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, .... ,.. ..,; <br /> �,<.,, ,, <br /> ;,, : <br /> . ��' . . .. , <br /> , _±r,r.� � � . � <br /> .�r.z.•.. `• '` .:,:':.'.,4' ;, .. ,t;,,. <br /> . . ...... . ..__ .. .. -- - •- . . . ._ .. . _ . . �... . .... . . .Lw:.:�,.a::.i.� . � <br /> . . "�1+��!4�"�'_ , .. . ';'Y�yN"e�,•ri�.�:i. •. - <br /> •'•��:�A!it'P'�'us�. , ., . �•i ��:..,.. .. <br /> :y, ��. �. ... <br /> , , . , , . . . . . ; , �, _ �, . . �:i:;.!a�ra.�:�,,,;� <br />-• , , . � �, . .. . ,- <br /> . . _ . . <br /> �� ������ . <br /> TO(ib"ill[�t WI'iH all tho impmvemento now or herafter ereeted on the property�+tnd i��wet�nU, <br /> . .� fixtura now or hereafter a put of the property. A11 nplacomuiu and �dditiony �h�ll also l�a r.ovee� by thie Sxn�sY <br /> Inetrumeat.All of the fore�oin�ia rofemed to in thi�Sece►*ity Iwhv�uent�o tho"Pr°P�K3',� <br /> ;;:,r�+±� BO1tROWER COVSNANT'S that Barcowor ie la�vfully eeleod of tha eaute 6oreby conveyal�nd hu tt►o d�ht to prant and <br /> .,, �s-.-.��' convey tho Propedy �ad th�t the Prnperty ie uaencuuaberal. oxcept for encu�brtnctia of record. Borrower wamnU usd wW . <br /> dofead gr.nenUy the title w the Properry�g�inn dl claims aad demuidi. �ubjxt W aay enaumbrutces of record. <br /> THIS SSCURITY IN5IRUMBNT combjnes unlform eovearnU for eu�doa�l uee�nd non-uaifcvrm covenmu wEth limited . <br /> . � vuiations by juriediedon to consNtute a unifotw securlty instrumeat covedn�real proper.y. ��.�,:r.:- <br /> r UNIFORM COVHNANT3.Sortower�nd I.ander coveaant stnd agree�s followe: .t "" -� <br /> when due the .`'�"-=':=-"-. <br /> 1. p�►yment of PrincipW wnd Tnteresti Pnpa3'�ent and Late Char�es. Bormwer sh�ll pmmptiY WY :;:;,_-- <br /> . �� prIncipil of�nd intenet on the debt evld�acal by the Noto md�ny prcpxyment aad lata ehnrges due under the Nou. ,,,_ <br /> � ' � :' 2.F� [or Tuces And Ins�u'anoe.Subjxt to Rpplicsble l�w or to n wrlttea wdvor by I.ender, Barrower shdl pay w ' ±�� � <br /> ' ,�_�_ <br /> , .�_. eul taxes <br /> � L�ader oa the c�y monthly p�ymonU�ro due under the Note,until the Note ie paid in t�ll,a sum('Funde")for. (a)y y �;�'--�-__ <br /> '?r' and a��6�whiah msy attaia priority over thie Socurity Tnstnunent ae R Aea on tha Property:N)Y�ly Iw�ehold paymeats ._.�,�- <br /> ,: ��. or groune€nats oa tho Property�if anyc(a)Y�ly Ln�rd ot�rogesty Iaauniaoe pmmitm��i�d)Yurly flood ineurance�retniurua. <<'�;,.:-_�.�_ <br /> . �p�eti:_- <br /> �,� . if�ny; (o)Yc�ly mort$age inm�rar�c,o prem3umS� if aay: �nd(� aay suime pay�ble by Borrower to Lu►der. in accondaaco wIth =.- <br />, , ;;,�':, � the pravleioas af par+iBraPh 8, in lieu of the payment of mort�ge inaurence promiums.'Ibese item9 an cr+lled"Escmw Iteme.' "'':;�:.�,u.;.... <br /> I,euder msy,wt mY time� collect and hold Funds in m amount not to oxceed the maaimum amo�wt;lcuder for a fedarally F � <br /> w <br /> ��. �,- nlntod mqrtg;ge laan muy require for Bornower'e eacrow account under the federal Real Bstato Setklement Frocedurea Act of .— <br />- 1974�s ama►cYed from time co time. 12 U.S.C.Soctioa 2601 u siq. ("RFSPA"),uslese�aother law ttut applie�to the Fuade �5�,"�— <br />- eeu s lesser Rmount.If eo�I.e�der m�y,at aay time, collxt�ad leold Funde in an amount not to exceed th��of�t. <br /> Leader may estlmnte t}►e amount of Funds duo on tho baeis of cnrroat dxta ucd reasonnblo e�timites of expea ' �° <br /> _ �,.;�:=�- <br /> `� Fscrow Itemi or otheiwie�e in accorcLnce aith RppHcable law. ��'"�'":�' <br /> ���� ;. .. 'Iho Fuade eh�ll be beld in an inedtudon whoee dapoaite Rro insiued by • federal agcncy. inet�umastalitY� or endty _ <br />�;,_: .. �1� L+��U.r;�f�r,nder ie euch m in�Htution)or ia�ay Fodo»I Home Loan Haalc.I.cnder ehell apply the Funds W psy the �A <br />- BeGrow Itemr. Lender may nas charge Borrower for holding ead applying the Fonds.annwAy an�yzia8�e ac�°"""""�"t'ar _=::-- <br />�a{„�;;�st'.. � verifying tho F�crow Iteme,uulosd L�wder psye Borrowor iaterest on the Funda vnd applicablo law parwits Lender w mdce euch r�=-� _ <br /> � ,�„«:,_ <br />�,�.;':��`; r � - <br /> .-,�;•k,.. � � . a c6arge. However. Leadermny requfre Borrowar w pry m m�o-timo chuge for m independant ru�l estate wc r�lx�r�ing�C0 ``�`,�=-_ <br /> .;;_.�r.�...y; m0[l� IO 1M�0 OT <br /> -=�',K�r��?t t �� � ueod b La►der in connxHon with thiA lonn, unlesa aPplic+�blo law providos otharwiae. Unlese an �Brx i <br /> ���� � y Borrower�ay intetest or ea�aing�on tho Fwida. <br />'�'�,�,`J 1,. aPPUcable hw coquirea intec�eat w be paid,Lender shall not be roquirod to Pry <br /> ,R,;;;,�;!,�•tr._ Bottowor�ed Y.eader msy tgree in writiag� however�that intereat eLall be pud on the Funde. Lrador ehall atve w Borrower, _ <br />_.,,..:�,�;,�,u for which ach ---- <br /> `.., t�. ,,... , withaut cWrgo,m �nnual accouating of the Fuada. ahowin�credtta�ad debiv W the Fundi an�d the putpo�e _ __.__.._� <br /> -�..�;,�--�-" debit to the Fund�wu mado.Zbe FS�nds�re pledged�s additIonnl eecurity for aU�ume secured by thie Socuriry Inrtretmeat• _ _- <br /> . w7+�R_ -�. <br /> �w?'=;-.�: � • If the F�htid by I.cader exceed the amounU pccrmiuod ta be hald by applieable l�w�I�eader dull�eeount to BorroWO�' <br /> s�_;;.; <br />�:._,d.., . +':'` for the oxcas FuncL in a�ord�nee wIth tho raquimm�ate of�ppllcable law.If the amouat of the Fhu�ds held by Len er at dy ! <br /> _ • - °�---� Nayo i�not wi'!'icleat W pay the Esamw Item�whw due,Lender msy eo notitj+Borrower in writing. and�in eueh case Bmrrowar <br /> i.��T:�:f'`��' ehnll pay w I�rnder the amount neceaaiuy to m�ke up the aieficie�tay. Borrowar ahall mdce up the deficienoy in no mo�th�u► <br /> ..'��<, ' . . ___ <br /> ---:�u�;r�•,-stie} twelve monthly paYmeuta.Rt I.en�er'e eole diecretlon. <br /> --.w....,,:� <br /> ����..R.�,t Upon payment ia full of�11 euws eecured by thie Security Inatiumeat, Leador shall promptly mft�ad to rrower any <br /> ._��_�'� Funda 6eldby Leadar.If�under pangraph 21�Leader elWl acquire or eell the Proparty�I�eader,nrior w the acclui�iti°n or e�lo -- <br /> �;.�s;;;;;��;� oS the Proport�r,ehill aPp1Y wY Fundi held by Lender at the Hme of acquieidon or a�le a�R c�it agdnrt the some�ecured by <br /> - _ =".;� tbie Security In�wmeat. <br /> .,-���11, 3.App(�ic�lbn of p,�pnp�is.Unlar applicable law providea othenviso,all pRy�ananq received by Leader unda ptraW�P� <br /> _;.-:r'�'_'� <br /> �- - -- 1 and Z shdl be aaJ'PnWYment chargee due under the Note;eecund� W amouats pay�ble under patagnph 2: <br /> _�� third,to inkrsit due;fourth,W prtncipal due;md laet�Lo my lAte chug�e duo uader 4he Noto. <br /> __�.v.,�„ 4. Chtr�ea�X�.Borrower�hall pay all tuci��esasrmwte,c3hnrger, fiaes�ad impoution� �ttrlbutable to the Property _ <br /> which msy atnin pdority ovcr tlu�3ecurity Insiiumeat,aad leaeehold paymeaU+or ground reute, if�ay.Bonrowar�hall pty _ <br /> �,� � Weso obli�tion�in th3 m�aaer pmvidod in paragraph 2.or if not p�id in tlut nnnner,Bomower ehall pay thc�a on ttmo dtrxtly =_ <br /> „� ., . . r,�. � to the pereoa awed paymait. Bor�wor ehill promptly furnieh to Leader all uoHc�e of amounte W be p�nd uader Wia para�rnph• <br /> :., : --.:'t'9:�'?i 1f Bomower mkes thao paymeats directly,Borrower ehill pro�ptly fumish to Lwder receipte dvidaacing the p�yments. _.°� <br /> - � , :•. •:4 B orcow�r�h a l l p r o m ptl y dIscl�u ga nsa g IIea�vhich h�s prloriry over thi�Security Inetium�n�a�uiless Bormwer:(a)agre�a ia <br /> '. .�;�. ';�, .�. _ <br /> ::�: "• , writing to the p�ymeut of the obligitioa secured by the l�ea in a manner r�cceptable W I.ender;(b)eontoets in goacl faith the liea _-___ <br /> '�;;�:•�`; � by, or def�ada againet eafoxcemeat of the lien in, lsgal procoodinge which in ci�:]iander's opInion operata to provent tho -t�;7;:;,�-� <br /> '';A`�' �� ' " cnfoscemeat of the Ii�;or Qc)sxures from Wo hol�r cl'Che liea en egt�emmeat�::�netory to Lcader eubordin�Nng the l�ea to .�,s,.,c-.__.. <br /> ;, .: � ie eub'ect w a tiea ahich ma r�ttiin prloriry over :�`_�=_ <br /> . .�, tbi�Socutity tastrumcat.If Leader determiaa tlnt as,v+�art of tha Pc�Ferty' 1 Y �±s��-.�: <br /> .l., �-._ <br />