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, ' � :, <br /> � , ... � -- <br /> 1 12-ts-t996 DE@D OF TRUS7 � ., �.,.�„�y` ����� �.._.�PB�3 � <br /> ZJ�� <br /> Loan No 28f1�7 (Contin�ed) -- ^ � � <br /> � . � y'la pay,sa lonp as Lertde's Int�rest In 1ho ProperlY Is not Nopudlxod. If a Ilen adS63 Ot 13�;Wd oa a rc�ull o}nonFaymonl,Trustor olzall erithln � <br /> ! fitteon(16)deys afl�r th�Ilen a1s�9 or,II o INn Is filpd,wllh►n�nean lt6)d�ye after Trustw h�s notice ol Ihe fifinp, securo Ihe 6lsche.rpe o!the � <br /> + Ilen,or I}raquest�d by L�nda. dopos��with L�nd�r cash w 1 suMcf�nt capcx�t�eunfy bond a oth�r sacurlry s�ysf�ctory to LondQr In an <br /> I nmount suttklent to disch�rp�tt»N�n ptuf�ny cofta or olh�r charpa Iha1 could�ccru�aa�rnull of o(orscfosure or s��e under Rw�usta • <br /> ony cont�st,Yrusta shUl Whnd IItsM wnd Und�r p�d ahutl a�thry any adv�rs�Judpmeni b�ton antorc�m�nl apeJnst lM Prop�rty. <br /> � shall nurw L�nd�r a�n tddtlonal obYqM und+lr any aW�Ny Aond furnlfMd In tM contat prawdlnps. <br /> � eel�rtee o1 Peymonl.Truslor shall upon d�mand turnish to Lender eeUsf�ctary ovld�nce ol RaymeM ol tho t�x�a assessrt►mts and shaa <br /> authalZ�lFN�ppropriaa pOVMnrtNnUt ofric4110 defiver lo Un�r�i�ny Orn�G wt�it:n ot�t�m�nt nf th�t:�r.r,�and essessments ugalnst tAe <br /> � Prop�rfy. <br /> Nolk�af Conshuctlon,Trusta shall notlty Lendor at Istst if�Nn(16)d�ye bMa�any work la comm�nad�anY s�C�s�a turnlsh�d,or anY <br /> matKltty ar�suppN�d lo tM Prop�rty,it anY mochanb'a Ikn, rtKt�IrtNn's lNn, or a1Mr 11�n could b�nssuted on accounl 01 th�work, <br /> � sanrices,or matMide. Trusta wM upon requesl 01 L�nd�r fumhh to l�nd�r�dwnc��esuranc�s aaHthctory to L�ndu thal Trusta can�nd wIN <br /> pay lha cosl of s�ch Irtproverrwnb. <br /> � PROP�RTY OAMAGE INSUAAWCE. TA�+fohwu�ny Provisicna rotatlnp to lratxfnp tho Prop�ty�ro a p4r10l Ihls DMd of Trust. <br /> MMnUn�na of tnwr�.T�ustor ahali procur�and melnUln poNCbs a/Ik�Insunnc�wlth stand�rd ucland�d cowro90 ondorsorru��on a <br /> I roptacwmanl b�sls lor IM tW InsurnbN vau�coverinp aq Improwm�nts on th�Fi�al PropK�y In Qn�mouN sufllcN�t to�vdd�ppNCaUon of any , <br /> coinsurance ctnusa,and wllh a s4ndard mat�pw c�aus�In hvar of L�ndK. Trusta shaW�so prxun and ma�nUln comprehsnslw per»n�� <br /> � Ilabflity Insurance In sucA covenpe emounts as Lond�r rtuiy�qwsl wNA hustse md L�nder bNnp nQrt�d as addittoru�insunds In such WabWity <br /> Insurance pMSCtes, Addittonetty,Trusla shall malnt�ln euch ott�Insunna.Inctudinp but not Iimited to hanrd,businass Inbrruptlon,and <br /> 6oib►I�ur4nca,as L�ndor may nasonaDly requlr�. Poflcls�thaA b�wdtt�n In fprm,�mounts,cuwrepes and besU rNtsanably�oaptabN to <br /> i Lende�nd ksued by�company or companles reasonabty�cep�tbM to UnWr. Tnnta,upon nqu�st of L�nda,v+Ml d�MvM to l.�ndK kom i� <br /> � llme to tlme tt»poYui�s or a�tfflcates ol Irsswence In fam�tlsfactory to Ur►dor�Indudinp stlpidatlons th�t cowr�wW not W cRncMf�d a ,,.�--- <br /> � dlne!n!shed withoui at Mes9 tYn i10)deY�'Fnar�:rtttcn nL�lo L"nd�.Y. E�ch insur�na pdicy dao ah�M includ�an�ndo�t�rt��1 Provid�0 that <br /> � cov�aQa in t�vor ef Undar wNl not be Impalrad In eny wAy by�ny rd,oni�tnl W d.1�U!!0!T(t�14!M!Ry Ofhlr(�rsan. Shouid t�F�1 � <br /> I Property at any tlrtw Wcomo loc4tod In nn area d3siqnaled by the Dkactw of the�ederel Em�r9�rwY Mt►��nt AQency as�sp�ckl�ood ' <br /> ha�ard urea,Trustor eyrees to obtaln and melntain F9dersl Flood Insunnce for lhe fuN unpUd pdnc►pal b�kna of Ih�loan,up to lh�m�xium + <br /> pdiay Iimits set undx 1he Natlonel Fload lnsurance Propram,a es otherwis�roquired by Lender,and to maintaln such Insurencs�or the tsrm af t _' <br /> the loan. , ' <br /> �t doso within ftMen(16)dtys of tlPw casueKy.tW Ltwth�r or nol L'ind�r's s�cu�ity Is�trtip�ir�d��Le dar may�n1 f�efecHon,recelve and retaln . �ti!- <br /> ' lha proc�ot any Insurance�nd npPly th�Proceads to 1tM reductlon of Ihs Indobtedn�s�P�Ymsnt M any N�n aM�tinfl th�Prop�ty,or tl►� ' ]� _� <br /> R restora8on ond repak of the PropMty. H Landsr eNcb to appry tlw proc�sds lo�toraUon�nd np�k,Trustor shaN nQak or apt�tha �" <br /> ' darrwQed a d�shoynd Improv�msnb in e manrwr saUstnclaY tp Lende►• Lender shab,upon satlshctory proof ol such exp�nditun►�pa Y� � }�' <br /> reimbwas Trustor from lhe pracMds 1a tM nasonabM cvst of ropalr or�ta4bpn k Tn►stor Is not in cMhuM und�r this OMd of Trust. Any � <br /> � proceads whfch have not �f tdisbursed��unt owinOYto Md�r un�lMS OMd o}T�td,�lrhsn to pay maccrwd InMrest�ind tlw�nrr►�r dK,ff j �� <br /> the Propsity ahcJl ba used P Y Y • � .� <br /> �....w� .,a.,,�►"a�nom.,�nt th.lndrb�dnass.If Lander hdds any procesds dler p�yms�t In tu1 of tM Ind�bMdn�ss.sucA <br /> -- = ur�y,o��:,a:��..,..t�,......,._.__...-.- — <br /> proceads shall be pald lo Tn�ta as Trusto�s interosts mey app�er• <br /> Un�xplrmd Inwma 1i SMe. Any urw�►rod Insurance shU ina�to lhe 6erwfit of,�nd ptss to,the purchaser of th�PropNty covKed by iMs . ;a <br /> Deed of Trust at any Uustee's sale or ott�r sale heid under tM provfslons of thb Ds�d of Trust,or at any forecfosure 6�N�f sixh ProP�h+. <br /> _ � ComP��wHB F]ti�11nD Ind�bt�dn�ss. Ouriny the pKlod in which eny ExfsUnp Indsbtodness d�.c r i b a d b a low b I n e f M c t�com p M ame with 1; , <br /> ' the Insurance provfslons contalned In tho Inshttm�nt ovldMdnD such E�sUrq Indobtednoss sh�N constltuta compilana wfth�t►�Insurence ' <br /> 'r, provfslom undsr this Daed of Trust,to t�e wcl�nt compNanoe with tha terms of this Owd of Tnnt would consHtub�duplfcatloo ol insurancs y '� <br /> , ' f requkor►wnt. H any proceods Bom fM Insunnca b�cort�p�Ya�on Iou,the provblons in thb D�ed o1 TNSt ta dlvtslon of precMds shall .., �� <br /> upply only to th�t porYon d the procMds not payablo to ttN hdcNr ot ft�ExfsEnp Indabtodn�. ,ti,� ., <br /> ��, '•` Truetor's Reporl on Inwrlrtice. Upon csquest of Lend�.lawsver not mare than onc�a ywu,Trustor shW tumFsh to Lsndw a reporl on e�ch Y,n• - <br /> 1i1�.� e x is flr,g p o N c y o t I n s u a n c e s h o w i n p: (e)t h e n a rt N o f t h�i m u r�r; (b}t h o risks I�ixod; (o)tM amouM ot the poNCy; (d)1h�R��b��• ,7,,,... �� <br /> � the then cuRent rap4�cement vnlue of susn propsrry,�nd Ihs mann�r d W4rrt�iNnp th�t valw;nnd (e)ths e�!�a tlon d�M o f t h�p d�c Y. ,M��, . <br /> � Trustor shtN,upon request of Lender,have an tndopandeN eppniser sadsfacfaY to Under detKmine the c4sh v�w npkartNnt cost oi tt� ,�;,' � � <br /> P��y' don ta mUntaln Existl • �'`- <br /> ' • � pSpEtlp�TURFg gy I,El�Eii. If Trusta 1ai11s b compty wi2A my provlslon ot thta Dwd ot Trost,Indudiny ony oblpn ^4 . , <br /> �` Indebtsdn�as In good stanIXnp as requirsd bolow,or B any�cHOn or pracs�dinsl hs comrrwrticad tlud would mat�ri�My aN�ct Leod�r'e�MorssK�"ttw . *.., � <br /> � Proparty,Lender on Trusta's behaN may,b�a1 stuA not t�r�quYW to,teks�:N�non that Lendor dasms aPproPri+�t�• Any�mount thnt iendK �;�a� <br /> .,.�rr..•,'.' <br /> exp�nds In su dolnp wiN h�s�Int�bt at the�uut�pro N d o d tar In t h e M a t e t s o m t M d a t�I n c u rt s d o r p a l d D y LcndK lo tlw daN of repnyment by � .. Yn���� <br /> • " i Trustor. AN such expanses.a4 Lander's opdon,wW (a)be p�yablo on damand, (b)be added to lha bWna ot ths NoM and 6a�ppaHorMd amonp . t� <br /> ` and be payabb with�ny Installmanl payrtMnls to 6�corrw dua d�in0 atMr p)th�Mtm of anY applk�bl�Insurance potoy or (M)ths nmaiMny i�rm L. ` -- <br /> � of ltw Nota,or (c)be h�tad as a balloon payment whlch wN be due end payabb at the Note's mE►turlly. Tt�ls O�d d Tn�at eiso w�M s�curo ,,, <br /> � 'r payrtwM ol iMsa nmounb.Tt�r4phls pro+Aded tor�n thls pareynph shafl be in eddiNon to any othx rfpNts a any nmedi�s to which Landu may ba , .�„� <br /> enUdsd on accouM ot tl►e deteWt. My such actlon by LencNr sMll not be consttt�ed as curinp ths defauR so as to bar Land�r trom any rsrtbdy ihat '� i��c-�=�; <br /> , �:� H ottwnwfso woutd have Md. <br /> =:`;.:1K,:.�;'�- <br /> ' yyAHpANTY;pEF�tiSH OF TITLE.TM tdlowtnp provSsions rekdnp to ownersh!p of ltw PropeAy are�part v��hb De�d of Trust. h, <br /> '"'�r;.,� <br /> TitM. Trusta warrenb that: (o)Trustor h d d s fl�d an d m�r l c e t�b{s t1Yde uf ncord to iM Pro�i�rry In teo simpl�.h�and cisu ol nN Nans and <br /> encurnbranca.other Ihan thos�set torth in tha FiQel P�o�My d�scrlPflon or In tha F.�dsNnp Ind�btednesfo secUon bolow ar 7n any diN trnunnos .w,,.. <br /> poNoy,tHle raporl,or Bnat litl�oDinlon Issued In favor oi,nnd aoc�pted by,LQnd�r In conneaUon wlth this Dad et Tnnt,and (b)Trusta tu�s tha <br /> tulf right,power,and nuthaity to�rxecute nnd deNVer thfs Deed a}Tn�s1 ta lender. <br /> OeMnae ot Tltk. SubJecl to ttw exception In!he psnpreph adove,Truslor wuranb and will(orsver dMend the Htle to the Property apafr�t ttw <br /> lawful cfnims of aH per�sons. In the event any acUOn or prxeedinfl is commenced that qussUons Trusto�s litie or the interest o}Trustw ur , <br /> Lender under tMs Oeed of Trust,Trustor shaN defend the ac�on at 7rustors e�Wense. Trustor rtwy be the nominal pnrty In such proceodlnp,bui <br /> � Lender shall ba enutlod lo periiclpnte In the proceeding end to be represen�ted In tha proceedinp by counset ot Lenders own cholce,ancl <br /> Trusta wfll dalivar.a c�use to be deltvered,fo Lender such InsWrt►ents as Lender may request Bom time to fime to permit such perticlp�tlon. <br /> Cort!+A11anCS With Uiw�. Trustor v+arrants.that tha Property nnd T�t�stor's use of ltw Propaty cort+plies with all exlstiny opptfCBbia laws, <br /> � � ordinanas,and rspuktlons of powmmental euthorfHa. ' <br /> EXISTINQ INOEHTEDNE6S. The foliowing provislons cancendnp exlsHnp Indebtedness(lhe"F�ds1�n0�ndebtednoss�are e Pad of this Deod o} <br /> ' Trust. � <br /> E�tlstinp LNn. The Ilen ot thls Deed ot Ttust secuiing the Indobtedness may be secondary and inierlor to tP�e lia�e securiny paymont ot an <br /> ' exlsting oblipatlon w�ih an accaunt number of 2086210 EXCWANaE BAt�iC descxibed as: MORTAGAGE LOAP1 DATED OB1221g5. The exlsHng <br /> ohuanunn has n cwrertt urindaal bnlance of epproxlmately t123,600.U0 and Is In the oripinal pdnclpal smaunt o13130,000.00. The oblipaUon <br /> L,�r......�..�... a..c�ti��..,. <br /> - = i has the fdlowlny pflyment terms: 51,376 PER MaNTM. Tntstor exptmssry covenanis snd agrees io pii�.:+��,�.•�r�r T. -.,-----_.-. - - -=..- <br /> i Indabtedness and lo prevenl any dafault on such Indebledness,eny default undar the instruments evidencinp such Indebtednes.a, or any (� <br /> ; detault undor any securily dceumenis tor:uch indebledn�s. I <br /> � QetM111. If the paymenl of any Instfliiment of prtnCip a l or eny In tere n on t h e E x i s t i n g I n d o b t e d n e s s I S n o t m a d e w l i h i r t h e time re qulred b y the � <br /> note evidenctnp such indebtedness,or should e dofault occur under the tnst�umant secu�ing such Indebtedness and nol bo c�red during any <br /> appiicable Qreca pulad thbrs;e,thcn,cst the aptton o}�ender,lhe Indebtedness soCUred by thl�Deed ni"i�ust 6ha11 becomo Immediateiy du� <br /> and payabte,and lM1S�eed of Trust shail be In defauil. <br /> 1�►p IYipQN�Ca1�p11. TrustOr shall not antst Into any egreement vnth tne�o�der nt nny niu���a�7'o,dw�O!ttttrl,C:C!h�__C'_�!y°_:t!�3m?^�'�+hU%h I• <br /> has priorfty over ihb Deed of Trust by wh�h lhat apreement Is modifled,emendod,oxtendad,or ronewed withoui lhe prior wdtton conAnt�} <br /> Lendor. Trusta shell �either request nor flccept flny tuture advances under any such security e8reement wi4hout tho prior written consent of � <br /> Lendsr. j <br /> � CONDEMHATION.The I�Ilowirtg provfslons relating to condemnatlon proceedinps ere e part of lhis Desd of Trust. 4 <br /> I Appllctlfo� of t�Nl P�oc�ed�. If all or my pa�t of tM Property h condomned by eminant domein proceed�nps a by any proceedlny a <br />