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h <br /> yi�p�p�µ� . <br /> -T.'.`nl .. .. � ' . <br /> ,� . . . . <br /> . . '�'�i'r�S'?' - _ . ., ' - . _...+�,. . . _. . <br /> � .�tY � � . ....... .. .. � __" _ _—___ __ � ._.—____..__...�.�_._..�_.... ��� �� . .... ._ ..�a�—...-.__ <br /> . . ... .. - ......�_«..__.. " .-' a . . .. . t n ... - ... .....� , . - <br /> . .... ...�� .... - � <br /> ._ »i � <br /> �� <br /> . . . <br /> .�..�. <br /> "" .. .... .......... .. . �� � � ; -.. . .._. . . .� '...:. �ZJ .� . <br /> "' ___.Y.. __. . . .. . . . <br /> ... •_.I.. ' . .. <br /> ..��.. ...._ .__ .,... '..... ._. .. ... .. __ <br /> �.�S�Y_1.�r� � <br /> g6_ �.09`71S -��_�w��'-==� <br /> � 18. �arrower'� Silght t0 R81tt�tAtO. II BorrowK m�t4 c�r4aln condrtlans, 8orrower ahnll have the rlpht to h�vo � , <br /> enlorcAment of thle SecurUy In�trum�nt dhoontlnued at any tkno prbr to th�w.rt�or of: (�) 6 daya (or auoh othav perlod u QppI�C4bie <br /> t��v rctny opsoNy far reinotatement) betore eofe of tho Proporfy pursuanl to any pow:r of eab cont9lncd tn thla 3ccurtty Instrum�nt; or <br /> (b) entry o1 � Judpmtnt �ntoralnp thlf &OOUrRy In�trurrwnt.Yhot� oondkiona ar�that Oorrower (a) p9ye Londsr ail aum� v�h�h thcn <br /> wouid b� dw undw thb S�ourit� Inttrummt end th• Noto �s N �o �ccet�ratbn hdd occurred; (b)curs� any defauR ot �ny other <br /> oown�nt or�prartNntr (o) payr �q �tM incumd In �nforafnp thlt Socurky Instrum�nt, fnoludhg, but not IknROd to, rs�eon�bN <br /> attomqys'tMS; !nd(d)ttk�e iuoh aotbn u Undsr nuy rasontby r.►quir�to R�tun thtt th�Ii�n nf thla Security Inetrument,lend�s <br /> ►qht� h th�Propwty and Borcowa's obNpEtion to pey th��um� ��cund by thi�E�aurNy Instrum�nt ehdl conthue unohNp�d. Upon <br /> r�imtatan�nt hy Bcnowar, tha &►curky In�t�um�nt md th� obNp�tbns t�aunW h�nby�hall r�ln tuly �ff�othr� a M no aceNentfon <br /> Fi�d 4ecuriod. Howerv.x,IhI�rWhl to r�:utot�ahcu n�t appy L�lho c;:a o}cccc'_mtton und^r parr.�rc�h t7. <br /> 18,S�1s of Note; Gh�nps of Lo�n Servicer. Th� NOt� o► � partkl htKYSt In th� Not� (top�thu w@h lhis &�CUrity <br /> �, It1�lMfY1M11) fll+y G9 601d Of1�or mon Crn��wRhout prbr notb�to Borrow�v. A s�M rt�y nouM h �ohenp�In tho�ntky (known aa lh� ° <br /> .,^"•"" •Lp11n SMVbK") th�t ooN�ots monthy p�ym�nt� du�undn th� Not� and thW S�ourky Insfrum�nt. ThK� alao may b�onp or moro <br /> �' '� oh�npef oi th� Lo�n Servbv unr�ytad to � e�M of th� Not�. If thK�It a oh�np�o!th� Lotn Serv�er. BOROWOf WIN Di Q�IM WfRIM <br /> not�e ol lhe ohenpe In acCOrdanca wkh parepraph 14 above and epplbable kw. The not�e wlll stote tha name tnd tddrasa ot the <br /> now Laan Savicer and th�addnss to whbh p�yrtwnts ehoutd b� mtda. Tho notiCi wW aiso Cont4h any other fntortnatbn requirsd by _ . <br /> appllaabtu f�w. <br /> �.,::.- <br /> 20. Hezardoua Substances. Barcowsr nhaq not o�ua� or permk tho prsa�nc�, uas, dtsposai, stor4pe, or reNas�of�ny � c�R,�-~�- <br /> tilxnrdous 3ubstincea on or In th�Prop�rty. BonowK ah�W not do, nor�Naw �nyone eHsm to do,anythlnp atteotinp the Property Mct . __-'�-- <br /> is h vbktbn of tny EnvROnmental Lnw. The precedhp two smtences nhtq not oppy to the prasence, use, or storaQe on the �.'��_ <br /> Proporty of emaA quantklea o4 Hezardoue Subat�nces that aro qsnqaly recoynized to ba approprinte to nortnal resldential usea and to � ��•%:�- <br /> „ *- mtht6nlnC�Ot th�PrOperty. ,� k�^.J°�'� <br /> ~ Bortower sh�t3 prompty ofve Lendor written notica o}tny hvasttyatbn. cfaM,dertwnd, lawsuk ot other actbn by any povemmental •,''-��_�!�� <br /> �• c cqS�,` <br /> ;� or repui�tory�ponoy or privaQe pe►iy irivoWiip the PropBrty and any Ha.:rdous�bstettCe or Envkenmentel Law o!whtoh Borrower has '� �''t_�� <br /> �, aoNal Mnowkdp�. I} 9orrowor leems, or Is notMied by ony povornnwntal or r.�uytory nutharitl+, that Cny rcmovs! or other remedlstton � •�;�•��; _ <br /> r; of tny Heiardou• 3ubctanc� aHootinp the Propwty I� nxaawry, Borrowar shatl prompty tafce aN noc¢sanry remadlal actb�s �» •f==`=""' - <br /> ;`�:rx; <br /> � ' accordance wkh Environmental Law. -�$__� <br /> � As used In thls p4npraph 20, 'Hwrdou� Subatancas' aro thos� aubst�ncas definod as 9�.�io or ha�rdoua aubstsia� oy .+�_�_- <br /> , EnvYOnmenWl Law and the tolbwhp subctanccs: pasolho,kKOSOna, othor lkmmabfa or toxla petroleum products.Mxic posticldos end <br /> horb1cld�s, volatiM soNa�ts, mat�M► oontaininp t6b�6tQS Ot(OtR1�kNhyde, �nd ndbactiw mstari4is. As use:� in ihls ptrapnph 20, _ <br /> "Emironmanril Law" mwna Udersl I�wa �nd I�wa ot tho jurkdbtbn whero ths Propwty is located that cela4o to heaRh. etiety or __ <br /> anvYonmenttl proteotbn. _— <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Barrawar and Lsndw lurthw covarw�t and aprw as foNowa: <br /> 21. Aacelerstlore; Remeal���. Lender ahell q(ve nottce W Borrower prlor to accet��ation tollorn�lnp ---- <br /> ,. Borr�wer'� breach of eny eovenent ef spraement In this Securiry InsVument {b�u3 not prinr to _- <br /> _ . ��__!.r_e��� �_�a.. ��.��.Th �� nn�w��naltcabte Isw orovldee �therwise), The no�3�+e shall apeciry: _-- <br /> � p (e) the defautt; (bj the action �cquired 40 ��ure the detault; (c)r dste� not less than 30 ds+ys from the _ <br /> dete the noUce is ptven ta e�rrawer� by which the detwlt must be cured; and (d) that iellure to �ure <br /> the detault on or bstore 4he dete �p�otflad tn the notice msy rewlt i� acceleraUon of the aums <br /> ... secured by this Security Inatrument e�d sale of the Property. 7he notice ahall turther Infarm <br /> '� Bor�ower oT the rl�ht to relnstete �tter �cr.nleratEon and the H�ht tq brinp e court ectlon �o esaen the <br />-� :r .. .``.: : oon-e�clstence oi a detauit or my other detensa mf Borrower io eaaele�etion �nd sate. If the detwlt is <br />"��:�.���. � noi cured on or betore the d�te speclfled U the nottcs. Lender at Its option m�y require immedi�te <br /> `�..,; .;.�,;� � payment In tull of ell sums secured by this Securlty inatrum�nt witlwut turther demend end mey <br /> Invoke the paw�r ot ale and �ny other �emedlea permlt�ed by ap�llsabie law. Lender ahall be <br />-'�:-�•�:� :--� � entlUed to collect atl e�qpenses Incu�rdd in puraulnq ths remedies prov�ded U thta parapraph 21. <br /> -� Iaaludinq�but not Il�nited to� �eae„n�ble�ttorney�' taei end cost�04 title evidence. <br /> -_��==:1� !f th� pow�r of als Is fnvoked� Truatee sh�ll record � noUce of detwlt In eecl� �oue�ty tn which � <br />.�_,��-="`:—r=;� any pert of the Property Is losated �nd �hsll rr�il copiea of auch noUce In ths mmner p�reicNbsd by <br />-.,�� -,�� appeiceble law to Borrower and to ths othor per�ons pr�icribed by �ppticabls law. After the time <br /> --=:..��� requtred by applie�ble law, Truatee N�aq �Ive publlc notice of pla to the per�ons�nd In ths en�nner <br /> - .�.. _�� <br /> .�4.;�� prescrlbed by eipp9lceble law. Trustee.wttlwut demand on Borrower� �hait sell the Pa�perty et pu a <br /> �Y-�� euctlon to the lal�tx�at bidder at the time �d ptace �nd under the terms deWSnatrd 1n the notice of <br /> --- �-��� sale In ane or rnora parcel� end in ��y order Trustea determlrtes. Trustee msy pna3pone iate of ell _ <br /> =;�r�� or eny perael of the Property by public mnou�cement et the tima and plece of any previouely <br /> .���=Y`�'__:, acheduled sele. Lender or 138�Isal�nas may purcha0 the PropKty�t�ny:aale. <br /> °::-� Upon recetpt of p�yneent of the price bid� T�ust�e rMtl deliver to the purcha�e� Truatee'e dead <br /> :,,��-;� conv�yinp the Property. Trie reclt�ls In the Trustee'a deed shall Oe prima facle evld�ncs of the truth =_ <br /> ":::�iT of ti�e sLtements m�ds thereln. Trustes shall appty the proceed� 04 tha aale tn the Yollowin� order: - - <br /> ----��'�. (a) to all costs ar+d ��ensas of exercls(n� the power of aele, �nd 4he ate, Incrudin� the peyment of _ <br /> - =��,�!`•�:�' the 'Pruatee's tees�ctusily Incurred� not to exceed ,T 3 7G ot the princlpel amount ot the �ota <br /> �� .• at the llma of the declaratlon of detault, r�nd rea�onuble attornay'a teea as permt�ted by law; (bD 4v ail — <br /> . sums secured by thla Sacurity instrument; and (cy any exces� to the person or p�raons Iaqelly _ <br /> � entiUed �o it = - <br /> . 24. Reconveyance. Upon payrt�ent of ar sums secured by this S�curky Insbumenf,Lsnder 6hnM request Trustee to reCOnvey M-� __�_. <br /> ' � the PropeRy and ahaN sumender this Sacurity Instnu�rwr►t or►d all�otos rvidenctnp debt secured by this Sacurity Insbumait Cu Trust6e. ``"rr;�__ <br /> �,:�. _� � <br /> � . .:,. . TNStee aheN reconvey the PropKty wRhout womnty and wRhout charpo to QM person or pwsons bQaIM ontRied to k. SLch pE�rson or ��;;,,�._�= <br /> , pxsons ehaN psy any roeordatbn coste. �;ti;��-- <br /> "e -- - <br /> _ �. �K„r�::: <br /> � " ;,,. 23. Subs�t�E Trustee. Lendar, at ks Optbn,may from thw to tim�romove Trustae attd ltppoht t� suCCes8ot Wstea to .=;`i:.��� <br /> �;'�"' �ny Truste� �pAolnb�d harounde► by an haUUm�t rscord�d h th� counry h �ahich this Sqcurily Inshument Ia racorded. W(thout _ ,__, <br /> . ::.r� <br /> r.nnv�ev�nr�n4 th�Pronartv. aucc�ssor trusSee ahal sucCesd to al ths tkk, power �nd duttes contertad upon TNatee herein and by � .:�' <br /> - -- -- -• . .. <br /> ,. eDPlicabb �w. --- - � <br /> 24. Requeat br NoUces. 8orrower requssts that coptes ot ths notices of de(auR and sak be sont to Bo�rowa's address � <br /> � whinh b th� Proparty Addross. ' , <br /> 2b. Riders to thia Se�urlty InsVumeaL It on� ot mon rbdere ae sx�cutad by Oorrower �nd recorded toyethsr wkh <br /> this SecurUy insUUmont,Me covenants and aprownonts of each such �ider shaN be Incorpornted fnto�nd shau ama�d end suppfert�er►t <br /> the Covent+nis and�gree�r�ente of thb Secun'ty Instrttment YS !f lhe t{der(s)woro �put ot this Security Instrument. <br /> 1 <br /> Form 302!0/00 - <br /> . . ' F�029.1M0 (7IG�E) Pip�4 Ot 6 •� ' <br /> � t <br /> � � <br /> 41D <br />