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.. i <br /> , .. _. <br /> ! 12-t&�1S9s . . '�:'P!'���.�.0�1,�8 DEEp OF 'TRU5Y pa� '� <br /> l.�an No 220T7 (Contlrtued) ' <br /> . <br /> purcflase In I:eu o1 cond3r�n0.11on,Lendcr may nt Ils c,cctlon roqu'.ro Ihut nll or any porllon al Iho�ol proccods of th�ner�rd bo a�p!::Ll fo tits , <br /> InciebtEdness ar ttie repalr ot i�slwalian o11iw Prnperty. Trie net proceads o1 tRe awnrd shall meun Ihe nward Aft°f peyment ol n�l reasonah:e I � <br /> casb,expenses,and eltornays'f�s InCUrrad by Trusts�ur l.onc{e►In connectlon wlth fhe condemnation. i <br /> Prot6edfn�s. If�ny procMd!np In condRmn�tton h fiNNd,Truator sheli promptry notl�r Londa In wrlNnp,and Trusta Bni11 pramptfy takq�uch � <br /> atepe as mey b�nocss5ary to del9nd Ihs oction e�nd obl�ln the nward. Trusta may bo Ihe nom!nai pr�ty In such proce6c�lnQ,but L�nciar elwil ' <br /> be enfltNd to pertic�p�N In lM procwdinp�nd to be npr�nted In tho pror.e�d{ny by counsN of Its own chola,and Trusta wIN d�Hwr a i <br /> causa to be dNivered to Lendar such InstrurrNnb e�m�y bs requested by It 1rom dms lo time to parmtt such p�RklpaHOn. <br /> IAAPQSITION 0F TIU(H9,FEES ANO CHARtiE9 DY GOVkNMMEt1YAi.A�MO�f�YIeS. The followl�y prov{stons rr,allnp to yav::a���:it,:!W�:.., . <br /> ; tees and charpes ars a paA cf this�sed of Tnnh � <br /> Curtent Tocea,Faes�nd Charpc�. Upon requost by Lender,Trusla sha11 executo s�h documsnis In�dditlon to thf�DMd ot Truet�nd tak� ' <br /> i <br /> whatever othK actlon Is reqtwsted by L�nder lo p�rtacl�nd contlnuo Lend�r's Ikn on tha Fie�1 Prop�rly. Trustar ahaN raimbura�l�ed��o►all � <br /> ' laxes, as dascribed below, top�ther wllh ell expensss Incurted In recading,perfecUnp or conNnulnp th►s De�d of Trust, Includinp wHhoul i <br /> , ilmiteuon all taxes,fees,dxumentary s�amp�,end other churqos fa recarHnp or replstainfl fhis Deed ot Trust. � <br /> � Te�tes. The(oifowinq sha�l constituts tnxos to whlCh ihb socllan appYc�s: (a)a specYta tex upon thb lype of Geed of Trufs!or upen aN a any I <br /> 1 p�ut of the Ind�btedn0ss sacured by this W�d ol TrusM, (b)a spedRa t�c on Trusta whlch Trustor fs au4lwr{�id ar roqu'r:d to�r.d�hom E <br /> Phe holder of the'Noeata�dn�d�ut6�y�t��N}o eaendyoPortion of�ths�ndebtedn�or�onrpnyrn�nts of p�InClpal�nn�dlM�r�sl�rrNd�by � <br /> Trusta. . <br /> � 6ub�equenl Texe�. II any tnx to wh!ch thb secHon eppHas b enadecf subs�quent ta lhe dnte o}tht�Daed ef Truts:ttib swM shrQ havo lhe ; . <br /> same etlect as an Fvsnt of Dehutl(es deffn�d betow),�rtd Lender m�►y oxKCfs�any or sN ot Ihs svsYit�9 romesAda fnr on Evmt of D�Wt u <br /> Lle�s�cdon a d d�pasib vrith hn��cuh at a sutllcNnlrcorporate��.ro1y bondnor olhibsecurfty stHshctoryloro+A�ebow In tY►�T�and ��. <br /> ; �.µC,lSi!9TY AC��ME71T;FINANCIM(i SYA3Eh1EE!lTS. The foMowin4l ProvlrJons reWtlnp ta this Dw�l ot'tnn4 as�s�c��pna►n�ni�r��p�'t ot � " . <br /> ? Ihh�p�ed of Trust <br /> 4 �ecurity AQresment. Thfs Instrume�nl shuN corrstitulo a security egreamenl to the extenl any of lhe Properrty cortstHut�s Poctura a oth�r <br /> , personal property,and Lender shati havo al ot tho ripMs ol a sscured psriy under Ihe Unitorm Commerclel C'.ado as amanded Bom tirtw to � `y: <br /> Hme. � <br /> �� .� <br /> ; Secu�ity Inteteel. Upon request by Lender,Tv�stoT shall execute Annndng statsmenls and take wi�atever oth9r acHon Is�eqwsted by Uncf�r <br /> tp pe�fect and contlnua LendePs security Inkrost In the Re�s enA Pdrsonal Property. In gdditton to recordinp lhts Dsed of Trust In tM rs�l '�`� <br /> , property records,Lendar mey,at�ny tlrtw and withaut huthw authaizaUon hom Trusta.fAa exaeuled countwparls,copMs or nproductlons of ,� �1�� <br /> k thfis Oesd M Tn►st as a Bnanctnp slafement. 1 it�tor sMN reimbura�Londer/a�tl a�er►ses Incurted in pwfscHnp or conUndr�p d�is s�curiry ,'•; . , <br /> ' ' Int�rest. Upon dWault,Tnuto�shaN�ss�mDN lhe Personal Properiy[n a mann�r and at a pl�ca nason�by conwnlsnt b Tr�tor�nd Und�r ';�; <br /> ,;. <br /> nnd make it avaNabN to L�ndar witMn thre�(3)days atkr recapt of wntten derrµnd han Londv. '��A <br /> Addrosns. The meNinp addressES of Tnntor(debta)a�d Lender(secured party),fram which Intarmatlon concerNnp th�s�curHy Inkrost �����•� " <br /> I ;,�:;; <br /> _ � flranted by this Deed of Trust mey be obtelned(eech as rsqokec!by tho Uni�Cxm Commerciel Code),ero es stated on 1M tist pep�ol this posd __�;��_• <br /> _ - l ot rrust. �---^S,i <br /> FURTlIER/�SSI�ANCES;ATTORNEY-1l1-FACT. The foNowlnq qrovlelQr�s n�iRtiny to turther assurences and a8omsy-in-Mct v�a per!of tMs <br /> " oeea a rn,5i. , ��� � , <br /> , Furthet As�ur�s. At any tlma,and fror.i tlrno to Hme, upon request of Lender,Trustor wiN make,eueculo and 6efaw,vr wiM uus�to b� <br /> made, axpcubd or de8verod,to Lender a to Lenders deslgnee,and whan reqwsted by Lenda,cau�e to be fJal,cw:onisd�r�kd. a ,; <br /> rerocordod,as the case mey bn,et s�ch Iimes and In such olHoes end ptacss as Lendor may deem�ppmpdute,nny 4nA RN aucfi morFgl�Qes, • i� . <br /> !Ho s <br /> ' deafs o�truat,securtly dwdy,securiry syrpomenb,flnancirq s'stemen�,conttnwtian staterr�nta,insln►monta of further assurance,cafiAcaNa� • � s <br /> and othar docum�nts as may,ln t10 sol�opkNOn ot Lender,be necessary or desiradb in ordat to ofPoMu�1s,compt�M,peA�ct.ccnbnuo,or •f � . � ?5 <br /> � p.e�.,erve (a)the obHpstlons at 7rusta under lAe Nota,thfs Deed of Tnut,and the Rei�lad ConumenN�,and (b)the Nens nnd secud►y InNr�ts ,�.� <br /> . crettsd by thfs De�d of Trust on the Prope�ty,vrMther now ownsd or Mroarier McquWd by Trusta. Unkss prolabiNd by kw or apwd to IM •_� <br /> ' conVary by L�ndK In writlnp.Tn�tor ahal nimburs�UndK tor aN cosb and�oq�ns�s Incurnd In conrwcli�on wHh Ih�rr�lMrs uMrtrd to in ;.,,,,.. <br /> , �pa�aPh „i.. . <br /> y AtWteNy-NNFact. If T�ustar(�tt6�to do nny ot th�tNnps rWerred to In th�prscodinp puapraph,L�nder rtwy do sa lor and In th� n�rtN M � . <br /> • � Tiur,Mr u�d d Tnntors�oop�ns� Fa�uah purposa.Trusta har�DY���N rPPdnb�Md�r u Tn�st�s adortwy-�n-fact for Ih�purpos� ��_ <br /> �? of m�klo0�uacutl►p,dNfver(rK1,flFnq�n�ardinp�and doleG atl dt�tMnps u mtY b��ry or d�s i r a b N,In L�n d a'a aoM o p idon,ta -- <br /> . accompfsh the matl«s nt�rt�d fo In IM pracwcllrq Ae►aBroPh• . . <br /> � FW.PERFORMANCE. If Tnistor pays�N 1M Indbbtednets wt�n du�,�nd otherwisa��dorms�M tiw obYpeNOns ImposW upon Tn1s!a unda th� �•�••• �G�• <br /> tAM d Trust, Ur►der sh�N axecute and d�Nwr to Tn�tN e r�quest for tuN ncortvey�nce and sh�Y�xecute ond cleRva to Trustor suft�ble � rr,� <br /> at�lansnit ol hrrtdnttlon o�any linandnp sttl�nsn!on Ak svidsndnp lend�r's securNy InOxeat 1n 1M Ronb and the Persond Prapirly. �►nY ��--�_: <br /> ' nconwryanCe tN roqufrod by IQw sAUI b�p�id by Tnntor�M permlitecl bY aPPW:�.hN kw. ::�1: _. <br /> •� : DEFAI�T. E�ch ot lho tollowinp,41 tho optlon ot Lander,sMA eonsdtute an ovant of dMaufl 1'Event fl4 DektulP)under fh{s OMd ot Tr�st: ;',,-`�,:'.'�"=r,;:_� <br /> ptaull on Ind�RMdr�. Fallun of Trtnta b nxko my p�ymsnt wMn dus on ftw IndeDUdna�. r'}"' •- ` <br /> p1M�lt pe qt�K PArnNnl�. FaYun ot Tnnfor wltMn th�tim�rpuind by this Os�d of T►ust to mtica any pnymant tor taxAS a Insurnnce,u • �'� <br /> .. , eny other paym�nt�s�ry to P�►t IiNnG of a to slhc4 disctwp�of any Nen. . <br /> C�N�r�:�p�T�1Mt. Faliure of 7nntor to compy wNA any other lerm,obNp�tlon,cov�ennnt or condiUon contelned In this Dend M Tnx�ths . ,�, , <br /> , Nal�or in any o!tA�Fietat�d Dxu�. <br /> ��IN SqN�ta. Any warcanty,npras�ntttlon or st�kment mado or hxnFShed to Under by or on 6�haif ot T�ustor under IMs Deod of Trust, � <br /> tM Nob or tM FiM�Md Oxum�nb b/sise a misleadlnp I�any mtterlal nsp�ct,NttNr now or at ti�tlma made or furnfshsd. ' �' ' <br /> f7ehctlw CaNN�►M12atlon. This Doed of Tnist a any of the Rdet�d Documents ce�sws b be In tull toroe and oftect(hxaudlnQ hNUre of any <br /> collatsrel dxurtwnts fo cnata�vdYd und peifected sscuriry Interest or Hen)at�ny tlrrN and fa eny nason. <br /> � ' � qeMh or Iniotv�ncy. Tho de8th of Tn►sta or tM dlssoNUOn a tsrmination of Trustor's exlatena as a qdrp businas.s,tho Insoiwncy of � <br /> � Trustor,the eppdntment o�n rec:elver for eny part of Trustor's prop�ty,any ass4gnment tor the berNfit ot cx�editors,any rype oP crodilor watcoul, <br /> or tho ComrtwnssmoM o}any proc�sdlr�under any bmkruptcy or InsMvency kws by or agofnst Trusfor. <br /> i �atoalownl,For7'a�tuttty etC. Cvmmencement of foredouurs or(orfelture prooendinps,whethar by judk�ai procosrlirp,seit-tiei(�.reposse551on <br /> or crry att►nt mothnd,by eny cradpur cf Tnxtor a by ony povemrt�entnl aya►�cy�painst any of the Property. Hov�swr,thfs subsectlon shaN nol <br /> appt�+M t1w pvsAt ot e aood 6aiJti�I�uts by Trustor�s to Ihe v�Pdity a roasoreabMness ot th¢ctaim wh�h 1s the basls of the(aectosure or <br /> � foroteituru proc�tNrg,prow�dnd�ud lhnta Qivos L�nde►wdttsn norico of such clUm and turnlshcs resenws or�aurety bnnd lor the daim <br /> satis4�tctory to l.sndar. <br /> BrNCh of OlF1rr AS,Mnemsr►t. Any broach by Tnntor under Ihe terms of any ctt�br ap�eomsnt between Trustor and Lende�ttwt is not remodpd <br /> - wNhln�mr praa pwlod proHded therein,lt►cludinp wnnotn emttanon any a�reemom concaning arryr indeuie�ness or omer oni�qanon oi Trus:o� —:— - - <br /> to Lender,whet�sr exlstlrg now or later. <br /> EVent�Rtfectlnp Gur�ntor. Any ol tha prec�np awnb occur3 wllh respect to ony Civanntor ot any of the Indebtsdness or any Guarantor <br /> d;es or becomes Incomp6tent,or revokes a dlsQutes lhe v�Rdlty of,or IIa61Iiry under,any Ouaranry of tha IndebteCness. Lender,et Its opUon, <br /> . rnwy, but shalt not be nequlred to,permit th� Guanntor's estate lo assume uncondiUonalry the obllpations adsing under fhe guarenty In� <br /> � manner satisfactory to Lender,and,In ddnfl so,cure Iha Event o1�etault. <br /> Adverea Chanps. A materlu ndverso chart�u ocCUrs In TtustCr'� flnenctal candrtion, or Lender bdlioves the prospect of paymsM or l <br /> pertormance ot the Indebtedness Is impair�d. <br /> tnkcudty. Lendar In pood Wlth�faems ftsell lns�cura. , <br /> Ddatlny Indabtedneas. A delaWt shatl occur und�x tny ExfsU�p Indebtodness or under any Instrumont on the Property securi�g eny Exfsqng <br /> Indebtedness,or commencwmant of eny suit or olher ictlon to ta�close any extstlnp Nen on the Property. <br /> Al�t lo Cure. If su�:h e f�llura ts curabk and M Tnnta tws not baan Qlven o notice of a breach M lhQ same provlslon of Ihf�Oeed o}Trust <br /> I <br /> . � _ <br /> - -- <br />