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_..� _ <br /> -� - <br /> J. - .. ,.,n��r . —_ <br /> 1 , <br /> � , <br /> I �' - <br /> �; ^ �' .�: f; .,,, <br /> ' C,;; f1i (!� u '.�.� . <br /> ' � r1 �1 �:; C1 :r � �rJ 6� �n � <br /> � . m rn �� r� `� � � D m . <br /> � v, C'� z --i � � .. <br /> � �' '� 1 � -� r*' n. <br /> rn L� "� o <br /> :) W O ��1 N : <br /> i � � <br /> O � A 2 Q � <br /> �� � w <br /> m e 3 r- a � � <br /> � � �" l0�'?'�!4 � �w �. � -� 3 � <br /> L ro v v �.r . <br /> ��. � u�i �Q <br /> RECORDATION R�QUES7'ED BY: � <br /> F�(CHANQE BANK 4� " <br /> P.O.BOX Ts0 \°' . <br /> 14 LA8Ai1RE <br /> • GI9BON�NE be840-07d0 ,,'" ���.,, <br /> � EXCHAlJGEBAtiK ' ., •••••".'`" - <br /> P.O.BOX 760 ' eW' .t� • <br /> �h ,r. <br /> 14 LABARRE <br /> GI880N�NE eeb40-O760 . y `; <br /> . <br /> �., ;�-- <br /> . . �j�. <br /> � ' �'' - <br /> .� <br /> �, - � <br /> ,�� <br /> �%�. <br /> ,+� <br /> . "_.:�+ �• ; <br /> `�•:a�:•� z :, <br /> ��'�=;;�.. <br /> :;;,� . '� � <br /> SPACE AsUVF THI!LINE IS FOR RECORDER'S USB OM.V ":r'� ,y'j` : <br /> . , �; {s <br /> � �•. <br /> ',�• <br /> � DEED OF TRUST <br />- - THIS DEED nF TRUST IS DATED DECEMBER 16� 1996, amonp JAMES B RAYBURN�A SINGLE INDIVIDUILL, ' <br /> s who�e eddreas is P O BOX 459,SHELTON� NE 88876 (roterred b below e� "Tn��tor"); EXCHANGE BAt+iK� � <br /> �� vrhoae sddrea I� P.O. 80X 760, 74 LABARRE� QI�BON, NE 68840-0780 (roi�rred to below aometimmes ae .-K�..:.����� <br /> ''. "Lender" antl sometlmes a� "Beneticiery"); and EXGHANtiE BANK, whose addresa ia P.O.BO�(a80 CIBBON� -�` <br />- ' NEBRASKA 68aI0-0760(referred to befow as"Tr�stee"). ��`«'�:?:--`�-�__ <br /> • -��r;i�����_-_` <br /> � CONVEYAlICE ANO(iRANT. For v�iwbN conMd�reHon,Yru�or convey�fo Tru�In hu�t,WITH POWEA OF SA1.E,fa tM bN+e�l oC • z��.::� - - <br /> LaxNr M B�Mcisry� dl of liustor'a hpht, Utlr, and Inlenst !n and b thp tdlowing d�saib�d rMl prop�iy, top�thK with �N�dat+,�g or " • * <br /> y st,�s�qwntly enctad or atlbtnd bufldings,tmprawrr�nts wnd 1lxttuas;aM�monte,riphb d w�y,�nd�ppwiMnnc�s;aN wa1K,wptu rigFib and •?'�rN .-- <br /> dfich rtphb pncludirp Mock In uUMINs wilh dNch a IrtIQ�Uon rl�hls);and ell otMr riphb,�roya�ltl��a and proAts ntadnp to th�ro�l prop�y,tndudinp '��'���i�.._�"'�° <br /> � FIAtL �OUMy, SUtO OT Nlbr�1lk! (4t10 RQ611 . '4� °`.�'"` - <br /> wilAout NmN�flon�p minorels,dl,p�s,p�olhormd and sImN1�matters,kceted In " � __F��-- <br /> p�'aDifC�l"): --T <br />— ' �•s�:�,��- <br /> r PlIRCE1. 1: .':>*`�` ��-.•: <br /> ..w . <br /> _ � I.OT 2,SFIAR'S SUBDIVISION,GITY OF GRAND tSLANG,HALL COUNTY,N�BR!►SKA. ' � ' �"` <br /> _ PARCEL 2: ��,,. . '. . <br /> LO'T 1�SHAR'S SUBDIVISION,CiTY AE GRAND ISLANO,h1ALL COUNTY,NEBRASKA. �.•�� ' <br /> � The Re�l Propertyl or its eddreas ta commonly knawn as 911,917-919 EAST 121T�STREET� GRANO ISLJ4TID, <br /> NE 6�801. � , <br /> Trustor presently assipns to Lender(nlso known ts Beneflctaryr In thls Deed of Trust)ell of Trustd's right,litle,And Interest In and to eN present and ' � <br /> � future Ieases of the Property end ali Rents hom the Property. In addlllon,Truslor prants Lendar n UnNorm Commerclat Code seou�iry Inierest In tho � <br /> Rents and the Personal Property dsAned Below. � <br /> - DEFINITIOHS. T{�e fd�owinp words shall hevo t6�e foilowing mesninps when used in this Daed ot Trust. Terms not olh5iwise deBned In Ihls Deed of <br /> • Trust shaU have the meaninps atMbuted to auch lerms In Ihe UNtorm Commercial Code. All reterences to ddlar amounts shall mean emounh In <br />— Inwtul money of the United 5tates ol America. <br /> I3en�flclary. The wwd"BeneAclaN'means IXCHANf3E BANK.1ts sucenssore ond acstnn� FXf:HANCi6 HANK nlrn B:rdnrrarl!n nc 9 nnAtu" <br /> __ _. In this Oeed ufTrust. - - - - -- - - - -- ._� �..__. -..__---__. <br /> - Qeed of Truet. Th0 words'fleed oi TrusC mean lhls Deed of Trust amonp Trustor,Lender,and Trusteo,tsnd indudes without Ilmitation a�l <br /> esstgnment end secudty Interest provisions relatinq to fhe Personal Properly and Rents. � <br /> Dclstlnp Indebtednes�. The words'F�dsting indebtedness"mean the Indebtedness described below In Ihe Ex(stlnp Indebtedness cecUon of <br /> lhls Oeed of TrUSf. <br /> � Guarsntor. Yhe word"Gueranto�" means and Includos without Itmitatlon any and all puarantors,eurelles,and accomm�datlon partias In <br /> I <br /> _ � connecUon wilh ihe Indebtednass. <br /> ; tmprovemenfa. 1'he word"Impravernents"means end Includes wilhout Ilmltatlan eli exlstfny and tuture Impravements,bulldings,structures, <br /> mobfle homes a(fxed on the Real Properly,lecllities,addiilons,reptaci+ments and othor conshucHon on the Real Property. <br /> Indebtednes�. The word"indebtedness•ms�ns al princlpal end interest payable under ttw Nofe end any amounts bxpended or advanced by <br /> Lender to discharqa obligatior,s of Trustor or expenses Incurced by Trustee a londer to entorce obilpntlons of Trustor under ihls Deed o}Yrust, � <br />� fopether with Interest on such amounts as�roNded In thb Deed ot Trust. <br /> Le�der. The word lender'means Q(CHIifVGE BANK,Ib successas and asslpns. <br /> - i <br /> - � <br />