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If Bonowcr ncqulres fce ddc ro �ho Propeny,the loaschold nnd fc�c ddc shull nat bc mcrged <br /> `• unless Lcndcr agrces to tho mergcr in writing. � - <br /> �• � 6,CundemnAtlon.'[4�o proct.eds of any nward ar claim fot damagos,cUrextor consequendal,in cannccdon wlth •i�•-'� <br /> • uny condemnadon or other taking of any part of tha Properry,or for conveyanr,e in place of condemnntion,are hereby `;�P"� <br /> .: � nsslgned and shall bc puid ta Lender w the oxtcnt of tha full amount af ths indeblednuss that remains unpaid undcr tha r�;,: <br /> ������s;- <br /> Tioie nnd this 5ocurity Inswmcnt.Lender shall npply such proceeds to the rcducUon af the lndebtcdness under thc Nota •,..�;a� <br /> . and this Sccudry Instrument,fust to any dcli�quent emounts epplied in tho ordcr pravtded in paragraph 3,and then to '�: <br /> - prepayment of principal.Any appllcation of the proceeds to the principal shal!notexuend or postpone the due date of the `--- v <br /> monthly gaymants�whtch era Pefe�;ad to in parageapi�2,ur ch�nge tha amount of auch payments. Any exaess proceeda ..Y.- <br /> �� over en amount required to pay all outstanding indebtednes.g undcr tha Note and this�ecurity Instrument shaU be paid w '`� <br /> �• �' -: <br /> n, thc cntity lcgally enddcd thercto. <br /> " 7. C6Arges to Borrower and Protection of Lebcier's Yttghts L� the P�operty. Aorrowcr shall pay all =- <br /> gov�mmental or municipal charges.fines and impositians that nne not inclucied in paragreph 2.Sonower shall pay thesa pti�� <br /> obGgations on dme dlrecUy to the entity which is owed the paymcnL If failure to pay would aave-�rJ�r;�ffect I.ender's `_''- <br /> . .. ' � interest in the Prope.rty, upon I.ender's request Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender�ei�;s evidencing thesc <br /> +, �,�� PaYmcnts. �— <br />-_., 'i .•��t,'i . If Sortower Fails w make these puymtnts or the payments required by paragrapl�2.or fails w gcrform any other 4 <br /> ,._. <br /> ��';,:^'' covenants end agreenunts contained in this SecurIty Insaument,or there is a legel procegding that may slgnif'�canUy -- <br /> " - alfect I.ender's rights in tha Ptoperty (such as e p�ing in banktuptcy,far co�demna�oi oz to enforcc;Baws or �-=- � <br /> __ ��, r�°z�-a!�s;,t�.R L�sQer msy da:s:d�;�hat;,v��;ac�,:;ssarr w y,.�to�.t'u`�e vr�S�s drs i�,e fiu�a,iy i��u i.u�uer'�un�n�s -- <br /> ; . in the Property.IncludInB payeneat of�xcs,ha7ard ins����snd ott�er itcros menaam��rri pazagraph 2. - <br /> _ , ,:".��;�;- Any amou�ts disb�u�ec+l by 'J.xnrlu under this para�a�p'h sha116ecome a�n adx�i�io�al debt of Borrowcr ara;� hc - <br /> • ' ;i�.:,: :• secured by this 3xauity Imstza�tn�ni.�hase s�ounts sheU bear interest£�rn the date of alflsburseme��,at the NoW rnte, <br />=���.�; '��� end at the opt����'Crrnder,shaU�be immetli�le9y�uc and payable. <br /> �,: : Lh <br /> �'"�'�` ' � Borrower a'An1l ram U dischar e an �ien which hes od over ahls Secur[ Instrument urless Bonawu: a <br />:_�,s��..;i�.+. �� � P Y 8 Y ' Pn �Y �Y ( ) <br /> :;,";:;k::,•;n; c�grees!n writing ro�lht paymc.n�t of the obligation secured by the Ilen in a manner ecceptnvk to Lender(b)contests in <br /> :..f:��p�;;�°��;:�.,� good feith the llen by,or defands against enforccment of thc lien in�Icgel procczddings which in the Lendu's opi�uon <br />_-;.r.i;�xt�f�� operato to prevent the enforcement of thc llen;or(c) sccures from tho Imlder of Ihe iien en ag�+cerrtent sa�.sfactory co <br /> ,��:;�'�&Z: Lea►der subordinadng thc lien W this Security InstrumenG If Lcndet detetmincs ttiatany part of the Property fs subf xt W <br /> ����:'�r"� a lian which may ausin pdority over ttils Secarity Instrument,Lender may give 8orrower a noNce identifytng the licsi. <br /> _-=`==� ; Bomower shall sadsfy ths lien or take one or more of the acdons set forth above wi�in 10 days of the giving of no�ce. <br /> _��� ; 8.Fees.Lender may collect fees and charges nuthorizad by the Sc�retery. <br /> ----���� 9.Grounds tor Acceleratio�of Debt. <br /> __ ____-_ (s�)DefpulG Lcnde�may. except as �irnited by xeguta6ons issued by tho Sccretsry, in ti�e case of paymcnt <br /> "`— ', defaul�,�ec�uire immediute paymant dn:Full of aU s�ms scc��red by This 5ecurity Instrumenc i?: <br /> =p��, �--_ . (i)Borrower defaults by failing w pay in full suiy monthly paynnent rc�quir�ed hy this Securlty Iastrument <br /> - �•°`:';;:�:, prior w or on the due dau of the neat monthly p:�ymcnt,or =_ - <br /> �-��:`�:��:� {u)Bnt�ower dofaults by faiL'ng,for a perial of ihirty perfom�an�athcr obllgedons contained in - - <br /> L4C�_ � <br /> z �- - this Security Instrumen� <br /> -= } (b)S�le Without Credtt Approval.Lcnder shaU. if permttud by a,pplicablo law(i��cludin�Soctioa 341(d)of _ <br /> •=���:� tho Gam•St Gcrmain Depository Instiwtions Act of 1982,12 U.S.�C. 1701j•3(d))and with thc pdor appmval of <br />