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._; . ' - <br /> , �� <br /> . �ulir�t . , <br /> ., . . <br /> ., <br /> •• � _- <br /> : 4�_a. � �. " ... <br /> , <br />""'—_'___-.....__'....�.�� . - `�pat3�`'�_ ' _-_ _ '. <br /> .. .. .''__.... ...:.��-,IM.. .• :aly.�►1'.L1Ra75511e �a..i..u..+.+' <br /> . . . . ._���...�_.. . _.� _.. _ .. �_ �__'�. _��_ . ..... . . .., ......��G <br /> . W. i <br /> �.�—- <br /> ,��' .. . . i n � ' � • ` _ __ <br /> �.W:'"_"___�..T_._1L. . ........ .. ._.... . _"__.."" . _... <br /> ..... _ �_ .. <br /> �� �� <br /> 12-12-1998 <br /> ���0 O�YRIiSY ���,���:� PeCm A �-~`~ <br /> Lonn No 387011 (Con4inued) �_ <br /> .. •--------------_ ' <br /> r_:.�--- —. <br /> pstaonal praperiy,and Lender ehail ha��e ail of the tlghts of a e�curid party un0er lhe Unlform Commerclnl Cod�a�amonded from Ilmp to <br /> . • Iim�. <br /> - B�cuAty inten�t. Up�n rmqwst by Lendu,Tru�tor etwN axocul�flnanclnp statomant�on�d Nonhtor�cadlrp tNs Oe�d ofuTnnt nyth�re�l <br /> to p�+tect�nd conHnue Unders e�:udty Interat In tlf�R�r►ts tnd P�reorwl Proporty. <br /> propKty ncord�,l.�nd�r rtwy,at any tlrrN�nd withou!turthk�ulhoduHon kom Trusta,liM�x�aut�d count�rparle,copl�or r�produations o1 <br /> Ihb DNd o}Trust u�IlnanWnp �tnt�ment. Truater th�N ntmburM Undar for�N�xp�raas Inoum�d In pMiac�np a conHnulnp Ihb 8�curlry . <br /> �nd mtk�t a II�bN t Lend�r witMn thra�(3)d�ys attar nce1P►�wril t�n demend Prornt����eaaonably convenlent to Trustor and Land�r <br /> �. -. <br /> - � p/nntad by th D�ol�lYUStdmaysb ob4ln�d(ea�chb as�rsQU nd b�hs�Un�uto m Com?merct�l Code),nue ae�ettted o�n rthe�flra P�ot th�Aeed� <br /> ...+an"'`'�. ol Trust. <br /> ^""`�"'''�' pUpTHER AggURANCEB;A4TORNE1f-INl-FACT. Tha fdlowlrp provislons rolaUnp to tuAher assurances and attaney-Irrtnat are a part of thb <br /> Dwd o}Trust. <br /> Furttwr Asaur�►css. At any Hmo,and trom Ume to Umu,upon mquest of Lender,Trustor will make,execulo and dellver,or wlll causo to 4� '- <br /> rru�d�,exocuted of dNtv�erad,fo Lender a to Lender's desFpnee,and when requested by Lender,cause to be eled,recorded,refiied, a <br /> � � reracsxtkd,e�Ihe cass may be,at auch tlmss�nd in auch atM1Ces and place�ea Lender mey deem nppropriate,tny and all auch morlpapa�� __ <br /> d�d�of trust,aecurHy de�de�socurih►�9rwm+�b�Ananclnp a4tement�,candnuaUon etatements,imhumenb of hxlher ossurence,ceNiACat�l, _ <br /> ' end other doaumen�aa may�In Ihe sole opinion of neces.tary or deslrabla In order to eKectuate,complete,perlect,conHnua. or <br /> presorve (a)ths abllptUons o4 Trustor under tFw Note,thb Dsed of 17ust,�nd the Related Documents,and (b)the Ilens and seccs`ry IntcKesb =•; <br /> �ted by thb Dsed of Trust es fket and prior Ib�s on tl�PropKty.whethar now ownsd or hersafter�aquired by Trustor. Unless Cchhl�ited by ..,_ <br /> .. ' '„�, lew or apreed to the contnry by Lender in wriNnp,Tnista shd wimburso LandK tor WI cosb and a�anses IncuRed In connec'fia;s wil'n the �.F� <br /> � mattaa re(erred to In thfs ptnprRph. �w <br /> �;�_ <br /> _ , ti•• AttMMy-In�Fact If Trustor hlFS 10 do any o}the thlnQs rel�rted to tn lfw precac�v, .peraflraph�Land;r rr�ay do so tor nnd in the n8me M ��. <br /> � Trustor and at Trustors w�ensu. For such purposas,Trustdr h�reby krovocabry app�nts Lendar as Trustor's attanay-In-ltct tor Il�e murpoN �,_. <br /> � �"-. <br /> of maklnp,exeauHrq,delivsrinp, filh►y,record�M7�ind ddng�I ot(ter ihinps as may ba necessary a'deslrabb,In l.andwe aoW C� - <br /> �asomplish tha matter8 reterced to In the precedinp peraynph• �'' <br /> FUl PEFiFORMANCE. If Tntstar pays all the IndebOadnsss when dus.and otherwtso pe+fams all the obl!pations Imposed upon Tntstor unde t1Ye �=:�- <br /> � Oeod of Trust, Lender sht!f execute and deUver to Trustea� �equesl for bll reconveyance end sMH execute and d.�l��er to Truator suRabN <br /> stat�m�r►ts ol Wrtnlnttlon of any Mandny stalament on 6fe avldenclnp Lendefs seourity Interest In the Rents and tt� b�arsonal Propo►ty. Any <br /> roCOnwyance(ee raqutrod by law ahaN be ptld by Trusta,ff permidW by applfcable t�w. <br /> DLFAt�T. E1�oh of th�toNOwtnp,at tM opHon of Lond�r,shall corutilut��n�wM of ci�fituft('Ewnt ot D�t�utl")under ihfs Oaid o+Truat: '. <br /> DehWt on Ind�bt�dn�o�Falturo of Trustor to rtukv any paymmt whan due an ttw Indoblodn�ss. �e� <br /> pNwH pn p{tMr pa�rnNnt�, FaAun of Trustor within tM BrrM nqukad by thls Daed W Trust fo mdce any paymertt tar iax�nr Iruuranc�,a - <br /> ,1.'� any othK payrm�nt n�asauy to prownt ANrp W or to�M�ct dE�charp�o�any Ilsn• <br /> : �.t� �_•_..°•-"°~�-'T:'�.`�s!�"!l.:�... vl:a�.�'1�reW�•=!_r!y Tr!�t.v nM.uM undar any lotn,extanslon of cradlt.eec�ariy 89�e6m�at,ptsroh:se or — <br /> Y�1wfn{w�rww�v, - <br /> : :,,;ra�� salq�praartwnt, or a�y other epronmenl,In hvor of any oHMr credltot or parson that may mabri4ly atfect tny ot eorrowa"s propKty or <br /> '���• Boaowor'6 or any Trustor's abflity to rapay tM Loana u perkrm lhs7r raspactlw oblipatlor►�under this D�ed M Tnnt or�ny ot�he RNat�G <br /> : ;;;i.,,:;;5. <br /> ,;`;„�:%., Docunwnh. <br /> . • Go�npllYtce Dtfwlt. Fallure of Trustor to comply with any oiher term,obltyatlon,covenant a conditlon contained Jn lhis De�d of� <br />:`�t�:��� Noq or In any of fhe Reiat�d Dooumenb. <br />:°,t�`.�;;`.;',;: F�IN StNem�nts. Any warrenty,representallon or statement made or tumislwd to Under by or on behaH o}Trustar under this Doid of Trusl, <br /> -w�,.�;� lh�Not�or Nw l�kted Dacurnents is fals�or mtskradin�In any materiv respect,eflhK now or nt the tlme mada a hunts►wd. <br /> ''•'_";"°:i�. p��eqy��pNMMNinMion. ThFS DoeA at Tn,st or any ot the Rslated Doaumonb cstss�to be In fuil tacs and eMecl(indudinp hHUro of any <br /> �.J_:.'� coMaOeral doaum�nb to cnatu a velid and psrMatsd seaudly[nhrsat cr Nen)aS any tlrtN and fa any rs�son. <br /> -' "� pMlh a In�otY�wy. Th�daalh of Tnntor or tt►r,dlssdulbn u Iorrt�in�tlon of Trusto�s axfstence as t Odnp busin�ss,ftN Insdwnoy o1 <br /> ,-`ai� Tn�ta,ih�appantm�rst of�ro�w�fa tny p�rt a Tnptor's aop�ty,any saqnm�nt tor th�Fi�nMt of cnditas,�ny tYP�of cnditor wakaA� <br /> .�'Jr ` <br /> ---�:h� or tM commenam�nt of any proceeWnp und�r any banuuplcY o�k�sohprxY kws by or�p�inst 7rustor. <br /> -.-:.:����►�:.�.li F���Fo�pH1���Nc. Commenoemsnt of faadosun or fa�itun procpdinpe.wMtl�by Judk��procNdlnp�sM!-hNP�nPo�sbn <br /> _ „..,v,,..,,. or any othor rtwlhod,by any cxedita of Tmsta or by any powmmenE�l epenay�palrnt eny of tho Property. However,this aubaectlon ahall not <br />--.�-.,�..�;:� �ppry In ttw went ot a yoad falth dlspub by Trustor ats to tM validlty or roa�sontbNnoss of lh�cWm which ia tM basis of th�torocioturo or <br />-� �°:.'•����i torNNlurs procasd�np,pro+AdW that Trustor piwe Landar wrR1�n notloe of such cWm and fl�nishes resaws a a suroly bond tor tM chlm <br /> ---_°_-`_-- satlstaCtory to lender. <br /> - °""�"�'�� Bn1�ch pf OItNr A�enmM►t. My braach by T�ator und�r tM twrta of any oth�r�pra�m�nl b�twwn Trusta and l.onda�th�t f�not rem�d�d <br /> ;:.:•-,,. . <br /> -o��t!Lsf..�t>', <br />_ „;�x�, wfthin any prnco poriod p�ovlded iherein,Inciudinp without tlmilatlo�i any a�ment concernin�any Indebtedrtess or othK obMp�don of Trut a <br /> -.°';x'-`:�''',--- to Lend�r.whether exia8np now a taler. - <br /> -_ �...�A.''I�I�L ��!■ <br /> Ev�nt�AfhCtlnp Qar�nia'• Any ot ttN pracedinp ovsnis oocurs wlih rospect fo any auarantor of any of the Indebtedness or tny Guuanlor <br /> -_-�-''�==�l dlo�or boCOmos inCOmpgtent,or revokos or disptAes 1he val;dity o1,or Iltbllltyr undvr,any(iwnnry of lha Indobiodrws�. Lsnd�r,at tb optloe, <br /> _ - -_� may,but shall not be requirod to, p�►mit th��ivarenta'a esttta lo ssaurtw unaondlBontlty ttw obllQaUons arislnp und�r ths puannty In t <br />�:_,3.,�w;:;.�= manMr 6atlsfeCtory lo Lsnder,end,In ddnp so,otml t11�Evenl ot OefaulL <br /> ;l�;;;,;.4: Adv�rM Chanp�. A mtlettal sdverss ofitnp� occuR M Tntskt's Mtndal condiHon� or Lender boliews the prosp�ct of paymtint or <br /> _ , �s;-,.�., pMfofmtrtCa Of ttN Indebt�dn�as b Imp�intf. _ <br />'_:,;�_;,. ,y,��,�„_ a <br />_:;��.;��...:.,.: InsecuAty. Lenda In poad hlth dsema Heett insecura :. <br /> • „ ,r,..,- , RI�t to Cur�. If suoh a(ailure b aurabis eed t}Trus?or hae nct baen piven a notic�ot a 6naCh of tFw sart�provision of thla DaYd ot 7nist y: <br />� � wtthln thv pncwdinp lw�lvo(12)montM,it m�y be aurvd (and �o Hvant of Oofault wiq haw eccurrsd)i}Trusta,sa7ler Lende e�nda writMn � <br /> � � � noUcs demandiny cure ot such t�ilure: (a)cuns ltw tailuro xrithln tflt�n(16)dayr�;or (b)If tla curo requ(ros moro than ffftan (16)df�, �, <br /> -',%;� Immodlateiy Iniliata�steps suffldent to cure the taNUre and thxentler conUnue�and compktea ell reasonabte and necessary afaps suMcls�to <br /> : �. produce compllence as soon as roasonabty pncticaL �'�- <br /> RitiFiTS AND REMEDiFS ON DEFAU.T. Upon tho ocCUrconco of any Event of DefaWt end at any time thereerte►.Trustev or Lendir,at tls opUon, <br /> may axercfse eny orN or more ot tl�idlowinp rlphb end remediee,In addi0on to any other�iqhb or remsdie:s provlded by taw: - <br /> �� Aceder�don upon Dtf�ull;J►ddltionN R�mWN�. If�ny�wnt of detault�ccurs as pw th�terms of fhe Noto sucurod horoby�Lend�m�Y _. <br />- } deciw all Indebtednsss saaured by lhls De�d of Trust to ba due and payabte and t1a same ahall thereupon become due and P�YII�without <br /> � any Rrosentmen�d�mand,protest or notico of any kind.TMnaRtx,Lontfor mly: <br /> • ''��s�="' � <br /> .,,.•�. (�) Either In person or by opent,wHh a wi►hout brinqrp any�cUon or proc�dlrq,a by�recelvEtt aApdnteci by a court end without <br /> -- __.Y...Y..�,�.�..... _.,�...�..,.,..�,.w�., d N�s Prm�rtv.or anv nart thareot In 1!s own namY ot in th�nlln� <br />.. _--_-_---_•._ �-- �:w V.v n......q...u,v..»�,.r...,.�..._.-.^._'_ __� -•- --.._ . - . <br /> • of Trustee,and do any acts wh�h R deartn r�caswy a de�lnbl�to pPSS«vs ihu v�iw,muketabllky or rontabiN[y of the Propady,or plrt <br /> ' of lhe Ptoperty or Interost In ths Propsrty;lixrees�the Incom�Irom tM Prop�rty or protoct ttw aecudry of tho Property;and,with a wiihout <br /> ' teklnp po�asslon of the Property,sue ta or otMrwise CoMect tM nnts,Issuos 4nd pro�ts ot the Property,Inctud�rip lhose past dw and <br /> unpald,and epDN tha 6ame,tess costs and�nses d oporaBon and cdkctlan,fnciudiny atterneys'fees,to any Indobtodnese sacund <br /> � by lhts Deed W Tnnt,aM In such order a�Lender may dekrmine. The enlertrq upon and tskinp possesslon of the Propw�ly,the cokectlon <br /> " of suCh ronb,Issues and profiis,and the applfqUon thereot shaM not cure or walva Qny ds4auft or nol�e of deQault under thls Ueed af Tnnt <br /> �� or Invalidate tny act dons In response to such detauA or pursuartl to such noUce of detQUlh, end,natwithstanding tNe ConHnuarsce In <br /> possessfon ol the Properry or 1hs cdlecNon,rocalpt tnd eppNcatlan ol renb,fssuas or profib,7rusteo a Lender shaM be ontlUad to <br /> exerctso overyr dpht proNded br In the Note or th0 Retaled Documents or Dy law upon the accumenca of nny event at defautt,Includinp Iha <br /> rlgh!tq exercbe the power ot sate; <br /> , (b) Commence an ssUon 10 toreciose lhis Deed of Trusl as a mortgape,eppdnt e rocelvor or speclflcalry entorce any of lhe covenenl� <br /> " hereoi;and <br /> �. <br /> (o) DWiver to Trustea a wdtlen dedtratlon of def�ult md ckmand tar aala and a wdtion notice of detault and electlon to couse Tntstors <br /> . � . <br />