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-� ; _ '. . :�i <br /> IAf�if'� " . � . . , . , <br /> .......n...--... .. .. _ ... _._ - __.'_ . ' . . . '_' _.' <br /> _ , . . ._._ .._ ..._ _.. . . . . <br /> •,AMy11N�t: � . . �.�t.•'CS�. . � i)�,�.' <br /> •It�j'�!/^`�Yl_... " ' . . , ' '��° -a S� -+= ._ <br /> ' ' . .. , ' ., _ . ' • � ` . . . •�: ,�T,�.i�.- - <br /> . �'� ��9Y��`� . <br /> . 1�.Borrower's Copy. Borra�ver shall bc Sivcn onc conforrticd copy of U�c Notc and af this Securiry inswmen� <br /> 17.Transter oP the Propert or A BenetkiAl Interest in Borrower. If ali ar any part of the Pcapeny or nny intcrest in it is <br /> sold or traansfcncd (or iF a bcnc�cial intcrest in Boaowu is�sold os vansfcacd and Borrowcr is not u naturnl P�is Sccueiu� '" <br /> Lt;ndcr's prtor r�ritten consent,i�ender may,nt its o�don,rcquirc lmmcdinto payment in fuU of NI sums sccurcd by th ry <br /> Insuumcnt.However,this optian shall not be exerc�secl by Lcndcr i�caerciso�s prohibucd Ly federal l�w as of thc datc af this <br /> � Securlty Instrumen� `�" <br /> - IC Lcndcr aaerciscs d�is opdon,Lender shall give Borrowcr nodcc of ucccleration.Thc nodce shall provide upcdnd of not less .. _ <br /> ,;;Mc..� than 30 days from the datc the naticcs is delfvereA or malicd within whlch Bornower must pay all sums secured bY this Socuriry .. <br /> . ,. •�� InsmunenG If Borruwer fails to pay those sums prior to thc cxplradon of this perind.Lendar muy imokc any remedics permlucd � <br /> " ! by this Security lnstrument without fur�hcr nodcc or demand on Bor�rower. _ <br /> !8.Boarower's Ri�ht to[te0as�ak.•� If Sonower �meets certaln condit�ons, BoRawer shall have tho right to havc <br /> enforcement of this Sectuiry�Instnxnent �SSCOnUn�ted�et ariy� me prior to Qze earlier af: (a) 5 days (or such ather penod a4 : _ _ <br /> � war of salc containcd in this Security <br /> . a P FUcable law msiy spoc i f y fo t reitistartment)befone'saio af the P�Y Putsuant to any po t A:::;:�- <br /> Insuument;or(b)entry o f a j�i d�iFienf'enCorcing t h is Sec u r iry Inswmeri G'I l�o s e c o n d t d a n s a r e t�a t Borrower:(a)Pa ys I.ender all <br /> sums whicb then would be due under this Securlty Instrumznt and the Note as if no ec;celerauon had occurrcd:l•'�)���Y . - - <br />� default of any olher covenanis or agreeme.nts�(c)pays all eapenses incumed in e�►farcin6 this Secunty Instrumcnt,inc(u�ing.but -- <br /> not Wnitod w.reasonable suomcys'fees;and(d)takes such acuon es►der may reasnnably require w essure 11iat the lier�of this <br /> ' Security Inswment, Lcnde�'s nghts �n thc PanPertY and 8orrower's obligatton to pay ihc sums sccured by this Securiry <br /> � InstrumcnA�hall conNnue unchanged.Upon ns3nstatement by Bonowee, this 3ocuri�ty Instnunent and the obligeti�t�e�ured _ — <br /> • ''� heretyy sh.l rcmain fully cffective as if no acceleration had occurred.Howeva,this ri fit lo ee(nstate shell not app y � '-� <br /> � acceletadon under paragraph 17. ',_- <br /> �� 19.SAk ot Plote;C6ange of Loan S�rvker. 'llie Notc or a pamal int,erest in thc Note (eoget3eer with this Sxuriry '!_ <br /> ' Instrument)may be sold one or more dmes without prior nodce w Barrowe�.A sale may result in a change in the endry(known <br /> ���^�gc�vice���)that collects monthly payments due undu the Note and this Security Insuument'Ihere also maY bc one or <br /> more changes of the I.aan Servioea unrelated ta a sale flf Ihe Nou. If there is a chango of the Loan Scnricer.Borrowcr will bc _ _ <br /> � given written nodce of the chango�n eccordance with Pyagraph 14 ubove and applicable law.Tl►e nodce will state the name and <br /> , address of the new Laan Servicer and the address co which paymcats should be made. 'It�e notice will al�o contain eny ather <br /> ,, informa�tion requi�ced by epplicable law. ': <br /> rm d�sposal, storago, or relr.ase af any <br /> 20.HazArdovs SubsWaces. Boirower shall not cause or permit the presence, use. ;_ <br /> I�Tarardous Substances on or in the Property Socrower shall not do.nor aUow anpone else to do,anything affectin8 the PmP�Y __ <br /> Pmneitv of sroall vuann�n'es afHazardous 3ubgtan�cesp t�hat egr�generally ecogn'ized w be appropnate to�normal reside�dal�ses � <br />_. . .. � and to msintenance of the Prope.xty.Lender wriuen nodce of any invespgapon,clai�n,d2mand, lawsuit or other acdon by any <br /> ' Bo�rower shall prompdy gl �volving the Prope�ty and any Ha7anlous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> �. govcinrt�ental or a�egulawry agency or private party . <br /> of which Bw�rowEr has acwal Irnowledge.If Etotrower leams.or is notlfied by any govemrizea9ai or regulatary authoriry.thet e�►y <br />= � ��;� �� removal or other aeanediat[on of eny Hezardnas Substance affecdng the Property is necessary�Sorrower shall prompdy take aU <br />=�,�,,�'..'�:., � pecessazy remediul actions in accordance with finviron�tal <br /> _ ��•..: ;, Ay u� � �}� para�ra�h Zp, "Hazardous Substances"ara those substances defined as w�cie or ha7ardous substances by <br /> -",h�.,,:.wr;;,, ����;nen;al I,aw and the following substarxes: gasoline. kerosene, othu flammeble or toxic Ex:orolwm �raiucts, waic <br /> °__-_ �esticides and herb�CIdes,volaflle solventg,mate�le containin8 asbeswg or fom�aldehyde�and radioacdve mat�enals.As used ie� <br /> - �`�---' - this parqgraph?A,"finvironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of ehe jurisdicdon whrre the Property is locatod tt�at relat� <br /> .::. -�'�.• to or environmen�tl proucflon. <br />.;:?i��N•� -F�. <br /> _..,',�.+... . � <br />'•,,��,.�,__��_ NON-LTNfFORM COVfiNANTS.Borrawer and Lender furthcr wvenant and Ag�ree as follows: <br /> '�_��,�l,"�'"� 21.AooekrAtion;Remedks.Lender s6a11 give notia to Borrovrer prlor to�ccelerntton folbwing Borrowu'e breash ot �� <br /> .,_,,,�Fz�-�.,� ouy rnveaant or agreement in t6is Saurtty I�strument (bu! not prbr to pcceler�tbn under p�ragrap6 i� un9ess <br />_^3--��T„�:� applic�bk Inw provides otherwts�A The notice s6aU speci�y:(a)the dRtaulh @)t6e xction requ[red to cure the det�ult;(c) <br /> __�,- ---- p����y�n 30 daye tlrom the date the notke iv given to Boraawer�by avhich the deTaut¢must be cured;nuud(d) <br /> _-°'W ._�_ tb�t hilure to cure the default on or beta'c the date specitied�8��furt6er infouinm Borrowe�i�of the e�ight o uinatak <br /> �.w.:.M.:��..:r'� b�thfd Security Iestrumcnt and sak of tl�e Propeety. - <br /> ���' aPter aoakratic+�and tbe right to bring A cou*t�ction to assert the non-existence ot a detault or any�tm�r defense of <br /> a--:•,r.�.= . Bomower to ae�r�er+�tion and sak.If tLe det�uk is not cured an or beton the date specit7ed Q�the aotioe�Lender,at[fs <br /> "=�'��:� uption,may reqoire immediate payment iin[ull ot eU sums secvred by Wi�Securfty Instrume��dvitl�out further demwnd — <br />-�=.:�;�t aa�!m�y tnvolce the power o!sak and any other remedies perm[tted by applicabk la�r.Lender shwll be entt8¢�ed to collect �.� <br />��p''A'"'��' all acpen�es i�cnrred jn Rnrsufn8 the remedies provided in thi�paragrwp6 Zl,including,but not limited to�rwsonabk o__ <br /> ��-�.���. • attorneys'fees and eosts M titk evidtncx. <br /> "*����_:, I�tLe powe�a�sak is invoked, Trustee s ha l l reca r�D a no t Zce a f de fwu[t f n e a c 6 c o u n t y i a w 6 k 6 an y part ot the — <br /> �. . • pmperty ts located and shall m�il copies ot such notioe in the manoer pressribed by s�pplicabk law to Borrower at�d to t6e <br /> - � . • Mher persons prescribed by app[kabk law,AIYer t6e time re�uired by epplicabk law,Trustee shal�give publk notke of = <br /> sik to t6e persons and in the manaer prescribed by applbcabk law.Trustee,w[t6aat dsmand un Rorrower.shall se11 the =- <br /> � � property at publk auction to the h[ghest bidder at the Wa�and pfacs and under tbe terms desi�nAted in the not6ce ot s9k =�_—_ <br /> .� ,t y�s.r _ <br /> � <br /> �t� Fo►m 9026 �140 h`•;•:r^:i�.�:.= <br /> `I t(' ---------- �.'�� ?. <br /> �•6R(NE�ltz�z).o� Pap�6 ot 6 inwus: �, '.,�" <br /> ! r� ,-� -r <br /> ,,�� . . <br /> • .. <br /> :•. . . ; <br /> _ J�":` _ <br /> � �, : . ��� .�_..__� �,�y;�. -. <br /> . --•- -,,- —�-----�--�--..:: .-�,.�..�._.....�_ f, <br /> • . <br /> ., i� <br /> � ' <br /> _ .� <br /> � - _ -- __ <br />