned ond shoN be paid to 8�neficiory who sha0 p._,_
<br /> �`•� - apply such awards,damages and praeeds to the sum ser.ured by this Deed of Trust,with tiw excess,if any,poid..to Trustor.lf Trosta reaives `:
<br />- ony ootice or other informotion r�parding such attions or praeedings, Trustor shall gire prompt w►itten notice theraof to beneficiory. �
<br /> � Benefkiory shall be entitled,ot its option,to commence,appear in ond prosecute in its own nartw ony such xtion or praeedinps and sholl bQ em
<br /> " � . titled to make any compromise or senlement in connaction with any such action or praeedings. �_
<br /> �+.,. � �-�--- �., 9. R��W:Not EYel�dr�. Beneficiory sholl be entitled to enforce payment and performanca of any indebtedness or obliqotions secured ��-
<br /> -- • hareby ond to exQrcise all ripbts and powers under this Deed of Trost or under any other ayreement executed in connection herewith a any lows ;r::,
<br /> ,�;k now or hereofter in face,notwithstandinp some or all of tha such indebtednQSS ond obliyations secured hereby may now or hereofter be other-
<br /> wiu secured, whefher by mortyoge,deod of trust,pledge,lien,ossignment or otherwise.Neither the aceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> o�j;'�: ... t ��� _.
<br /> � . enforcement whethur by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein contained,shall prejudice or in any mamwr offx
<br /> . Beneficiary's right to rPOli:e upon a enfarce any other security now or hereafter held by 8eneficiary,it beinfl agreed thot Beneficiory sFwll bQ
<br /> entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary in such order ond monner as it may in its ab- �'�
<br /> . � � ` solute discrQtion determine.No remedy herein confened upon or reserved to 8eneficiory is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy he►ein
<br /> or by low provided or permitted,but eoch shall be cumulotive ond shall be in addition to every other remedy yiven hereunder or now or hereoHer ��
<br /> � existing ot low or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary or to which it may be
<br /> � o ` otherwise entitled, may be exercised, conturrently or independently, fram time to time and as aften os may be deemed expedient Beneficiary �
<br /> ond it may pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein shall be construed as prohib�tin9 Beneficiary from seeking o defitiency judqment agoinst
<br /> • tFM Trustor to the extent such action is permitted by law. �
<br /> , • + 10. Tniuf�r of Prop�rryt Auw�ptiai. If oll or ony port of the property or any interest therein is sold, transferred or conveyed by Trustor
<br /> without Beneficiay's prior written tonsent, extluding(a)the creotion of a lien or encumbrance subordinote to this Deed of Trust, (b)the creo• �
<br /> tion of a purchase money security interest for household uppliances,(c)a tronsfer by devise,descent or by operation of low upon the deoth of a �
<br /> - joint tenant or (d) the qrmt of any leasehold interest of three yeors or less not containing an option to purchase, eenefitiary may, at ��
<br /> � Beneficiary's option,declore all the surns secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due and poyoble,or cause the Trustee to file o notice
<br /> '� of default.Be�eficiary shdl have waved such option to accelerote if,prior to the sole, transfer or conveyance, Beneficiary and the person to
<br /> whom the property is to be sold or tronsferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is satisfactory to Benefitiory ond thot
<br /> . t th�interQSt poyable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall be at such rote as Beneficiary shall request.
<br /> ,
<br /> � . �
<br /> � ' ---
<br />