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<br /> - THIS TRUS7 DEED,m�e��,..�h..�_d.r a Auaue t ��� 9 2 �py���mprp Denn i e _
<br /> --— I.. Huxt�bl a � 8a bara Huxtobl hu�band an wife � oint tena k nd �ot ar tonant• in
<br /> — �� ,���� ��!l1a�4. B��U S. 9p�,�+ R�- Woo� R�ver. NE �8�8� _
<br /> (Iw�in"Tru���t�nd IIA M�N�whow maUinp addraa is P.O.Box�187,Wood RivW,Nabr�sk�88A83.(Iw►eln"Tn,�tsa,���nd•�B�nN�c4ry").
<br /> 1 t t h�r�in cr�ahd ih�►oa of which is hr
<br /> �LE CONS108lATION
<br /> inc tiN 6d�bs�drMSS indmtifbd Mnin and Ir nn , ipt �bl►
<br /> FOR VAIUA , MdinO
<br /> __ _ `'�- ocknowl�ip�d, Trusta kneoeobly qnant�, tra�sfm, caivws,a�d ass(pns to TrustM,IN TRIJST, WITH POMIER OF SALE,fa th�b�flt aid �__
<br /> � ���' ''� ' s�qKify of l�fkfary,und�r ad wb�ct to th�tKms and eand8lont ot this OMd of Trust,ih�r�ol prapKt�r d�saib�d as fdbws� —
<br /> 1°�.
<br /> �:���� The Northeaet Quart�r of the Southeaet Quarter (NEI/43E1/4) and the Southeast
<br /> �,�;._.:... . •-M,,,. Quarter of the Southeaot Quarter (SE1/4NE1/4) of Section Twenty-eix (26) Township
<br /> �'�` :°'°` ;�'"%"' Ten (10) North Ran e Eleven (11) Weot of the 6th P.M. Hall Count Nebraoka
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<br /> • TOGETHER WITH,all rents,profits,royaNNS, income and otlwr bmefits der�v�d trom the raal proprrty j oii iQOSes or subieases coveriig t _
<br /> ° � real property a any portion thQreof, now ar heroafter existing or entered into, ond all�ight, titlo and interest of Trustar thweunder:oll n-
<br /> � �� � • � terests,astat�or other claims,both in low and in�quity,whieh Trustor now hos or may hereofter aquira in the reol propertyr all eosements, __
<br /> � •� riphts�of-way, tenements, hereditaments and oppurtenonces thereof ond thereto; all oil and gas riphts and profits.water rights ond wottr
<br /> •�;b� staks all ripht,title and interest of Trustor,now awned or hereaher atquired,in ond to any land lyiny within tho right•of•way of an�street or
<br /> '��� h 4 hiphwo�adjoininp the real property,any and oll buildinps,fixtures, improvements, and appurtenonces now or hereoher erected thereon or
<br /> � � • . bdonyinp tMrato,(harQin referrQd to as"Improvement"or"Improvements"1;ond any and oll owords mad�fa the takinp by eminent doman �'-
<br /> . ' ' �� '° ar b�an�p►oceediny a purthose in liau thereof, of the whola or any part of the reol propeny.
<br /> �, -�• All of tM forapoinp�stat�,property and iro�rast henby conwyed to Trust�hQr�in tollQCtivQly raforr�d to as tiw"Proptrty".
<br /> ��'� (o)The po�rm�nt of Indobtedness avidenced by Trustor's note of ovon dote Iwrawith in the prl�cipal sum of _
<br /> ",,... , —
<br /> ' Sixt}�'l�ao Thoueand and no/100------------------------------—Dollars (f_62,000.00 ___�,
<br /> �� � " topotha wHh interast at tlw rote or rotas prorided therain,(herein,toQether with any and all renewols,modifications,and extensions thereol, -.
<br /> V •• „ . . _,� � ref�n�d to as th�"Note")both principol and interest on the NotQ beinp poyable in accordance with the terms sQt forth therQin, reference ro �
<br /> � . •. ' '" , which is haroby mado,tFw finol poymant of principal ond into►QSt,if not soon�r paid and if no renowah,modifications or extensions are mode, �
<br /> � � dw and pa�able on February 1 . 2007 . �___ . —
<br /> , � (b)The performance of each aqreemont and covenant oi Trustar herein contained;and —"-
<br /> (c)Tiw paymont of any sum or sums of money with intarest thereon which may be hereoher poid or advanced undQr the tarms of this Daed of �Y
<br /> . � , Trust. ---
<br /> • - „ (d)The payment of any future advantes netossar�to protect the security or any future advance mad�at tha option of the porties;and =_
<br /> . .. (e)The perforrtwnte of on obliyation of on�other person named in this Trust Deed to a benefic iary. ___
<br /> �. ' 1.h�f of Pei�dpd MI let�nst.Trustor slall promptly poy when due the principol of and interest on the indebtedness evidenced by the y
<br /> " " Note,and all otlwr chorqes and f�as as provided in the Note,and the principol of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this DQed of
<br /> �::�
<br /> ., � Trust. �
<br /> ` z.w.R..+�►or r�a.Trustw is lowfully seited and possessed of goad and indefeasible title ond estote to the Property hereby conveyed ond
<br /> � � � • has the riyht to qrant and convey the PropeHy; the Property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except liens now of record; and t •
<br /> Tnrstor will worront and defend the title to the Praperty ugainst all cloims ond demands. f
<br /> ., 3.MiM�e�Md CospYMa wkh L�w�.Trustor sholl keep the Propertq in good condition and repair and sholl not commit waste or permit �.,
<br /> , : '. impairment or deterioration of the Property and shaU comply with the p►ovisions of or�y lease if this Deed of Trust is on o leosehold. No improve- '
<br /> ? menf now a hereofter erected upon the Property sholl be oltered, removed or demolished without the prior written consent of Beneficiary. �
<br /> ' ; , Trustor shall comply with oll laws,ordinontes,regulations,covenonts,conditions and restrictions affetting the Property ond not commit,suffer. ;
<br /> �. or permit any act to be done in a upon the Property in violotion of any low,ordinance,regulotion, covenant,condition or restriction. Trustor (
<br /> �._ . shall complete or restore promptly ond in good workmonlike manner ony improvement on the Property which moy be damaqed or destroyed and
<br /> - - -' '— p0y,WII@0 GUe,oll tluims ior laoor pe►formeo ond materiois iurnisneo inererore ond ior any aiiaraiions i6erevi. •
<br /> ., 4. I�tw�t�.Trustor,at its expense,wiN maintoin with insurors approved by Beneficiary,insuronte with respect to the Improvements and •
<br /> � personal property,constitutinp the Property,apainst loss by fire,lightning,tornado,and other perils and ha:ards covered by stondard extended
<br /> toverupe endorsement, in an amount equol to at least one hundred percent of the full replotement volue thereof and insurance agoinst sah
<br /> � other hazards and in such amounts os is customoril�carried by owners and operutors of simular propeNies or os Benefitiary moy require(or its
<br /> � " protection.Trustor will comply with such other requirements os Beneficiary may from time to time request for the protection by insurance of the
<br /> � interests of the respective porties. All insurmce policies maintained pursuant to this Oeed of Trust shall name Trustor ond Beneficiory os in-
<br /> � sureds,as iheir respective inferesis may appear,ond provide thot there shall be no cancellotion or modificotion without no less thon 15 do�s
<br /> prior w►itten notification to Beneficiary. In the evQnt on� policy hereunder is not renewed on w before 1 S doys prior to its expiration date,
<br /> � Benefitiary moy praure suth insurance in attordance with the provisions of porugraph 7 hereof.Trustar sholl deliver ta Benefitiary the aiginol
<br /> ' %°� t� •` polities of insurance and renewols ihereof or memo topies of such policies and renewols thereof.failure to furnish such insuronte by Trustor,or
<br /> � • renewals as required hereimder shall,at the optionof Beneficiury,consfitute u defwlt.
<br /> ,
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