�r �r � `;�„�q,��. - �t�'z�;:�ei�.�.=u=��- --=
<br /> ;, .: _-
<br /> �� ,•s�+•w�___.°.,r�'-�= _._.
<br /> �* _ -
<br /> - , t�, ..�� .�,� y�,,-_5.. ..�'_--
<br /> , ,,• . . _ ....y .
<br /> _ �,�
<br /> � • 92�- ��946 -
<br /> --_ --- ACKNOWLEDOEMENT OF DE� O� YAUBi r
<br /> �` � Trosbor untNntand�that th�daaum�nl th�tTru�tor I�aEout to unoub Is�DNd ol Trun�nd nol a rtwrt���nd ltuit th�pov�
<br /> ol�aN provid�d for In tlw O«d ol Trwt provldN aubsbntially d18�nnt riphq and obllpallon�to Trudor than a mortp�yr In tlf�ww�t
<br /> - of�dM�ult or b��aah of obli�tion und�r th�Owd of Tru�t,Inol udlnp,but not Hmlt�d to,th�L�nd�r'�N�ht to haw th�PropKty sold
<br /> � * by th�Ttu�witltout�hy ludlold proaMdlnp. Tru�tor npr�nq�nd warru�4 tluit lhl��aknowNdp�m�nt ww�x�auMd by _
<br /> .r-." TrwlOr bMon th��xKrutiort of Y�ONd ot Tnist. �
<br /> c-
<br /> _ l.A�t M FO Trwtor Husb�nd
<br /> .� c"-{+
<br /> ���.� BARBAitA FOMLE Tru�tor WifO
<br /> =��=��.��:.
<br /> , s� ��r.�.:,•,;r:s THIS OEED OF TFiU9T.It m4de u of tha.a•�day of ��^- ,18�.�by and amonp
<br /> —.� d�Trustor, ��oQY Il FOYLE t 0►E2B1B� FOYLE ' h .b nd �ed rii� ,
<br /> -- -- `' 3616 H�pQ� Av� Or�nd Iolw�� N�„�88�1-7 �
<br /> "'•.,—� Iwroln"Tru�Tor, "wlwlh�r o a mor��,
<br /> ., � �:-�,a�` -�� whos�mallinp add►ess la ---
<br /> a���`�-- .
<br /> _„__��,. �•�;.;�:.�+_;..�. ?! ��T�p»� Fiv� Poin� BapJ� • �f�6r�ot�� Corooration ,
<br /> =y�`�`'-- � °: ' � whv�w nwithiy addreaa la P•n. �nY iS07 (irand Ioland. bl6 68802 �
<br /> herein"Truslee'�,aM .
<br /> �1�''� ` `�: r ,. '..'!} the BaneBciery, Fiv� Point� B�n� ,
<br /> -:;�.e"fie"
<br /> `ti>� . .. • 5`, '�� � whos�rtwlBnp addreu is P O 9eY 1507 6r�ed I�l�nd� NE. 6A802-1'S07 (he►e111"I.�Ilde�'�.
<br /> �`'��''�'�"'�'����'` '�'�` ARBY M FOMLE
<br /> - " FOR VALUABLE CONSIDEMTION,Includlnfl Lendar'a axtamion of oredll IdentlNad hweln t�
<br /> —_-� �" � '� "' ''� Wife
<br /> �_..., ti ��• � . j B�R9�RA FOY E Husbend 8 (her�io"BonoweP',whether one or more)and the truet hereln creobd,
<br /> �s��r�ico°�..�.��,•.�:. the receipt of which�s her�by oaknowledped,T�uator hereby Irrevacably�rants,tranafers,ccnveys end aseipne to Truat�e, IN
<br /> : ..-�'�-�.•' TRUST,VYITH POWER OF SALE,(or the benefltand aecurlry ot Londer,undor and aub�eot to the terma and conditions horeinvfil�wi
<br /> --e,. ° �_. forth,the real properly,deacribed ae tollows:
<br /> Lot 6, Blor3c 3� [Goehjsr P7ec�e, Grand Islt�nd� Hail Oamty, Nebresl�ead Fast Six(6) Feet a�Lot�d.rty'��e(33) md
<br /> ��`�. •. . .,. .. all of Lot 1Mrty Fa� (34) t�e Subdivieiaq, of a part of t3�e Northeest QuarCer (t�ic) of the Nordwest QuectPr _
<br /> __. �°!;�; _ (N,Ac) ea�d pact a� d�e Nort3�est quartrr (Ni�ic) of the Ntord�eest Werber (t�c) o�f sectiaa�aenty�-Eight (283r�P
<br /> -- - .�L'�+• :: IIeMea (11) Norli�, &�e Niae �9) Woet of the 6tl�P.M.,Elail aiunty. Nebraska
<br /> _ �f,; . � �. Topether with all buildinpa,Improvemente,fixturea,atreets,alleya, pasaeyeways,easements,riphts,privilepes and appurte-
<br />�;:K � � nonces loceted thereon or f n anywise perteininp thereto,and the rents, iaeuea and prolits,reversbns and remeindere thered,and
<br />�,� . •. _',; �.• eueh pereonel property that le atteched to the Improvementa ao as to constltute a Ilxture,includfnp,but not Nmited to,heatinp and —
<br /> . coolinp equipmenk and topether with the homesteed or maritel intereats,If e�y,which Interests are hereby releaaed and weived:ell
<br /> " . � .;..'. �,, ol which,Includinp replacements and additlons thereto,lo hereby decle red to be a pert of the reel eatate eecurpd by the Ilen ol thlo
<br /> � •�.�, " � ' Deed of Trust end all o}the brepoinp bein� referred to hereln as the"Prope►ry". =-=
<br />��' � � � y Thls Deed of Trust shall secure(e)the payment of the principel eum and Intereat evidenced by e promissory note or credif
<br /> ,:� . ..
<br /> �:'' :��"t' apreament dated ��y�� 7tb i592 ,hevinp a rnetur�ry date ot W��•ti•r R�� 19Q� �•s�•u
<br /> � ���„ � � in the orfginel principal amount of$ 2�.l�41•� .and any and all modMicatlono,extenaions and reneweis
<br /> - .� � thereol or thereto and any end ell future advencea end readvancea to Borrower(or any ol them if more than one)hereunder
<br />� purauent to one or more promfeaory notea o►credit agreements(hereln called"Note");(b)tho payment of other sums advanced by _.
<br />� I a •• Lender to protect the security of the Note;(c)the performance oi all covenants and agreements of Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)all
<br /> , ' preeent and tuture I�debtednesa and oblipations o}Borrower(or any of them il more lhan ane)to Lender whether direct,Indirect,
<br /> ' �` °' �s� , „ . ebsolute or contingent end whether arlelnp by note,queranty,overdrak or otherwlae.The Note,thls Deed of Truet end any end all ���
<br /> � . other docuente that secure the Note or otherwlae executed In connectlon therewith,including without Iimltatlon yuerentee�,security G
<br /> `-� . ey►eements and assl�nmente ol leases end rents,shall be referred to herein es the"Loan Instruments".
<br /> ` ''x��K�:.'....,, • Truator covenenta end aqrees with Lender as follows: —
<br /> • ' 1. Psrm�nt o1lnd�bUdn�u.All Indebtedneas secured hereby shall be paid when due. __
<br /> 2. Tllb.Trustor Is the awner of the Property,has the rlght and authority to convey the Property,and warrants that the lien -_
<br /> � � , created hereby la a firet end prlor Ilen on the Property, except lor Ilena and encumbrances set lorth by Trustor In writlnp and
<br /> • delivered b Lender beiore execution ot thla Deed oi Truet,and the executlon and dellvery of this Deed of Truet does�ot vlolale any '?;
<br /> ' cont�act or othar obligatlon Io which Truator le sub�ect *.r;'�`
<br /> � • 3.Taxn,AstN�m�nls.To pey betore dellnquency all texes.spec�al assessmente and all other cherpes a�alnst the P�operty i..:-_
<br /> � ' now or hereafter levled. �'
<br /> � . , . ;t 4. Imuranc�.To keep the Property inaured agalnst damage by Ilre.hazards fncluded within the term"extended covereDe`,and I��
<br /> euch other hazards as Lender may requlre.in emounts and with companles acceptable to Lender,naming 4 onder as an addlllonel �,�,' .
<br /> � ' � nemed(n8ured,Wlth loss payablo to the Lander.In caso ot loss under such policios,tho Lendor�s Authorizod to nd�ust,collocl and
<br /> compromise,ell clalma thereunder and shall have the opuon of applying nll or part of the msurance proceeds(q to any fndebtedness �, ..
<br /> � � secured hereby end In euch order es Lender mey determine,(il)to the Trustor to be used for the repalr or restoreUon ol the Praperry �.
<br /> or(ili)for any other purpoae or ob�ect eatislectory to Lender wlthout aNecting the Ifen of this Deed of Trustlor the tull amountaecured ,
<br /> . � hereby before auch peyment ever took place.Any appllcatlon of proceeds to fndebtednesa shell not extend or poatpone the due �
<br /> �- �
<br /> - - - ---- ....
<br /> - - r daie oi any paymenia urionr ii�n ivuin,�r wrn anr uninw��nnr dwivni iir iia�ouiuivi. ��- -
<br /> ' b, ��crow.Upon wrfrien demand by Lender,Truslor shell pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may deslgnate,suflicient ,
<br /> • sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more ot the lolf owing:(I)all taxea,Asaesamenta and other chargea epai nst
<br /> . the Properly,(II)the premlums on the praperty fnaurence requued hereunder,and(UI)the premlums on any mortyape Insurance '
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> ., , - 8. MNnbnane�, R�pNn md CompNa�e� wllh Lawt.Trustor ahall keep the Property fn pood conditlon and repair;shell
<br /> � promptly repalr, or replace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed; shall not commlt or permlt any waste or
<br /> . ` deterloratlon ol the Property;shull not remove,demollsh or subatantlalty alter any of the Improvements on the Property:shell not
<br /> � •� " commlt,auHer or permlt any act lo be done In or upon the Prope�ty In vlolallon olany law,ordlnance.or repuletlon;end shall pay and
<br /> • promptly dlacharge at Truata's cost end expense all Ilens,encumbrancea and charges levled, Imposed or asaesaed againet the
<br /> Property or any part thereof.
<br /> � •� 7. EmM�nt Dom�ln. Lender Is hereby asalpned all compensa�fon,awards,dameges end other payments or rellel(herelnafter '
<br /> � � "Proceeds")In connectlon wlth condemnatlon or other taklnp oi the Properly or part thereof,or lor conveyance In Ifeu of condemna-
<br /> '� � ' ��' "� tlort.Lsnder shell be entitled at Its optlon to commence,eppear In and prosecute In Its own neme any actton or preceedings,and
<br />' � � �'�� � ehell also be entltled to meke any compramfseor setllement In connectlon wlth such taking or damege.In the event any po�lan o1
<br /> � � MC J4671t'MwwprKUlturND«OI��IO��B i ' 1 •i i
<br /> C 19N NNro���l��k d Cvmm���fr�ry�nd S�r�rq�Aswa�twn L�rxan.Nwr�.A■ '
<br /> � '.. - _. —__'___�—____'�_'__—_�_ .___ ._ . . _. ._ „'.__ _._._. ' �..-�_��_... .
<br />