<br /> .._ ..� _ . � �
<br /> J �2-16-1998 �—���'�'48 QEED OF TRUST �esro 2
<br /> Laen No 22077 (GontUqued)
<br /> � P1ot0. Yit9 tvOf "FYOtO"�7°�nD th0�lot9 d�ieil D��e7b�r 10,1Ci9,I�u tNo �r1��cIE�O emoant of�37,E�i00.00 from Trustor to Lcndcr, �
<br /> t�ge;hor wl;h all ranexats,extenslons,modlBcatlons,reflnanctnps,and su4stltuUons lor the Note. The maturlty Cnlo of Ihls Doad af Trust is
<br /> PanonN Property. The wordi"Personal Property'moan all�qu�pmont,8xturos, and other ertictes of personal propeAy now or hereatter _
<br /> owned by Trustar, nnd now or haroatter attaChed or affixed lo the Raal Properry;topather wlih all accesslons,parts,and addiiions fo, atl
<br /> � replpcemants of,and all substitullons for, any of such propeity; and together with sll proceeds pncluding wilhout Ilmitalion all Insurence
<br /> ' �roceeds and refunds of premlt�ms)hom eny sate or olher dLSpo:ltlon pf the Property. �.±��` '•;?� �;: i
<br /> Propuiy.The word"Pro�ert�l'means collccUvely lha Roal Property und t�a Pcrsonnt Properry. .
<br /> Re�l Properly. Tha words'fiesl Properly'mean the property,Interesls and dghts ctescribed abuve In the"Conveyance and Qrant"section. �
<br /> IRa1Ned Docume�ts. The words'Related Oocuments"mean and irvciud� wllhout Ilmitation all promissory notes, credit egreemonts,loan I
<br /> agreements,enNronmentsl egreements,puuantles,secudty agreements,moRgages,dea�Js ot trust,end all other InshumenL,apreements and
<br /> documents,whelher now or hereafter existinp,executed In connoctlon with Iha Inde4ledness.
<br /> Rents. The word'Rants"mesns ali pn�sent and tuture ronts,revenuos,Income,Issues,royattles,profits,and other benefits derived fram the
<br /> Property.
<br /> T�u�tee. The word"Trustee'means EXCHAPiGE BANK unc�sny substitute or successor trustees.
<br /> T�uator. The word"Trustor"means any and ell parson�and entities execuling this Deed of Trust,Inctuding witi�out umltallon all Trustors nemed
<br /> above.
<br /> ON TFIE FOLLOWIN�TERMS: ��-•t,�
<br /> PAYMEMT AMD PERFORMANCE. Except as othemis0 provided i�iii���ad T Trcut,l rto:shaL oay to Lende•el!emounts seeurecl by this Dec:d � -
<br /> o(Trust ss thsy become due,end shall SMCtIy 6tnd In�31m�y rnsnmr pertorm all o!1'rustor'9 ob!igfluuns �nder th��'�ta,Ih(s Deed of Trust,and the
<br /> Rdated Documents. •
<br /> EOSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF TFE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustor's possesslon and use of the Property shall be povarned by ,
<br /> the tollowinp provlsione: -�
<br /> Poaaeasion and U�f. Until the occurrence af�n Event of Qofault,Trustor mey (a)remain in possesslon and cantrd o}the Property, (b)use, , ��
<br /> operate a manage the Prupatyr,and (c)coUect any Renis hom tha Properly. ,. ,. ,�
<br /> � Duty to MNntain. Trustor shall malntain the Praperty In tenantpbfe condiUon and promptty peAam en repalrs,r�plecements,and maintenance • #; �
<br /> necessary to preserve Its value. • �+- �
<br /> l9�rdoua Subabncas. The terms"harsrdous waste,""hazardous subster►ce,""disposal,"'Yete4se'and'threatened release;'as used In this . ,' �� � J',
<br /> • Deed ot Trust,shall hs��e the ssrrN meanirp3 as set lorth In the Comprehansive EnNronmentel Flesponse,CompensaUon,and Ll�bfiity Act of -
<br /> 1980,ns smended,42 U.S.C. SecHon 8601,et seq.("CERCLA�,the Superfund Amendments and Reauthaizatlon Act o}1986,Pub.L.No.
<br /> �,-;a�'����ih�:-'�:ordaiss!!:l���T:..:�.,.,:a.�.�'IL�t A�t,ag�c r.c�rfiw,�tuf�.Af r.nn.,mw Raanurce ConsarvaUon artd Recoverv Act. � __ _
<br /> 42 U.S.C.Sectlen 6901,et seq.,a other aFpF�abb state or Federal laws,rules,or roputaBon's adoplad pursuant ta any of the foropdny, 7Ae � • T.a . '
<br /> twms"haurdous waste"end"hszsrdous substancs"shall nlso Inciude,wlthout Ilmitatlan,peholeum end petroleum byr-products or any Inction •
<br /> thersot and asbestos. T�!a rapresenls�nd warrsnb to tender thah (o)Dudnp the period ol Tnnlors ownershlp of the PropeAy,there has R 1 �; ',�,�,1
<br /> besn no use,penxatlon,mantAactute,ston�►,irsatmtnl,disposai,reiaess or threalenad rNeeso of any haardotn wast�or aubsttnco by any '�.:; �:� ,, .��j ,�.
<br /> � peraon an,undx,about or hnm the Propwt�; (b)Trusta has na knowiedfla of,or reason to beNeve that thare has bean,except as preNwsry ' •: �� �t��,1�
<br /> disctosed to and acknowisdpsd by Lendsr ln wrltinp, (q any use,pensraflon,manutecture,stonye,heatment,dfsposat,release,or thre�tened ;..:,
<br /> reN�se af any hazardoils wasts or substance o�,under,e�bout a kom the Property by any pdor own�rs or oceupanb of the Prop�h�or (B)any �9 �' '�,'Cy .
<br /> actual or throatened iftlyaHOn or clalms of arry kind by any persan relaHny to such mattera;and (c)Excapt as prevlousiy disclo5ed to and "'' .'! �
<br /> ' ncknowbdped by Lender In wriHnp, (q nelther Trwtor nor nny tenant,conhactor.�p�►nt cr othw authorlaod usw of tlw Propaty sh�ll uso,
<br /> panerats,manuhature,ston,ke�t,dispoa�of,or reNase any h�rdous w�st�a substena on,und�r,r6out or kom th�Property and (tl)any
<br /> ' auch actlNty slxN ba conduct�d In compli�nce wtth�II�ppYc�bia fadsral,etat�,and local laws,raput�dons and adinances,incfudlnp vAMout , ��
<br /> Iimfdtlon thos�kws,npu�albn��and ordlnancss d�scdbsd�bove. Tnulor authorlt�s Landar and Its apsnts to ontK upon ths Proprrty to _
<br /> m�ks such Insp�cdons and tssb,at Trustore u�sns�,as Lendor may deem�pproprlaU to dNormine compiitna d tM Propary wilh thls ���_
<br /> secuon of the[)eed of Trust. Any Inspectlons or tesh rtuds by lende�shell be la Lendw'e purpose�only nnd sMN not be corutrwd to cre�t� � �.
<br /> any responsfbiNty or Il�.biNry on ths pert o!Lend�r to Th�stor a to any otMr p�raon. Ths npra�nfatlom and wmntNe coMalrnd 1►Keln are :-,�4
<br /> ' based on Tntstcrk due di�yenca In InvesUpatlnp tM Prop�rty tor h�nrdoue wasN and huudou�aubstanc�s. Truslor h�nbY (a)nl�s�s�nd _
<br /> ••• � watves any Nturo cielms a�inst L�nder fa tnd�mnHy a contributlon in tM ownt Tnntor b�comss NaWs tor ct�anup or otAsr cocb unda any •
<br /> • such laws,and (b)s�to indemniy and haid h�rmles�Lendor�pNnst eny�nd �II cl�lms. lossn,M�biMles, �rt�yos, P�nUtiN,�nd ��.
<br /> expenses whlcA Londer mey dirucdy or Indksctty nustdn or sufter resuttlnp Bom v bnoch ot tNs soctlon of ths D�d of Trtnt a es e , � ��
<br /> consequence ot any use,peneratlon,manutacturo,atonpo.dlsposal,rNe�se a threaten�d rsbase occurring prbr to Tnisfor's owMrahlp a �
<br /> � Int�nt In ths Prpp�rty,wMiher or not fhs same was a shoufd h�w bqpn known to Trusta. Th�prov�lona of 3his s�ction of ths[�d dTrust, �
<br /> Indudlnp tAs oDNpaBon to Indemniry,sMH surviw lM paym�nt of tlw Indebt�dnass�nd ths sidsfaGtlon and reconvoytna of tAo ifan of this , ��� -
<br />- -�+� D�ed o}TYust and shall nol be alfe�ted by Lenda's ecqWslUon of any Intarost In the Propefly,whetha by forociosun or otherwise. ':�:
<br /> Nula�nC�,W�eh. Trustor atut8 not auae,conduct a permlt tny nuisance nar commit.permit,oc aulhr any striFpinp of a waste on a to tha `
<br /> Property or any portlon of the Ptopety. VYlthout IlmPory ths qmerelity of Ihe forspdnp,Tnntor wiN not romove,a prant to any olher puty the �'�
<br /> • ripht to remove,any tlmber,minerols Qnctudinp ol and pas),soN,praveJ oe roek produets without It�pdor wdRan canseM of Lender. �..
<br /> RemovY oR Improv�mente. Trustor shall not domoNsh or remove any Improvements hom the Reat Property wilAout the pdor written consent �
<br />-- ot Londer. As e conditlon to ttw removal of any Improvamenb,Lsnder may requlre 7rustor to mako arranyemanis satlstaotory fo Lendar lo
<br /> "• repiace such Improvemenls wKh Improvements of at le�st sqwi vatue.
<br />- , LOnderh Rlptlt to F.�Ite►. lend�r a.nd Ns aQents snd npresenta8ves may entx upon ths Reel Pruparty at atl retsonabte tlrtws to aftend to �
<br />= Lender's Interests and to impacl the Properfy 1or Purposes o!Trustor's corr�lisnce wllh tt�e terms and candiHons of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Compll�nse w11h Govsmment�RaqWre�e�l�. YNSta cheN promptly compry w(th sll laws,adinanoes,and re�utaUOns,now or hereatter in , ,
<br /> � qftect, of cill povemm�ntet fluthaftie�sppSccblB to Ihe use or occupflnoy of Ihe Property, Ir�ctudirg wHhout umitatlon,the Amerlcans With •
<br /> I Disebllltles ACt. Trustor msy Contest In good futl��ny sucsh law,ordinance,a repulatlon flnd withhold complknce dudnp any proCeedinp, �
<br /> �' including appropriate appe�,so long ns Trustor has notifled tender tn writlng pdor to dotny so and so lonp as, In Lender's sole opinion,
<br /> Lender's Interests in the Progarry are not Jaopardized. Le:��or mey requlre Tnista to post adequnfe security a a surety bond,reasonably �
<br /> _ salhtsctory to lender,to protect Lender's Interost. •
<br /> Duty to PrM�cl. Trustor eyrees nefther to ahendon na Ieevd uratlended the Properly. Trustor shall do all other ects,In sddlUon to those acts �
<br /> sot forth aDove In thls secHOn,which irom the characler and use of the Prapecty are rensonabry necessery to pratect and preserrre the Property.
<br /> DUE OM SALE-CaNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may,at Its optlan,declare Immediatety due and payabis all sums secured by lhfs Deed of Trust
<br /> � upon the st►te or transfer,wfthaut the Lende�s prlor w�itten consent,of all or any pert of the Real Properly,or eny Interest In the Rdal Property. A
<br /> �ata u transler maans the convevence of Reei ProoertY a tny riQht,lille or IMerest therein;whether tepal,beneflclal a equl(abie;whether vduntary -
<br /> - ? a Involuntary;wh�ther by ouMphf sele,deed.Instatlrnant sale contract,tand contract,contr4ct tor tlee0,Ieesenotd�merest xnm e term greater tnan �
<br /> � three(3)yea�s,lease-oplion contract,or by saie,assl9nment,ar transfer of eny beneflclal Interest In or to any land trust hoidinp title to l�e Real
<br /> Property,or by eny other meihod of conveyance of Real Properly interest. If any Trusta Is e corporatlon,pnrtnorshlp or Ilmiled Ilabilily c�mpnny, �
<br /> hanster elso Inclttdes any change In cwnaship of more ihan lwenty-flve percent(2696)ot the votirtq stoCk,partnershlp I�terests or Iimited Ilability
<br /> compsny Intsrests,es the caso may be,of Trustor. However,thl�option shM not be exercised by Lender ft such exercise Is prohibited by tedaral
<br /> __ law or by Nebr4ska law. I _
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS.Tho toilowiny�provisfons relating to the taxes end Ilons on Ihe Properry are a part o}thfs daed of Trust. �
<br /> - 1 PaymeM. Trostor sheJl pay when due(ond In a�l events prtor io du7i�iyuerwy}a�i„u�,opai.��J iuir�,a�i,ss��wi��,c7aiges(Induding waier f
<br /> 1 end sewer), 8nes and Imposttions Ievied eyalnst or on account of ihe Froperty,and shell pay when due all clalms lor work done on or for �
<br /> seMcos rendered or meferfat furnist�ed to the Property. T►ustor shflll melnteln tho Properly iree ot all Ilens havinp priodry over or equal to the ,
<br /> Interest of Londar under thls Deed of Trusl,except tor tho Iien of taxes and assessment5 not due,except for the oxlsting Indebtednoss referred ;
<br /> to betow,and oxCept aa olhawise proNded In thls Deed ot Trust. �
<br /> Rlyht To Conteat. Trustu may witht�old peyment of any tax,asseument,or clalm In connaclion wfih e good fallh disputa over tha obligation
<br /> , i
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