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<br /> �.:,a:_ . ;,�<: ���06.963
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<br /> ?- 11.A�MiMIN Y�OdwNl��An�t�M. Upon d�touN by Trmtor fn th�poynNnt of a � �of tM tKnn ond conditions of
<br /> - ''� th�Noh,a aqr r�wols,modNkations or�xtmsbns Nwnof,a tht parmwtt of ary oth�r ind�btrdn�ss s�cund h�nby or in th�p�rformonc�
<br /> , ef a+y of th�canwnoms a o��ns h�►«�.B�fielary mop drelan oll wms acund Mr�b�imnNdfat�l�dur wd poyabl�ad th�sonw
<br /> ' - �,�F.-��.-:i� shdl tl��upon b�conM du�and po�tabM without pns�ntm�nt,dmiond, protat a notic�af any kind.Ttwraaftar.BomfEeiary moy dNivor to - -
<br /> ' �c ._ Trustw a writtm drelarotlao of d�foult ad d�mand far wl�.TrostN sholl haw tiw pow�r of sal�of th�Wop�rty ond if Brn�ikiary daid�s th�
<br /> . ���;j�„��,_.•:�' Proputy is to b� sold it:holl d�posit with T►ustN this ONd of 7rust and th�Not�a nota ard any oti�dawninis�vidwicinp exp�nditun:
<br /> � .=•;� saur�d I��by,ad:hdl del(vK to Tnnt�o writtm notk�of d�fault a�d�latlon to caus�th�P�apMy to b�sold,ond TrustN,in turo,sholl
<br /> '`""' '"'''�-`` pr�pwa o similar notka in tlw tam raqulrad by law wh(ch sholl be duly filed far recard by Trustee. �_-
<br /> _.� .� P�
<br /> �•, °• � �_::}.� ,; (o)Afh►tM laps�of such tin�as nw�r b�r�quind by law followkg th�r�cadation of Notic�of D�fault,ond Notk�of Default and Notk�of
<br /> _ „��,��;_;,,� :,.,r,� : Sob hpvtnp bNn 9iv�n as nquk�d by low.Trust�,without d�rtwed on TNStor,sholl sall ths Propety in on�or mare parc�ls and in wch ord�r
<br /> _ � :i� os Trustor moy d�t�rmin�on th�daf�ad af th�tim�aed plac�d�sipnot�d(n soid Notke of Sale,at public ouction to tha Mphest biddK,th�pur-
<br /> : n-_:- L chos�prk�parabl�in wsh in lowful mon�y of th�Unit�d Stat�s at tha tim�of mle.Tiw porson conductiny ths sda may,(or an�cous�he or she
<br /> 4' R �''� "'��'"' dNms�xp�di�nt,postpon�tha saN from thne to tir►k witil it shoN be completed and,in overy such casa,notice of postponemmt sholl be qiven =_
<br /> �.:. .. .
<br /> �"`�'''"' " •`'�' by publit dockration theraof by such parson at the time and ploc�last appointed for the sates provided,if the sale is postpoMd for lonpar than �_
<br /> � " ����� otw(1)day b�yond tFN da�►d�si�rwt�d in thR Notic�of SaN,notice ttwreof shall be piven in the sartw moomr as the aipinol Notice of Sale.
<br />�.�� -�i.wf��.�`�; .," Trustae:hall ox�cut�and d�livar to the pu►chase its D�ed conveyinp the Property so sald,but without any convanant or warranty,express,or -'
<br /> implied.The rKitals in tIN Dwd of any matt�rs or facts shall b�conclusivo proof of tlw trutMulnoss ttwraof.Any peno�,includinp without �4"'
<br /> �.� ° • `�' Umitation TrustM,may purchos�at th�wle.
<br /> _� _-��,.j. . � (b).Wfwn Trust�s sells pursuant to the pow�rs henin, Trostae sholl opply the praoods of tiw sal�to paymmt of tha costs and axpen:es of —
<br /> _;�� ;��_. ,, �xecisinp tt»pow�r of sal�ord of the sato,includtnp,without lim(totfon,the payrne�of Trostee's Fees ineurred,which Trustee's F�es s h a l l no t
<br /> . ' - •�- in th�apprepat� exce�d tho followinp amounts based upon t he amourff sxur e d h e re b�a n d n m o in inp un p a i d� S p e r w n t u m o n t h�b alanca --�--
<br /> � :� • th�nof:�d ttwn to ttw itrms sot forth in subparapraph(c)hereof in the order therein statad. �°`'�
<br />- '= ' � (c)Aft�r i ttw it�ms s Ified In s Y P P� ,�
<br /> po►�ny pec ubporapraph(b),if the sole is b Srustee,or the ro court and otiwr costs of fonclosura and sale
<br /> . � � if tM saN is pursuont to judiciaf fa�ciowr�,tM proce�ds of wlo shdl bM uyNiied in the order statad bolow to the payrr�nt of: '•'•-
<br /> � . a
<br /> � , " (1) Cost of an�evidma of tMl�procured in ca�ction with wch sok and of anr revenue nqui►ed to be paidr
<br />_ .. ' � (2) Attomsysfees:
<br /> , (3) Aq wms thsn aacw�d fwreby►
<br /> , (4) Juniar trost dwds,mo►tqap�s,or othar lienholdersi and
<br />: . � :�;, (S) Tlw►Nraind�r,if cn�,to tM person or persom layally entitlod thKeto. -
<br /> ., �
<br /> ,ai:
<br /> - - fd) ii tiw eu»f'kiary of this Owd of Tryst is o bordc as defioud i�y Nebrosica iaw,any staiament coataincd in any oiher section ot this deed __
<br /> � notwlthstandinp, ttw Beneficbry sholl oot be antitted to receive or take ond debtor shall not be obligoted to pay or qive:any confession of judg-
<br /> ' m�nt,pow�r of attornoy to confess judy�nent,power of ottorney to appear for a borrower in a iudiciol praeedinp or aprerment to pay the costs
<br /> " � ' of collection of the attorn�ys'fees,unless such acts of collection would not otherwrise be prohibited by Neb►aska law. Providad,however,thot �
<br /> . , . thls soction doos rtot appl�to the Trostw f��aforrad to in paapraph 6(61.Provided furthar,thot this parapraph shall not apply to this OQad of ��
<br /> „,���� Trust,if the Beneficfary is not o bank.
<br /> .. • . ' 12. A1WNM1 S�writ�liufn��.Trustor,ot its expense,will execute ond dQliver to the Beneficiary,promptly upon demand,such securi- _ -
<br /> � ,�; ty instruments as may be required by 8eneficiary,in form and substance wtisfoctory to Beneficiary,coverinq any of the Property conveyed by r�
<br /> Q• �� this O�d of Trust,whlth security instruments sholl bQ additionol security for Trusta's faithful performance of oll of the terms,covenants and �" :
<br /> �. � . • caditians of thls D�ed of Trust,tlw pramissory notes s�cured h�Qby,and anY oth�r sQCwity instrum�nti�xacutod in com�etion with this tron- —_
<br /> sation.Such instruments sholl be recaded w filad at Truttor's expensa ►��-
<br /> 1- ���•.•��: �� ✓ 13. A�M�Mt of Suasta Tro�tN. Banefkfary mo�, fram time to tima, by o written instrumont executQd and acknowlQdyed 6y �.,�
<br /> v �.• �e.r..
<br /> � Beneficiary,mailod to Trusta and recorded in the county or counties in wMch the P►operty is located and by otherwise camplyiny with the provi- _
<br /> r ,�w � simis of the applicable lows of thQ StatQ of Nebraska,substitute a successa or successors to the Trustee named herein or xtinp hereunder. �--
<br /> J " ' 14. NupetMe�.BanoCKiory,or its apents,representatives or workmtn, are authori:ed to enter ot any reasonable time upon or in any part �q.il
<br /> `'�•'� of tha Properry for tiw purpose of inspoctinp the wme and for the purpose of perfaminy ony of tha acts it is authroizad to parform undw the ri:�
<br /> �� , ttrms of the Deed of Trust. �V,
<br /> . '� . 1 S. Optlo+�to h►�elop.Upon the acurrence of ony defoult hereunder, Beneficiary shall hove the option to faaclose this D�d of Trust in _
<br /> ' . • the manner provided b�luw Ior the foreclosure of mortgages on real propQrty_ h
<br /> �� ' .. .�' 16. ►a.ewo.�.���tw.hr�of o w.��...Any forebeorance by Beneficiary in e■ercising any riyht or rernody hareundar,or otherwise
<br /> ,. •� . � � afforded by applitable low, sholl not be o waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.likewise,the waiver by Benefic+ary of -_-
<br /> . , an�defoult of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a woiver af ony other or similar defaults subsequ�ntly occurrinq. �'"'--'
<br /> " ' 17. Trosta Not R��d. Extension of the time fa paymen►or modificotion ar amortization of the sums secured by this fked of Trust f
<br /> granted by Beneficlary to any successor in interest of Trustor shall not operate to release,in any manner,the liability of the oriyinal Trustor ond f
<br /> � - • '' Trustor's suecessor in interest. Beneficiary sholl not be required to commence praceedings against such successor or re(use to extend time for
<br /> „ payment a otherwise madify omortization of the sums secured by this Dead of Trust by reason of any demand made by the oriyinol Trustor and
<br /> �. �. . ., � .
<br /> Trostor's suecessor in interest.
<br /> 18. d��fki�ry's PoMnrt.Without affecting the liability of the Trusta or any other person liable for the poyment ot ony obligation herein �
<br /> • . � mentioned,and without offocting the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon ony portion of the Property not then or theretofore released as �
<br /> � security far tM full amount of all unpaid obligotions,8eneficiary moy,from time to time and without notice, (i)release ony person so lioble, (ii) � �
<br /> � � extend the mafurity or alter any of the terms of any such obligotions, liii) grant ather indulgences, (ivl releose or reconvey. or cause to be
<br /> released or reconveyed ot any time at Beneficiary's options any parcel,portion or all of the Property, (v)toke or re�eose any other or additional �
<br /> security for ony obligation herein ment�oned,or(vi►make compositions ar other urrongements with debtors in relation thereto. �
<br /> ;� 19. Wtun Admaas.Upon request of Trustor, Trustee ut Trustee's option, prior to reconveyance of the Property to Trustor, moy moke
<br /> i..���.�.ulun�v�c �n T.��efnr 4u�1�f��f�vs Nlunnr�e �uifti inlnrncf fhoronn chnll ha carurPd hv thic Trust Deed when evidented bv promissory
<br /> ._ . +.- ._ ........ ..�.�.."� " "�-"••--°. .-"'- "•"'---• ...... .. -- -- • - - '- .. . �
<br /> ., notes stoting thnt soid nofes are secured hereby;{xovided that ot no tirne sholl the secured principal, future advances,not including sums ad-
<br /> � vancad to protect the security,exceed an aggregote principol amount of S lU0�000.00 ,
<br /> 20. �oeoer�y�br irwtN.Upon written request of Beneficiary stating that oll sums secured hereby have been poid.and upon surrender
<br /> � of this DQPd of Trusf and the Note to Trustee for cancellotion ond retention ond upon poyment by Trustor of Tru:tee's fees, Trustee shall
<br /> reconvey fo Trustor, or the person or persons legolly entifled thereto,without warronty, any portion of the Property then held hereunder.The
<br /> �_ retitpls in suth reconveyante of any matters or facfs sholl be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof.The grontee inany reconveyance may
<br /> � be describad as"the person or persons leqolly entitled thereto".
<br /> �. • � .•9i�
<br /> .�
<br /> � I
<br /> � •� . .
<br /> I�
<br />