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. , ;;: <br /> "� � ,. <br /> .�� <br /> . �,... _ , <br /> ,r.--- . ' -- ---�-.._. _ � ,.._ - __.. .---- <br /> ._ _....- ---..��:..___. ... -._..... . --- _....___._.__ . . <br /> . . . <br /> _..� _. _ <br /> --__ .._. __ _�.. _,.. <br /> --------�- - ---- -- ..s„3,�,... <br /> _ ...Y..w,.�.�.�.,- , ., . � . .r.- <br /> .. . , ., � ��.,.-_. .. <br /> , ,, <br /> ..., <br /> .-�; <br /> �° �ill:�`��� <br /> �� 17.Tr�uttter ot the Pr'opq�or w Ben�sQclitl Intcrest In Barrowa'. IP RIl or�ny p�rt of tke Property or�y intcrcrt in it <br />�� ie�old or tru�sfarred(or IP�bs- ne$ciRl interoet in Borrower ig rold or trwferrtd�nd Borrowar i�not A natunl penon)without <br /> Lendor'� pdor wdttan coauat. L�eatder m�y, at iu opcion. �oquiro immedl�te p�ymont in fLll of+�ll su�ru secut+nd by thie <br /> Sxurity Inetnun�nt.l�owaver, thle option eh�U aot be exercised by Lendtr if exercl�e io pmhtblted by fedenl Iaw u of thp dnto <br /> off chio�u�lCy 1►�c¢�ujt��t. <br /> '�: If Lendor exercisa thio aption, Leuder slull Qive Bnrrower aotice of�►cceleration.'ilio notice�hall provide�poriod of not <br /> leia than 30 day� 1`com the date the aoeico ie dclivered or m�iled wlthin whicb Borrower muat pay all sur� �ecwbd by thts <br /> .•�•R�^'�" Secudty Inetrumeat.If Borrower failo to pay theao euu�e Prior to the explr�tion of thie period,Lender ztmy involce�ny romodtea <br /> •�.:..�f•:.�s' permitted�y thl�Securiry Imtrument without flu4l�er noNce ar demAnd on Iiormwer. . <br /> 18. Barrawer'sRI�ht to RdnsLte. 1f Aormwar maeb ce�txin conditianv. Borrower d►a11 h�ve tho dght to have <br /> eaforcemeat of thir Securicy Instnimeas diecontlnued at any tlme prtor to the earltor of: (a) S d�y� (or auch othor period as __� <br /> ;ippllc�ble law may spccify for roinstatement) bsfore e�le of the Prorerty p►uewnt to �ny power of e�le conulned in this , <br /> • SocuaIty Instntmeat�or(b)eatrf of s judQment enforcing thie Securlty In�trument.'Ihose condiHone uo that Bormwer:(a)paye ��:�,:_, <br /> Leader all eums whiah thw would bo due under thia Security In�hument�nd the Note�s if no accelentlon hRd occurrod;(b) ..w�^«:.._ <br /> � e all e incurrc�in eaforcta� t1�I� Socurlry Inat�ment. ,r:--_- <br /> � cure�any default of nny other covea�nte or agreementn; (e) paY xR�� , ,, `=°�. <br /> �� tncludiag, but not limited W,nasmnible�ttomcys'fees;md(d) trkes such�ction as L.ender may reasonablY ro4uire w a�aure ,�rA_ <br /> that the li�a of thi�Socurlty Iaeaumeat, I+eBder'e riRhte in the Proporty nnd Borrowor'e obligation to�y the sume eecwbd by '�,<x�-"- <br /> � thie Socurity Instrumeat ehdl cflndnue unchRngod. Upon minatateaxat by Borrower. this Secunty Inatrumout �nd the � .^--- <br /> t-- <br /> �, obligations eecured henby ehall mmaia iWly effecdve u�if no acceleradoa h�d occi�.rred. Howover� tlile r��ht to roinatate e6a11 �T,__� <br /> nat aN�:y ia t2to c:�^.of eccelereGon un�er�urra�h 1?. �_ ,:.,__ <br /> �i• 19. Snle of Note; Ch�e ot LoAa Sn�iar. The Noto or� putinl interest in the Noto(togethee witb thie.,..�uric3► �� <br /> Inetn�mcnt)msy be sald one or more dma�without prior notice to Borrower.A eale may tr.e�lt in�chaugo in the eutity(lmown -_=_- <br /> as tho•IAaa Se�vicer")thzt collxte moathlY A+�Y�te due under the Noto aad thie Socurity Iastrumeat.'i�ero also muy be oae <br /> or more ch�aga of the Loaa Servicer uanlated to s ude of tbe Nete.If there ie a change of tho Laa Secvicor,Borrowor wlll be �,v-��� <br /> ;� g'iven we3iten nodco of the chwge in accordaaco wlth paraBraFb 14 above andappllcable IRw.'Ihe notice will etato tho name and <br /> • addre�a of the new Loan Servicer and tl�e addreas tc�which p�yy�ente ehould be made.'Ihe notice wW aloo conta�n�ay other �-_ <br /> information reyuired by�ppllcable law. <br /> Z0. At�ardotts Subshned. Borcower ohall not cau� or permit tho prosence. use� diepos�l. ston�e,or toleaae of way �=_= <br /> Ha7ardow S�Mcances on or in the Propeity. Bomower eh�ll not do, nor allow anyono else to do, anything affecttng the � <br /> •� property that ie in violattoa uf my HnvironmeatAll-nw.'1he preceding two bateace+ehall noi Rpply to tbe praenco�ua0. or <br /> ewrago on the Property of�mtll qumtida of Hwrdous Subetancea thst u�e gener�lly recognizod to bo appropdtte to nornud <br /> � rr,eidwrid uaea and to maintcnanco of tLe Property. .-- -�___ . .�..�.�d. l.wsuit or other actian bY wY <br /> • i3orrowor ehaii PrompciY �ivo i�ar wniicn nouw��.u,,� i;,r:,A-ilgatiaa, r.l-i�. _ <br /> . govommeaW or regulatory tgeacy or private p�ssy involving tho Pcopeity and aay Hanrdmu�Sub��or$°vir°°m°aW liw <br /> : of wlrich Barrower hae�u:twl kaowled�e.If Rmr,rawer larne�or ia noNfial by aqy a II������prompuy�t� <br /> . '`,., aqy ro�movd or other ren�edlation of�ny Haurdnw Stibet�nce�ffecNng tha EmPeK3' <br />_.,,�.�r.�f.: all neceaary Yemediwl�ctioei ia�cao�H�urdous Subetan�ro Wose�ubstwces dafinod aa WxIc or l�zudous eubatmce�by <br /> A�usal in this puagnph 2m, <br /> .���:-.s•':�,�• Snvlronmaitaf I.�tw �d the following rubshacw: gaeollno, keroxee, other flammablo or toxtc pcdroleum products� toxta <br /> --^u,;� pcstic�des�nd verUtcida�volatlle eolv�ab, n�tnr.inla cont�indng aebebto�ar formaldehyde,ind radiwodva mtentls.As wed in <br />-.",�:,,,, .' thi�pata�nph 20, "Bavimnmeatd Iiw' meaas federal lawe�nd lswe of the judsdietton whoro the Pn'�ape�tY t� loc+Led th�t <br /> _ _;r::rt,;.,, relate to halth��afety or e�vironnoeatai protacdan. _ <br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVI3NAN1'S. Borrowes ecd Leader further coveaant and agree aa folloar. <br /> '`�` '^ 21.Aeakeation;Itemedies. I.a�der ah�ll�i�e cwtioe to Borrower prlor to sccd�ration followia�Borrawa's be+a�;h <br /> '`w=�� o[� a�te�wnt or ap�eemeat.��hit Sectuity Insbrume�t (but �ot Prior to aar�Er.n't3oa un�lee p6 17 udeae <br /> �w <br /> --w°°-- a�p►�We lawpro�Idn otha�rase).�'6e eotice ehall sPec�ty: (a)the defaWt;(b)tho a�ct�on to ca�re t�s delaWt• <br /> .:.5��+�-`r:+� c)a cute.not ka td�n 30 dqe :mn the dAt�t�e notice is�t�en to Borrower�6y w3ilch tLe dd'ault must be Gu�ed'aa� <br />-'�'"'$'�"'� �d)tl�tt fallure to cure fhe de[ault an or Ixfore tl�e date spedfied tn the noda ma,y result In accdaation ot the s�rms <br /> _ senurd by thti Sec�n�ity L�tn�rnt �ed s�le ot the Property. T6e notia shall fisS.�r Lnfam Borrower af tbe r�M to <br /> �:� raes�taaa attier�ooekration and 8be a�ht to brios R oourt Rdlos� to aasert the oon-eslstem�ot a ddadt or a�y otha� <br /> r <br /> __;�. , deta�o[Borro�wer to acaela�aHon �1 sale. tf tl�e defadt is not cund on Or before the d�te spajtled in Y1�A notie�, <br /> � pa' <br /> �' `::�i«� I�eader. at ib opt�on,may �ediate p�ment in fiall of ail auna sec+aYd 6y this Secu�+ty Instnment wethoat <br />�"��. [wibx demand an8 atsy in�thepower of s�le�nd aqy otha�ren�sdiee yx^nttt�d by a cs�b]�law. I,e�der siu�ll be _ <br /> n tha ���u��but not limited <br /> �-r�� eat�tlal to collect dl expensca inc.�ured in pursuint t6e ranedie�pro�tded in tWs p�raaeaPh <br /> _-"-°:� to�re�onabk attoraeyr'fee�ari�caab of ti41e e�ideaoe. rt of t6e <br /> ----.��'�.�+� It the {►owar ot sak is inv.�ked,'l�rustee ehall eecord a ewtice oi ddault in wch oounty in vrhk� anY PA <br /> =�'��,:� Prop�rcy is loaited and�half m�el copies of auch notta in t6e roanner Pcescrlbal bY aPPticaWe law to Borrowcr and to <br /> �"°'yr''-"` tbe ot6a�peesoos pa�cribalby�ppliable tnsq.AEta�the tlme�+equL�m appltcabk law,Tn�tce sl�all�i�e public noNa <br /> �.,'=�'�:� of sak to the paba��nd in ti�e manner pm�,cr3bed by applicable faw.�w[thnut&man�mT Borroxer•stull sdl <br />.�=x"z�,;;�;,r. .. t6e Propar�y at public av,ction to the hig6ea4�l�]$er at the Wm and_plaa Rnd unda the teem+daitntted in the noW�e ot �---- <br /> -"`-y�� s�le in one or more p�ra�ls �nd tn any orda�Trustee deta�u�ncti.Trustoe aaaY P�Pone sate oi dl a�any Iparal o[the <br /> -`-��?:°; pe�opecty by �c au�ounoanmt at the tfine nnd p4�e of any pn:�iousiy schedWed sala I.cnder or ib de�roee maY <br /> i:�:..., pwr�aee the�a�ty at tny salc. <br /> �_._ _ <br /> � 11�1- 13 04 Fe.e+soss <br /> ��� 1 <br /> " "' � -EA(IYB)�:�s�.o� LTOA4 Poo.s ve e �•�&?/j=i�'—r� ` -_ <br /> ' u._�� �e d�5 �:�:�<:�� <br /> -.�� __.-r- <br /> - ' x i .�w 1��t^t-� <br /> ' _.-r-_ ::�-_ .,_.•'�'—---�----•---�--<.:-cr-c,�_i.. �•--•--_--_ .- _._ . _. _.___- __- _.___.__-__. _ _ _. <br /> ., .. ���k�S�.9.,7!1��.a . . . . <br /> . . - ., .. ij� ., � <br />. . . • -_ • -. � r <br /> . . � . 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