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.� ., rf " - ._. <br /> ., . . . .t��Kt�4.j.._: <br /> . <br /> ..nry.' <br /> �JI�t ,, ' �. , . _. ... _ .. ___ _ <br /> . .... .�. . "� <br /> .... xr.'�. . - <br /> ,._ �. �.�:C h.ijr.t��.� W{�� ����a�,� ____�.__ .' - ____ . -^_....0 _..._.__.` '/ � .i..n �• . J..r.�'-P^- <br /> ~ f�_v <br />._;*.r,.w�ti ry�d..w�-_«�...�;�+•�•wl_��ti..«a�.:i� ". . ' • . ..� i. .• ��Y�. .. <br />... ..,. v�S�lti��. ..�l.L. . � ..... �� . ,� _. __- _ <br />... t �� . .. _ _ <br /> •'"l�f.. �'.114�'^°SSG'bMl�[fiY[�OII�fllltr���vr�.an.l�mrvw..w.M.vrrft��"_-.-' wu�rl!r.Y.yJVI:I.J�.-f]�n)tl.1M�e..we..aA.+>�.-s.w�a.�.�w�ne...e..aL.k i.h�lM1.l61YAb � ""__'�_'"_"__-_--- .. <br /> {� <br /> c��� �,1;�`��f� <br /> S. 11�rd or Property Imurttnce. Borrower eh�ll kxp the tmprovomcats now e�sting or hereaRer erected an tho <br /> Proparty imurod�last lo�by firo. luz,ud�included wlth�n th�tnrm"oaka�ded covora�e" �nd uiy othor harudr, includin� <br /> flooda or floodia�, for which Gx►der require�Inrurance.Tla3�inwrnnce�hall be m�intalaod in tbe anwuata�ed for tha partodi • <br /> . ' t1u�t Londer requira.�e insunuce catrler providln�the in�uranco�l�all be chosa►by Bcnowar eubjeet to Leader'��ppmv�l -�. <br /> which�h�ll not ba uareuons6ly wtt}�l�eld. If Borrowor fdb to mRiatair�covenge de�crEbad above, Lendor uaay. at I.sader'e <br /> ��tIo��o'.;taiu cuvc�aYa to�;o4cc¢Leads�'p d�¢�Iu iiio P.a�,:ty iu r�ccaarlwce witl�para�:�a?. <br /> .:��.' . Nl taeurance policfea �ad x+caewd� a6�ll be acceptable to Leader wd �II include��hadud uaort�e clw�e. Loader <br /> ''"" � �" �hal!have the dght to hold the PolIctea�ad reaewtls. If Lender requlses,Borrower sh�ll pmmptly�ive to Y.endor all roceipte of <br /> :�"" � pald premlum�and renaw�l nodca.Ia tho aveat of loe�,Borrower�hall give pmnipt notice W t�e imuraace carrier aod I.ondor. ' <br /> , - L�ader may m�ke proof of lou if not mute pro�ptly by Borrnwer. , <br /> Unlew Leador wd Aorrower othonvieo a�000 in writin�,inaur�aco procoode shall bo appliod to reetoratton or repair of tho <br /> �, Prop:.rty dama�ad.if t6e restoraHon or reps�ir ie oconGmtcally feaslble apd Leudee's eecueity ie noi lea�ued.If the reitoratioa or <br /> � c�epair ie not oconomically feasible or Leader'�securlty would be leaswed,the inau�ace proceeda shaU be applled to the sume <br /> .. � secured by tlri� Security Inohument, whether or not thea due. with any excua paid to Bomower. If Borrower abmdom the °�'_ <br /> , IM�erty� or doa aot ao�wer wIth3n 30 dsy�a notIco from Lcudcr WAt the in�urance curier hno of�'ered to eetQle s claim�thsa <br /> _ � Lender mny culleat the lnsur�nce proceeale. 'Leader uuy we tho procads to rcpair or rat�re the Property or to pay sum� - <br /> ' � ��^� �ecural by thi�Securlty In�umeat,a!»thet or not thea due.11io 30-day pedod wili be�in whea the notice i��ivea. �;K- <br /> �?�: ti.� Unla�I.euder md BarrowGr otherwiw s in writin , a llcarion of roaeedi w rIaci �hall aot oztead or <br /> 8� 8 WY PP P P P� ��.;;' <br />�,'��k•.a.�.�8 � poetoono the d��e��te of the monthlY p�ynx�te refemed to in p�sr.�r�h� 1 �nd�c*r c�a��e tho�m�unt af tt�e p�yments. If ` �,.. <br /> '� � �.,, uader P�*+�Y�Ph 2t the Property ie�►cqulrad by Leador,Bormwer'x right to�ny insuranea pali�ir+aad proceedr resulting from �:-`"` <br /> damago to tho Proptrty pdor to the aequleitIon stull pa:e to I.eader ta the exteat of the m�secu�tl by tl�is Securlty Instn�stlt �;�:. <br /> , immadiakly prlor to the�cquIdtion. � <br />�'`�`: ' 6.Or�cuPanc!'.Ptr�r�atlou,MoSntea�noe and Protection o[the Pro __ <br />',.;;:... P�Yi�,rrowa's LoanAppUa�tiun;I.easel�olth. �,ni�. <br />_,+��s• ,� Bomower rhall occu atabli�L��ad ua tho Pro o�Botrower'� rjnci raidsmce wlthin eix da aRer the execuHon of ,_:� <br /> `-�`� thie Securlty lnstrumeat md shsU contlnue to occupty the Proposty Bo�r'�principal resideace foir at Iwt one yeu aRe.r `.�-` <br />-�.�• - <br />--�,�:- . We date of occupancy� unleas I.c,ader otherwi�e agreea in wridn �wbich conxat�b,aU not be unreawnabl withheld,or unless <br /> 8 Y �-- <br />�:�{t�, extsuwtin� circum�t�aca eAu which ere beyond Bon+ower'� oflnh+ol. Borrower s1W1 not datroy� dun�8e os impRir the __ <br />__:E;�;; Properiy. allow the Property W det�riorato,or wmm[t waste on the Property. Borsower�hall be in default if tay forfeiture <br /> �,,::r;,,� �c Hon or p r o c e e din�,w h e t�n e r civ i l or cr 3.n n i n n l� ie b eguu t h a t 1 m L w der'�g o o d f i i t�j��dgmea t co W d r.�u l t i n fo r fe i t u r e o f t ho <br /> _= -= rropeit�or aeeiwib�roriaiiy impair tiie iim create,a by thi�Security inatcumcat or Leadet's eecurlty intenst.Homower msy <br /> -4:'.-�'��';, cure euch R defiwlt and ntavt�te.�u pmvided ia p�n�raph 1S,by caudtn�the action or proceediag W be diimtwed with s culin� - <br /> .,-^��-m� � in Leader'4 good fiith determin�doa�Precludw forfeltuno 04'the Borrower'a intet�at In the Pteperty or otha m�terl�l <br />--.. �.,.. <br />- ____= impidraxat of the llea croaxed by th�ts 5ecurity Inetcumeat oa Leader'�ea;urity intareat. Borrowor rhaU alw be in default iP <br /> - - �orrower.durin,�tLe loan ap,plIcation praca�,gavo matedally fdee or iaaccur�ro infar�taon or�tatemcab to I�eridar(Qr finIIlod -- <br /> ---- , ta provide�eader with:ny auteri�l inform�tion)tn comectian with the losa a�33aar,xd by the Note,includia�,but not limited ���-- <br /> — to,ropraenbutions conceroln�Bormwer'e occupsncy of the Property as a principal reaIdeace.If Ihis SecurIty Instrumeat is oa R - <br /> leaaehold, Baarawer�hall comply with all the pc+ovl�loai af the laue. If Borrower�cquin�a fee Ntle to We Fmpeity� the <br /> _ - , le�unlwld and tho foe title�hall not merie uoleN I.aader��ce�a to the merger in writing. - <br /> "- 7.Pk�otatian ol I.eatler's Ri�6b le tLt Pkepa ty.If Bort�wet fiule to perform ihe cova�nts�nd agceemeav contained in a�•.. <br /> , thi�Securtty Iartrumrat�or tLero i�a le�al Qroc�eedin�tlut may eirvificaatly affxt Leader'�d�ht�in tl�e Propert�r(ach a a =. <br /> _ , pineeedin�ia b�okiuptcy,pmbate,for co�ndemo�don or forfeiture or to eaforee laws or c�e�ulations),thcn Lender m�y do�ad <br /> ;����!.a pay for whatever ie necea�aiy to pmtoct¢t�o valua of the Property and Leader'�righb tn the Proparty. Leader'� actiaa�may <br /> include PsYina �ny wtn��ecurod by � liar wLich hu prlority over thi� Securlty Inttiumeat, �PP�n� ��. WY�� <br /> -- , reuonsble attomuy�•fea aad mterin�on tho Y�operly to�ke rep�ir4.Although Leader�y t�1ce action undEr Wi�pern�raph _- - <br /> 7.l�r doa nat hive to do a. ��?=_� <br /> � �,.�: <br /> _ My anrauats di:buraed by d�ader under this part�raph 7 �hall become additieoal de6t of Borrawer �ecwred by thie <br /> - - --- . Socurity Inr�rsrmeat.Unlees Borrower�nd I.ender agree to other tasrn�of paymeat. Wae �unta �hall bear interert from t'he � <br /> = ' date oP diawr�ea�eut at Ihe Note r�te md�6a11 be payable, with iatomt, upoa aotice fmm IRader to Borro�ver reque�n� <br /> . paymeat. <br /> �.M�a�e Jnsuran��e.If Ldnder roquired mortY�go imurance ae a conditian of�king the lan secured by thi�SecurIt3' l:�' <br /> � Inehwment, Borrower shifl psy the pnmiume required w mdntain the mortgage insur�ace in oPfect. If� for aqy truofl, tho <br /> --� umrt�go inellr+usce covunge required by i.�a�ler lapua or ca�es to be tn effect,Borroaer�h�ll pay the p:+emium�requirod to _ <br /> ---:_�-� obtain covensgo suhw,utiilly equivdeat to the mortgage fnsureaca pmvIuvaly in offoct,�t a coAt ab�tantially equivdent to the �,_ <br /> . .�=�� eoet W$omower of the mort�o iaeurnace prevIou�ly in effect, from�n altemnte mnrtg�o in�unr appmved by Isack,r. If -- <br /> .°���� �ub�t�ntiall -- <br /> ---;�;T;,ytl Y equivalcnt rmrtgtge iaturnco coven�e i�not aailable,Bonower ehull p�y to I.�aadcr o�ch awnth a wm equd W -- - <br /> �^{; ono-twelRh of the ycuiy mortgaga insunnce premtum being pdd by Borrower when the tn�urance covenYrr tap�od or ce��al w - <br /> -_,t;�:;"'' be in oftec�Lcadaa will�ccept,use md retafn the�e paymente�v a lose rcaerve in lIeu af mortgage inruraace. Low naarvo -- <br /> _ �., -_-- <br /> ;=r`;�i' � 114- 13 04 Fartn 502� y/s�Ojn �-- <br /> t -� �:. Q1tlNE1 a:ta�.o� L'r0�4 a,a.�ere �ruur._��� �- <br /> �� ; ,�._ <br />..v�'t i°'�7�_� 1 �`S J �Y:i: <br /> �t.�i�� 'r' �i <br /> . <br /> -„�, •S:�t.., _ ,. - - - - - - - -�-- -- --+s+�,�+-�--- �c� <br /> - `- - _ - -� - -- ---- ' - <br /> . - _- - .r <br /> � <br /> --�- .F, ..T. <br /> :.z�'�., __ . - _ . . ��,.�„_n..� -- - -- .- <br /> - ' � .� � ;� . ;,.. _ ... <br />, ,. , <br /> � . .- � ° „ �� . . �, . �., :-- <br /> " �. .. • . -- , .� _ �.����A'i\l .. . <br /> - '. . .. _ .� ... • ..S'�.��Tj!!"'yr�t�� .. . � . <br /> T <br /> .. ' � " `�r: . ' . <br /> . p . . . , . - �. <br />- �-��.... , .., . `„ri 1k � , <br /> t <br />.. � � , � � , . . .. � �. ..�,: . <br />. . , . :� � :y,� . .. <br /> ' _ .' . �, . . � � - t �� �---....-. _.. _ _ _. <br />