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� . <br /> �� 'a",�' , . . ;�:: <br /> _..�.... „ , , , ,. <br /> . <br /> ��� ,, . -- -.. .r� ,. �-- - -- <br /> _�_.._�_.._._...... ,�..__--- __. . ......._ ..__..__..._..._...._ ____._..._.._..... _�.____�.��__.. ._.-- ------_ <br /> .,�v� �. ...��„�;: ., . . �u� �� .,. .. . • . . _..-.�._..d..�._ <br /> .,-�,xr <br /> 1 � . .� , .1�aY ��f4yF��.��Y��,. � .�. � -.1l' .�..�.. .t. . ^�LAY��.C.�fi�!`.�It:lY , .� • . � � , , . .. . . _ ` <br /> .16' 'g,�� :ti;�ars;,.� <br /> , �,.1.t'•. ..i'.^r`t` .�, � ?`r�l�^_S�i'.,;� .. ,..,.. �.�r�, � . .. .. . '� ..� . '..i , ' ,. , _ .Cx�.7�7c12::.:----- <br />- ..� :Y,l' "'/S4�P.�,.'tY"Y.�Y�PI,�.. ..• .,. �� •� . . . . .. . .. � .. .1• •..�,:'.'A'iIUA�:M�!1`���:_ ....... —. <br /> _ , . _1rSY�{._�.____ — <br /> . � , Nr,�,.•�ttJ"MI•ti, �Sh.. �•�`-•���.:'�i�rr+K�� :t t-���..�4:1,+j�yy.�4�{��I�AR�:+w�ynf!R!��N <br /> .. - . . ...HN[��-1'Ht�-i...,... . . .,�.. .WC"'�7,�iL 't l ' , � '- �.� <br /> fi � ,. . . . .. . _. .. . . . . ,. <br /> � �" �U�'"l��d <br /> pny�nei�t�uisy no longer t►e teyufred,at du option of Le�xler,if mortgag�Insura�xe mv�r►�ge(h�tha xmuuut Nt��l fi�r�he pertcxl <br /> , r that I.eiuler reyulre.9) provided by an In.surer ap�+raved by I.ender aguin ixaimes nvnftahle i�nQ iN nhtiiinc�. Ilc�rn►wer eiiull p�ry <br /> d�e prewtums re9ulred to n�alntain niortgege insuranc;e in effect,or tc►prnvide a losy reserve,uutil�he reNulrrie�ent fat mor�g��gC _�-_ <br /> .. insurance enJ.v iu acu�rJance wiAt at�y w�ltren agrecntcni bettveen Aonower entl I.ender or uppllettl�Ic luw, � <br /> � g, Inspedion. Lender or lt�agent n�ay make m.�sotwble entdes upon a�xl in5pectiun�of tlu Pm�erry. L.ender�;l�all give . , <br /> ' �'�'�. Aonower nodce at the tlme of or priar to an inspectIon speclfyiag reasonable cause for the iuspecdon. <br /> �;���,_. <br /> 10. Condemnallon. The proceeds of any uward or claim for damages. d l r e c;t u r c o n s eq u e n d a l. i n c o u i�e c t ion with na y �`. <br /> �'�-a� condemnation or other talcing of any part of the Praperty,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnadon, xte liereby assigned and <br /> �"' sHall be paid to I.ender. �:, <br /> � � '� In the event of a total takiuE of the Property,the proceeds sha11 be applied to the sums secured by tlila Security Ii�strument, <br /> .,, ;� �3, <br /> ;,�:ti':�:•�,',•,:• - <br /> , .,;,-, whether or not t�:�a:hte, with anY excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a pardal taldng of the Property ia whlcu d�e fa r _ <br /> ::;i.;;.�/.�:••�� ���;�a vt�9s�c of e3���roperty immediately be�an�,r�:t�ing is equr1 t o o r grea t er than the:amount of tbe suma secured by this m_.: <br /> e3� -' <br />::::,::;,,.''`��'J'„ SzcuPity I�smunent iinmediutely before d►e ta�dqq,»'.ss�nz�rmner and Lender atherwise agree in wrlting,the sums secured by �: <br /> '•''�i��'i;'•; this Secusiry Inst�unient sball he a�duced by the amount off¢1�c �pracee,ds muldplled by tl�e following fracdon: (a) ttte totnl _ <br />�����f�'•-''��''` amount of the sum9 sec+ued immedletely before tiu:taking, c�ivid�d by @) t�he fair market value of the Progerty?mmediately ^_ <br /> :�.;� .�r�ty m9 <br /> ��'�'�!''���:' before the taking. t��y balance s1iaA 1�e Paid to Borrower. In the eve�ns o�'n pardal taldnB of t�e Property in wluch the fair <br />"``'?'^'`�'''`"�` m:ukel valne of th�Property im�nedlas�ly before the ta3ring is l�ss than t��an�ount of the sums secured immediately before the = <br /> ';_,3MFy-: _ <br /> : ;.,,.,1,,,� taidng, u�►less Bonowet and I..encler othenvise agne in wrldng or unless a��licable law othecwise provides, the proc;er.ds shal.l <br /> °"� be applied to the sams secured by chis Security Instnunent whether ar not th�sums are then due. _ <br /> -`=;`;� If the Properly•is abandoned by Bonower, �r if,after notice by Lencler to Barrower tlutt the c���eAanor offers to make am <br /> ,��.,r�r•, <br /> award or settle a claiw for damages, Horro�ver 7uils to respond to Le�de�• �vitl�30 days after tlse d,ite tlie wodce is given, <br /> .n.:�i:' � <br /> I.etxler is authorized ro collect and apply the�rou�.•eds,at its o�don,eitYner ta restaration or repair of i��e Pro�rty or to the sums <br />�'�i;�� r�-cured by this Securiry Insmunent,whethe3 or not then due. <br />-«;;;;�;ri;; Unirss L.ender and Bnnower ott�envase agne in writing, anY apPlicadon of proceeds w princiP�l sbK11 nc�t estend or <br />_=::���ar. postpone the due dnte of the monthly paymcnts zeferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of suc�pAymanGS. <br /> -�:�vi�� 11.Borro�v�er.�7ot Released;F�rbearamce 8y Lender Not a�'�nuecr. Bxtension of the time for payment ar modification <br /> :�'`i?�,�"'� of atnordza►tion of che sums sect�xed b} this�ecuiity Iastnw�ent granted by Leixler to any successor in interess af Hatrower ist+uli <br /> _`;`��.;t:,�• not���crate ta release t�e liabitiry ai iue origin�i Buiio�;��s� .a'��r��ztr�---Q*�_L int?*?�t. iender sha19 n°t be rec�uired to <br /> :;r:..,..�: ���i�dingy agaiast any successor in inteirst or refuse to extead dme for payment or othenv�se moc�i.ffy amordzadon <br /> � •- - of the sums seaured by this SecurIty Inslsument by reason of auy demnnd made by the orlginal �3anazvei or 9�rrower's <br /> ----�� s�ccessora in interest.Any fotbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy sha11 not be a wniver of or preclude the <br /> -- eaeicise of any righi ar nmedy. <br />�— gZ. guccessors and Assi�ns Bound; Joint s►nd Several I.IAbUftyi Co�si�uers• Tde cavenants and agreements of this <br /> —_—= Security Insuument shall bind and benefit thr, succe�ors end assigns of Len4er and Borrower, subject to the provisionv of <br /> ---- paragraph 17. Bnrrowe�'s covenants and agrcements shall be joint and scweral. Any Boaower wbo w-slgns this SecuritY <br /> --- Inssmment but does not execute tLe IoTote: (a) is co-siBninB this 3ecurity Instiument only to moKgage� gmnt and coavey that <br /> �__� gorrower's interest in the Property under tl�e tettns of this Security Instnunent; (b)is not personally obligatal to pay the sums <br /> secuced by tl�ia Sxurlty Instiument;and(e)agrees tLat L.ender nnd any ather Borcower may agca to exterd, modify. <br /> forlx.�r or <br /> malce aay sccommodadoas with regarci ro ehe tezms of tWs Security Iastaum�nc or the Note without that Dorrower's cons=nt. <br /> 13.Lo�n ChArres.If the low secuced by tlus Security Iasuument is subject to a law whlch sets maximum loaa c1�arBes. <br /> and that lAw is flnwUy intecpnted so t]�t the interest or other loaa charges collected or to be collectod in connecdon with the <br /> loan exaed t}�pc�euitted limits� then:(a)auy such loan charge s1�U be ceduced by the amount necessary to re�lucr,the chatge <br /> W the pem�itted linnit;and(b)any sums alreaay wllected fcc�m Borrower wtuch exceedal pamitcal l[mits will b�ref�ded tn <br /> Borrower. L.ender may choose to maice this refand by ralucing the priuciPal owed undea the Note or by maldng a direct <br /> PaYmen't tn Bontower. If a refund reduces prin�ipal, tho nduction will be ueated as a putinl PnP�Yment we�.fiout any <br /> pnpapment cl�arge undzr the Note. <br /> � 14.Nottces.�1ny no4ice ln Borrowcr prov.icled for in this Securfty Insttument sl�all be givcn Q�q ateliveriug it or by n�ailia+,�. <br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law�equins use of another metha�. The notice sha11 be dlrected to the Property Address <br /> "— or any othcr a�ldress Borcower desigoates by notice eo Leflder. Any mtice co L.ender shall Ix given by first cluss mail to <br /> — Lender's address stated hereln or any other address Lender desi�nates by uodce to 8�rrower. Any notice provided for in this <br /> -------� Securiry Ir�smument shall be dcemal to have been given to Bonower os l.xnder when givan as provbs�ed in�his pan:graPh. <br /> _=- -��j 15.Go�er�3n� La�w; SeveixbiAty. '14,is Sxeuity Iusuumem �hn11 be governed Uy fedPx�l ]nw and the lacv of tLe � - <br /> ""' —= urisdicdon in which tU.e Property i� located• In tl�e evsnt Shat any ptovision or clause of this S�izy Insmvmens or tiie Nota <br /> � _� � <br /> __��:���;.��� wnfltcts with apPlicable lav+.�ch conflict shall uot a.+`��:a�JG�er pmvisions of this Security Instmm�ent or the T3mS�wluch can bo <br /> s��;.;��'� given effect without the canflict+ng pmvision, Ta t�.�s cra:o�is provlsions of tlris Security Instrum�nt and tbe rJr�2e:ir�.dc�lared <br /> ��y;�� <br /> -- to b�sevcrab:e. w <br /> ---=.iJ±t��:`:i r •! <br /> _ _u:,,,--u� 16.Borrower's Copy.Bormwer sSzallll Ge given one conformecl c:a�y vf the Note az�cl of tUis 5c,,^uei Inswmeat. <br /> =`sa?��;'• FormH028 0 <br /> �� -��:: <br /> J.1. • <br /> : 3;' : ��-E3RlNHlus�si.oi rp•�oee iNU.i.• <br /> ;r� : � <br /> ___:c.�.��P1�� <br /> c '.` � \ <br /> , <br /> 1+�ip� . — -- ---- -- ., - <br /> t �._.---- <br /> Ts, •.._ •��� , � � <br /> ``t1., . , . .. . , , , . .y . �'�.c.�' � 'rjkp%i;_ . .. 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