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. .� ' � .. . ._ . ..... . .. - . . ..,p�y...r.. ..�� <br /> :s�r.0 � .. ' . . . . .....�.....`-.. . <br /> GS;G • „°�:.�'�.'.�r'..'__ _ <br /> — --�_..�_.� .__.� � — --- °—_ --— _— �.._. <br /> , �, . <br /> ,. ' .M... J � . • i <br /> .. <br /> . . „ . ' . <br /> "r .s'"yM�a) kdA�'a• , : ,L+ ._. —_— <br /> . .. .���i- . - . • :i'�:i:'��f�, t ' . , � - � , _ ., .�--- — <br /> �,� .: .,;y,, - . . . .. . ..•rr".A`".!!'.'1"7h^+'r:�s•�-•1�.,..:_.+.s:�... .._._. __._._.... _. . ... . <br /> ' ' `. - _ <br /> . h. <br /> .�. . . _. _ �" �,l)�'7��. <br /> • p�ymerit�tnty no longer bo roqubro�l+��tb�o option of I.e6der� if mnrt��e inaur�aca caver�ge(in the amount and far the periad <br /> that Lea�der rquirei)Provida!by an iawrer+�PP�v�by I.eadae�g+�G'►6eco�av�lablo�ad 8�obtainosl.�orrowor�h�ll p�y <br /> �he premiumr roquired w tn+�int�n mortgi�e innnu►ce in effi�ct.or to provido�lou r�aerve��cable law uinmeat for mor���e <br /> :f`. ins►ncce eadi in�►ccordance witb eay wdtlea�roemait betwam Horeower ud I.eader�ton�of t�e PropextY,I�nader�ll �ive �, . <br /> ' g. II���.�. I�nder or ib egoat�u4y�ke reaaon�b90 entdee��pou�nd itupec <br /> � . Borrower notIce at tho timo of or pdor to�n lnipectton�pecifying reasowl�le c�usa Q'n:G�a in..^p�ctlon. .- <br />....:;`�_:'� of�ay �wud ur claim for dRmR�a�direct or conseyumttal� in coanoction with u►y .p_ <br /> .•`� 10. Con,denn4tlon. Tbe Procoedi , <br /> ' condoronadou or other taldn�of u►Y Pa�of the Pteperty.or for�onveysnce in lieu of condamnation,ue harebY wi�aed�°d <br /> �. s3ui1 bo p�id w Leader. tho roceede e1W1 be�pplled to the eums�ecwnd by thie Securlty Inettuaxnt� <br /> � In the evr,nt of a wW takln�of the PropertY+ P of tho Pro in which the faisr ';��` <br /> whether or not thw due.with�ny eacea+ pdd to Borrower. In the event of�putisl t�in8 p°�i' <br /> � m�rlcet vdue of tho PropenY immedlatdy before t�e ulcing ie a�ual w or gr�xtee th:n tha amount of the nua�eeeured by thie _:;;:�: <br /> •. Security Lutntment immedfAtely before the t�ldn�,unleae Borrower wd Leader ot6o�ri�e a$cbo in wdHn��tho�ume�ocus+od by - <br /> • �i. tlile Security In�trumcat ehall be reduced by tb.e�mount of the ptoceods multiplted by the followln� fr�ctton: (�i�i�� �""__ <br /> � amoimt of the eum+ eoeiued immediately before tho t�lCing. divided by(b)tho fAia nwicet of the Pco ��in whieh the fa i °, <br /> : befare the t�kinY. Any b�l�ace ehill ho piid to Borrowar. In tha eveat of t pudal hidng P�rtY _ <br />':-u. :'.:• : <br /> �''� •� m�ricet value uf the Properh►�mmediauly befom the t�lcin�i�loea th�the�mount of the�unu�xurod imm�d+u°ly beforo tha <br /> �:i. uking,uulaw Bo,.awcr and�ader otharwiee agcoo in writing or unlees applicable law otheiwiea pmvida�tbe proceeds ehRll c� <br /> ,,,,,;W-st c�hether or not the eumr aie Q►eu due• <br /> �� :• �!. be appliod to the rume sxurod by rnie Secuiity�rstr-"'. <br /> ni <br /> � If tHs PropertY is ab�ndoned by Aorsower� or if,after nadce by Lcnder to Borro�wer that the condemaor ottoro to m�ke an = <br /> awud or eetile a claim for dam�8es� Borrowar f�ile to rwpond to Leader aitHln 30 daye�Rer the date tho notice ie gx�e�, �Jv <br /> ��,�.��.�'� 1 the pmceeds,at ite option�either to resmntion or rcpair of the Ympe�t5'or w t�a acsms =_ <br /> �•- Lender ie authorized to collect wd�PP Y <br /> . �, eecund by tl�ie 5ecurity Insteunxnt�whethor or aot thea due. _ <br />�:�?'�!�:�::,.�M in wdtIng, �nY �PPlicatioo af procoede to priacipal eZull not extead or <br /> ' Unleee Leader and Borrower otherwlee agroo he 1 �od�or chwge tlte amount of euch paymeat+. : <br /> ����.'�.�;��� postpono tkra due date of the monthlY P�Y�b raferred to in pusy,rap <br />�'-�s;"t;�.,. :. 11.�arrower Not Itdease�l3 For�STa°ce BY�dar Not�Wni�a�.Hatension of tho time for pwymeat or modifacatlon <br />_�.-�,:�w" . of awo�tizatian of tho eume eecurod by¢h•'sa Securlty Imtntmeat grwted by Leader to my euceweor ia intenst of Bormv►�,t sha�ll <br />.�=�-::;,4}. , not opea:a to release the liability of the odginal Borrower or Borrower'o �uccameora in intera� I.eader�h�il aot bu required to <br /> ��:_;_�_�� ���Yl��e..a.t .r.ny eucceasor in iatares¢or refuse to oxt�ad time for p�ymeut o;othetw�ee c�cli�aatottiution <br /> , „_ u....,,„�,R*•a <br />-_-_,-:,�:����• IInR�ument b re�eoa of Wy dcmmd m�o by � <br /> ---����,�C� of tlre sua� sxural bY thi° ��$' Y , t or rcmedy ehall aot be s wuver af or precluda� <br />- ;�`=,•`'y,� euccasc�za in intorat. AnY forbear�ocm by Leader in exercioin�nn�riith <br /> -_-.#*i�:�r,��':�i <br /> �:N�� exorcjse af any dght or m�edy. The covt�nts aod +�reemmb a�f thir <br /> IZ. S`�roc�ssore and � �dt Joint aad Sev�! Liabfltt3+i��• <br /> x�� t� ����afit� �p�on md uei�e of i� �nd Borrower� aibjxR to tho ptav�sions of <br />--.-_-- -._�, Security In�tutnen � meau elull be joint md wvornl. Any Borrowa who � ilva Securlty <br /> -- -==� pars�capb 17. Bonower� coveat�b and tgree �� t�nd coavey tt�t <br /> -__--:+�� rashummt but doa not oxecuto the Nata: (a) ie coaI thie Sxurity In�meat c�nly to�+noRYa�e. iraa <br /> -- under the term�of tW�Secur�?y 3n�tcumeWh N)i�not personilly obli�atal to PaY the wmr <br /> ,�--=;—� Borrower's Interat ia the Propetty w extwd,modify�forUar er <br /> ---- ��� eecured b3'thi�Security Instnimeati�nd(e)��t�t Leader Mad�a,y otha L3omowu no�Y�� <br /> -----. malce sny�ccommodatioa�wtth rogud to the terms rof thie Socurity In�taumcat or the Note vvtthout Wat Hors��wa'i coa�ent. <br /> 13.I,oan Charra.If the loan�xuc�ed by thia�ecurlty Instn'°°eat i��ubJxt w�l�w wbich�ets mu�n�raum laa c}mr�a� <br /> � md that liw i�finally iatapreted w that tho interat or other loeti charga collacted or to be collected in eooaecdon wtth the <br /> laan exceed the perroiued limir�,thea: (a)�ny �uch lo�n chuge a'�a71 be cedtticed 6y the amownt necaeRry w reduco the eh*r�e <br /> --- to tLe pormtued limit;�ad N)auY�um��1�y collxted from Borrower wluch eaceabd pormiuod limits will b�roft�aded to <br /> a diroct <br /> Borrowaa Ireadar�Y aho°�°t� sa�lce this nft�d by reduc�ng the prfncipv�l owed uai{er the Note or� wit thaus a4y <br /> .._— WY�t to Bormwer. If a reflmd ceduca p�incipal� the roducdon will bo orated �s a �cta �►y <br /> -- - ----- Pl'�WY�'t cbuSe under the Noto. <br /> 14.Nnt�as.My����$O�'°war pmvided for in tl�ie Securlty In�tum�at�11 bo 61vw by delivar3ng it or by m�ilin� <br /> -� it by fir�t olaa mail wilea Rppllcable l:w requlce�we of another m�thod.11ie notice�hall be directed to tho�rtY�ddiar <br /> __----- - — or�ny oltar addra� Aorruwor dai�nata bY natice to Leader. Any notico to Leader �hall ba �tvaa 6gI fizs! clu� miil to <br /> — I�1es's addroa�tated heroin or my othor address Leudar dai�atee by notice w Bomower. An,y notice;p.rovided for ia tLi� <br /> �� Socurilp�shumwt�hall bo deemod to hsve beea g�ivea to�Sorrowar or Leaekr whar Qivw as pmvided in thie par�nph• <br /> �h <br /> ----� � 15.Goter�ini I.�M3 Se�aabi4ty. Thie Secwrlty Inetrmment eluill be govarned by fedeal ]aw aad We l�w of <br /> _ _ __- jvridlctton�n which the PmpertY ie loctcal. In tho eveat thst any pmvIdoa or cl�u�e of thia 3xudey lnnhumemt or tho Note <br /> _��°°�n"��� ��cu���pplicable Law.euch conftict�hall not atfxt ather provi�iona of th4s Socurity In�t or the Note which csn 1�0 <br /> `''`� rovi�ion. To Wis ead the provietom of thie Security Ins�umeat aed a�e Note ue daclsral <br /> ----= etvea effect wltDiout the casblictinS P <br /> -�-:*'4,�``�'•. to be e�werable. of the Note and of tfi►ie Security In�tnimeat. <br /> -�'°"•'";';�°�. Borrowcr�Lill bo�ivra oae confexavod cqPY <br /> - _ 16.Barro�va'e Copy. <br /> - - Fonn so2t �_ <br /> �_'.n°�'�' 11A- 1304 <br /> -:�`="•..� P.r.4.e e x,ictr.: —. <br /> _ `'�,'„'=w.: • �-NI(1i�!N:t:�.ot LT044 d 5 <br /> i�T' � � <br /> 'a��� <br /> �r: � --- - <br /> ,—. <br /> .,_._._ <br /> "", . : �..�.-=�- - - - -_ _ __- �,...,.. <br /> . <br /> - — - - - -- - - - <br /> - - -- <br /> ; .. �...��-- - - - n . � __ .r - - - - -- ._•- <br /> -��.�,�;'� _ �x:�- . . <br /> .�; � , . . � . . . : ,. �.;r._ . - . -. <br /> � .. . , �N-+•S�. � ' . .. <br /> � � � . � .� . ' .� .. � - •. ' .� ...r .t, <br /> .. . � . . • •' , � ,_ ` <br /> s , <br /> . '• .� �. .... . <br /> . - . .. � . . � - ' l ' _ <br /> .. <br /> - ' ' . �,.� . � � cl , � � .. ., - . _ <br /> .. . . . .. .�. <br /> ."__ _ .. ._ .._..r... . . . . .. ... . .. ,� . . .. _ . .. .. <br /> ...� _ "_— .. _ . . � ...... ...,_ <br /> . ._..�_�`���_.....-�i.. . ... . .. .. . . <br /> . . . .� + ' .. . ' <br /> __ _.: .. � .� " . .. , .. . `���{� r..1�.�� '_. . . . 1 .. <br /> • +"} . -�,S;f�.. �C� �., <br /> ..�1:- �_ :�. . '' - � , <br /> •j^ ' ' . . _ . . . . ` . L� . . . <br /> . °"�i.-i .f�:'T` . <br /> . �� ., . . .. .r.•�:. .5�._.» • �. <br /> . <br /> „ , <br /> ' <br /> �' . <br /> • „ . .� <br /> � �- — `—---_ _ -.. <br /> .. _11 . --_- '_'.-- _ . <br />