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<br /> 19. MMoN�nw�u ProrWe�.
<br /> (a) lbROww Noi RN��d.�xanNqn of th�dm�tor p�ym�nt ar modflloaUon oi�mortlutlon of tl�tumt s�our�d byr thl�
<br /> ONd o1 Trust pranad by l�nd�r w�ny wac�uor In Int�nst ol8orroww�hall�ot op�na to ntMw,in�ny m�nnK.th�IIwbIINy
<br /> -,;'" ol fh�orlpinal Bonow�r�nd 8orrow�r'�suaee�wn In Inund.I.�nd�r�hill not b�rpulrW b cammsnaa proawdlnps q�kut
<br /> .
<br /> -� --- - ---- - wch wcoo�or or rofuw b wctand Urtw tor payment or otherwlse modity amortlzaUon of the suma secured by thls DseQ of TruM
<br /> by rM�on of any dwn�nda mad�by the orlpinN 8orrowu�nd 8onow�r'��ucc��In InuraL
<br /> �`;: lb) LrneMr'�Pow�n.Wlthout aH�ctlnp th�Ilebllity of�ny olh�r p�non Il�bls for tl��paynwnt of�ny obllp�tlon horNn
<br /> .R m�ntlon�d,�nd wlthout�H�cdnp th�Ilen or ohaps of thl�Deed of Trutt upon e�y poNlon of th�Propurry not 1Mn or th�atofor�
<br /> - rNai�sd a a�aurlty tor ths full�mount ot�Il unpNd obllptlion�,Unde may,lrom Ume to dm�and wilhout no�cr m rNMN�ny
<br /> p�non fo Ilabl�,(8)�xtond th�m�turNy or�Ibr pny of tho term�of�ny�uch ablipadona,(NI)qnnt oth�r Indulp�ncM.(I�)rsl�
<br /> — or reconv�y,or aaues to be roIMNd or raconveyai at eny dm��t Lendar'�opdon any p�raal,ponion or oll of th�Prop�rfy,
<br /> ____-_ --- - -- (v)feke a relNSS�ny oth�r or�ddfdonal securiry for any obllpaGon h�nin m�nGon�d, or(vl)mak�composltlons a oth�r
<br /> _=---— amnp�nri wNh d�btora In rel�don thareto.
<br /> - -- (a) Fotb�nnca by L�ndK Not�W�IrK.Any lorbearence by tender in exercldnp any rlpht or remody hereundor,a
<br /> othenvl�e alfad�d by eppllable lew,shell not 6�e watver of or proclude ths exeral�s al any such rlpht or remedy. The
<br /> �"�'""`�"- - - procurem�nt of insurance cr the peyment of texes ar other Nens or ahorpes by Lsnder�h�ll not ba a waiver o1 Lander's rlpht M
<br /> - oacNsniti the maturity of the Ind�btedneu eeaured by this Deod ol Trust
<br /> ._ ��..� _— (d) BaccMSOa and Asdpn�Bound;Jolnt and Sw�ral WbWqr;C�ptlom.The coven�nta and apreemend herein aon•
<br /> -- t�lned shlll 61nd,end the riphts hereunder ahell Inuro to,the roepeativs succeseors end e�sipna of Lender and Truetur.All
<br /> �--_—_---- covananit and�pra�manta of TrwWr thall be JoMt and wveral.The oapUons and headings of the parapraph�01 thl�Dwd of
<br /> 5:�n.
<br /> °�— Trud ue lor convenlano�only and ar�not to be u�ed to interpret or detine the provldons hAreot.
<br /> , (e) NpwH lor Nollo��.Th�partka hereby requeat thet a copy of any noUCe of defeult h�raunder and�copy of eny nodce
<br />_ ��� of�al�hKeundrr bs m�lled to e�ch parly to thla Deed of Truat at ths addreu wt forth above In tha mannor presoribed by
<br /> , I����-r+= • epplicabte iaw.Except for any other notice requlred under appticabte law ta be given tn another mannor,any notico provldcd -
<br /> for in thit Deed of Tru�t�hall be�Iven by mpllinp euch naQce by cerUfled meU addressad to the othar pertlea,et tt�add�esf�N
<br /> � ,_�-� ��� �: forth ebove.M y notice provided for In this Deed ol T►u�t ahall be efteative u pon meilin p in the menner dealpnWed hWeln.H
<br /> • `� "" Truitor i�more than ons peraon,noGce sent to the address eet forth�bove shall ba nodce to all auah peroons.
<br /> � . (f) Idp�otlon.Lender mey meke or cauae to be made reaeonable entries upon end Inspecdona of the Property,provid�d
<br /> ' � that Lenda�hsll�Ive Trustor nodae pr�or to ony ivah Insp�ouon ap�ciylnp r�tonablo coua�therotor►et�tod to tand�r'�
<br /> �' � � '' "" "� inarest In the Prope►ty.
<br /> '. ',�"�,�-:u'-,
<br /> (y) R�aom�r�•Upon peyment of all euma�ecured by thi�Deed oi Trusf,Lender ahell�equest Truatee to reconvey the
<br />-, � � Properly and�hell wrrender thie Deed of Trwt end all notea evidencinp indebtedness oeaured by Ihis Deed of T�ust to Truste�.
<br /> .°�-;;�„ Trustes�hsll raconvay th�Property without warranry end without ahsrye to the penon a peraons lepelly entltled thsr�to.
<br /> - �•.�,r.�„r.=„r_��b,:� 'irustor�haii pay aii coab oi rocordotion.if arry.
<br /> :��;'::'•; • , (h) P�►son�l Prop�rry;S�curigr Ap�wm�nt. As additionel eecurity tor the payment o(the Note,Truator hereby prante
<br /> � Lender under tha Nebreoka Uniform Commerclal Code a aecurity Interest In ell 1lxturea,equipment,and other personal proporty
<br /> � .�F•��<:A.::. . ueed In conneotion wlth the real eatate or Improvementa loceted thereon,and not otherwise declered or dsemed to be a paR of
<br /> ':s�; , „ • • the raal atata secured hereby.This Inatrument sholl be conetrued as a 3eourfly Apreement under eald Code,and 1Me Lender
<br /> �,� ehell have ell the riphts and remedles ol a eecured perty under aeld Code in edditlon to the riphte and�emedles creatad u nder
<br /> �� ^„ti: and accaded the Lander punuant to this Deed ot Trust;provided that Lender's rlyhts end�emedlee under thl4 pare�raph ahell
<br /> �"„,�,,,;. � , be cumuroNve wlth,end In no way a Iimltatlon on.Lender's�Iphte and remedies under any othar eecurily epreom�nt eipned by
<br /> �„�,�•�;�,,�,. Borrower o�Trustor.
<br /> `;� ° ��,.,.,, :•, (q LMns md�eumbr�ncq.Truator hereby warrents and represents that there is no dafeult under fhe provlsiona oi eny
<br /> ,�,. „„ , �. , mortyaqe,deed of trust leaae or purchese contract describing all or any pert of the Properry,or other contrect,inahument ar
<br /> � � . ��., ayreament constitulinp a lien or encumbrance agelnst all or any pert ol the Propery(colleclively,"Llene"),existlnp aa o1 the _
<br /> �.' . .•'q"� ��"":�''�!Ay''., dete of thls Dead of Truat, end thet any and ell exleting Uena remaln unmodllled except aediaclosed to Lender M Truator'e _
<br /> • ���-�' �•�� �r��•=r written dbclo�ure of Ilens and encumbrancea provided for horeln.Trustor ehell timely pwlo►m ell of Trustor'�obNpotiono, _
<br /> � ;,,�Y���..�._.�....�.
<br /> ��.,,-
<br /> ...�. : covenpnq,►epresentetlons and werranGea under eny and all exislting and futu�e Uens,shall promptly forward W Lender copla� �
<br /> Y ' ' ' b� � of all noticea o}default�ent in connection with any end all exlstinq or future Liene,end ahall not without Lender's p►ior wrltt�n
<br /> ��< .• ,�!'�,''�",•._,. �..� consent In any manner modity the provlslons of or allow any future edvancea under eny e�tinp or future Uena.
<br /> • ':+�; :'� , U) Appllallon ol P�ym�nb.Unless othe►wlee requlred by lew,Buma peid to Lender hereunder,Including without Amltedon
<br /> : � paymente of principel and Interest,insurence proceede,condemnatlon proceeds and renp and prolifs,shell be applled by
<br /> � • Londer tothe amounte due and owiny Irorn Truator end Borrower In such order es Lendar in ite sole discretlon deems dealreble.
<br />� • - (k) 8w�nblNtp.If eny provislon ol thla Deed of Truet conllicta with applicable lew or Is declYred Irnalld or otherwl�e =
<br /> � unenforceable,such conflict or invelldly ehall not ettect the other provisona ot thls Deed d Trust or the Note whiah can be =
<br />- �" �° �' ylven efteot without the conflicpnp provl�ion,and to thi4 end the provfMona o}thls Doed o1 Truit and the Note aro doclarod to b� _
<br /> -4 ,�`,,.,. . .`. • severeble,
<br /> :, . -�- , �.
<br /> ' � ` � � ° � (1) Ymm.The terms"Truator"and"8orrower"shell Include both singuler and plurel,end when the Tru�lor and BoROwer
<br /> '� aro the�ame peraon(s),fhoee terme ae uaed In this Oeed of Truet shdll be Interchanyeable.
<br />'" � ,s:��c�R (m) Qov�minp I.�w.Thle Deed ol Truat ahall be governed by the lawa of the State of Nobraaka.
<br /> � .n�;_.,� Trustor hea executed thl�Dead oi Tru�t ae of the date wriKen above. � �
<br /> ' . . � , � r
<br /> ��+� . ( rry W. owle, ru�tor Husbend) �
<br /> .,� , ' /
<br /> Truetor fe) �
<br />� .. ' (Barbara Fowle, �
<br /> � �
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