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�f � <br /> .:y��,�y- . <br /> .�� r ., - <br /> �4�+..���.. . . ., _ ' - " .. �� t. . ,. ..N.,..•i} • . <br /> . . . . . .y.a;q.:� <br /> �—.'_`aw...... .. . ^ ._... , , ._ ..,.u���L <br /> ,..�_"��y'���:� • � •' . ., , ' ,,,�y,�,. <br /> .. ,� -Y.:;, <br /> . � ., „ _� .. _ .— <br /> , . . , <br /> �� .:�. � <br /> � ' " — <br /> . • . . � . .,.. <br /> . ,. ` ,. ,..�: <br /> . „ �� ' .:'� <br /> ..�.;,a .. <br /> �-1��C92 <br /> r <br /> ' If the Eunounts held by Lcndcr for Escrow Items cxcccd the amounts permittcd to bc hcld by RESPA,Lcnder sGaU • �; <br /> •�=�•-�� occount to Horrawer for the eacess!'unds as required by RESPA. If the vnounts of funds held by Lender nt any timc <br /> are not su[Ccicnt to pay Qia Escrow�tems whcn duc,Lender may notify Ihc�orrowcr and reyuirc Borrowcr to make up <br /> the shortagc nv permEttcd by R6SPA. , <br /> - 'Ii�e Gscrow Funds are plodged as addidonal security for all sums secured by this Security Inswment. If Iiorrower <br /> tenders to i.ender the full payment oF sU such s�uns,Borrower's account shnll be credited with tho balance remaining for ' <br /> � all installment itcros (a), (b).and(c)and any mortgage insurance premium installment ihat Lender has not bccome �;` <br /> '� obligated to pay tn Usc Saxetery,end Y.endcl shall prompdy refund any cxcess funds to Borrowcr. Immediatcly prior to � <br /> ' � .• a foroclosuro sule of tho Property or its ecquisidan by Lendcr.Bomnwer's account shall bc cecdited with any balar►cc _ -- <br /> �' <br /> �� remaining for all installments for items(a),(b),and(c). _- <br /> � . ,� 3.App�lkatba oi Payments.All payments under para�g,raphs 1 and 2 shall be applicd by Lender ns faJa�r�: � <br /> �� �• Ej�.to thc:mortge�qe insurancc premium to be paid by Lcr�r tn the Secretary or w the%oi±ttrAy cha�ga by dtie — <br /> � , . -� SGC;reiary i�istcad of the uwatdty ma�tgag�:nsur�ancc p:�.�r°,:.�.�: — <br /> .. :,., . $��,to any taxes.spocial assessments. Icase��R33�:�^�crr groand renu.and fire.ftoQd e�d atl�es hn7.ard ���_. <br /> insurance pret►� recluimd+ �..- <br /> � �,ta interest d¢o unde,r thc Note; _ <br /> . � � ��,rr�aeio�ti�n of the principal of the Note;and -- <br /> ., ,,,.,..,��` FjQh,Ca tar�ct�arges due undcr the Note. - <br />- 4. k�re,F'lood and Other Hatwrd Gssurance.a�rrower sha�D u;�:urc all improvements o�the Property,whcther ! <br /> - - now in oxistax�e or subsequendy erectod,against any Qaaz�ds,�ldes,end contingencies.including fina.k'o�r which ! <br /> . :,�,, i.erufer requires insurance.'Rris insurbnce shall bc mairo9aimed in the amounts and for the periods tluu�der rt�?tynlres. - <br /> ��.�� : . Bo�rowcx shall elso insure all improvements on thc Pmperty.whether now in cxistenca or subsequw►dy erecced.egeinst <br />_ ..�' . � loss by floods to 4'�exter�t c�uirod by utie 3eceetery.All insurenoe�1a�11 be ca�fie�l with companirs:.�proee:l by L�encl�r. _- <br /> �'r�''a;.� � Z,io t'iu'iu'�BCv jnr�.w a�'Si�Sii f Z�:1«:::.2`� `°!!8lL��S�1..,^.."'�.�.,.^'=:'�"��3I!L^.:.�!!�'�cr ra�ruh4±.rlancra yn favM nf;9nd <br /> ;•;;�' %��•. in$form ecceptabb to,•Let�det. <br /> ��...,. <br />'.,�;ti�,r,+1,�;;���� In the event of loss,B+�mower st�all givo Lender immstliate nodce by mail.I.GIdC[I118y R18YC plbOf O��'Ai 59�IIOI <br /> ��„•, <br /> �°-'d��'��. made prorn�atly by Bwrower.Bach insur�nce company concuned is f�exsby authoxized and direct�l to maJce payment for <br /> �`s=�''� such bss di�ctly W Ltndv.inseead of t��osrower and so Lender�imity.All or any part ot the i�esin�ance procoeds may <br /> ,`�.'���'ti`�;� be applied by its opdon, eit'h:a(a) to the roduction of alrc lndebteMcss under the NDT�and this Security <br /> -`�'!.�' Instnune,nt,fust to eny delinqoent nmounLs applied In t!ee adu in parag�aph 3�and tt�ere w PrepaYment of princapal,a <br /> �;:x*+.� @?to the restoration ae ramir of the damaged Property.�nY pPPlicution of the proceods w the principal shall n�t�:etend <br /> _=_ --= or postpone tha due date of the monttdy paymentv which are c�efured uo in paregreph 2.or change the emount of such <br /> �,�"'_¢'� payrt�a�ts.Any excess insivance procads over an amount roquirod to pay all outstending indebtcdness under the Note <br /> __:�.�' and this Socurity Inswmeitt shall be paW W the endty kgally endtled Iheteto. <br /> ______- = In the event of faoclosuro of thie Socurity Instru►uent or other aansfec of dtk w the Property that exttnguishts the <br /> .,�.;���. �ndebtedness�all right,b!k And int�erest of Bamwer in a��nd to insivance poll�ies�focce shall pass to the puncf�a9a. <br /> ��='(� S. Occapanr.y� Presr�wation�MafntenAnce and 1Pa�otecHon at the Property; Borrower's Loan Appikatiun; <br /> ��'s��.'�. Leacehok�. F;�smwer shall occupy.rstablish.and uso��e 3'c+npaty s.��ocrower's princip�l residenee within siary days <br /> afoa 6�e oRa�ution of this Security Iosuument(or withi�sin¢gr dtyg m��u 18ter sale or transfa of ntix Propaty)and shall <br /> - - - condnne to occupy th;Propclty es Borrower's princ3,�11 rrsidaioe 7�or at least one year after�t,clsuo of occupancy. <br /> -�L=� nnkss Lpttkr detcmiincs that requirament will cause ua�tao hardship for Sorrower,or unkss exflenuaUng clrct�mstances <br /> ----- eacist which are boyond aorrower's controL Bocrower sAall notify Lender of any axtenuadng ci.�+cnmstances.�Elom�wer <br /> � - shall nnt comrait waue or destroy.damage a substantiaUy change the Property or allow 1he��r�prr[y to detuiorace, <br /> ---- Eeasonabk wear and tear eacepted.Lender may inspact the Propeity if the Proge�ty is vacant er a'ban�oned or the loan is <br /> -=°------.� in defaul� Lender may takc reasonable action to protect and prescrvu such vs�cant nr �bandonod Prop�tp. <br /> � -- <br /> « _- <br /> '�-'',�- <br /> - =i;, .�, <br /> �i.. _ �. <br /> ._ _✓1�.���',t�* _ <br /> -°:S.i:'•'4'<'r�'` —-., <br />_ ;��•:.:•:��' �•4R(NE)losoq.oi Pa;�3 nt 8 m�ua�s: ��� <br /> _ .��.�,:- ' ° �, <br /> L_-i-��,!}. A �-- <br /> W�.�. �.tii.` , ��i��'. <br /> _ !:'; <br /> .. .. ' �/�'�..r-.� ...-�v.-r_--'4ilfi v+w�n�--�...�� , �� .. " � <br /> - �s - � a .. ,'_�-' . , ... <br /> _ ; ` .. . . .. r .. <br /> - , .. .. . . • � . <br /> - � . �� �� . .. . � �,;' •f�•�t'';YX,r ��• ` ', <br /> . �``�.,3; '�Rr'�v y ^�.. <br /> � - „ � <br />+ u . <br />.. �.. ., . �. ,. - � <br /> ` , � � <br />