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� � ; i.,+'1'°';t" • ,.. , . < • .. ' . <br /> . <br /> ... ... , <br /> •���..r. , . . ' �, ' �1� <br /> , , , . .. <br /> ..:.,tl ' - - - - -_- <br /> .�. . .._.. ...,__..... .. ...--.. . �. .. , . .. .. _,. <br /> . ,. ;. <br /> , <br /> :, <br /> . . . , - - - -- - <br /> .;.; <br /> v..t:�l��'y""�-- ..._._ .., ` , .. .., . t'' t,,f` •---.. . `�a`" � <br /> • . '"1�'�o,,� . . . .. � , r. � , <br /> . . .. . . 1 , • . <br /> ; _ .. . .._ . _. <br /> � , <br /> � I �i"" '���J� <br /> . _.,,�.� <br /> ,�;;�,;,;W� (I)All or part of thc Propert}+,or a��[al intcrest in a trust owning sill or part of thc Propercy,ls sold or <br /> •.�•�'� othcnvisc transfern:d(othcr than by devise or desccnt),and <br /> ` ' (U) The Pro�erty is not occupied by d�e purcha:�er or grantee as his or her principal residence. or the ; <br /> � purcl�aser or grantcc daes so occupy tha�ropec�y C�«¢fTia or her credit has not becn approved in eccordancc <br /> �a <br /> � with the requirements of the Secreiary. <br /> ' (c) No Waiver. If circu►nstances occur diat woa4d�r.nsi¢in.�rdca�v recluuc immediste payment in fuU,but �'��� <br /> ' Lender does not requ�ra such payments,L.ender dc�s nac waive i�s c�ghts with resAect to subsequent events. �_, <br /> (d) RegulaHone ot EIUIm Secret�ry. In niany circ�mstances reBulado�s issued by the Secretary wi11 11mit �_._ <br /> . Lender's ri�hts,In the case of payrnent defaults,ur ce��ir�e im�reediate PaYment in fuU and forecluse if not paid. __ <br /> ' � •• Tfiis Secu.r63y Insmunent does nat authorize acxeleradon or foreclosure if not permitted by eegulatlons of ihe <br /> Secrctary. � <br /> ' (e)Mortgage Not Iasured.Rorrower agreesi that i��'r:s 3ecuriry Inst�n►ent end the Note are noi detcrmined to l.,= <br /> be eligible for insurancc under the Nadonal Hocc�i.^;11�t within 60 days from the date here.of,L,ender <br /> �:s. <br />- . its option, require Immeci{ate payment ln full off nil sums secuced by this 5ecuriry InsuumenG A written �... <br /> ` statement o2'nny auth�rized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent w 60 days froa►the cfate hereof,declining � <br /> . 1� w insurG lhis Socuriry �cist�ument � the Nate, shaU be decme� canclusive pmof of sucl� i�eligibillty. _ <br /> :, um <br /> . � �.,,V° ' Notwithstanding the faregoing, this Q�ion may not be excrclsed by L,endcr when the unavailnbility of _ <br />- "i`:,, ,;;::.. insuranec is solely du�e to F�:nder's failure uo remit a mo:tgage tnsurance prcmium to the Secreteey. <br /> °�'S'�"��•. 10.iteiastatement.Borrowez has a right to be reinstaud i�L.ender has rcquired immediate payment in full because <br /> ,�L,: ':.:� of Sorrowcr's fallure to pay an ainount due under the Not�or this Sccuricy Inst�umen�This right applie.s even after <br />:_a�s��...._T=• fvnxlosuee g:�cc�,clings are i.nsdte�ted. Ta reinstata tha Security Instrument, Dorrower shall tender in a lump sunn ell � <br /> --°n " amoents required w bring Hoirower�s accouni cuc��,i i��c;u�atsg,i��ih�°.x�nt il+w;�Qbligarinna of Bnrrower under <br />,�;:;..:•,�;`'.�.� <br /> � {•�. �iis Security Instrument, foreclosuro costs and reasonabls and customaxy nuomeys' fas and expenses properly <br />-'=�`�'�.��� th�s Security Inswment end ihe <br /> "`"•��'``�` associated with the foreclosun pmceedinB• Upon reinsu►tement by Hozrawex, <br />,��"f�:��,': oE�1lg�ns Ut$e it secwres shall rexnain in effcct es if Lender had not requiral immcdiate payment in full.However. <br />- .,��� , <br /> - --�.f.:; IL�der is not roqw�ued W pe�mit ninstatemeat iC (i)I.enclu has eccePtecJ rcinstatement after tha commencement o <br />:-.,�-�__- <br /> _+s.,�;,� .. for.���sure Pmceedin8s within two years immediately preceding ttw commenceme,nt of a curcent for�losure <br /> -.-=_,•.,f�� <br /> �;,�.,�� p;ocoeding,(ii)reinstatemtnt will preclude fore;cbsiue on dffferent gcounds in the future,or (ui) roinsl�te�nent wUi <br /> _ ,�..�.-.,�,� advusely effect the prioriry of ihe tien created by this Securiry InstrumenG <br /> '-" 11, Borrower Not Released;Forbes►rana By I.ender Not a Waiver. Bxtcnsion of the tima af paYment or <br /> modification of amortization of tho sums sec�red by this Security Instcument granted by Lendcr to enY succes.sor in <br /> -- int�eress of Borrower shall not opei°ate W release the liab�ity of thc original Borrowcr er Harowcr's successor in interesL <br /> _—_ ���h�(�ot b�req�ired to oaromence procoedings against any succes.sor in interest or refuse W eatend dme for <br /> _�_ peymeru a otherwiso modify emorti�.adon of tha sums secured by this Socurity Instrument by rcason Qf enY deme�d <br /> mado by thc orig[nal Borrowcr or Borcower's saccessors in iaicrast Any forbearancc by I.endcr in exercising eny righY <br /> c+c remody shall not be a waiver of a prectudc the exercts�e of any s�ght oc cemedy. <br /> 12.Succese�rs and Assi�os Bound.Joint And Several I.lalsility;C�oSigne��s.'il�e coveoants and agNements of <br /> ---- this Securlry Instrumerit shall bizid and be,nefit the successors and assl8ns of Leadcr and Barowa. subjoct to the <br /> _---�-;:,_� provisions of parsgraph 9(b).Borcowcr's covenaTtts and�secattats shAll ba joint aricl savecal.My Bocmwu who <br /> - co-signs this Sacurlty Instrumer�t but does not eaecute the No:e: (a) is co-signing this 5ecurity Instnirt►e+►t only to <br /> .-��'."— mort8a8a.Brant and convey d�et Bomower's intcrest in tttie PtopertY under the te,rms of thi.g Sth t�d end any o1h�s <br /> --- not ptrsonally obligattd to Pay t1�sums secured by this Socurity Insuumez►t;and(c)agrees <br /> " .�° - Bortonrer may agree to extsnd,modify,forbcar or malce any accornmadaGons with regard to the terms af th�s$ccarity <br /> " Instrument or the Nota without that Boirowa's consent <br /> - �g;r�� <br /> _ --�iii� <br /> --n-"Fk�±3i>-ye.� <br /> -_ __�I�'!$, <br /> ' - ::{�'�':', __ <br /> ��u����::� <br /> 't1 t r. <br /> "i^sS l. . I�.�r� _. <br /> :'"z+� <br /> -_- :`.i�:;�;" - <br /> �'� :5i�"�, _. <br /> ..- �h•� _ <br /> .�`.;±•..:,_;:"•: .,- Q�4R(NE)laeal.o+ Pap�6o�B intuai�: _ <br /> °-.;� . .::T° _ <br /> �.� 1 n . ti • <br /> .��nt ' <br /> � . ->�_F _ <br /> '�. .. .s _ <br /> 4.idG�•�, � —' <br /> � .i ., i ..__�...w•A...--�--..�---���v+.a`n��1 '�'7�FG�'�r.-�.rnr-a - � .. . iYP"�"_�«_._�.'+v'�YIOl� <br /> . �� ' i <br /> . �.'� , ' ` .. .• �. " ' 1 .-. <br /> � . <br /> , _ ., . .. .,{���a � . �. <br /> .. '.. ... , . , . . `� ,.���� St ��``i ,�y. ,� . . <br /> � a�� 1 �`��.✓t}� .. � �`,��Yo�+� . '� <br /> t �Al(a++�,, <br /> ' .. , � „ - � - . <br /> _- � <br />