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. .,c; . .. .. <br /> ' � ;,ji;'. <br /> � }'�_ . • . . . ,;:.�t+�,�e?,_ ` _.. <br /> _ --=- . �_ _ ... __ .... _.___.._.... . _ ... . .--°- --- <br /> . _.. _. .._ ._ <br /> `.- . u..,. . y -------. . ' . , ..•.i�°+�wwv� <br />' , - � , wi�M,Yy `.' - �� . .. - „ - . . ' .. . � .�l` _ <br /> - .. • ' . .. - . - - . - . ,. --:;_.� . <br /> g�- 1�9`7�:� <br /> 7 5.IHorcard or Property Insurance. Barrower shaQ kr,ep thc impru�vcmcnts now caisdng on c�rcaftcr crcctcd on thc Propcety <br /> , insured against loss by Care,ha�ards included within tha term "extendod coverege"and any other nazards, including floocls or <br /> flooding,for which i.ender reqaires insurnnce.'ihls insurnnce sh�l!be m�intained in the amounG9 nnd far the�rlod4 th�t 1,�ne►cr <br /> ' i requires.7�a insurnnce carrier pmviding thc insuranca shall bc chosen by Rorrowcr subjoct to Lcnder's approvel which shall not � <br /> ;--•��� ba ¢nrca.u►nably wlth�Cld. [F Borrower fail� to maintah� covcragc descdbed above, Lcndcr may. at Lcnder's aption� obtain <br /> ��; coverage to protoct Lender's rights in thc Property in acoordtinnce with paragreph 7. <br /> ��� All insurenc�policics and renewals shall bc ecceptable to Lcndcr and shall include n standard rnortgegc ck�usc.Ircnd�r shap <br /> r , , huva the dght to hold�he policies anA rencevals.U Lcnder ircquires,Ho�rower shall prompdy givc to Lender nll rcccipts of paid <br /> premiums and renewal ncsices.In the event of bss,Bcxrower shaU giv�s prompt nodce to the insurnnce careier and Lender.LendPr <br /> , ; rt�ay makc proof of bss if not madc prc�mmptly by Sorrower. . <br /> t'� Unkss Lender end ao�rower c�therwiso agrce i�writing, insurance procccds shal�bc applied to mswration or repair of the <br /> � !>roperty da�nageci,if the resu►ration or rcpair is economically feasib{e and Lendcr's security is nat lessened.lf thc rastoration ar ''��� <br /> rcpair is noi e�onomically feasibk or Lender's accurity would bc lessc.�ed,the insurance proceeds shall bcs applfcd W the sums ,'�,r,; <br /> � secured by this Securiry Instrumenl, whethu or not tt�en dwe,with any excess paid W B�rrower. If Bomnwer abandons the = <br /> t": , ' Property,or does n�t ans�vu within 30 days a nodce fmm Lender that thc insuiance carcler has offered to seula a clalm.then - <br />. . ,. . , ,� l.cscdtx may coll�,:..ti�.�;�-..-�ca p;oc�eds.L,ende+may usa tha pe�s co r�si�r oe e�¢ore Q►e F�ro�rty nr tn pay sans secamd --�_ <br /> by tius Sxurity Ia�n:cnas8.wfieu�oe nai�.�e�-►due.'IS�z 3Miay period will begin when the noticc is given. �_ <br /> �'• Uj�less�der end Borrower otherwese agree in writing,any appli�ation of proceeds to principal shall not eactend or posqwne �-- <br />.. th�due date of the mon�hlY paymerita refe�red w in paragcaphs 1 end 2 or changa the amount of the payments.If under pazagraph �'=�- <br /> .. .,�.: <br /> �w 21 the Propaty is acquired by Lender� Bomnwu's right b any insurance policics and proceeds resulting from dunage ro the � <br /> P�operty rxiar to the aa�aisidon sliall pass tn I.ender to the extent of t.�e sums securcd by this Security Yos1�ument immediately � <br />�°�T�"�r prinr to tha acquisitan. _ <br /> ��. <br />_:�;:;:=+'s�` '� 6.QecuWdc7��+lStrV�l�WI�MA�tl�IIC!AOd E�MflCNOA���6E Pf'OpCR'Qy; Borrower'A Loan Ap,piicatiwi l.easebolds. ."- <br /> -.,',��"�.. Borrowcr sLall oocu}�y�esteblish.and use the Propeety as Bamwu's principal residu�ce wishin sixty days after d�e eaccutbn of <br /> _ �`� this Securiry Instrumr.nt and�hall condnue to occupy ihe Property as Bormwer's principal rcsidai►ce for at kast one year aft�cr the <br /> ..;��=:;`.e. date of oocupancy,�nkss Le�tder oth�iwlse agrces in wridng,which oa�nsant s�'�all not fx; unre�sonably withheW, or unkss - <br />._ -�.:-.. ' .-' .:..' " °t� ^^. '�":a..,�RS`.".�° °.'L+:. n �.. t n t .a- '----- ' '- ` � <br /> e ••tL"'.,,�5.°S'.�.'�i'vj'ai�Q..Cif'S�:v'7 0�",.i�ai'i..a.a,aion�r'ai"ottat2►Rti�uc5'��ul�c vi itTi(1W[in6 Fni�iCliy� <br /> r:�'�?s;;;���, � allow the Pt�operty to detr�riorate, ur commit waste on the I'mperty. Bo�awer shall be in defauit if any forfeiw�e oction or <br /> -.�::�;;�, :•• P��B.whclha clvil or crimLial,is be <br /> ginn that in Le,nder's good faith jadgrt�ent couid msult in forfeiwce nf the Prc+�puty or <br /> at <br /> -='�=`�� i othenv3se mataiaUy impair th,e licx�creased by�his Socuriry Instrument or I.ea�der's security intr,rest Bnrmwtx may cure such a <br /> �_'=`= def�7t md rtL�tF. as provided in paragraph 1B. by causing the action or procoeding ta be dismissed with a ruling <br /> -`-•-;;;�„,�. L�ender's good faith c5ekrmt��don,procludes fafe.ixi.�Qf ttw Bomnwa's intes+est in the Pmpe�ty or otha ma4�u�l im�t of <br /> �-�: the lia�creauA by thss Soo�uity Insd�uma�t or I.a,dc+r'a securlt�intcrost.Bamwcr st�all elso be in def'ault if Bonavrer.during tha <br /> __--_— ���P���Ye m�tcsially felse or inoccurate information or statema�ts w Lcndcr(or fai[ed tq proride I�eader with <br /> �..� any makrixt infomiatbn) in connecdon with tho Ic�an evldet�ad by the Noto, including, bui not limitod w. re�cesentations <br /> """"'-_.'— concani��g Baro�+u's occupancy of the Pronerty av a principnl residencr.If this SecurIty Instrument is on a kasetwW,BQnowa <br /> =_ = st�aU comply with aU the pmvisions of the{ease.If Barowu acquines foe title W tha Pmperty�the ka�ehold and tt�e fx dtle shall <br /> __ not merge unkss Letufa qgraes w t�o merger in writing. <br /> 7.�rn0ectfo�dLadsr'e Ri�hb fv tbe Property. If Boimw�fails to perf�rm the covenants and agrcements oontainod In <br /> ---- thts Socurlry Inst�umeai4 or iheie is a legal procading U�at mAy slgnif'xandy affect Lendcr's rights Ia the Property (suo6 as e <br /> ---_�__� Proc',00din8 in benlocuptcy.prob�ate.for condeinnadan a fafeituro or b en[orccs laws or rcguila�tlons).U�en I.e�dc;r may do wxi P�Y <br /> : for whau.wer is noassxy to pzc►tact the value of the Property aad irada's righta in tuc Property.Laid-,�"s actions may inclode <br /> 6�Y�� any sums exvral by a Ik� which hav prioriry over 1h19 Secuaty Instrument,appcarin8 ir� �nurt, PaYing reasonable <br /> - ettorneys'fa�a and eataintg on the Ptnpaty u►malcc n�irs.Although Lc�tder may telce actlon undet this paragraph 7.Lendcr -- <br /> ?�,�� . da,c not 6ave w da ao. —. <br /> �=;� My�noun�disbursed by La�da under this paragrdpti 7 shall bcxome additional debt of B�rower secured by this Security <br /> _._� Instnunai� Unkss Bortowa end L.enrler agra to otlxx terms of paymerit,these amounts sha11 bear Intaest finm tho date of <br /> _ —�:,;��:'�i disbivaarnnt u the Iv'ote rak end shall be payablo,witt►intars�upon notic.e from Lectider to Bomower requestin8 PaYmer►G � <br /> _ ___ ---- 8.Mat�a�e Insusr�ce. If Lenda requi�d Rwrtgago insurance as a eondieon of making tt�e loan securec!by tt►is Sa:urity - <br /> -------_�_ -_ Instcuma►t, Baruwer shall pay the premiuens roquiral to mnintain the mortgago insuca�nco in effocY. If, for any reacon, the - <br /> _�....�-_��;;� matgAEc rosurence covaergc�+equirod by Lender lapses or aases ta be in effext,Bomowei shall pay the premiums reqni�d w <br /> �� oMain c.�vcxqgo substanuaUy oquivalent to t�e mortgagG insuranoe previovsly in effoct,at a cost subst�ntielly equ�vaknt to Ihe <br /> _ : :,.r ��, r.ost to Bomower of tha matgagc insura��ce �reviously ln cffecb from 2n altemate mortgage insurcl approved by I.cndcx. If . <br /> ___-;_:��+;�o�t" .? substanrially equivaltmt mortg$ge insuraro�ee coverage is not aveilable.Barowar shall pay t4 Lend�x eucii month a sum equal to ��- <br /> _=�::%r:"•= . atie•twelRh of the yearly matg,ago insnrance premium being paid by Bomowcr when the insurance coverage lansal or cea�ed to -- <br /> ,�,,-,:r;,.,.,:., e,�'-_-- <br /> . be in e�ocs. L�enck7 will acapt,use m�d retain ihese payrt�ts as a loss reserve in licu of m�xtgage insorance.Loss reserve :.'�--_=. <br /> _��,-+�y.f;' �.�:r. <br /> -``'�.1ry-�-. . Forrn302� OliO � � - <br /> - -'._�. �•AR(NE)coz�2�.a� Payao�e ----- �'��- <br /> Innlah• <br /> "2__ �-.' <br /> . ,.. .��'� , . . . • <br /> _3 .. � '� . .�._ ._ , �.--..'.-.�..' .. .. . . ^�� . ^'o=as.c.a+ar.��.� . . <br /> . � .. . t .� ' � . .. � . ' . .`� <br /> .. . . .. . . _ . . .� <br /> .-. .. ..._.� _ ..v' .. . . .. . ' _ .. .� . — <br /> .. . ' . . . ..." _. . . .' 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