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---�:` <br /> ��:�� . . * <br /> �'s�,'�`A� - ;• . : , <br /> ' . .,. • ,� - <br /> _�... .. _ ._ ....... <br /> . • ---.._ <br /> � `-------__-�.W,__�,�_ _ <br /> __ .._ . . <br /> . ---.. �•� ._.....--- --.. _ . -- ---- <br /> . .. ;.. ..... . . . � 'iYiVbiYnt��-�..� - h1Nh� � . .�u. � �:1'J:+ <br /> ,. ,. <br /> • . <br /> • i I. .. <br /> . ..��...�rSl.:.. . ... ... ... . __ .•. ., ft. _ :- _ ' . <br /> .. � . .. .•�� �-.+i•r i� <br /> t2—y2At9t�e D�ED OF�RIJS� <br /> Lo�n Ncs 3a7011 ccontlnued) �" �����`� p��°� , <br /> —._---------=L--=-__._._..__=w --- ----_. — _ --�—� . <br /> owned by Trustor, and naw w her�fta QitacMd a�tfDcod tu iM Real Proparty;topether wlth all accos�lon�,p4rt3,end nddltton� to,oli • ' . <br /> replaamenta ol,�nd�f! aubsfltutlon� ta, �ny ol e�sch prop�ty; �nd topeth�r wllh au proCSed� l��c�udlnp Kllhout Ilmltallon sll Insurn+r� <br /> procMtl�antl niund�of pnmlumt)hom eny wte a oth�r dtapotitlon of tM Prop�rfy. •„ � <br /> Pro�lorty. 7ho word"PropMlyP m�anf ColNodwiy lhn ReU Prop�rfy tnd th�Par6ortal Property. � � „ - <br /> R1M IProp�rty. Ths word�"R�al Property'menn tho property,IntereeU and�Iphts descr�bed above In Ihe"Conveyance and Qranl"soctian. , � <br /> R11piQd l�curewiir. YFw word�'4i�lafW qxun�ntf"me�n and Includa wlihout Iimitdlon eii promissory notoe, croClt aprNrtwnb, Ionn �� .� , <br /> aaMnNnb,mvlronrrNntal o�rMrrNnb,pwr�nN�e,t�curly aprwrn�nts,mortpapn,dMd�o(trust,�nd all other InstrurrNnte,tprx�rrNnU tnd ' <br /> doourrNnts,whaiMr now a h�stft�r�xhNrp,�xoCUt�d In conn�Cdonwith Ih�Indobt�dn�s9. <br /> FMt�. Th�word'A�nts"man;,�II pr�nt and Wluro ronts,nv�nua, tncortw,Issues,roy�ltlue,proAts,end other ben�Ats d�rlvod hom tM <br /> ....�.L"t� Prop�rty. <br /> ' "'• TNtiee. YM word"Trust�s`m�ans UN(TED NEBRASWIOANK�nd�ny subsNtub or�uccesaor trustuN. . ' <br /> � � Trustot. Zh�word'f'ruttor`m�arq Qny and�1 p�reom tnd entltf�s a�cuUnp this Dasd oP Trust,Including wlthout umltaflon a�l Trustae named <br /> '� above. , - <br /> ' THIS dEEO OF TC{�18'�. I�ICll1QIHa TH@ A831C�kMEN'0'OF RENTS AFl�'QC� 8ECUfi1TY INTEAEBT (N TFiE REMB AND PER80N�1. -'�,. <br /> . PRdPERYY,IS(ifV[�i 4O SECURE (1)i+AYN1ENT QF TFIE IHDEATF�7flE�S/WD (�)FsERFORINAHCE OF AHY AND AI.L OBLlOATlON8 OF �y,.T;;x_��� <br /> TRIJ9TOR UNDFJi 7'1�FiOTE,TFiE RELATEO DOCUMEN'f8,RI�iD TF[[86E�ID 9F TRU9T. LHIS�EED OF TRUST 18(iIYEN AJiD ACCEPTED � «�- <br /> ON TWE rOI.I.OWING TERM4: <br /> . ':; �. PAYWIENT AND PERFORM�UICE. Except as otherwlsa providod in thls Oesd of Trust,Trustor ahall pay to Lender all emounts seoured by fhls D�d •�t'����" <br /> • ' of TtuslBS ihpy bocoma due,end Bhall strlCey flnd fn e tlm�(y m¢nner perlprm e:l of Trustor's obllpallons und6r ihe Note,ihis De3d of Trust,ond lhi ' `�•���- <br /> � � Rolntad DoDUmon15. ' __ <br /> , � POSSEB&ION AND MAIMTF1fRFd�E OF TFf�PROPERTY. Trustor�proee th�C Trvstors possession and use of th�Properly ahs11 be povern�d by , <br /> , th�fdlowinp proNslons <br /> , : �` Poe�tNat orcd Ii�e. l�r,Y�.Sf�occurrerx�of Qn Event of Def4Wl,Trustw mpy (a)remaln In possesslon and contrd of the R►aparty, (b)usa, ���- � <br />' . � oparate or mandp�tiw Properry.and (o)caMact a��y Renb trom ttw Propecty. __` • <br /> � Outy to t�?afatatte. Ynuta shall rtwinffiIn tha Prqa�ty in tenanttbte conQlifc:�aad promptry porform all repairo,replacements,and mslntert�tnce . �f��'° <br /> n.Zr' <br /> � npCesstry"o�fer',,erve Ib Value. ,;��'=- <br /> � H�rardous Subatana�. The terms"Mzardous waste,"T�pzardous aubsYer,co'•dfsposal,"'Yeiease,"�tnd"threntennd retease,"as uscd In thfs ,, <br /> DMd of Tnnt,sluil hevo fh�sartw msminys�s sN torth In ttw Comprehar�slve Envkonrtwntal Response,Compsnsatlon,and LlabiNry Act of s��`` <br /> 1980, as nmonded,42 U.S.C.SecHon 8601, et seq.('CERCtA�,tM Sup�rfund Artwndrtwnb and RetuthorluUon Act of 1888,Pub.L.No. r`"`—` <br /> , 99-499('SANA'�,lhe H�ardous Matsriab Transpor4Uon Act,48 U.S.C. Sectton 1801,et s�q.,th�Rssource Conservatlon and R�cowry Ac�, "� <br /> ' , �• 42 U.S.C.Section 6901,st soq.,or other�ppi{ctbb state a Fsderal kws,rutes,a repulaflons adopted puBUan!to any of the toropdnq. TM � <br /> 'u'�: terms'TMr!rdous waste'nnd'hu6rdous substa►r_�'shnN ek_o Induds,without IlmltnHon,patrolsum and petrueum by-{�roducsG4 a any fractlon " : .��", <br /> '+��„ thereof and Asbattos. Tnutor raoras�nLa and wunnts fo land�►thaF fw�niuir�th?¢9!!^�0!TrltStLW!���!lEf:l2�!C!!!:_PtC^,..."!;,!!�0!� �� <br /> � �� ln. bMn no use,pen�nHon,manuhctun,etonpo,trwtm�nt,dkspos�l.�N�se or throat�ned reletso of any hsaflrdous wast�a suostana by any � <br /> pason on,under,about or hom tha Propartyr, (b)Trustar has no knowfadQe ol,or rsason to b�ikvo th4t the»has boen,oxcept ts pnvloudy • <br /> .. t4sdosed to and acknowbdqad by l.ontke lo wr(dnp, (I)ury ws�,aenKatlon,manuhctur�,Btorapa,trs�tmant,disposal.reNas�,a thrwt�n�d 'i, �' <br /> roNas�of any hanrdous wasts ar aubstana on,und�,�bout a irom Ihe Prop�rty by any prior ownore a oocupanb of th�PropKty or(A)�ny h ;2. . <br /> :... aotwl or thrNhnsd IWpaUon or clalms of�ny klnd by�ny p�on nl�tlnp to tuch matlere;and (o)Excspt u prwtousy dhdosad fo and �� <br /> : adcnowNtlped by L.�nd�r in wriNrp, (q nMth�r Tnnta na any Mn��,conTtictor,apont or oth�r authori�d usK of flw Pro(Hrty thel�se, � <br /> .t':�,,, pawrat�,rrwnulactura.eton.trwt,dispc�sa of.a nNas��ny h�vdqn waslo er subatana on,under,�bout a from tt�P�roperty and (N)any <br /> :: � auch actlNty shaN ba conducMd In complkrw�wfth�appkx6l�f�rtl,ataM,and local kw�,npulatlorts and ordinanqs,ladudinp wilhout <br /> �'".�:;. , , .� NmN�tlon thas�laws.nputaUora.and ordinano�s dwc�d mbovr. Trustor authai�s L�nd��nd Ils�nb to�nlar uyon tM Rrop�rty lo y- <br /> '�� m�ca auCh Inspactlpns�nd iasis,at Trustor's u�ansv,as Londar nry dwm�ppropriat�to dat�rmirw compNanc�of tho Propwty with thft . <br /> _�..:.,. - <br /> `'"°� s�cNOn of tha Daed of Truat. Any tnspectlons atash mado by LondorahaM M tor I.ond�e pwpaas oniy and shaN not ba Constnwd to onaw �- <br /> (�:�,., <br />-�""•`� � ' any tesponsibflity or IiabWty on the part ot Lendar ta Tntsta ar l0 4ny cAhK paraon. Tlw - <br /> . ropressntadons and wartanHas contaln�d hwMn w <br />-' buAd on TrustoPe dw dilipence In InvesUpaHnp the Propedy far hanudous waste and Iwzudous nubstancos.Trusta hereby (o)rWeasa snd <br />�,�' , � w�Nes�ny tuture ckirtn ayalnst Lender for indamnfry u contributlon In the event Trustor becomes Ilabie tor cleanup a oltwr costs und�r any °°__ _ _ _ <br />-_- � such I�ws, and (b)�pnas to Indemnly and hdd harmbss Londerepatr�st any�nd all claim�,lossos, IlabutHes,darrwpes,pmalWe,and �.���a�- <br />' ""���'' "• y k�ctly eustaln or eutfo►nsultlnp from a brateh of thts eocHOn of fhe Qeed ot Trust a as� <br />_". -i�:,. v�nsp wh�h L�nda maY Wncll a Ind �.�;.:_ <br />'�;;`� . Y W� �P�,rsle�se a throataned rsi�sss occurtinp prior to Tnuto�s ownethip or 1•,:' <br /> :• :..�.•�.;•. consoqumc�of an tn�,p�neallon,manufactun�ston �, <br /> - inlonst In tiw Propaty,wlwthar or not iha�artw was or choWd haw bNn known to Truttor. 'fhs provlslons ol thls t�cUon of tM DNd ol TrtnS, -- <br /> '�;' '�` `��'''? . Includl the obl 8on lo indsmnly,shail sun�iva the a msnl ot tM Indpbtadnoa and tiw satlsfaaHon nnd mconvayana of th�INn o4 9h1� -- <br />- --�r'.��'-• � �W � P Y -._ <br /> ,��`���'..,,,� DMd M Trust and chall not b�atl�ct�d by Und�r1t�cquisitlon of any InNrsst In tM Propaly,wlwlhor by for�dotun w oth«wFS�. _ <br /> _ . Nuiwna,WuN. Trusta shUl not caus�,cortduct a p�nnit any nubmo�nar commit,pwmN,or autfar any shippirp oi a waate on a fo tM �i <br />_-,s`;._.. . Ptop�rty a any portlon o?tha Property. VYdhout tlmitlnp tM parnrality of tM tapdrg,Trustor�MJI not umow�w Bnnt to nny olhx p�rty th� eF•'�- <br /> `•°•r • ►{pht to nm�w,any,erW(Indudinp ol and pas),aoY,pnwl or rodc produob without tIN p�ia writbn consent ot Londa. <br />_,,;�;�r � f�''..- _ <br /> �.,__;t: �% Fi«nov�t nf improvem�ntr. Trustor sh�M not d�mo4th a nmow any Imprw�rt►�nb kom tM R�al Rrop�ly without th�pdor wrllNn Conasnt - <br /> -- " ot Londa. K9�conditbn to tt�removat d any improwmanb,Lendor rtwy nquk�Trustar to make unrp�menb saUshctory to Undpr to <br /> "°; •ti.,_• ropkoe such improvamenb with Improvsmerets o►at bast�ywl vQlue. <br /> _::��: <br /> �^^�:�'•��� L�nder'�Ripft to Enter. Lender and Its opents and�epresent�Bve�may enta��pon the Rsal PropeAy at tA reasonable Hmao to attond to t�-� -- <br /> ,�s L� I.ender'e IMerests and to Inspecf the Properly for purposos of Tnulo�s compllance with the term�tnd condltions of thls Deed of Trust. <br /> .. ��... _ _— <br /> --';.�` ';�• G�II�nCe wIM Govammantd ROquirNewnt�. Trustor shatl promp4y comply wlth flil Iews,ordinancls,and r�tdaflom,now a h�nntlK in ,�::��_-- __ - <br /> , ot all Qowmmentai aulhoriUes appiicabk to the use a oocupmcy of the Properly, Includinfl wflhoul I1mluHon, ihe AmKicarts Wlth —_---- <br />_ �' Dhabilitie9 Act. Tnutor may cuntest In pood faltA any auch law,ordlnance,or repu[aUon and withhdd compHana durinp�ny prooeodtn8, -'°°'.;�_ <br /> Indudinq approprtata aypaa�s,so lonp as Trustor has notlAed Londer In writirp prlor to dofnp so and ao lorp ea,In Lender's sole optnlon, ��Y'""��''�'��' <br /> Lsnder's Interesa In ttw Prop�rty ua not Jeopardized. lender may roquire Trustar to post pdequate secudry or�surery bond,reeeorwbty ,;�a= <br /> __ utlshatory to proteci Lender's InhresG ;;�:i?.��.-_._ <br /> - � `f�':;t�"�`.;, `'�SCRI�I'�F,t�`�� <br />_`'�.; Onfy to Prohct. Truata�proes rNflher to�bandon na fMw urNtisnd�d tt�Prop�rty, Tnntoe aAaN do ell o:her acb,In additlon to thos��cb :�•�d�,��,•��n= <br /> ��• �': sef lorth ebove in tMs secHon,wNch from the ch�recter and use o1 tfw Ro�rty are rotsombty nacesscry to protoct tnd preserve thi PropWry. �:. '`:s�yf t• �a� <br /> �. � �» <br /> - DUE ON SAI.E-CONBEqT BY I.EMDER. Und�r meY.ef tts optlon,d�leq Imrtfediatsy dua�nd payabio W sum�soCx�d by thh DNtf W Tnist �- �� L - <br />-- . � upon th�sole qr trarqhr,wflhout th�L�nd�r's prlcr vrritton corq�nf,of wel a any parl ol th�R�al PropKty,a any Intsrsst in tM Resl RropNry. A � '� <br /> .-�—...N.t u ...s <br /> �::•; 'tseM w tr4nsior rt�m tM convsynnce of Red PropWty a anY ABht,tltl�orht�nst fhKNn;wfNtMrc IeQ��,WneficW a�qWtabN�wMthtr volunfary _,,h,,,r���,�. <br /> � or InvWuntary;whelhar by outrlQht eab,deod,InstaNmsnt eaN contr�C1,IenE contncl,contr�Ct for deed,Iwllhdd Intanst with a twm proaSlr than �__,.�.•;_._ <br /> , . <br /> 2riraa (3)yaerb,laess-op8on contnct,w by aW,assi�nment,a tnrtshr of any barNflClai Intonet In a to tny knd trttst hdtNrtp tltb to th�FtN! -� � ',, <br /> �.� Rroperty,or by any other method of conveyar►Ce 0f Real_PropeAy Inter�st. It gny Trustot b Y corporaHOn,pertn9rohip a i?mited IIabIHry ComCUfv. �" <br /> _ -_ --- <br /> -----•---'-- '--...._. - -_ _-- - - <br /> - - um�a�a waa unauues uny an�rrys m ownersrnp or mare cnen trremy�rva peiCent(Zb'16)Of 111E VOilnp SfOCk,partne�shtp Interesq or Iimlted IkCAity . <br /> ;��,; compsny Irtte;ostg,n;,tho cuse may be,o}Trustor. However,thls opuon sne11 ►�ot be exerclsed by Lender II st�ch exsrclse Is prohlbitod by fodera � � <br /> ,;.. � law pr by Nebreske inw. „ <br /> � 1fAXE3 AND LIENS. The tdlowinp provislons reteUny to tho taxes and Iiens on lhe Propeiiy on o part o}th(s Desd of Trust. <br /> � Payment. Trustor shall pay when due(and In W ovents pdor to depnquonay)�A taxa�,apeclai taxes,ussessnynty,charpes(Includin�water <br /> and aewer),Mes end ImposlUons Ievied�painsf or on aceount of tM PropMty,and ehaa pey when due aN ctafms(a wak dono on or tor <br /> aervlces rendared or m4leri�!hxr�ishod to ttw Rro�ry. Truttvr�hall mUntaln th�Prp,p�r9y frN oi all Ikna h�Nrp prlatty owr a�qwl to thi . ' <br /> Interost oi Lender undor lhis Deed of Tn,st,axc�pl for the INn of t�s uid assasm�nb not due and sxcept�s otherwfse proNded In thb QNd � <br /> _ oP 7rust. • <br /> Rtpht To Contat. Treistor mey withhdd paymenf of tny Lx,ass�ssm�nt,ar ck!m In cenn�cUOn wlth�pood hith dkputo over lhe obllpatlon <br /> : ; � to lonp as Lender's Interest in tM Proparty h not}oopardized,II�Nm srtsei pr b Atpd u�rosuit ot nonp�yrr►�n�,7rustor thall wlihln _ � <br /> fiReon(16)days arter the Iien arls�s or.If a Ikn b 61ad,wilhln RHNn(16)d�ye aR�r Trtlmta hae noNCO of Iha 61Inp.acur�th�discharQ�of tM <br /> Ilen,or It requestod by Lender,deposlt with Lsndsr Cash a�auMicknt corpont�aunry hond or otMr securiry satfsfactory to land�r in an <br /> • � �, amaun4 aulflclnnt to discherpe Ihe Iien pius my cosb end tllon»y�'fee�or oth�r charp�s thit coutd accrue ss�resutl of�foreclosuro a eaN � •• <br /> _ I � <br /> _ � � , ., <br /> _ .. . __ ..... _.. �._ <br /> -- <br />