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<br /> " Borrowwe oiCrow nocount undor lM tado►a�Fi�a�Eetot�F,sti�a+'n�nt Proe�uros Aat of 9fl74 ae aman�fr6m tkiH to lYno, 12 U•J.C.
<br /> . ' 2E01 �t Qoq. ("��'A"l,uni�se anothar law 1�z1�D�!�a to tna F�ads eeta m lesser smo�nt. If ea,Leri�m*y,at any tlrne,Coliocl end
<br /> nold Fund� Lr�an anounl not to a:<cc�t1 lh� F�BS2r er�l�unl. l.cntS>•r m2y c�l�natc�th�ernount al tundn dua on th9 bssi3 of current data
<br /> ,r and rs�ton�bM�etkru�ta o1��andkuro�of futuro Eer,row I;em�or othuiwiee In acaordance wtlh appifoeble law.
<br /> 7h� Fund� �hRN b� h�ld h m hstkutb� whoaa depatN� an Intund by � f�d�nl a�noy, hatrum�nitlity, or ontky (tnoludln0
<br /> LandK, M L�nd�r If �uoh Rn Imtkutbn) or in�ny F�I HorrN loan Bu�k. Lmd�r�h�M�ppy the Funda to pay th� Eecraw Ilem�.
<br /> . e, . y� UndK mty not ahup,�Borrow�r lor holdk►y uid�ppy„�lh� Fund�,�nnutNy �nayzh0 th� oecrow �ccount, o►vKNyhp tha Eecrow
<br /> at
<br /> Itwn�,unkas Undeµtys Borrowv btu�tt on th�Fundf and appMcebM ww P�mR�L�nd�►to mak�suoh a oharp�, How�wr.Und�r
<br /> � may nqutn Barcoww to pay�o+wtim�oharp� for on ��c;:�cn6=ni r.=1 c%taU t�c �rportmp ccrvtce u-ed by Lendor In oonn�otbn wkh
<br /> -w�,P,,�' thb Ioan,unMc�appMCtbM kw provfdN oth�rwis�. UnMtf an �Dnxn�nt k mad�or 1ppNcatrN kw nquins Int�r�st to b�ptld,Und�r
<br />;-� sh�N not b� nqulrcd to pay Borcow�r�ny InN�t or umin9� an tha Fundf.Borrowe Ynd L�nde m�y apn�in wrkhp, howwa,thtt
<br /> Int�r�st �haN b� p�fd on th� Funda. Und1r ah�N plw to BoROVrM, wRhout cha�. �n annutl aCOOUntlnp of tho Fund1, �howlnp
<br /> � •� cradRe tnd Wbka to th�Fund9 end ths puryos�lor whbh saa h d t b R to t h�Fu n d a w a e rt u d�. T h s F u n d a�r s p b d 9 s d a e a d d i t b n�l �`;
<br /> a�curity for aN wmi s�cund by thk S�aurky Instruman4 �::
<br /> ,� •� � if th�Fund� held by L�nda��xcMd Iho v�'►ountc parmktad to bs hetd hy e�Ita�bN yw, Und�r�h�B account to Bo:row�lar th� _
<br /> � � exc�s� Funda N acoord�nca wRh ih� npuYMn�nt�a}applicabM kw. H lhe amount ot lh� Funds hofd by Under�t tny time h� not �
<br /> �.,. .
<br />°'-�'t+� , suNbkr�t frt Rn:/tha Escrow ItKna whan d�ta,Lw�der may to notlfy Bortowor h w►itinp�ond� h�uoh osse l3orruwsr ehall pay to L�ndor
<br /> , � ' �ho amoan,rnc�ss�ry lo mak�up the t!nli.�"IpnCy fianowe►ehaM maka up th� dotfeNnoy in no moro than tweke monthy paym�nte,at _
<br /> �.,��,� ,� � � Lond�a eola discrotlon.
<br /> -;�.�;:���,' upon paymml in IuM of�N sums axv�d dY c�t�`.�curitY Instrum�t,UndK sM1 prompty rofund to Bortoww eny Funds hoW by
<br /> :�,�:�i��'�',�' L�nd�r. If, undw pu�pr�ph 21, l�rtd�e a[�a�7�u�� e+sNl th�Prop�ty,Unde, prbr to tho�aQulskbn or��is of the Prop�rty,ahiN
<br /> .::i;,=:r,•�>:. �pPN any Funde P�Nd by L,�ndK�t t4r!Gxrw ol�cqukRian or sak a��cndit�inst the sura�s�curad by thl:racurity lnshu�nG -
<br />''`�`;:=�"��' 3.Applic�tlon o9 P�yment� OA�MSS�co�M kw pruvf�:a otharwl:o.atl psymente receHad by 6en�er undar panpnphs
<br /> ..,�t�c t
<br /> �"`.''"��" t and 2 thaN b� applNd: tirsL to tny p+9paynwnt c?na,� dus undor ths Note; c�aco:a�,to amounts payable��deT Qanlflroph 2;third `
<br /> ::�ii�i;'i;:�� ,.._
<br /> �, to hbntt dw;tourth,tm pcivc�ral du�;and ktt.to tny kt�aharp�s dua undor t;ba hata.
<br /> -+'���..a 4, Ch�pOii �.iens. Bortowsr a'leaM paY aN t�w�s, aeaessm�►ta� charyas. ths� �nd tnpoaklai� �t�buttbls to the Prop�Ay
<br />_.°•+'I�L-
<br /> "'=�:""?! whbh rrwy at4in p�iorUy owr thM 9�cur2y instrum�nt,Ynd iMS�ho�i psym�nls or pround ront�, R my. Borrawer shaA pay tha3�
<br />- --�-�� oblipatbnf M ths mann�r provkMd In PvapnAh $o�W not p�id h thtt rnannit,6ortowir chaN pay thwn on tYna dlrocty to t�ra p6rson
<br /> ^:;�,;,k�•� owwl p�yrtNnt Borrowsr 3lnR promptN���h to L.�ndM aN notia�of amounls to b�p�Id undK this panpnph. If Borrowar mak�i
<br /> �-:�.,.:.,,� these p�yment�dhicty,�anawar shaM prompty Nmfsh to UndK napri wldw�ahp th�payms�ts.
<br /> =i� �ortoww thal promRYTy dkohup�my im whbh Mf prlority ov�tl►M S�curity In4trunwnt unbte Borrowx: (�)�proas In wrkinp to
<br /> �� th�paym�nt of th�obAp�stlon tocund by th�N�n h a mmnw�wPUbM to L�ndK;(b)cont�ats in pood hth th�ffen by,ar de�isnde
<br /> �hit Mf0�1rt19�1t Of tIN f1n t1,pplll proCMOnps vmio�i�'u`�Lw�C.."':Cp:Z«ss �._.""°�'tQ�s�!ihe wntnrc:wrrnt of the li�an:�t 10)
<br /> � soCUea kom th� hoida of tM Mm �n apn�rtNnt satkhCtory to L�ndK wbordYwtYp th� Wn to thN :�CUrky Inttrum�►4 N L�ntNr
<br /> �"`�°''°� dMKmine� lh�t �ny put o7 lM Proparty b su6J�ct to a Iw� wh�h may tttsin priodty ov�r Mk Security {nshumen4, LMdK m�y 0�
<br /> --:�_..:. = gortp�ver a notico identttytnp the Ibr►• Borrowrr thaM setts�y tbs Ifen or Uke ons or moro ot th��otbns ast rort7�ubovo wlthl� 10 dsys
<br /> ��;�,i,.,...'�i ot tM qivinD of notic�.
<br /> --=�� 6. Ha�rd or Prop�rty lnwv�w�e. 8ortowM thaN k..p th. n�nuwm.ncc now a��th� or n.�s.nK .noud on �h.
<br /> proporty haund�pahtt b��by 1Y�, hurard�hcUd�d wRAh tM Nrm`�°d�"d�d Qo+��W��d�iy Othir htri�ds�includip fbods or
<br /> -- floadinp, fOr whiCh Und�t c�quirq Insunrk�. Thb Insunnca sh�M b� mtlnuh�d in th� �mountc �nd for tiw Poriods that l+�nda' _
<br /> roquk,q, Th�Insunnc� c�rti�r providlnq th�insunrx�w shaN bs ohotan by Barowa aubj�ct to L�nd�r'a �pprowl whbh thaN not b�
<br />�;,•��� unnaonabty wkhh�d. If Bortow�r htib to mahtain covwNW� dKab�d abow� LendK may.�t I.a►dors oPtion,obtatn covw�De to
<br /> :'_';�:�;� probct Land1P�riphb In th�Propwty h accOrd�nc�wkh WraO►aPh 7.
<br /> A1 In�unnC�poACNs�nd�rtwwaM shal b�icC�pt�bi�to L�ndK�nd shaN hclud�a standasd mwtp�p�CIau6�. LendK sRd htw
<br /> tM ripht to hofd tt�poticlN �nd nn�waN. It Unda nqut�s� Baroww�ha� P��PiN q�to L�dw a�ncepta of pald pnmium�
<br /> �nd a�wal notic�s. In tM�wnt of bas,Bortov+K�haM G�P��Pt notfa�to tM Insun�na cvrMr�nd Under. Land�t m�y m�co
<br /> :�e proof ot bsa M not rtyd�promPW by Bor►ovur.
<br /> "`� Unbss Under�nd Barower oMawiss q�„�„C.hsunrwr P��s shd W�ppN�d to r�storatbn ar rqsY of th�Propwty
<br /> _ _ ---= d�rtwp�d, M th� rottaation or npat M�conomlcallY tNtbN u�d Undwt tecuriry b not Mssan�d. It ttw rKtoratbn �npatr fs not
<br /> �oonom�aNY MasbM or I,endw'�s�curRY waub bY Nss�d� tM hsuma procMds�haN b� �ppY�d to ths wmt s�cun�d by thk
<br /> S�curkY InsburMnt. whotMr or not tt� dN. wth anY aass pdd to BarowK R 8orrowM abandons thr Prop�tY. or cbN not
<br /> u+sw�r wkhb 30 dsy� a notic� kom L�r►dK thtt tM hsunna curia h+� oM�nd to s�ttM • okM, tMn Wn6�r may ceNct tM
<br /> In:ur�nc� proco�ds. Unda m�y uae th� proce�d� to npalr or rrston th� Prop�rty a to p�y sums socund by thia C�cu�tlr
<br /> lnstrummt,wtwth�a not thon dw. Tha 3adty p�►bA wN bpin wh�tM notic�N pMn.
<br /> Unfa�o I.�ndK Nd Borrower othanvita�h +�Y►D� NY�DD�t�of procwdt to princlpal chaN not �ctand or postpon�410
<br /> - dua dtN of tl►�monthly payrtwnk nhnrd to In panpnphs 1 �nd 2 or ahup� tM�mount ot th�paym�nb. If undw paraflnph E1
<br /> ______-�� tha PropKty k acqulrod by 4an0�, Borrow�s dpht to eny hsunnco po�Cl�s t�d P��a rosukinp trom d�mcL�to the Property prfor
<br /> -----; to th� ecquMkbn shaM p�c� to I.�nder ta tM �xta�t ot tM sums acund by Mls S�cudty In=wman! trt►rtwdintaty prior to th�
<br /> ---- :�' aa4ubkbn.
<br /> -'���i;�"'�` 6. Uccup�ncy, �reaervation, Metntenance e+�d ProtectlAn of the P�operly; eorrower's Loan
<br /> ,�:.�: . �..,.
<br />-- --��;=-,;�.+��fi rAppllC�tl0i1; L�M6�iii�di. Barowtr tlta�occuP9.��b�h, �nd us�tM Prop�rty u Borrowws pnc�pat eosSd�nc�wRhin sbcty
<br /> —:""`.}:�".r�� dqa en�r th�sx�eutbn of this S�curXy tntbumK►t�shaN contY�w to eccupY th� Prop�ty as Borrowar�prmr�al�Id�na for at
<br /> r).?p•
<br /> T:�,�t;{;:;': bast nno yuu aR�►the dit� of occupanoY. unMss UndK oM�rwip �prNS tn v�kNp. wt�� �:n�►t shal not ba unraesant�y
<br /> . ��;,,r
<br />-:."=x,�F�� wUhMid,ar unk►ss�darnuatYp oYcumstanca�kt whkh an bryond Barow�r'�control Borru�vn�r aT�aA not doatroy.dartKpa or MnPair
<br /> _°��� tM Propa�ty�albw G��roperty to det��. a commlt waat�on th�Prop�ty. B�rower sha�W h d�h�.'R�u�.y tortsku��ctton or
<br /> �--- �M.mntne.,�ho�t�r clve or crimYul.te beoun that h Lond��flood(akh ju�rtt caclb�suk h turlekc�c?L`:7D�fcpaRy or otharwks
<br />�.`�"��;L'�'''�� mnt�ri�fy imp�Y tho ien croltsd by this S�urdy �nsWment or L�nd�� cAU:�`3,/7+?lnst �crrowor ma•� c�r�su�n � deiauR end
<br /> �'""�`�'��; rehst�tq, as provided h paropnph 19,by cauaYsy tbe aaUon or yrx�dh9 to Irw dlsmksed ce`.th a ruGrt�t�.a2.In Lenders Qood taRh
<br /> ••';��--��.: •..
<br />- " " det�:�,i�ution, preotudes forhkure of the Bor�rawer's Ntarost h tM Prop�r.y ae' e'.har mateF�� Ir'O��rt�e�:E e0 4he Nen croated by thls
<br /> � •�' S�CUrity InsWmet►t or Lend�e s�CUrK�t htlr�st. C:Gr�owQr BhAM also 6a fn c9adt�.� M Bortower, durinq U'�� IGr�n�PpliCitbn proCOSS,
<br /> k ��?� pavu m�tMrf�Ny ttko or In�ccur�H Intorm�lbn w s�wf�n�is to Lanc�ar(or tatie�9 to provtde lertder wah �::y m�tarrl Intomutbn) h
<br /> . ; i,
<br /> _ •` ` ,;, contu�sc+x�wkh tA�ban wkf�nc�d by 11»NoW,hntu6Y►p, but not I'mfud to,represa�tttians concwntnp Borcower'c occupanay of tho
<br /> . -.
<br /> ' ;:..
<br /> �ivjieiy ii w �i�ii.�:= ��"•�• ���~R�-�� I!lafrLRfnnf h M! fYEal101d. BOROM�Y!' S�IIN CORIAIy WA�I al the provlsfons o°lh�
<br /> T . ,', ' leaae. IT Barower�cqub�Iw tkts to th�Prop«ty� tM Iwc�hold�nd IM (e� tAM aMtN not rt�ge unkss the Landor�preoe to the
<br /> >� ;.,+v tllifQBf h Mf1i�If1Q. Form S02/C/o0
<br /> .,�..`"�.:;,'� .. P�p� 9 01 6
<br /> - • "�,. Ft01G.LMO(7/06)
<br /> -.��i.•.-t+'v.-�.
<br />- . ' N8
<br />