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Property ic�sured a�ainst loss by fire,bazards included witlilu the term "�accieded coverage" snd any od�er hnu�nls. including <br /> floods or flaoding, for which Lencter requireg(nsurance.This i�L�urance hhall he maintained in the amounta nnd for tlie pedods <br /> " � ' thut Leuder require9. ll�e insurance canier��ruvi�lins ehe insurauce �l�all b�ctiosen by Borrawer suhject to l.ender's approvnl <br /> � �l w�ch sUall not be un�exsonably witl�held. If Bonower fails to maintain coverage desc►�ib�l above, l.ender may, at Lender's ,. <br /> aption,obtain coverage to protect I�i�der's ri�k�Gs in the Propeny in accarda�ice with paragraph 7. <br /> I �M�� All lnsunlnce pollcles and renewals sl�all be acceputble ta Lender nud shall tuclude a sG3ndard mon�age cluusa. LenJer <br /> shal!have the rigUt to hold the palicies and renewals. If Leuder require9,Hanower shall promptly give to[.eader ell recei�ts of <br /> � '„ �' paid premiums and renewal nodces. In the event af loss,Horrower s&all give prompt nodce to the iasurance carrier and Lender. <br /> ' �'. Leuder may tuttllce proof of loss if not made promptly by Bonower. `., <br /> c <br /> ��, Unless Lendsr and Bonower othenvlse agre�in wridng,insvrt�ce proceeds shall be applied w restoradon or repair of the ;,,�;,_:. <br /> � .'� Yroperry damaged,if the restoradon or repnir is economIcxlly feasible and Lender's securiry is not lessened.1f the restorndon or :-;�;=:z_= <br /> . '.t: repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security wauld be lessened, the tns�.u2nce pxoceeds ssall b�ap�^»ied to the sums ;„`,:;,�. <br /> �� securecl by this Securiry Insuument, whetber or not then due, with any excess�:i� to �arca�oti�r. Dff BQrsv��var t�bando3zs ehe �,� ,. <br /> ' "� Property, or does not answer within 30 days a nodce from Lender thzt the insuni:�oe cani�x�:�s ofliered eo set3�.a clAi�n, ehe�n �,����t • <br /> ..� Lender muy wllect the ins�rance proceecls. Lender niay use the proceeds to repair or restom the Property or to pay sums t��;:,.;�-:�� <br /> �Pn�' whethcr or nM then due.The 30-day period will begin wh�n Qie uotice Is vea �`�;`''s'." <br /> securetl by this Securlty Instiument. b'� �j.`..`;;-,_ <br /> ° -._ <br /> ,,;.,.,:�.�.. <br />-. , ...;� � licadon of roceeds to rinci al s�.�l' not extend or :.,,;;,;-„ <br /> � Unless Lender and �orrower otherw3se agtee in wridng, anY APP P P P �, <br /> e:-<;c-;;, — <br />. postpone the ctue dace of the monthly payments relFerred to in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or change the amount of tli��z}�ents.If under „t,.;. <br /> ,:.,,,,,_ <br /> -.;.,.:•'.:.'� � paragraph 21 the Property Is acquiceci by Lender, Borrower's riglit to any iusurance pollcies and �roceeds resuldng from -- <br /> � • damage to the Pruperty prtor to the acquisidon sh��ill pass to Lender W the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrumeni �; <br />.°-;.`�" ,r., immedIatel y prlor w tha acquisldon. °, <br />""'�� 'f ' 6.Occupancy�Preservatlon,Main#enance and Protectton of the Property,Borrower's Loan App l ica t loni I.e a s e ho l d s. _. <br /> �""�''''�74'�'- Bonower sball occupy,establish,and use the Property as Boaower's principal residence within sixty days after ahe execution of � <br />`�'•'•�';'�•`�`� thie Security Insuument and s1iaU condnue to occupy the Propexty as Borrow�r's principal residence far at least one year after — <br />�_,_..;..A::�.. <br />;n:-r . � � • the date of occupanay,unless Lender otherwise agcees in wridu8,wluch consent shall not be unreasonably witlil�eld,or untess <br />�':4.�-',_�.t::� extenuad»fi circumstances eaist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower sl�all not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> _::.�•.�•� fi�rcuwci �tidli ue: in tte.�ult if:ss;f�Tf�iiur� <br />:`s����i��r;�, ' Paoperty, aUow the Pmperty to detsriorate, or contmit waste on tae Propcny _ _ <br /> .� <,��,:,�;� acdon or ptoceeding, whether civil or ctimu�al, is begun that in Lender's good fnith judguaent could result in forfelture of the ,_ <br />'���:�:.•.� <br /> _s•4,,,�,;��{,' , Pmperty or otherwise matcrislly impair the lien created by thie Securlty Iusuunient or L,ender s security iuterest.Bonower may <br /> cure such a default an�d ze:instate,as provided in psuagrt►Ph 18,by causing the acdon or proceeding to t►e die�missed with a ruling <br />�����x.,�;.,� that, In Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfelture of the Bunower's intcrest in die Property or other materia! <br />------- <br />