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<br /> th�Prop��ty I�w tak�n or damtp�d,l.NtdM�hdl Mv�th�Opqon,In Ib rot��nd�b�olub dlrcrWon,to�pply vl woh P►oc�ed�.
<br /> aMr d�duatinp th�nlrom�II oo�ts�nd�xpM�Inournd by It In conn�otlon wllh wah ProcMd�,upon any ind�badna�Neund
<br /> - Mnby and In�uch ord�r��Lmd�r m�y dK�rmin�,or to�pply all suoh ProcNd�,dt�►�uah d«luctlons,b th�►ator�Gon of Ih�
<br /> - Prop�rty upon weh conditlom n Land4r rt�y dot�rmin�.Aoy applloatlon of P�x�od�to Ind�badn��hall not�xl�nd a palpo� -
<br /> • th�dw dat�of�ny p�ym�nq und�r th�Not�,o►aur���r d�1w11 th�nund�r or h�nund�r.A�y un�ppll�d lund��h�ll b�pald eo
<br /> ��.', Trwtor.
<br /> E ent ot Ddwlt h�rwndw,ar II any�ct l�tak�n or 1�1 proc«dlnp _
<br /> �+�� =�� 8.P�domune�by Lend�r.Upon the occurrence of en v
<br /> �s-
<br /> - �_ -- -
<br /> aommMC�d whloh m�t�►I�IIy Nf�ats f.�nd�r's Inter„t In th�Prop�rty,I.�nd�r n�y In Ib own Ol�cr�tlon,but without obllp�tlon ta do
<br /> so,and wlthout nodc�to a d�m�nd upon Tru�tor�nd without ral�a�inp Tru�tor from any obllpatbn,da any act which T►u�tor ha
<br /> _ �prNd but f�il�to do�rtd mey al�o do any oth�r act it de�ms neceuary to probat th�acurity hsraol.Tru�tor�h�il,Imm�dl�Wy
<br /> --- - upon dsrrwnd therefor by LendYr.p�y to Lend�r all coaa md expenses Inourrad and sum�a�ps nded by L�nd�r In conn�aUon wifh
<br /> -----°='��?�� th0 ex�rciN by Lender of the forspoMp rlphts,topether wlth Inroreat thsreon at the dN�ult raq provid�d In th�Not�,which�hdl b�
<br /> ` --- addsd to th� Ind�bt�dnats aaur�d hor�by. LendW thdl not Inaur any Iiebllity b�oww of anythlnp it nwy do a omlt b do
<br /> - ---- h�r�under.
<br /> g,HlwMoa�M�.Trustor ohall keep lhe Property In comptlance wlth all eppl�abls hws,ordinance�and repulaUons
<br /> ___.�,-�� rdladnp to indu�frlal hyql�ns ar enviro�m�nhl probcdon (collaclivsly reterred to hereln as"Envlronment�l Law�").Tru�tor�hul
<br /> -- keep the Property irae trom all wb�tencesdeemod lo be hezerdous or toxl�und�r any Envlronm�nt�l Law�(coll�aUvely rot�rr�d to
<br /> hsreln as"Hez�rdou�Metoriele").Truetor hereby werrante and represents to Lender thet�there are no Hazardoua Materlal�on or
<br /> - .,.,r,.,.�_�, under the Properry.Trustor hereby a�rees to indem�ly a�d hold harmless Lender,Ib directon,oMcen,emptoyee��nd apena,and -
<br /> -------�����`�'r�'i=�� eny suoce�soro W Lender's Intereof,trom and eqaimt eny end all claimt,damapei,loasee and I IebiHtle�arlelnp In connecdon wlfh
<br /> - mm �=;�:� the prosence,uee, dlepoenl or trenepo►t of any Hwzerdou� Meteriels on,under,lrom or about lhe Property.THE FORE(iOINO
<br /> ;;:� -`�����'r'-� �t TNx 8URVIVH HECONVEYANCE OF THI8 GEED OF TRU8T.
<br /> ==��'�!!�"`�" �• 10. AwipnmN�!of R�nb.Trwto�hereby a4sipns to Lender Ihe rente,fsaues and prolite of the PropeAy;provlded thet Trustor
<br /> .. �N,». . ; .;,,.,�:>,•
<br /> ,.t=_�qt..^��. ;��•�l�•:* shall,unNl the ocourronce of en Event of Daleult hereunder,have the ripht to collect and�etein such rents.luues and proflts as they
<br /> - - "`�`°"'-� b�wuu�d Jun and payable.Upon the cccurrenco ot an Evant ot Detsult,Lender may,elther In pe►8on er by pgpnt,wlth or wHhout
<br />_—__-:�-�n�s ti.::�.�';tiu.�r.:7„< < _
<br /> -� 7;.���•-�.;:.:.:,.�.. t brinpinp any ecdon or proceadinp,or by e recelver appolnted by a court end wlthout repard to 1he edequeay of Ita aecurity,entar
<br /> ---." •'�'"•-"`.'', ;;: ` upon and teke potse�alon of tAe Property,or eny paA thereot,In ib own name or in the oeme of the Trwtae,and do any acts whlah It
<br /> -���"' ` `' daeme neceseary or deslrable ro preserve the value,merketeblUry or renfsbllity of the Property,or any pert thereof or interast thereln,
<br /> - ��;a+:•,t.ii.�.•..�., .
<br /> - �- �+ • increeae the income thereirom or protect tha securlty horeof end,with or without tekino possesalon of Ihe Property,sue lor or
<br /> : � �+ww+�n�.��,�'�'. , : otherwlae collect the rente,iaeuei a�d proNta thereof,includinp those past due and unpaid,and apply the seme,lesa co9ts and
<br /> ��{,',�Y, :::,.,;rt�, ,:. expenses of operation and coqecNon Includ�ng ettorneys'fees,upon any Indebtednesa seaured hereby,all In such order as Lender
<br /> --— J.,, •• m�y determine.The enterinp upon end wwng pos�ession oi the Prope►ty,the collection of euch rena,iesues end profite and the
<br /> --� „�;,�;;,;,�;k,,,,.,x:�•�•+��� applicatlon thereof as aiwesald,ehall not cure or walve any delaull or notice of default hereunder or invelidete eny act done in
<br /> ��:�• ,• re�ponseto such defeult or purouent to such notice ot delault and,notwithetendinp the continuance In poeaeeelon of the Praperty or
<br /> .�°;�:.i,'s�w�wa�!•.�.
<br /> -- �;,,�:�..: ,.--- -�-- iha eoiiecSu�f,recei�t and applicarian a!can�,!::ues or protlls,end Truete�!end Lender shall be enUtled W exerclie every ripht _
<br /> �:_� � � .. provlded for in any o1 the Loan Inatrumente or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Delault,inoluding wlthout Ilmitatlon the rlyht
<br /> � to exerclae the power of sale.Further,Lendar'a riyhta end�emedies under this parapraph shell be cumuletive with,and In no way e ����`
<br /> ��:�; � IlmlteUon o�,Lender'a rlphta and remedlea under any asapnment of leases and►enta recordad ayainattho Properly.Lender,Truoteo "'
<br /> - �.; ,• . .
<br /> and the►ecelver ehall be Ileble to eccount only for those�ents actually recelved.
<br /> -- � !�i 11. Ewnb M Wfaull.The following ehall conWitute en Event ot Default under thla Deed of Trwt
<br /> �� ����. (a) Fellure to pay any Inetallment of principal or intereat of any other sum aecured hereby when due;
<br /> :+�'�'�-. �:-• •`, . (b) A breach of or defau�t under any proviabn contained In the Note,lhls Deed of Truet,eny ot the Loan Instrumenta,or ony
<br />—� � ° othor Ilon or encumbrence upon the Properly;
<br /> . (o) A wrlt ot executlon or attechment or any almNer process shall be entered apelnat Truatorwh�ich�hall beaume e Ilen on
<br /> - . �s• fha Properry or any portlon thereof or Interest thereln;
<br /> ��' (d) There shell be flled by or agefnat Truetor or Borrower an actlon under any preaent or luture lederal,atate or other
<br /> � � � '` � etelute,lew or repulation relaUng to bankruptcy,insolvency o�other reliet lor debtoro;ar there ehell be appointed eny trustee,
<br /> ; `.%s � recelver or Ilquidator of Truator or Borrower or of all or any pen of the Properly,or the rent4,lesue4 or proflto thereof,or Truttor
<br /> :�, •� � or Borrower ahell meke any qenerel assl�nment lor the benafit of creditors;
<br />!:;t- � +�wp.-�- • •� (e) The sale,trana(er,lease,aselynment,co�veyance or further encumbrence oi all or any pa►10l or any intereet In the �.;_
<br />, �,.� °�.�•�: • ° Property,elther voluntarlty a involuntarily, wlthout the expreas wrinen consent of Lender; provided thet Truator ehell be �4��.
<br />.�'F,� '� :;:, -�, permltted to oxecute a lea4e of the Propery ihat doee not conteln en optlon to purcheceand the rorm of which doas not axcwd
<br /> �:.� .. . � one year, -'''_
<br /> .':�:'°e"; • (q AbendonmeM of the Pro or
<br />,m.;,:�.�. ��� �s�`
<br />� ,. - • (p) If Trustor Is not en IndWldual,the isauance,sale,treneter,essipnment,conveyence orencumbrance of moro then a tofal
<br /> �` � ° of percent of(II a corporotlon)Its iasued and outatanding stock or(fl a partnershlp)e totel of parcent of
<br /> - 3:.�„ `•
<br /> �'�.;. -�����•.. „ partnerahip Intereata during the period thia Deed ol Trust remelna a tlen on the Propery.
<br /> �, ��r_.,. „ 12. R�m�dln;AccN�ratlon Upon D�uull.In the event of any Event ol Delault Lender mey,wNhout nopce ezcept as requlred by �.__.
<br /> �C''.,�'. .
<br /> x;': � , � b" ' lew,declere all Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the same ahall thereupon become due and payable
<br />':r� • �d?�li►� wlthout eny preaentment,demand,protest or notice al any kfnd.Therea(ler Lender may:
<br /> �' �-;: ' (a) Demand thet T�uatee exercise the POWER OF SALE granled hereln, and Trustee shell thereatter cause Trustor'a _
<br /> •� , „ interest In the Property to be eold end the proceeds to be dlatributed,ell In the manner provided in 1he Nebreaka Truet Deeds
<br /> .;, r I ACk(b) Exerciae any and all rfflhts provided lor In any of the Loan Mstruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of -
<br />- • �� Defaulx and
<br /> (c) Commence an ection to forec�ose thla Deed of Trust as a mortflaye,appolnt a receivw.or specllicelly enforce any of the
<br /> .o . COVenents hereof.
<br /> No remedy hereln conterred upon or reaerved to Truatee or Lender is Intended to be excluslve of any other remedy hereln,in the -
<br /> , � • Loan Inetruments or by lew provlded or permltted,but each shell be cumulative,�hall be In adAltlon to every other remedy gfven
<br /> , •� hereunder,ln the Luen Instrumenta or�ow or herealter ezisting at law or in equlty or by statute,end may be exerclsed concurrentiv, ,..:,
<br /> + Independently or succeaslvely. _�
<br /> 13. Tru�1N.The Truatee may resign at any tlme wfthout cause,and Lender may ai any iime and without cause appofnt a �
<br /> . L � auccesaor or aubstllute Trustee.Trustee ahell not be 1 iebie to any perty.Including wfthout Ilrnitallon Lender.Borrower.Trustor or any �
<br /> purchaser of the Property,for any losa or damaga unless due to reckleas or wlllful mfsconduct,and ahall not be requfred to take eny �
<br /> �+-� ���-_.�.�����--•= ar.tlnn tn connection wHh the enforcement of thla Oeed of Trust unlees MdemnHfed,In writing, lor all coste,compensatlon or �
<br /> ' • � expensea whlch may be assaclated therewith.In addlllon,Trustee may bacome a purcnaser a[eny eaie a me rroparry pudiciai or i=-"
<br /> ° • �� under the power o1 sala granted herein►;poslpone the sale ol all or any portlon of the Property.ae provfded by law;or sell the j
<br /> � � � � Properiy es a whole,or fn separate parcels or lots at Truslee's dfscretion. �
<br /> � 14. FNt�nd Expem��.In the event Truatee sellg the Property by exerclse ol power of sale,Truatee ahall be entltled to apply
<br /> •� �� any sele proceeds Ilrat to payment of all costs and expenaes of exercls�ng power ol sale,fncluding all Truatee's fees,and Lender's
<br /> � and Truatee'9 aRorney'a lee�,ectu911y incurred to extent permitled by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor ezerclses any
<br /> • �, �� � rlpht provlded by law to cure an Event of De(ault,Lender shall be entltled to recover Irom Trustor ail coats and expenses actually
<br /> ' . Incurred as a reeult of 7ruator'�detault Including wrthout Ilmltetion ell Trustoe's and attorney's 1eea, to the extent permltted by •
<br /> �� eppllcade law.
<br /> � tb. Futun Advanc„. Upon requeat of Borrower,Lender may,at Ita option, make addlllonal and luture advancea and re-
<br /> ,��+ti' edvancee to Borrower.Such edvances end readvancea,wlth mtereat thereon,shall be secured by thla Deed of Trust.At no tlme ahall
<br /> ' ,.� ��.�: the princlpel amaunt of the Indebtedneas secured by th�s Deed of Trust,not Includin sumsadvanced tc protect the securlty of thls ,
<br />: . �r�; ���: �„ Deed of Truot,oxcaed Me orpfnel princfpal amount etaled herein,or$ wh�chever fs grealer. ;
<br /> „ �- . ... .. . `
<br /> ' ,�' '"` . . . • r , ��'� • ,
<br /> �. .,
<br /> i
<br /> � " �.�2
<br />