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<br /> � �12-12-1s96 �EED 0�TRUST �... �Q���:� Peqe 3 ;'
<br /> , Loen No�67011 (Cuntinuod) ___---__._ -- .----_..__.�_��---�
<br /> � �.._._._ —
<br /> ' under lhe Ilon. In any contesl,Trustor shell detend Ileall end Lender end ahall sutlafy e�ny eAvarco Judpment bafore enforcement apaln�l Ihs '
<br /> � Propsrry. Trusta ahall name Lender ae en addlllonal oblip�und�r mny aurely bond turnl�hod In the contat Nroeeedinpo.
<br /> Etiidance o1 P�yment, 7rustor shall upon domand Iurnish to Lender satlstactory evidonce ol payment of Ih�te�xes or assesam�nif and�hal!
<br /> � authodze Ihe epproprtale povernrtwntal oNicl�l lo deliver to Lendor d�ny tlme 4 wdtlen stelemenl o} Ihe Wce�and essesaments e9alnal tfw
<br /> Property.
<br /> PJotica oP CaiziiucSkn. Trustor chaA noGly Lcnd�r at I_�n tf}t_�n(16)d�ys betoro nny work 19 commenced,my aervlcw aro turnlehad,a any
<br /> mat�lds an suppN�d to th�Proprrry, M�ny m�cluMo'�N�n,mat�rl�lrtssn'� IMn, a oth�r Nan could ba us�rt�d on account N tM work, ,
<br /> " eervlCSa,or mate�iaFs.Trustor wiM upon nquat of Und�r hxnbh to L�ndsr tdvance tssunncav sUhtactory to Lender that Trusta c�n�nd wIN
<br /> - p�y the cost ol euch Improvemenb. �
<br /> ^""�, PROPERTY DAMAOE INSURAtiCE. The foilowtnp provlslon�relatinp to I�ud�p fh�Propedy Qn�pad oi!hh Oeed ot Trust.
<br /> 61�nten�nc�of I�wrM�c�. 7nuta ahaW procure and rtwintnin polk�oi tlro Insurnnce wfth ntanderd oxtended coveraQe endoreem�nb on e
<br /> rgptacemenl hasb for ths full Insunbfa velw cove�lnp all ImprowrrNnb on tM Re41 Propertfr In an�tmc►unP eufACNnt to tvoid�pplfcaden of any
<br /> culnsuranca clause,and with a standard mortpayee ciause In teva of Lender. Trusta shaif dso prxure and me�nUein comprehensivs penacal
<br /> IlabUlty Insurance In suah coverape amounis as Lendor may request with Vustee end Lender baing named tts tdditlonal insurede In auoh Il4b{Iity ;_
<br /> Insurnnce pollclas. Additionanyr,Tnistor shall malntaln such other Insurnnce,Inctudlnp but not Ilmited lo hezard,buslneSS IntertupUon,and �,"
<br /> bollor Insurence,as Lender may reasunaby require. Pol�clgs shell be w�(tten In form,amounts,coverages and basls reasonabty accepteble to .
<br /> Lender end Issued by e company w companies reasonabty acceplabie to Lendor. 7rustor,upon request af Lender,will detivsr to Lender from �
<br /> time to time the poltcies or ceriiHcutes of Insurance In form salbfactory lo Lender,Includiny allpula�ons that coverayes wlll not bo canceilod or ,
<br /> ��� tliminished wlthout at least ten(10)days'prlor wdtten not4ce to Lender. Each Insuronce poticy alsn shail Include en endorsement provldlrp that
<br /> � covare{�e In(ava of Londer wIN not be Imp�k�d In�ny w�y by�ny acl,omisslon or default of Tmstcx a any other psrsan. Should the Reei �;,..�.`
<br /> „ �f• Property�t any dme bscome located In�n uea deslOn+lted by th�Olroctor ol!he Fede�41 Emerpency Manepement Apency as a spscia�Aood :"-.i•;•-
<br /> hemrd area,Trusior sprees to c,btaln and m�intaln F�d�el Flood Insternr�cs to tite extent s��ch Instxtnce Is required by Lender end Is or .`;�•-_
<br /> ;�; becomes availabie,tar the term oI the luan or ta the tuM unpald prtnclpal balance oi the loen,or the ma�dmum Ilmit of coverage thftl b avelkbte,
<br /> ��' whi�haver Is fess. �: '�-
<br /> ,� App7lcation of Proceeds. Trustor shall prompUy�otly�ender of any loss a dama�e lo lhe Property. Lender muy make praot of loss ff Tn�tor —
<br /> �� fells to do ao within Rfloan(16)days ot tha casuolty. Whathe�or not Undert security h tmpdrod,LYnder may,at its eiecUon,recetve and nt�in ,,
<br /> • � the procs�ds ot any Insurance nnd nppty the preceeds to Ihe reduoHon a}the In�btednes�,payrn�nt of any lien aftecBnp ttA ProoutY,or tM =-
<br /> restora8on and ropalr ot the Propartyr. If Lender eleats to apply the proceeds to restoralfon and repalr,Trustor shall repalr or repiace the ;r_,
<br /> damapt►d a dastroynd Improvemenb In a manner satistactory to Lender. Lende�shall, upon s�tlsfactory praot o?such e�ertditura,p�y or
<br /> relmburse Trustor hom the proceeds for the reasonable cost ot repalr or r�storation If Trustor ts not In de}oult undor this Dead of Trust. Any
<br /> r.,,�;; V proceeds which have not been disbursed withln 180 days efter Iheir recolpt and which Lender has not commiHed to the repair or ras2oration of , �_
<br />. �,y,;. � the Property shall be used Brst to pay any amount owinp to Lender under ihls Deed ot Trust,then to pay atcrued Interest,and the remain�ar,if
<br /> sny,shall be epplled to the principal balance of the Indebtedness. i!Lender holds any prxeeds atler peyment In fuil of the Indebtodnoss�eueh �
<br /> proceeds shalt be paid to Trustor as Trustor's interests may appear. � _
<br /> Urf�xptred Insurence�t Sa�e. Any une�Wlred Insurance shatl Inure to the bonoAt of,and pass to,ihe purchsser of the Properiy covered by thts
<br /> „ _ -, Deetl ot Trust at any ausies'a saie or other saie ndo unisa i�A p��;,����N�=�1r r.o""o�L'}T.'L:!�L.".°..�.°•tti l�rf,_,r.lne�,re enb�f a�u;h PrnoMy. '!
<br /> " Ttietar'a Repor!on inwrena. Upon rpuest o}L�ndor,howaver not mon ttun once a yev,Tmstor ehaN lurnish to Under a ropod on oach �., _ _
<br /> � , , axisUnq pdby of Insunnc�showinp: (o)the r�me ol the Insurer; (b)the rhks Insured; (o)Iho emount of the pdby; (d)tho proporty Iruured, _____
<br /> � • tAe ihen current repl�am�nt valuo of such property, and the mann�r of detKmlNno that vslua;and (e)ihe wWkation date n71M polby.
<br /> ;�i;��• • � Trustor ahtN,upon�eqwst of Londer,have�n Indepondent apprntser satlsfactory to Lend�r determine the ctsh value replacement cost of tP�
<br />_.- : ' � , prpparty,
<br /> ` �.;>''.,•. �; O(PEMOITURES BY LENDEFi. It Trusta fatls to comply with any provfsian of ihb Deed of Tntst,a H nny aclion or proceedinp Is comrtwnced that
<br />-=���`��.>' woutd rtwl�dally aNect Lender's interests In the Property,Lender on Trostor's behaH may,but shell not be requtred to,take any ecHon that Lender
<br /> '°'"'''' �"• deem�appropdate. Any emount that Lender e�ends In so ddng w(II besr Intnrost at the rete proulded for in the Noto from the date Incurc�d a pald
<br />"�`�`��`�'�':i by Lender to the dato of repayment by Trusta. All su�h e�enses,6t Lenders optlon,wlll (a)be payable on dertwnd, (b)ba added to ttw bWtnCo
<br />�'�'Af'�:'�"''� of the Nate and be epportloned amonp tnd be psyable wlth eny Instellmant ptyrtwMs to become due d��1rp ellher (q the term o}any�pplfcabN
<br /> �°'%`� •'^�'° insurance pol�y pr (11)ths remalniny term of the Note,or (c)be treated as a beAoon payrrwnt wh�h will be due tnd payabta at ttw Noto'a mttu�iiy.
<br /> j- �.�• .
<br /> 3��� :�:�. �. This Doad ot Trust nlso wtu secure payrrwnt of tlws�amounts.The riphts proWded fa In tNls paraqraph shail be in addlUon to any othK hls a any
<br /> y`��`-�.'''"� rertwdles to wh�h Lender may be enfltlad on axount of the delsult. Any such actlon by Lender shall not be construed es cudnp the dolault ao e'to
<br /> _�rr:x•, r� •-.
<br /> �;,K.s: bQr lwidar hom any romedy that ft otherwise wouid havo had. -
<br />'��;'r:�:'`�s�". WAqpANTtfi DEFENSE OF TIILE. The tdlovrinp provlsiara nla8rp fo ownorahip of flw Proporty are a part of thb Deed of Trust. �
<br /> r
<br />�.;F,�;�,,;,:,� -- —__ -
<br />�"=�''°`° -� TttN. Trusfa wRrtanb thax (a)Tnuta hdds poad and madcotabN dtle of rscad to th�Property in fe�slmple,lree and cku ot�N Ikns and
<br /> `=����+�� �ncumbnrwes other than thoss sel fath In tM Real Property desc�iptlon or in any tltls Insurance pdby,tlHe repat,or Anal Ntle opinion issu�d In --
<br /> ""����' � f�vor of,�nd saepte0 by,Lender In connecHon wlih t is Dead o}Trust,and @)Trustor hae the tull ripht,powor,and authority to�xeoulo and —
<br /> �"���`J•�. deiiver thh Deed oi 7tust to Lender.
<br />�;;'s�j - —_
<br />�"'�`:' O�Nnas ol Yfti�. Subject to tha o:coopUOn In fhe parayrq7h abovs,Tnnta warrenta tnd wlu torever dofond Itw tltla to the Property�Inst the �A_ _
<br /> s��'1:.•�,�� Itwtul Clalms of ail persom. In the eveM dny actfon or proceediny b commencsd that quesUOns Tn�stor'a U�e or tM Interest of Tnntes Or _
<br /> '?'�s'�'''='�, Lender under this Deed o}Trust,Trustor shal!datend the eoNon nt Tnnlor'e oxpense.Ttusta may be tlw nominal party In such proCYedlnp�but
<br />�""''����-�•��• Lender shail be enritled to particlpato In the proceedinp end to be represented in the proceedlrre by counsel of Lender'e own chWCe,�nd
<br />:��'�=i Trustor wlll deliver,or cause to be delivured,to Lender such Instruments as Lender may reques4 Uom Hmo to Ume to permit auch puticipttlon. —;,;
<br /> ' ' � �.��*•�� COmpllanc� YJlth I.�w�. Trustor wartants lhat the Property end Trustor's use o1 ths Property complles with all exlsHny applicable laws, �'_
<br />��;°'�;�,�r-._..
<br /> ordmtncea,and repulaHpns of powrnmental tuthorities. Ff`1
<br /> `' ���`'�`'"' COHDENINATION. The tdlowinp pro�Islons re�atlnp to condemnaUon proceedinps are a ptrt of Ihts Deed of Trust � -
<br /> 1..�.�'1;,t' �.�-..'. � w --
<br />_�' !.�°__�-_.,.
<br /> Appllcatfon of!Nt ProcNda. It all or any parl o�the Prope�ty Is condemn�d by emirMnt domain proceedirps or by any proc�edinp or
<br />- Gurohasa In Ileu ot candsmnatlon,Londer rt�y nt Its Moctlon requfre fhat�11 a tny portlon of the net proceeds of the award be appliad to th� �,.._-----
<br /> � Indebt�dr�a the npafr or rsstaaUon of ttw PrapeRy►. Th�nN proc�da of tho awud shtll menn thv award eHer peymsnt of�N retsonabN
<br /> cosh►,expensss,and�ttomeys'ipes Incurred by 7rtploe a Londe�In connoctlon wfth lfie candemnn8bn. �'�__� _ --�,
<br /> •.1��� Pnpceedlnps. it any proceedinp in condemnatlon Is filed,Trustor shaN promptly noUy Lender In w�iting,and Trustor shull promptly take such �`r`•7`�"ri`;:;^_
<br /> steps aa may be necessary to detend the actlon and obteln the award. Trustor mxy be the nominal parry In such proceedlnp,but Lender aheA ` *+�t'W'-`=,�=:-.-
<br />� ' ba enHGed to part�Cipate In the proceedlr�and to be reprpsented in the praceedinp by counsei o4 Its own chotce,and Trustor will detivor a '_:.-:y�`;;-.;.�
<br /> cause to be dellverad to Lender such Instruments ns rt�y be requested by R trom tlme to dme to permit such parUcipauon. '�`'�;,v�
<br /> IMFOSITIfNi OF TAXE3,FEES AND CHARGES BY QOVERNMEMTAL AIITFKlRITIES. 'rhe(ollowing provislons relattnp to governmental taue�, "��'��"#i�;�:::
<br /> :,:.a�y;a•.
<br />_ fe�and ohnroes ere a pad oi thls Oeed ot 7nist: :,;`.:�;c'�yr
<br /> .�-�• C�►Rent T�xe�,Feei�nd Charpea. Upon request by Lender,Trusta shali executo such documents In addition to this Dued of Trust end teke •~:'�`"-.''
<br /> •�� whatever other action Is requested by Lender to perk�ct end continue Lenders 11en on the Renl Property. TNStar shall relmburse Lender tor eil
<br /> .. ,-
<br /> - —--
<br /> — '' � '_ ._'.." _" _'_u_..�__ �i��__� _��_.r ���l.Jir u.i��w��l �.. .
<br />_� ..__ ._.. _.____"
<br /> �8X0S�fls deSCribed DelOw�IOy6tItGi Wlth BII e�BRS@s mcUrtea m recaom9�Potrocut�v� aumnwary nia voev v� nvaq���v.���..y ..�....... - `-- - --
<br /> IfmltaUon ali texes,fees,dacumentary sTamp3,end olher charges for recording w reglsturing this Deed of Trust. � � ., •>
<br /> Y..
<br /> � T�nt�s. The idlowinp shall constitute texes fo which thfs secHon applies: (a)a speclflc tex upon thls type of Deed of Trust a upon atl or any
<br />- pert of the Indebtsdnass aecursd by this De�d of Trush, (b)�cp�clAO Ux on Tnrstor wNch Trustor b nuthorized or required to deduCt from
<br /> • paymsnb on the Indebtedness secured by thh lype of Qeed of 1'rush, (o)a tex on this type of Deed of Trust charpenble egein3t lhe Lender ar
<br /> the hotder of the Nole;and (d)e specllb tex on nll or nny portlon of the Indebtedness a on paymenb of prfncipal and Intexesl rrµde by
<br /> - Trustw.
<br /> Sub�squent Taxes. If any tex to wh�Ch thls section applies Is enncted subaequent to the date ot this Daed of Trust,ihls event shall havo the ,
<br /> � same gflect as an Hvent of Detault(as detlned below),and Lendor may exerolse any or aN of Ib avallabie remedies fa sn Event o!Default as `
<br />� proNded belaw unless Trustor e8har (a)RaYS the tax before il becomes dellnquent,a (b)Contests the tax as provlded above in the Texes flnd
<br /> Lions sectlon and depostts wI1N Lander cesh a a�ufNaiont corporats sureiy bond or other securiry satisfactay to Lander.
<br /> , SECURITY AGREEAAENT;FINAIICIPI(i STATHMENTS.The toltowing proYlslons relatfny to thls Deod ot Trust as a security aareemenl are a parl ol , .
<br />-- Ihi9 Deed o1 Trust.
<br /> Secuflty ApreEment. This InstrumeN sha�consUtute e secudry aproement lo the extanl any of the Properry const(tutes fixtures a other
<br /> ,•
<br /> � '
<br /> � " .,
<br />