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�� .. <br /> � . -. . ,, taEED OF 7RUS�Y ��•i '.Q��� i��Qo s <br /> 1xrtG-19�8 f y a (Contiaued) <br /> ! , Loen Pta�2077' •. .. , - ----------_.��. �. .—_- <br /> �----------�='�'�=-=_.._.--�—=—.._-- - .�.__�.—.��_._ ---_._ ___._ <br /> � wilhln Ihe preceClnp IwWvo(12)monihs,II rnay be curod(c�nd�io f:vsnt a1 Dctau.l�i::l h�vo occurrcd)It Truslor, a�ar l.end�r c:nd�writ�n <br /> notica domandtnp cure ot such tallure: (a) cwe� Ih4 faftun wllhln PxenN(20)ctays; or (b)II Ihe cure require�mae tP►an hvenry(20)daya, <br /> ; Imrtwdlststy IMtl�in bt�p�aufACNnI to ctx�lh�hNure end It�aMer conlinu�and compl�tes eli reasonable and necessary atq��nutAclant to <br /> ; produco compll�na�s soon�s rs�sonahry prkNcal. , <br /> Iql(iHTB AMO RENiED1E8 ON DEFAULT. Upon Ih1 octure�r►ce o1 ony Ewn104 DUault and al any Ilme Ihereafter,Trustae or Len�,Qt ib optlon, _ <br /> � rrNy�xsrc�any or►�a ma�01 ths tdbwln0 rqhb�nd r�di��,In sdd�tlon to any oth�r rlyhh ur nrr�tlies proNd�d by l�w: <br /> � ���;_�.,_����Q.p..Ry��nw�ry�1 p�m�ha. II eny ovent ol dsitul!cecu�e Qe pw tha lerms o1 lhe Note socured heraby,l.ander m�y <br /> cl�Clets aN Ind�bNdM4s s�CUrOd by ihb DNd 01 Ttl»I t0 b�dtN�nd p�yabN antl ih�sttrb�Mi th�nuq���bocor�w dua and p�y':D:�r;�th0ut <br /> fany pr�sntrn�nl,d�rrNnd.ProN�tl a nytky ol�ny klnd. 7MnaMa�L�nd�►rtwy: <br /> � (�) Eith�r In p�rson a by�QrM�vdlN a withnut bdnQlnp ony nctlon a procMdlnp,or by e rocNver pppdnted by a court�nd w�4hou1 <br /> r�rd to th�ad�qwcy of Its t�cu�fly,�nNr upon and t�k�Po�s�sslon ol Ih�ProP�tla°�iny p�A therwf,in Its own n�me a In tM name <br /> ot 7rus1N,�nd do any�cb whfch H dwmf n�c�ssary or d�sk�bN lo prr„Kw Ihs wtu�,rrwrk�kbli+ry or nntebltiry of tta P�rop�rtyr�o►Put <br /> I of Ih�Pro�ty ur Int��st In tM Pr�pMM��ttM Incom�trom IAS Property a P�ot�ct tts�s�curtty of tha PropHty;an0.wNh�wlthoul <br /> � taklnp possesslan o}lho ProR�rtf►.�u� ia a othKVU}s�coN�ct th�nr►ts,I�ua and proAh of th�PropKty,includirty Uw�e ptst dw and <br /> � unpnlU,u�d�ppN!►�tama,�1i9 COti"s And w�C+�0!opafsflon dnd COM_-Ctl4�,to eny Indebtedn�sa sacured by lhls Doad al Trtat,all In <br /> j such ad�r�s L�nder mey dti�miM. T►��nUrinO�Pon and faY.inp poss�sslon ol Ihe Prope�ty,the coitYCtlon�f cucn renM,fssues�nd . .. <br /> � prof.b,and th��ppNc.�tlon IhKSOf tha11 net curo or wriw�ny ahult u nolkw of dM�uit undK thls De�d of Trust a InvNMiet�tny�e1 <br /> dcn�In rssponsa lo sucD delau8 a pwsu�nt to such notic�of dafaulh nnd,�oM�hciandirg ftN conHnuana In�e vl fi�Prap�rty <br /> , or lhe colNcBOn,recelpl�nd�ppltcation d r�nh,issws a�proAb,Tru51w or Urtdrtr ehap be�ndWd to exKGEe�unry�lyt�;rpY�t�d for In <br /> Ilw Noto or Itw Flatated Dacuments a E�y I�w upon the occurte�ce of anyv�mnt ot dNault,includir►g lfa riyhl lo exercltu thQ paripr of sa�; . • <br /> (b) Commmo�m�ctlon to loncloso tt�OMd of Trusl os�matp�p�,appdnt a recdver a spscfAcalry eniaco cny c•t tM eownanb �;,:; ..: . � <br /> • hK�ol;and �`�"`^� <br /> ' (oI OWver lo Tnntee�vrtiit�n d�ckraiion n9 de+iu+9 and c'wm:nd tar s�and a tnflt�n noi�ol tWnt�4t encl etaction to causs Trustors r : .. ... <br /> ; IntKS51 In Ih�Ptoprty to b�add,which noua i rusi�e shaH causa to bs dufy fded for racord tn Uw approprixie o"mcns oi t�w Cou����r h <br /> : which Ihs Propa�ry 1s Ic+cabd�Qnd � „ <br /> ' (d) With raspecl to ali or any part ol ihe Personai Propaty,Lend�r stuil hav�e aY the riphts snd remedles of�sr�xed puty undx Ihe :_ <br /> Nebresica UnHorm Comm�rcAl Cod�. • .� <br /> Foracloairo Oy Powor of Sei�. If Lonckr wNc1s to faodoso by wcxusi of Ilw Power of Sale heran cnnlainod,Lendx sh��notiy'f�ust�a and <br /> � Shall deposft vrfth yrustes thls Deb of Trust md iM Not�and such reot�pts�nd evldsnce ef e�nditures mnd�and seeured by thb DBed ol �� <br /> Trust as Truste�may raquk�• <br /> � � • � <br /> � (a) IJpon natpt o1 such noUo�kom LendK.TnntN shaN causs fo bs ncordnd.Publish�d and c1W'r�r°d to Tnutor such NaBC�01 DehuM <br /> � oUo <br /> ltwn b�nquind by law�nd�tttK nCa0ltlon d StyiCh NotlC�of�Itufl tn0 lfMr NdfC�ol Sve�tta�vlrW�M�n piwn as rquind by kw SMI , � . �- <br /> � the Prop«ty at tM Hms nnd pU►o�W s�M lix�d by N In such Notla d S�M,NttMr as�whd�.or In s�p+��ate IoRs a puo�ls ar IMms as ' <br /> TrustN sMN dMm ao�dMnt,and In such urdK as it may�d�xmin�,d public aucYon fo tM f�1NS1 biddK ta cash In Mwtul morwy o1 �,., <br /> �8..0:r�~.�. Tr��.nTr�±.w,..�n�,en ourch��or or Q�tws�rs ttNrsof I!s pood and suN�iord dosd a � � <br /> _ -� tn�iltNwd 5taw's pa;auw:. TfM frcNOS i(1 sUCh dMd d any rt1�11M6 ..�- � <br /> ckads conwyinp ths Prop�N so soid.but v�itt�out any cowntnt a vramnly�sxpnas aln�PM�d• <br /> on c��sh�tl W condusiw Proof ol ttw Iruth(ulnsss tl►ersof. MY Pwson.Indudinp wiHwul RmNatbn Tn�stor�TnuM�. a LenrJK. maY �.: ':.°; � <br /> h <br /> � purcttase et sucA sale. ,� ��.• <br /> (b) As tr�y ba PartNtad bY I�w.alMr d�ductle0 atl c�s.kos and a�nsas o4 Trus1M and of this Tnnt,i�cn,a�w cos�a ewo.�o.a <br /> tilie in nIDnnaclbn wNh sd�,�r e�.a�a s.�e to��n+�n�a m.r sums.�«,d.d w�dK�rw w�►ns o��s o..a a °,� . _ ' <br /> .. Trust or und�tha I�rms af th�No4�nd th�n rp�Id�Indudinp bu1 nnA imiMd t M��Mrost and I�M char{�S. (Y)�II o1hK sums EMn �.. <br /> , .�� cocun�d MrobY�and (W)tM r�rt�alndar�Y aRy,fo th�p�son or p�awu Mp�l �' f c� <br /> �.� ^;1';; <br /> � � (C)Tnisle�rtwY in tM mantwr prauld�d Dy iaw po�one sW of M or�M►Podlon of tM Prop�rhl. , , <br />. � Rert�aCfes Nol Occlu�tve. TrusMs and Lend�r.and a►ch of thom,sh�l la��ntltl�d fo enfo�a P�Y��a^�P�^�d a�y kv�bNd� �-xF`.�. <br /> or eblig�tlons secured by tAi.a D�ed of Trusi lnd to exwrlss dl riphts�nd por�r�rs undK ttib DNd of Tnut.undK tlN NaM�sN�de��ny d th� ,�f,�,_ <br /> Fietst�d t}�:um�nls�or under any ottwr e�ment or any kws now a hMrafMr M tota:noRwifhstantMnp�sorn�a aM ol suCh k�d�bMdnra� _ .��„ <br /> and obMptHans secured by Ihis Dssd d Trusl may naw a Mndkr 6o dh�rwl�s�aund.wMtt�by mor1�W�,d�d trud�PMdD�.6�n� ��:•: �....— <br /> . ass{pnrt�nt or othMwis�. Niith�ttw aoC�W Cs ol this Do�d of Trttst�fb MNOroomMt.wh�tMr by Co1xt�cYon or Pt�suu�t b ttta powK of �,��;,, <br /> - s�N a oth�Pwrers cont�kwd In thfs DMd of Trust.dwN PnNuda a In a�y mann�t atNct Tn�sM�'s or L�ndwt�ipM to nl�ay upon or : �. <br /> �nlores anY o�t�er s�xFty now a handler hNd bY Trusl�a or L�ndu�R bNr►9�prNd that Truslw and L�ndK.and Mch d tlwm�shati b� - <br /> ontilMd to�nlaoa tNs D�d of Trust and any other securftl►now a hrsalMr MM bY Lvnder ar Tnesle�in�uch ad�r Rnd marx�a tMY or . ---- '.,::,�1e�j-- <br />- aflher ot ttwm may In the�r ebsdul�discr�elbn dskrmine. No nrrNdY coMKnd upon or ns�rwd to Trusle�or L�ndK�is MiMndb to b� -'.- ' : �----, <br />- exdush�s of any otMr�ern�dY In tMs DeOd d Tnnt or Oy law provided or(NrrnNMtl.bul Mch ah�N W curtwl�tlw and sMr be f��ddNM�n lo . : ��: <br /> avary ottror esmWY dwn in this DMd o!T�vsl or�ow a Mraatkr ai�tlnp d I�v�a In�quily or by tLtua. Ewry P�+K«nrt�dY�wn bY 1� :�� <br /> ' Nob a any ot the Retat�d DxumsMs Ro Tn�sM� a Lsnder or to wNch MlfNr ot M�m may M othw+� a�d�may bs �� ` _ <br /> concurrendy a Independently.kom tlrtN 3o urtw and u otlan as may ba d�rnd ao��dNnt by Tnisie�a UndK�and Mthu of e►�m may r �^. K�- <br /> , �� p i x s u s i n c or►slsiant romadMs. NofMnp fn tNs flsed d Tcust ahall b�corKttru�d o DroNDftlnO L�nd�kom sseklrg a dMcMnGY h�4� !��. <br /> = ayalnst Ihe Trusta to Hw axtsnt such acNon b p�rtYllad by��w. • .� <br /> '. ppuest Fpr Npttq. Trustor.on b�heN ot Vusta and Londw,horsby requests that�copy ot any NoYcY d MhWI[nd�copy of any Notico . ���`, <br /> `:;�1 0}SA{e under fht,peed of Trust bo maif�ad ta them at tM add�sas sat tdrth In ttw Ikat para9nph ot this C�F�sd of Trust. <br /> ,:�,•;,'•�� WdYer.ElbeNon of RMtMdiea. A waN.or by sny parry of a brssch af a protAsion of t1�is Dwd o1 Tn�st aheM not constitut��w�iwr ol or �.:•. <br /> projudice tho puys dghb othe�wfsa W dammd strtct compNencs wlth fhat provfslon or any o4Mr provfslon. Ekctlon by Lender to pursue nny <br /> ram�dy proNd�d In iMs�eod of T�ust,the No1e,In any RWated Dxurtwnt,or proviGd by kw shaN not e�ccluda pursuit a#any otMr rrm�dy. , „ <br />— �nd�n elocdon to m�ka e�nditurs�rx to lake actlon to p�Aorm�n oblip�tlon of Trustar under tMs Desd M Tnnt aft�r faituro of Trusta to <br /> pe�torm s�aM not aMoct Lender's riyhY to deciere a default a�d to exerdse any of fls remedies. ' <br /> • ' Riphb of�eustss.Trust66 shal have BA mt Ihe riphts snd duUos ot Len3Ar es set torth In ihls seClion. <br /> ' t�UWERS ANID 081.IGATIONS OF TRllS7'L•E. The falowinp provfslons rel�2inp to the powers and obligpfions of Tnistee are pnrt uf this Dead of <br /> Trust. <br /> Powera ot Truataa. In addition to aH pwners of Tn�ar�s�r►g as a matlor of Iew,Trvstoe shell have tlw power to taka Ine folowinp ecYoru <br /> Ine udi�iig�lhetdedicttlo�n of sEn b ot other d9h�t,o�ihe pubHc� (b)Jdn In�prenBr p,4 y�e SempentROr�crea8rt��j nny�reah'k:tlon�on the Re�l ProPerb: <br /> end (c)jdn In any subordtnaUon or other aqreamenl etfectin0 tl�fs Oeed�f Trust or the IMerest M lunder under thts Ooed of T�n2. <br /> T�uste�. Trusteo shaN meel all qualificatlant raquired tor Trustx un�nr�tyPNtrab�e Inw. In additlan fo the rights and remedies sat tath mbovr, <br /> with respecl fo all or eny part ot the Properly,the Trustee sh�i h�tvo the ripht to foreeiese my notlee and sab,and Lende►sha11 ha�e the ripht to <br /> � toreclose by JudicleJ taeciosure,In efther case in acc�danae wilh and lo tho tu�M exteM ptovlded bY eWPllceble law. <br /> i Successor TNStee. Lender,at Lender's optlon,may hom Bme to tlme eppdnt a suxessor Tnistee to eny 7rustae appamed nereunder by an = -------- <br /> • instrument axecuted and acknowteclged by Lender and recorded in the office of lhe recorder of HALL'�ounty,Nebraske. The Instrument ahaA <br /> contaln,in addi8on to etl other matters reqUred by steta law,tt�a nemes ol lhe aipind Lender,Trustoe,and Tnntor.the bodc a�d pape(or <br /> computor system nAerence)where thts Deed of Trust fs recorded,and the nnme anQ nddress of the successor trustee.and lhe Instrument shaM <br /> be executed and ecknowled4ed by all Ihe G�nsAcinrles under the Oeed ol Trust or fhek successors In Inlerest. The successor trtutee,without <br />— convayance ot lh6 PropertY,shvl succe��lo ntl the Utle,po�ver,and dudes Conie�red upon Ihe Trustee in this Deed ot Trust and by eppllcable � <br /> law. 11NS procedure tor substifutior+of truslee shall govem to the exduslon ot ap other provfslons for substitutlon. <br /> NOTICES'I"t)i HUy i aw'��.i:u 0 i r,�.Pl+.."T:�, =�Y r,a�Lr.Ca t"ti C�d Cf Tru,t shsM bs in wriHrp,mAy hn be sent by IaletacsimiNe,and she!i � <br /> � bo eNeCUve when actupJty delivered,or when deposited with a naUonnMy reco9Ntad ovsrnipht Courier,or,if msifod,shaN be deemod eftecUti�e when ' <br /> depositsd In the UMted States mall first cless. ceNfled or r¢ylstered mall,posLpe pnpald,dirocted la lhe addresses shown near Ihe bepinnlnp of i <br /> � this Deed of Trusl. Any party maY change its eddress fer notices under thb Dec�d of Trust by 8lviny formal vniftsn notice to lhe othx pMles, � <br /> prio tfy oer this Ored Trust Shali bo seN to len�der'addr�essae�s bhown�i�eu the bep nniny o}th�I Deod ot Trust 8 For�tice purposes,Trustor I <br /> �{ pQrees to keep Lender and Trustee mfarmed at el8mes ot Trustor's current address. <br /> 1 <br /> � _ <br />