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. ' <br /> .�—.';;,,. , <br /> `.K�. . <br /> �� , .. M1.���.( . ' <br /> � <br /> -�J+Yr�'��_.._... . _ ... ..'._""""-�..._ ........�.. ._...._.—�ti..���.. _ _ <br /> -_�-��.• . . _ _ .... ............. ...... ... . . _'_"_' —_�_____ <br /> ,q.y���� .YY 1� ' ' . . . ,. . .�� ����T'�t� a.Y. <br /> . �� y.'-..r" '��..�. " - . _ . . ____r . _..,�,,..�_..-_-. <br /> � - • - ' - ' - � . . „ � ti . �. ,-n :'wrs"'.#..�-_ <br /> .. , . ' _ -1 ' , ��'_ _ <br /> !� ., .�+ �Q��r� <br /> � paymr,nt�may no l�ngcr bo rcqulrcd,et iha aption of L,cndcr, ii martgage insuranco covcrego(in thc nmount ar►d for thc period <br /> { that Lcndcr rcyuires)prot'klcd by en insurcr approvcd by Lcndcr agAin�ccamcs availeblo and la►rrowcr shall pay thc <br /> ! pacmiums rcquircd to rt►�lncain msngaga ins�rnnco in cffcct. oe tn provldo a loss r�scrvo. until thc rcqu�rcmcnt for mortgagc <br /> fi insuranco ands a�aeco��ic.:witS►s��y wrltt�.�rge��►t bctvre�n Borrot��es enc�l.ender or eoplieeblo I�w. <br /> �y 4.laspectbn. Lendce or it9 agent cru�y m�lco rcasonablo cnrrlcs ugon and tnspocdons of the Property 1.cnder shall givc <br /> Se�rrowcr notica et the timo of qr prior to an ins�don spccltying reasonablo cause for tho Inspocdon. <br /> .,,,,,,w;� 10.Coademnatbn. 'ftsa procaxls af any awarQ or clalm fat dumagcs,dircxt or conscqucndai, in oonnccdon with any ,. <br /> w,,.,,.,.:� condcmnadon or other taking of any part of thc Property,or [or convcyancc i�lieu of condcmnatton,�ru hereby assiBned and . <br /> � shall bo pald to L�;ndcr. � <br /> In t�o cvent of a total takin8 of tr.e Pcoperty,thc procccds shal�ho�ppliEd ro thc sums secured by this Security Inswment, <br /> . W}����theri due�w;�h any cacess puid to Borrowcr.In tha cvent�f a partial takln8 of the ProPcrty'in which the f�r ma�ket ��f,•:�.�_ <br /> �� valuc of Ihe Propaty immediately bcforc thrr talcing is oqual w or guat�u than the amount of�he sums secwai by this Socurity <br /> � Instrumcx�t immaliately befort thc t�aking, unless Bacrower and Lender othcrwise agra in wcidng,thc sums secured by t�is :-�� <br /> Security Instrumer►t ahall be reduced by the emount of Uic poocceds mul�iplted by die folbwi�g fracdon: (a)t��e wt�l amoc�ni of � ��'�° <br /> K-,<_ <br /> .,�:: <br /> �•'� the sums socurcd lmmodiately beforo ths taking.dlvidaf by (b) tha fair maaket value of tha 1Properiy im m c d i a t e ly b c face t t�e - <br /> taki�,g,pny bafance sha11 bo paid to BorroK�cr.In ihe eve�t of a partiul taking of the Pronerty in whkh ihe fair market value of the <br /> � I:n�rty iminedlnuJy be[ore the teking is Icss than the amou�t of usc swus secu;ad inmediazcly�;.fare ihe ts�ng, �nl�s _- <br /> � Bort�nwcr and Lender othavvise agreo in wridng or unkss applZcabla law otleeiwist provides�the proceeds shali 6e applird w the _=_- <br /> sums secured by�hFs Security Ynstrument wthcthcr or not the sums a�+e then due. _ <br /> . If the Pmpeity is ab�ndcxxd by Bomswu�or if.efter notice by Le,rder to Borrower ttwt�he condemnor offers to make en _-- <br /> ° award or scttie a c1alm Eor damagcs,Barrower feils to respond W Lrender within 30 days efter the dete the notke is given,I.ende+ <br /> is ausho�lzod co a►lloct and apply the procaxls,at its option,either w restaation or repair of the Property or to the sums secured �� - <br /> �,; <br />- . by this Sxurity Instrument,whethcr or not then due. �-�— <br /> � Lcation of oceods w I shall not oatcnd or s =;; <br /> ' .., ; Unlcss Le�►du and Bomowa ot�erwi,e�tgree:in writing,anY ePP� P� P�P� Pa t�one <br />;,, ,.; �:. tlee due dau of the monU�lY PaYma�ts refixred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amuunt of such payments. �" <br />'``j � 11.Borrowcr Not Rek�sed;Forbearance By Lendee Not�Watver. Bxtcnsion of thc dme fa paymcnt oa modiRcadon _ <br /> -�.�:, - <br />- - � _ of amo�ti•r�don of the sums securod by thLs Socurity Inswmem granted by Lender to any successor in ir.urest of Borrowe,r shall _ <br /> _ - _ not opaate w nicaso�he uabittty of the ociginal�sonowu or Bi,«�wu's�nv:n sr�.sx�.L�..::�ha� i...w�.�»3�,f�n <br /> �, ��� � �P��Bs agains�any successor in interest or refuse to oxt;,x�d tunc for payma►t or otherarise modify anwcti�ation of <br />-- .Y :�. <br /> -_ �; ,•:.�� tttie suma socuced by this Security Iastrument by reason of any dea�ul�+ack by the original Boirower or Barowa's successocs <br />=�,��� in intarsG My forbcarance by Lenda in eaercising any dght ar rernedy shall not be a waivu af or proclude Ihe eaencise af any <br /> ���. n�12.Snccessa��nd Aesigns Bonadp Joint and Several Li�biiit�i Co-signers.'[he covenants and a�eementa of this <br /> --1TL4V.��i <br />