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� �� , . ." . � I , .. . ���•r,�{,.�t:r <br /> . . �(n•w'.-.. . . <br /> Ei I'.'�J:� .. ,� . .-,q1J..p,,'�[�'l.ld!�JFQ�j('�4GL'S�ri?i.:tSMK1M.1.1J.+'IIL��LI. ..',11i31��-�1�-�'.��� - _ <br /> . . .. ' �... ....�.�uirUwOl(�[bM•A.iY.a�a.A�.N\'"1'�.'�:+EY�`�U�.l.'i.1,` . � v..... . ....... :...^.,,. ._ "'.. . _. . ..... .. .,. - ' <br /> �._.._._.......-�_.__ ur.�.�...r� _�__....... .,Si3111.�`�i.�iCG_�LZ......t._. r��'� <br /> ..__ ...�...�,...�._.__.__ . .. 1UJ'��.1 �:•s- <br /> :��;�,.,.:���� � g6- �. <br /> ,. ;;� .,y , i�i<--- <br /> 7. ProteMlero 04 Londer'� Riphts tn tha Pro�e�ly. It Borcowa ��� io pn�orm �n•� �nd .a..m�nt. :, __ <br /> � aontah�d In Ihle tt�urNy InetrumsnL or thK�N a iepa�Oroco�dlnp thet moy elpnMicinly�Kwot I.widers rlphte In ths Prop�riy(euoh a9 .. <br /> e prooeadinp h bantcniptoy, probata,Por condAmnatbro or forleRura or to onlorc�Is�ve o�roaulatA�ne), thon Lender mey do�nd pay fcr <br /> c <br /> whitevor 1� n000aeary to prot�ot tha vAtuo 04 liio Pre�e�iy cnrl I�cn�i:>to riplito N {�� ���pouA, P�k�p rreasoenba at o oy df��end <br /> any eam! a�CUr�d by�Nsn whfch haa prbrkyr ovw thN GsCUrNy Inatn�mM�t,�ppK 0 <br /> `> sntKinp an /h�Propsrty to m�1ce r�p�My. Akhnuph Lwndlr m�Y t�k��otbn undar lhN paraDr�ph 7,l.�ndK doos not h�ve to do eo. <br /> ' , My tmeunt� dbbura�d by L�nd� under liifs panpr�ph 7 thRN b�corrM tddNbnd dobt of Bonow�r ��aured py lhh 6eCUrNy <br /> In�trummt. Unl„� BorrawK �nd L�nda iWrN to othw I�rtn� �f p�Ym��� th�s� �mount� ahall bur htK��t kom lhe dat� a1 <br /> ''� dkbun�nont et th�Nol�nte nnd thtA b�p�y�bN,wkh htaKt,upon notb�kom L�ndu to BoiTUw�r nquatinp P�Ym�nt, , _ <br /> � �. l��it���e Ine±�rr.nce. If Lencbr rsqukad moetptg� h�urnnG� a� � aondYbn of makhy th• ban eeound by lhts ' ; <br /> S�curky InsWm�nt, BortoNw �haM pay th� pnmlums nqulrW to rtNlnGtb th� moRpny� I�wnnc� In �H�o►. II, for ony rzacon, lha <br /> �� 1��� mortpap� In�unnc�eowny�rpuWd by L�nd�r 4y►ss�w cwsN to b� b Nhot, BonowK �h�M pesy the prwniumf rpuYW to obt�in � �`�;? <br /> cowr�y� eub�tant�ly �qutuaNnt to th� mortp�p� ►nsum�c� prwb�ary h eft�ct, tt • Cust �lubstantkiy �quHal�nt to th� oost to � <br /> BonowK of th� mortpep� htunnc� prr+bu�y h �Mrot, hom �n ak�rr+nte mortp�p� h�ure �pprowd by Lmd�►. 11 wbtttntkNy <br /> .y fYr�1c� '`e A <br /> yoary mortmp� h eu�a�npnmlum b�Yiq P�IdtbY Bor►owK w�hM th�haannc�oovK�rA��d oh osat d toQba h �MwtW Londa w• � <br /> �,tN_:: <br /> ��,: <br /> , � �co�pt, u�� md rotaln th�s� p�ymaits ao a baa roronro In !bu o� rt�r40�� hnuruu�. Los� nsaw p�Y�t� �Y no bn{�r bs � _ <br /> nqulrod, at th� optlon of LandK. M moRpipe{neur�tna�covKap�(h th� amaunt an0 for th�pKbd thtt L�ndK nquY�a)provided by =4 <br /> n� k�eurer epproved by Lend�r apeh Beoomou aalkbN and b obtaheQ. Borraw�r thr.tY pay the prsmlum� nqulnd to mahtaln <br /> � mortp�p� heurenco in ottaat, or to provid� a bos r�suw. until tha nGufranen►tor mortqap�inauranco�nds in accordanc�v�Nh any =__ <br /> � wdtten�prM+nMt b�tw�en Bortower and Und�r or applktbM Iaw. � <br /> _,_:� - _ 9. In�pectlon. Und�r or Rt �p�nt mty mak�rsaoonabN �nUM� uPon �nd h�p�clbn� of lh� Propwty. Lender shaW plw _ <br />-,;�,�,_. ._ ,, Borrower nolfc�at th�th�of or prbr to�n h�pootlon epsoMYlnp rM4on�ble c�us�for th�insp�atbn. <br /> - 10. CondemnntlQn. The proce�ds of any nwud or akYn tor danw0as� �tnat or aonsoqumtitl, In conmctbn wkh any ` <br /> _ � ,,� condemmtbn or otha takhp ot ony put ot th� Prop�rty,or for oonwy�na fn IMu o}cond�mn�tbn,an hK�by assipned and shaW Do c <br /> �t,. .�. ; �.�: petd to LandK. — <br /> In thy �vent of a total t�khp o1 tho Prop�rty, tha proct�d� aheN be eapNed lo the eums s�eund by this Security InsWmmt, � <br />-�� r,�._�R; whothor or not thm dw, wNh�ny�xCat�Wk1 to Bortow�r. In th�pvar►t of� �Wtia�t�kfnp ot ths Prop�rty in whbh tha hir mtAcot _ <br /> vnluo o} th� Prop�rty Imrr�dktsly b�ton th� Wch9 k�qutl to a pn�t�r tMn th� unount of th� wm� sacund t�y thb S�c��rky <br /> �, 1.. ' InsWrr�t Ynn'iedktey bNon th� Wchp, i�nMts BorrowK �nd Ur►d�r olh�rwk� �h ���9� t�� �um� s�aund by thb S�curity <br />��;;n�;�f,,, . . <br /> ,,r,,.•�r. ' Insttumer►t sht8 be r�duc�d by lh� amount of tha proc�dt muR�INd by th� WlbwHp Matbm (�) th� totti amo�mt oi th� t�ne <br /> '�'"—�: socund tr�dietoly botore th�takln0� dlvidsd by(b) th� hY m u kat va l w o f t h� P r o p�t y i rt m�dkte y beton lho takinp. MY bQfarrrs <br /> "`MAw'�� ehaM b� pald to Bortower. In tho evont of a paRkl Wcinp of tha PropKty in whbh tho tair ma�kot vaWe oi tho Prop�rty hxrwdkhay <br />�.yii�. 'v.•'! <br />_,,�,,,,��•,.��,{ i»ton th� Ukhp Is laef than tha�mount ot th�tumi�ocund kirtwdlatNy bolon th�tak(np, unMss BortowK u►d i.�ndar oth�rwia� <br />_.:+�,�.;::,•,� e� In wrRin� or unNss �pplfc�ble law othwwiaa provkNs, the proceWs ahtN Gs �ppNed to the suma aecund by thf� S�.Jr�j <br /> �^�`?*�° •: Inntn,mer►t whethar or not tha sum�are lt►en duY• <br /> _:°_°:.�r;�;_;:; It the Prop�ty b�bu►don�d by Bonower,or M,aflw notl�a by Lentlar to norrowR ti�a's�w,r�r�c v�2II n"-^e���`�`Fl`-" <br /> _`;w`�`��`�,���"''_,� sNtw e atalm ta dartwWs� Borrow�r falls ta r�sPOnd to L�ndar wkhh 30 day�aRw th�dah th�notic�is phnri, t�rd�r b authcr� <br />`-_��=�'a���7A ro aoN�ct and appy t��p�Mds,at ks optbn, �kh�r to ratonUon or rep�tr ot th�Proparty or to th�sums cacarod by thts 3�='TY <br />:`.'su�.�'i,`•.i�3'�+ �nstrument,wbether or not tMn dw. <br /> �����i•;:,, � Unqss Lsndor and Boaow�oti►arwtsm aprw h wrkh�, �ny�pAibatbn ot praasd�to PrhCfpal sha� not ad,and or postycrto�a - <br />_--- __,�;�`,�,:;:�;5 - <br /> - �.._ diw dtta m7 9ha monthy paymmri rW�rt+c9 8a h p�npr�phs 1 and 2 or ahenp�ths artwunt of sueh paymeei . <br /> �— 11. ��rrower Not Rel�esed:�orbeKanas By Le�der �lat� `N�ivar. �«�sson or w� �me ror peymanc ar <br /> mcdN�atton of runortiution ot tha aums cocurod by thk Socurky Insdum�nt pnnt�d by 4endK to any auccessar tn htorest of Borcowa� <br /> -- ------= siutY not op�ratv to rel9ase lho Ntbilky of thY oripbal BoROw�o+Bortowwrs eucCesaores In htarozt• L.aider'eha1�not ba roquYOGI to <br /> -�"��`�`�' conxnmce procaad(n9s a4a„st any succassor h htKat or ntuca to�od�►d tim�tor p�ym�nt or otherwts�modty amortlatbn of th� <br /> "" - sums secured by thb Securky Instrument by rKSOn ot my denw►d mtde by ths oriptml BoROwer or Borrowors successots In <br /> -- hta�st.Aa�y fcrb�re�ca by Landar h e;cpr�fsfr�u►y ripht or ranNdY sl►aA not b�t w�Me�of or Droclude the envrcisa ot any ripht or <br /> ren»dy. <br /> 1Z. $SlCQOifOfb QlTJSI A�ti1�11� B01lIld; .Dolnt�nd Sav�ral Llabitityi ri0'f1QROli. Th� COYen�nte �nd <br /> _.��.i �preaninis o7 t�Ss S�curlty Inalrumwu shaN bad and b�nMt ths �uxasaon and asstOm oi Lende and Borrowx, subjpct to the <br /> _ provisfor►�01�erp�raph 17. Borrower'a xavenants and�wrt�r►ts eha!1 S�e Joht and swaral AnY 6o►rcw�r who co-cM�na this S�ur�y <br /> '- InsWm�nt Ou2 d�es not �ucub tha Nob: (a) fa co-alpnin9 thts SaaurRy Inshummt ony to mortpaps. Onnt� and camey thAt <br /> � Borrowe�s Intsne�t in th�P�op�rty untler 7M termt of Mis S�cudty Instn:mw►3;(b)b not persan�ty obilp�t�d to pay ths sums seourad <br />-� by thts Sacurky Instrumen�; and (o) �prns that Landor eed �ny ochor Borroww m4Y�0� to oxtond, modky, forbear or make any <br /> - -��'�7 �ccotnmod�tions wth npar.d to tKms ot thk ri�curky InQtrument or the Not�wkhout th�t Bortow�r's consanG <br /> � ��� 13. LOltl1 ChOtq��. If thv ban Eacund by thb&acurky InfWrtw�t b wbJact to a kw whlch aets muxLewm ban ChuQes, <br /> __-;,,;.'r,� 4nd thnt 6aw Is fhatly Int�rprned so that the Int�rest or ot�ar ban oharpes colMctod or to be ootleottid h aonn�tbn wRh the 1a�n <br /> ucc�d t�n�pormkbd IYnits. than;(a) any auch toan charqs sh�A bo reduced by tha amamt necessary to roduca the charps to the <br /> __ _ permRted NmX; and(b)any euma akrndy colNotad Rom Bonow�►whbh ac�sdsd permNt�d Ilmks wW be ratunded to Borrowor. Landa <br /> -°-°�� msy choaae to m�lco this returtd by ro4ucinp tho princfp�i owW under ths Note or by mekh�td�tec�u�n tha Nate.Wer ��n <br /> ..� r�_-;��,� refund raz�uass pnc�iptl,th�roduction wiN b�traotad as R WRttt prepiyment wkhout enY R�Y <br />-�_��==i.y�;� 14. P��'.t7Qe=. My notic�to Bortowor providsd for h thk Sacurity In�trum�nt ahtp be Qlven by dellwrfnp k or by ma�lhy R by <br /> - "'� Ikst ct�ss rt�N unNas �ppiic�bb kw roquin4 ua� of onothK mKhod. Th� notics ahrN be dhaoted to ths Froperty Address o:cny <br /> ���_:��i,�«.; other addnss BoROw�r desqnataa by no2ia to Lender. My not��to LendK shall b� O� bY � a�gs � to Lender's a6oress <br /> ~��'f�i.*;', . statrd he�oM or any othx addn�s l.and�r d�sfpnatea bv �otica to 8orrowrK. My natic� provided for In thls SasurRy InsVumait sheA <br /> ���r�;::,�.:;•': � ba dMmod to haw W�n Qiwn to BortowK or L�r►dor wtnen Oh�wi ae P�ovfded N th'rs A��Ph• _ . <br /> _.'�t.• .�. �;r:;� � 1�o Q�a�YEPD111Q I..SWj SaverabUlty. This &9CWkI► In�tn7mMt sh1tN be 9aVemed b9 fedYral kw �rld the 4lw Ot the <br /> --'^;�;.,,,3�;;• : Jur{sdtctip�!n wh�h lho PropKty Nt battod. In th� wK►t th�t tny ptovl�bn or cYus�of thk SocuPityr InsWment Or th�Note confKcts <br />---=;+�r;..;.c;�' wRh epp7ic�b9a kw, c�sh oonffiot sh�N not af(�ot other provHkx�c of thkt 8ecurNY tntbumw�t or ths Not� wA�h can be pl�+an �i(oct <br />�;;.;:���� - wkhout the ContNcti�fl�+r,orisbn. To thb end th�prorbbnb of thb Securky Inbtntman4 e�td the Note are dec►�rem^m 5e seve�abq• _ <br /> LL!��'--'--- : 1d p..rrntir�r'a Cenv_ �errcwror ahall b� oM�t on0 Co+ttom�ed CopY aQ��Not��nd o1 thfs SeCUri�y�r.sCt.'ae+tt, �_ <br /> �:-..f :.,*....r� • ' ��"�"_' _ __ri' _ <br /> �.��5�-� 17. Tranafer of the Property or � Benetictil Intcrest tn Borrower. i� aa Q: sny p4rt of tne PropeRy o� .�y E.,.. <br /> �.•r:i.;°-`=�'- �3 , _ <br /> -,;: • hterozt aa R ts �old or trana►drrad (or M a be�Mtah1 Mtsnst fn BorrovrK Is sold or trmshrnd nn� Borrower b not a naturai peraon) <br /> "''`� � � i� wrihout Lende�s prfor writton consant,L�nder ►ruy. at ks option,roqulro hxrbdinte payment In fuN os nN sums secured by thfs Securky . <br /> : . � InsWment.Howewr,thb optbn ehaR not M ex�cls�d bY�e�dK If axe�aiao b V�°hbN�d by(ederxl law aa ot the date ot thls SecurRy <br /> ••.. InsWrnsnt. - <br /> If Lender w.�rcls�s thle optlon,L�ndK th�q ptw BorrowK notic�ol accMention. Ths not�e shaq provlds�perbd of not less thtn ; <br /> �n devs hqm the dats tho notic� is d�Nwrrd w m�Med wkhh whiCh tM Borcow�r muat pvy aN sums secared by thls SaCUnty M. <br /> " • InsWmar►t.If BOrrovrK hY.s to pay thssr suma prfor ta th�aa�intion of this pKlod, Lentfet tn�y invok� any romedies ptn�iiitted by ihN <br /> Securily Instrument wRhout Nrthx notbs or demtnd on Barower. Form sosa o/� �� <br /> - r"' F102Y.LM0(Wo61 <br /> Pap�3 ot 6 <br /> � : <br /> - NO � <br /> - � <br /> �' -�--^• - - _.. <br /> �• � -'-----9�'-----��_—'a` _ ---- -...-,vs..-•-c•n ------ <br /> � ._'_."".�.•" _.._ _...-- _.•."'-' - <br /> . _' <br /> _ . '. .... . .. ..........__�—���ru�a=_s�r._--• ".'_:.':�:i':'J._ .. . . .-- <br />