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Any nodce <br /> i providcd for in tfiis Sccuaity Tnstrumcnt shall be dccmed to hnve bcen given to Borrov�er or Lcnder when givcn as <br /> providcd in this paragreph. �. <br /> 14.Governtng Law;Sevtrability.Th�s Sccuriry Instrument shall be govemed by Federal law and the law of the <br /> " jurisdicqon in which the Property is locssted.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or die - <br /> - Note conflicts wi4ti applicable law,such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note � <br /> ' which can bcs given effect without iho conflicting provision.To this end�he provisions of this Security Ins�vment and <br /> , . the Nate ara declared w be sev°suble. <br /> � 15.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry InstnunenG <br /> - 16. �a4ardous Su6stQnc�s. Bor.owe.-shall nat causc or�mit�hz�SSesenze.��.disFos?l.stnra�e,or rel�sa of <br /> � any I�Iazardous Substances on or ln tha Propecty.Homower shall not do.nor aqow anyonc eLsa w do,anything af�FcwYing : `___ <br /> .. the Froperty U�at is in violaqon of any Environmentnl Iaw. The preceding two sentences ahaU not apply to the presence, :s::�_ <br /> use, or storago on �he 1Property of small quunrities of Hnzardous Substances th.� '�e generally reco�nized etv be __ <br /> -;��`"- �,+�ropdau w nonnal residential uses and to maL►tenance of the Pmputy. --__ <br /> ^,;;;�;,.'.�. BonoKer shall prompdy gbve Lcndcr writtcn noticc of any inves6gauan,claim,�unand,lawsuit oe othes actlon by , <br /> - any govemmental or regulatory egency or pdvate parcy invo�ving the Property and any EIazardous Substaace or <br /> •'_'° �•�>�� � Bnvironmental Law of which Sorrower hag ectual knowledgc. If Borrowu leams.or is notified by any govc:mmental or ;:i'�' <br />- �;-�. ,,. <br /> °=Y . � • regulawry authority. that any removal or oU�er remcdiation of any Hazardous Substances effecting the Propeny is <br />:.KSt. .f- �,..�'... <br /> •.r;''_;�'. :,� rtece;sary.Borrowu shail prompUy talce all necessary remedial acdons in eccordance with Environmental Law. .,:_ <br /> �.y r.�setl in this pas2�,�gh 16, "Hazetdous 5ubstances" ase thosr. subst�ncc.g defincd av toxic or ha�ari�.+us � � <br /> „��:,;y�j � SUOSIStIGqf uy�ur'uviuiiSR�I.oi:Sti�SY:v f0.�3'��lSa 3!2 c o �o��Ra IrAmcenn,n1hP1 f19�I1I1131h1E O!fD7UC pCfLO�I]tq - --- <br /> ��'�-� ''��� pro�ucts, toxi�c pesdcides end hubicides, volatila solvents. mat�erials oontaining asbestos or focmaldehyde. and __. <br />`-''����= � radiqacdve au�trrials. As usetl tn th�s F�S�Ph 16. "F.nvironn�ntal Law" means federal laws and laws c�t the `, <br /> _ -.-.:. <br />-°�'�-`•'�`����� j�rLsdicdan where the Property is tocuted that relate to he�xh�safery or environmentaa�+sotoction. =-- <br /> ::.��:�� _ <br /> - y,a ,,. <br /> , <br /> ''«;�-��� '. N�N-t1NIPURM COVENAN'f'S.Barowec and Lea►du further covenant and agrex as€ollows: <br /> _�� .— � 17.AsTi�nment of Ytents.Borrower uncondidonally assigns and trensfus to Lea�der all the rents end nvenues of <br /> -���i:{� iha Property.Bortower auU�orizes L,ender or Lsnclu's agents to colleci the rents and revenues and hueby dirocts each - <br /> �"`�� � ta�ant of tbe PtopeitY to Ix1Y the rtnts to I.ertder or Lender's agents.Howcver,prior w Lenda's�otice w Bo�rower of <br /> �—��`'� Bor[ower's breach of eny covenant or e�grament i�n the Sacurity I�swrnent,Borrower shall wllect end rexcivo�.'�sents <br /> =��: and revenues of the Propsrty as trusuo for the benefit of I.ender and Bortowc�.'iTiis assigama►t of rentv constituirs an <br /> � • absolute�ssignment end not en assignment for addidonal socuriry only. <br /> � If L,endcr gives n�tice of brcach to Barmwer. (a)ell rents received by Baro�vu shall be held by Barower as <br /> -_-__ , yluue for ben�t of L�end�r ar� be appl�ed w the sums secured by tSno Security Instrumen� (b)Lender slrlsll bc <br /> -- - enlitled co collec3 and receive.all of iha�ts of the Pro�eaiy;und(G)each t,�nar►t of�e Pcoperty shall pay all�es�luo _ <br /> ::_.o� ' su�d ur►paid W�dcr or Lendet's agent on L.cnder's wriu�.n demand w the tenan� <br /> = - Borrower,has not executed ony prior a�signment of the rents and has not and will not perfoim any act that would <br /> „�' � .s prevent I.end�r?mm excrcising its rlghts under this garagcaph 17. -- <br /> '�%!'� I,ender shall not be required eo entcr upon,take ccmirol af or maintaua the Propeny before or afte�giving natice of <br /> -°=:;,„�� , ; brcacD�to Horrower.Howevcs..I.ender or a judicially appointed rocclvcr may do so at any dme thcre is a bread�.,Any <br /> __—= t�ppllca�on of rents shall not cure or waive any default or invalidato any other right or remedy of L.ende�, This _ <br />