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.._..., , <br /> x. <br /> ��,` �� <br /> ;��� . <br /> .�.. . , <br /> .w.,s, , . , . • .. ., _-_. - <br /> � . .. . __. , <br /> ... <br /> ���* �• � ---._..... . <br /> . ,. :... . . ., .�.�..—._. <br /> _ . .. ... . .... . .. . .. ... .. . <br /> ,. „ .. ... . <br /> ...... � , -,�.�r�s�r_. <br /> ...-:., <br /> , � f 12-12-1g88 i�EED OF TRllST �j_ �,(����:� Peye 6 . _ <br /> Loan No 3��U11 (C�nUnuod) _ _ <br /> . .._ . �-- __._.,--- -----•-----.� --- --� �... <br /> � .—.� ._... ---a_��__-- --�---_ � <br /> Interest In Iha Prop�fyr to bo eda,wh{C1 notice Trustea shall cause to be duty Ned br record In tho eppropAete oN�ces ol lhe Ccunty In _ <br /> wh�h the Propsrly Is loc,�t�d;�nd _� <br /> Nebr��e Unlam Commarclal C d�f��p�onal Propwfy.Londer aFUll h�ve�II Ih�rlyhta Qnd rem�dla�o}�cecured pirty und�r Ihe � <br /> � Forecloaure by Poyvtr of 8�. If Lender elects to foreclose by exerctse of fh�Pow�r of SaN harNn contelned,Londer sheil notity Truste�and _ <br /> shall d�poslt ullti Trust�a ihb Desd of Trusl end the Note end such rncolpts and evidence o}oxpenditure3 mflde Bnd 6oCUred by Ihl9 DeQd Of z; <br /> . Trust ns Trusteo mey require. , � - <br /> � (e) Upon receipt of such not�e trom Londer,Trustee ahall r,auss to be recorded,published�n�l dNlwrsd to Trustqr euch Not��of D�ttull � � <br /> Ihen batrequly d by aw and a e�eecoyrdsHOn of suych I(Jolkb of Deliuit and a8er Notice 7 Sala havinp bs�nrplven aa equlrod by law,aNl '- <br /> �..,.,_..:s� - <br /> �' the Properly at tho Ilme and place of�10 flxad by II In suah Notice of Sata,ellher es a whole,or In seperato lob or parati a ltams u <br /> Tru�tea shall desm eu�edient,and In such ader ea II m�y detxmine,st publlo�uctlon to the hlyhesl bldder tor cash In bwful mon�y of _ <br /> tha United States payabt�at the time ol eale. Trusta shall deliver to such purahtser or purohassra tlwrsof Its paod�nd suiFCtent dled a <br /> faats shail bs concusPv�root olthe truihtulness tchsreotf�AnyYpsrson�includlnp withoutaimltatlon T ustor,Trustoa, or�Lender�rt�y „ " <br /> purchn�at sL:.h�.s��. �, �,{-'-. <br /> .dq;•:: <br /> (b) As may be permtried by law.atter deducenp all cosYs,tees end expenses of Trustee and af this Trust Includlnfl costs of eNdmce of • ��,���;�1 1�V±_-- <br /> uc <br /> � t t t le In conn e c tl o n w i t h s a i e,T r u s t e a s h e i l e t p p l y t h e p r o t�e d a of sale to pa yment of (I)all sums axpended under the lerma of this Doed of -.,�� <br /> Trust or under the tarms at the Note no!then ropald,Includiny but not Ilmited ta accrued Interest and late chnrpes, (Iq all o t h e r sums t h e n ' � ;�r,,; <br /> �� � seCUred hereby,and (Ilq the remalnder,I(any,to the person or peraons lepitity en8tled Ihereto. - "�"`���n� <br /> • ,.•�'r_-.�. <br /> , (a) Trustea may In the menner provlded by law postpone eale o}sll ar eny portlon ot the Proporty. � `�.:�,.����-� <br /> Remediea Not kxCtutive. Trustee and Lender.and each of them,shall be enUiled to enforce payment and pertormance ot any Indcbtcdn� � � ,,r _ <br /> • '; or obtipatlons secured by this Deed of Trwt and to exercise ait r{phts and powers undor thls Deed of Trust, under the Note, under any of the .,,_� <br /> � Related documents, w under nny othcr tse�ecm�nt or any laws now or hereafter In force;noN�ithsffindinp,some or all af oua�Indabtedness x.,;___ <br /> , �•. and o611pations secured by this Deed of Tnrsl mAy now or hereatter be otherwise socured,whother by mortpaQe,daed of trust,pledyo, Uan, : , __ <br /> assfpnment or otherwfse. Noither lhe accsplanco of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcament,whotito;by court adlon a pursuant b the power of ��w^,: <br /> sala or other powers conteJned in this Deed ot Trust,shall preJud�e or In nny manner affoct Trt�stee's or Lenders dOht to roatize upon or ���.: <br /> -.�. Antorce any other secudiy now or hexeafter held by Trustee a Lender,it belnp apre&d that Tnislne and L�ndtx,and ecch ot them,ahaN ba ,•� <br /> entitled to eniace thfs Qeed of Tru,t and sny olher sscuriiy now or heroaRor 1►eld by Lender or Trustee In such order and manner at theY or "� <br /> elther of lhem may In thelr absWuia dlscreNon dolermine. No remedy cantarod upon or reserved to Trustee a Lender,Is intendod to be `: �!�� <br /> every atherf remYedy given Inlhis Dood ol Tnnt oro w orby�er exisUnp at law'or��equlty or byhstatute. Every�pow�a emsdy piven by the �- -- . .-: <br /> Note or any o} tho Related Oxumonts to Trustee or Lender a to whbh either of them may be otherwlss entltfed, may bs �xKOts�d. '- � ';,�; <br /> conaurren8y a IndepsndenUy,from tlme to Hme flnd as otten as may bs deemed exped�ent by Trustee or Londer,and eith�r of ttrom rtuy � <br /> pursue Inconsistent remedles. Nothlnp in this Desd ot Trust shall be constru�d ns prohlblflrtp Lend3r from aeeking s deNcl�rwy Judpment <br />.. - � Hp0.insi inu�t11:iiUi tu t�i8'vn�oti:oiiv:::C.."OSt.�,,r^.°�'•^.`�H-°��;1—°y(. .�� . <br /> � Requeat FM Notice. Trustor,on behalf of Trustor and Lender,hereby requests 11�at e copy of any Nottce of Default and a copy of any NoUCe . <br /> � oi 3ale under this D6ed df Trusl be meiled to tham at the addressss set forth In tha flr31 parapraph of thls Deed of Trost. ,., <br /> WMver,E1eCtlon o!Realldle��,,}�w�vQr by ar�p parly of a breaCh of a provtslon of this Doed o}Trust shall not constituto e walver o!er '::� <br /> preJudke the perty/s dphte`oth�rwis�'� be.mand stricl camplianca wlth thet provision or any othar provision. Election by Lende�ta pu�sue eny � <br /> remedy provlded in th�s D�d of�'rvst,fiie NOte,In any Related Dxument,w provlded by law ahaH not exclude pursuR ot any otlwr romedY. � <br /> � end an etectlon to rtuke e�ndifures a to take acNon to perform Rn obtipaUon of Trustor under thls Deed of Trust aRer(alluro of Trustor to �r: <br /> ;_.� p�rform shall not af`�ct Lenders ripht to deckro a default and to ex�rcl�any at ib remrdt�s. -_ <br /> Attomeyi'F�eu;E7�Aense�. N Lander Instltuiaa any suft or�ctlon to entorce any of ths Mrrm of thfs Desd of Trust,Lsnd�r shell b��ntiWd to <br /> � recover suCh s�tm as the court may AdJudpe reasonable as attomeys'fess at tr(al ind on onY apPenl. WMlher or no!any coutt�Ctlon b _ <br /> _ ' �� Involved,all reasonabb e�enses lncurred by Lendcr wh�h in Lender'e opinion an n�cesaary at any dme tor th�protecUon of Ib Intwrr�st or ihe <br /> on'.orcemont ot Its rlphR�shall become�part of the Indebtedness DaYibb on demand and shall bsar IntKest�t the Not�rata Nom the dato of <br /> expenditure untH repeld. E�enses covered by this parepreph Include,without 1lmitaUon,however subject to nny Ilmib under eppikxbb kw, <br /> l��'-•v: LandePs atlorcwys'tees whether or not there ts a la�vsuit.tnctudlnp atlomeys'(ees for bankrupicy procaedlrps(Inctudlrp eftorts to madity or ��. <br /> --�:;r:t� • f vacate eny automatb stay a Injunctlon),appeaFs and any ant�lpated post-Jud9ment coltectlon seMces,the cost of seQrchlnp rocorda,obtatninp <br /> --=•�.- •����• tltio reports(inctudinp loreclosure reports),survoyorn'roports,appratsel tees,Utio Insurance,and fees for fhe Trustee,to the extont permflted by <br /> " �,��a:' oppl�abte law. Trustor also wiu pay any coud costs.In addltion to ali other eums provlded by taw. <br />,�'����'���� Riphb Of Tru�tee. Trustee shall have all ol lhe rlphts and duties of Lender as set forth In thl�sectlon. <br /> "•-,jr���).���.. <br /> -.� pOWpiB AND OBLI(iATi0N8 OF TRUSTEE. The idlowlrp provisions retetinp to the powers and obllpations of Trustee are part of�hb Deed oi <br /> .'�.:: .:.... � ,+�� Trust. _ � <br /> `� Powen of Tru�teo. In addlHon to aN powen of Trustee arislrp as a matta�of taw,Trustee ehall have the powor to taka tha fdlowirty aCtiorm <br /> _i���:a�;-� Inc udlr►p thatd�dlcaUo�n�ctr+�h or other rlphb t�o�the pubibtl(b)Joln I�n�ndnp,any�ment or croaHn�p any���Uiadonton ttN RMI Pr pw�ty�. ---_ <br /> . �,,,,�� , end (o)Jdn U 4ny subardinaUOn or oihx�qreement af(ecdrp thls Oeed of Trust or the Interest of lender under ihls Deed of Trus1. �__ <br /> su;;;:,..:'.•: - _- <br /> '�� '"""`'`' ' T►ustee. Trustee shaN meet e11 pualilit�dona requked tor Tnntee under applicable law. In addition to the�iphts and remadt�s set torih abow, ��— ____ <br /> =-�",�:., with respect to ail or ony put of 1he Property,tho Trustee shaA have the�fgh4 4o foredase by notkre and sate,and Lender s1�1!have ita rtpht to -:��==� <br /> -� - �� Ioreclose by Judictal faecicsure,In eHher ease in acCOrdanco with and to the fuA axtenl provlded by epplicabfe law. �;.�-�..W�� <br /> _. . ., �y a.:�_.�.. <br /> guccpsoor TNatee. Londer,at Lender's optlon,may from time to Hrrs appoinl a suCCesso►Tnntee to any Trustee appdnted hareundir by an �,_ <br /> tnstrument executed and ecknowtedyed by Lender end recorded In the oMce ot the recorder of F�AU.County,Nebraska. The Instrument sh�ll ;_�-..-�.-.--- <br /> contain,in addition to all other matter9 requlred by state law.9he namss ot tho odpinal Lender,Trustee,and Trustor,the baok and pane(or �4�WK��>�`�l+�" <br /> computer system retere�ce)whero tnls Deed of Trust Is recorded,and lho name and address ot tho successor trustee,and ti�a InstrumQnt Shtll �':`:`---_-__y <br /> be exeouted and acknuwledQed by a!i the benoflci�tries under tho Deed ot Trust or thelr successors In Interest The successor trustee,without � , �o.,� "_ <br /> "'" � conveyance of the Preperty,shall succeed to atl the dtle,power,and duties conlerred upon the Trustee In this Deod ot Tcust and by�pplkwte � 'i";{i:� <br /> ����' , �ie t€t�:r�r. <br /> � law. This grocodure for subsUtutlon ot trustee ahall povem to the exclusion of NI oiher provlsions tor subsUtutlon. � r,� ,.,:,' <br /> �;;;.; • <br /> � _�' NOTICE8 70 TRU9TOR AND OTHER P/IHTIES. Any notkw under Sh°s Oood of Trust shnil be In wdtiny,mey be be sent by telefacsimlib,tnd ah�lt .,•�_,�t:: .��Yi�• <br /> , �r�. <br /> � :� be eHeCHve when actualry deNvered,or when doposited with a neBannAy recaynlnad ovemfpht courier.or,ff inei!ed,shall be deemed�ffoodva when r .�.,,_.�,.;,�_.��... �r.,. <br /> depcnitad In tha UnHed S4tes mail Brst ciass,c�rWkd or reDtstered m�i1,postapv prepYld,dirocled to the sddresses ahown naar the bopinninp ot .'.,;,?"j',};�,;�r t,.;, . <br /> this D�d of T�us� Any party may chanye i!s addnss ta noticss under this Deod of Trust by p(vinq form�l written notica to ihe ollwr parWd, �-�Ns,�4. <br /> .�, sPeciytnp thnt the purp�of the notice is to ch�rtfle tlw pertys address. A!1 copie9 of not�es of toreclosuro kon�the holder oi any Ifen wh{ch has ;,,,.Q^ , .,,. <br /> 1'� agrees ovkeopt Lendc+t andrTniSteoilnfeormed tat ell tlmes6o T�s u�rent sddresse�Inninq of this Deed ot Trust For notk:e purposes,Tnutor . .. .._ .._ ._ : <br /> MISCEILIINEOUS PROVISIONS. The tollowiny miscellaneous provistons are a part of this Deed o}Trusr �' ' <br /> ' Amendments. Thb Deed of Trust,topether wiih any Retnted Documents,constitutes the entire understendinp and agresment of tho partles as <br /> • ' to the matters set tarih In Ihis Oee� of Trust. No alteraBon of or amendmont to thts Deed of Trugt shail be ofiective unless eiven in wdUnp and <br /> slpnod by the party or partlos Bought to be charped or bound by tNe elteretion or amendment. • <br /> ' MnuM Reports. If 1ha Property Is used la puryoso�other than Trustor's resldence,Trustor shall furnfsh to Lender,upon roquest,a cerNlftd <br /> statoment ot net operatirg Income racetved hom the Property du�inp 7rustors previous Bscal yeer In such farm and detail as Lender bhe� • • <br /> requke. 'IVet opera8nfl Income"shall mean aH cash recelpts hom lhe Propeily less ali cash o�endituras mado In cor,nectton with tM operatlon <br /> of the Property. <br /> Appl{c�pW Law. Thl�D1W Of Tncst ha�b�en dNivfnd to LeM3ir�nd�cc�pt�d by L�nder In th�StMe of HeM�aMu. Thts Oeed of Tn�a! <br /> �� tM11 be poveme�by�n/conslrued k+�ccorEaece wMh 1M laws o}tRs�8t�te o!t�Nbralcs. <br /> - CapHon He�tlinp�. Captlon headinps In thls Oeed nf Trust 4re for convenlence pu�poses onry nnd ere not to be used to Interpret or deQne the <br /> ,. provisfons of thls Deed ulTrust. � <br /> � 1 � � <br /> ! _ <br />