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� <br /> . .;,..��. � . <br /> �;a� ,. <br /> ::�i�c ' • , . <br /> ..... ---. . . . . -_ - - ___....._.._.__._ ....�____�_. ,-_ . <br /> -- -- . ----- ---- - . - <br /> , . .. ,�w�� .. . . , - � ._ _ _....- . „ rw.�aa�ea,.:. ..,� - <br /> . . .�'aw. , .. .�wr�.. <br /> • . .. . ii . ==°° <br /> . .. � ��.i..;�::-:_:_. <br /> ' ��._tl!, r i��- <br /> - . . � .. � i..i.,t:. ':.��1:N__;+':a+� . <br /> .. .. .. . . �. �� ' <br /> ., �,N1w ��/Y Y�� . <br /> �,�v <br /> 17. 'frAn9fer oP tho Proper/y or a Benet7clsl lntcrest In llorrower. If nll�►r un'�r�W`����H�P�1��i�uliurnl,��Lrc,ui)rw���i�tit <br /> " Is sold or trausferred(��r if eet►cneli.lec'�c`u"ny����B0n�tinni4re�uicc imniedin e pxy��nt in full of nll hums hecureA by thiN <br /> Ls:r.der'9 pri�r written �mi. ' <br /> Security Instrument.However,tl�ie option sl�nll not t�Cxersincd�y Lcnder if exenine ie pmldhited hy fRdernl Inw liH of ti►c ate <br /> �" y of tlds Security Instnun�nc• <br /> ..�- � If Leuder exerclses dus opdon, Lender shap give Banower nodce of scceleration.Tlxe nottce shull provide a pedad of not <br /> ''�'' '. less than 30 days from the date tLe nodce is deei surueng°�of t�o die e piradon�of thle periodn Lender maysinvoke any re ileclicc „ - <br /> +w.w�,A�-:. Security Instiument.If Borrower fails to pay dle. P <br /> � permitted by t�ia Securit Insm►ment without further aodce ar desnand an Borrower. - <br /> y Bonower shall bave the rigltt ta have <br /> 18. Borrower's Rlght to Reinstate� If Borrower meets certala wnclidons, <br /> ' � enforcement of this Securlty In.m�ment discondnued at any tin►c prior to ��u��t to�aay powers of sale containe.�ci iu tWe - <br /> � Rppl[cable law may specify for reinstatement) befoce sale of the ProPerty P - <br /> �" gecurtty Iitstrument;or(b)entry of a jud�ment enforcin8 this Securiry Iitstmmant.Thase condldons are chnt aonower: (a)pays - <br /> m <br /> Leader all sums whtah tben would be du oi ad reements�(c)pays�l eapens s ncurred iuie�nfforcingl this S unty Insm m�ent) <br /> cures any defsult of any other covennnGS B <br /> including,but nat li�nirecl to,reasonable atwrueys'fees;and(d) takes suc�hd aorrower'�s obligaaon t pybthesums secured bY <br /> ` that the lien of this Scct�rity Insuument, Leades's nFbu in the Property <br /> ..`��.3 ,� I tlds 5eciuity Instnu�ene shall cc�ntiuue unrJ�,�^�°;d. Upon reia�siatement by Bono�ver, this Security Instrumeut nnd the _ - <br /> this right ta reiiLState shall <br /> � obHgations secured liereby sha11 m►naitt�Y effect►ve as if no accelei�►tion had occurree�. However, • _ <br /> ' " �� not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. �_ <br /> � 19..�SIB O UC S�(I OAC Ol�pl IC IICIIC�W F l 11�11 1�YAOI rnotice ta Banower�. A sale may res«N in a�han�ecin the e dtyS(kao�n <br /> Instrument)may <br /> � „ n ients due under the Note and this SecuricY Insuun►ep�• �f t►e r e a lso ma y be one _ <br /> as the Loan Servlcer")that collects atontLly p yn 8 <br /> � {��' ,� , o r more chan ges of the I..aan Servicer uarelated ta a saia of th e�N�a��e�d a p pl�e la�The noace wiil state the�iiame and <br /> -�,��.':• �%'�`'�•:�'..��� acoordance with patagraP <br /> �. �� -is.:��.:,,,,< ,, �iven�vritten notice af the cLange In <br /> ����`%'""�`' � address of the new Loan S�rvicer and the address to w h ic h paym e n t s s h o u l d b e m a d e. T h e n o t i ce will also contaln any u t l i e r <br /> inforntation required b�aPPkcable�aw. <br /> ' 20.Hezrrdaurs uh� :HoaoNer �h ao owe�rusbatd notdo, no p s lowean one�els�e o�do� anyttung affec'hnS the <br />'$:;:.. .� .r� Hazardous Substansr..s on or in tn�PraPenY• <br /> •''.. Property that is in ve��tion of any Bnvimnmes�u�l.Law. The pzecedins two sentences sball not ap W be PP Pria to' noeimal <br /> ` ,�.��,;�;, aiui;ige�� �c°m�n;^f�--,all m�anuaes of Hazardous Subss�nces that are generally reca�zed <br /> �„�.,;: !..�.r � �.• residenna!uses and w mamtenauce of the Property. Invesdgadon, claim�demand,lawsuit or oiher act�nn by any <br /> � ' Z'%�^�'•'"'` Borrower sl�all promptly give Lender wrltten notice of any' �d�y Hazardous Substance or Snvimnmental Law <br /> ;•.i.t:.'•r.-:;,rf � tmolvinE the PropertY <br /> '� ' governntental or cegulatory agency or ptivate party <br /> at <br /> •:�?�..•'.. .. �y n��ry.Bonower ahall prompt�y take <br />-�,?Y-'��t�:' � af whidi Eorrower lias actunl Imowledge.If Bonower leamv. or is nodfied bY anY Sovernmental or regulasory au o ty, <br />,�:t�.r.� any removal or other remedistion of any Hazardaus�ubstance affecdn8 the Prope[ty <br /> �,-� : all uecessaiY remalial actions�n accordance with Bnvlronmental Law. <br /> -"��.y ` I�s used in tlus paragraph Z0� 'Hazarclous Substances' are chose substances de&ued as toxic or hu7ardu�:s substavices bY <br /> -:�'�;"-��� Bnvironmental Law and the following substances: gasoliue. <br /> kerosene, other flammable ar toaic petroleum roducts, Wxic <br />_-���-��;R,s�;�.i� pesdcides and herbicides,voladle solveuts,materlals containing asUestos or fomaaldehyde,and radluacdve wace a1s. As used in <br /> _.__�,.�.:��_.�� � p��ph Zp� "�nvimnmeatRl Law' means federal laws and laws af the jurisdiction where du Property is located t�at <br /> ---=�:�:f.1�d�.1 nlate to or enviro�e�tal protecaon. <br /> ---- NON-UATIFORM COV�NANTS.Borrower and Lender furthcr co�enan�and a8��follows: h 17 unkss <br /> -_--- � 21. Acederation3 Remedies.La�der stcall gt�e nottce to ibxrower P!or ta �ccda�tion ander��+p��s brcach <br /> - -°- oP a�y connant or � tn this Security Indcumen4 (but not p <br /> -- ---���—�� Applicable law provides othenvLse)•Tt�e�ia st�ll spedfy: (a)the degaWti(b)the actlon reyWred to cure the de�'adti <br /> ---- _ �-�� (c)a date.�x�t less than 30 dAys from the date�thehe date sp�xltied In the nottceyRUp r�suit t�acodecat�fo of the surt� <br /> - (d) ttnt faU�ue to cure Nx de!'ault on or bet �notice shAll farthar inform Borrower of the �t <br /> 4 sec�u+ed by thSs Securlty I�rum�►t +u►d sate oP the PrupactY• <br /> -°-_��:� rdn�tate Atta acceleretlon and the rt�ht to bring a court pctton to essat the nomex9stence of a defadt or any othtr <br /> without <br /> _ <br />