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.wyAfrA - t�. . <br /> + �+/yVMfl' . - . . .. .v <br /> „ ii . <br /> �`C�"i` �__. _.�.., , . , . ,. ..,--�—V�+� . . .. _ <br /> __._._ . _. . _.... <br /> � •,.�.+scaavn.: � _ � . .- ------° -. <br /> _ __. .. _��.�.�..�__..---. . . . g�l109�8 -v;-���:_ _ <br /> ' �. ProEecuon of Lender'� Rlphu In ths P�aperty. ir eorrow.r rairo co p.norm �n� oov.nam� and a�r�.m�nu � ..:. . <br /> conttinod In thks Seaurity Ins4�umw�t,or th� 19� bW�P����O Ihrt ►n�y elpnMicnnty a(fe�l Lendere rVpht�h tho Property (euch as <br /> n proceedlnfl h bankruploy, Rrob�tte,(ar COntt�h'�nBtlon or fo�t6kure or Qu enforce Iuwe or requlatione), then Lender may do and pay tor <br /> I whatww Is nxesrAry to protoct tho vaUo a1 tha Property cnd L�nC;�r'a rlphta In lh3 f�raparty. Lend^_ra ectlona mvy hctudo payhp <br /> nny aums i�curad Dy �14n whbh has prbrliy ovK thb SacytkY lneWment, ap,�arin0 k►Court, peyinp reaeonabk�Momey's tess�nd <br /> entwinp on th�Prope�ty to m�lc�roDalrs. Aithouyh lendsr may tRk��ct{on undK thb parxprdph 7,Ls�dcr does not hove to do so. <br /> " dlny [mounts dbbi�r�nd by L�ndK undK thb pu�pnAh 7 ehtN h�corrN additbnal d�bt o1 Bortow�r seourid hy thfs SecurKy `; <br /> fntWm�nt. Unl�� 8orrowM itr►d Lend�P �pre� to oth�r tlrtns oP paymint, thaco emounts shall bear hterest hom tho dati of <br /> dlabu�e�ment 4t th�Not�rate and�haM tw pay�bN,wGh IntKa�t, upon not��hom Laid�to BoROw�r roqwathp p�yrtwnt. • <br /> fl, �'.�rtm��o lmc�raroce. If L.en� reGulred mortg�go he�srance as e aondRlon of m+ikhtp the ban 6ecurod by this <br /> Socurlty Inatrumsnt, Bprtower shaN p�y th� prMnium� raqulrsd to mahtah tho mort$a0e hsurance h sfte�t. If,ior eny reQao�i,Ihe ` <br /> � moAp�p� haunnCe oownp�nqulnd by L�ndM Iaps�t or cMt�s to b�h a(teot, BorrowK shau pay th� prwntumo�vqukad to obtatn <br /> ,..,�,�� � cowr�Q� wb�tantl�ly �quMsM+�t to th� mortp�p� htunnce pravbusy In oHoat. �t; a ooat subatantkHy WulvtYnt to ih� aoit to <br /> �+. , Bortowe► of ths maRp�p� htunna pnvbuey in Mf�ot, kom an eR�nat� mo►teape htunr �pprovod by LendK. 11 substanikly <br /> equHaiont mortQape Insuru�c�cov�� b nqt ovalkbk, Borrowar ehaN pay to L�nder saoh manth a sum equal to on�tweNth ol the <br /> yeary mnrtQ�pe haursnc�pnmium b�inq pakl by Bartow�r wh�n th�h=uroncs covora4e�Asad or ceased to bo In oftect- La�d9►w��l <br /> "�' accept, uso �nd nttin th�so paymmtr as a be� h �w of mort�epe haurwnce. Losa nsave p�Yme�ta mnY no bnpar be i_� <br /> `� raquir�d, at the option of UndK, q moAg�p�hauruic�Covrr�ps (h th�omount and Mr the perbd that LendK rWulros) provtd�d by , .,.�',.__;_ <br /> �.J ��r4:�..-?-:m._... <br /> an hauror aAprovod by Lend� �p�in beaomaa waApble and fa obtshed. Barower shaq pay tho Premlum� requYed to malntain ;S �. <br /> • ? modpo9e hsurance h ofiact, or to provkla a losa roswve� untA tho roqulr�ment tar mortqQpe hsurance ends h accordanca with an�+ '!:,=,'.;`- <br /> " wrrtton ayraanw�t beMr�n BoROwa►and Londar a�ppHcabw kw. , . � : ---, <br /> • 9. Inspsctlon. L�nd�r a Itc tp�nt mny rtwlca roasonabM�nttle� upon end hapoct�ons o} thv Property. Lender shall pdre ;,��`'+�� �� <br /> Bortower not�e al tho thw ot or prbr to�n insR�ctbo sp�aMYhD n�on�bk�catusa tor th�hspactbn. <br /> 10. Ca►��immnatlan. The proce�s ot eny award or cYim tor dem�flea, dfnct or consequenti�l, tn conrnation with enY �:�'�:_-- <br /> aondemnatton or othor takinp of any psrt of ths Propaty,or tor canv�y�h N�u ot oundenx►at!on,ara hxoby asak8ned ond shnU 6e �rs:�•�-_=- <br /> �:,..:;�.- �,.:;,;,- <br /> � paW to Lender. ����^^�:''` <br /> In 4ha� went of 4 total tNchp ot tha Proparty,the procwda eEa9 ba a�pplied to th� sums aacured by thb Securtty InsinimanL r�.,-__.-_. <br /> :.....-e <br />' whethw or not thm dua, wkh any aYCOCS p�id to Borrow�. In tFn enn! of a partbl ukhp o}the Propaty fn whbh the tak rnarket __: _ <br /> � valua of th� Frapwty Imm�dl�tNy bWon tM Wcfnp {� �qual to a Brmatx thm th� �mount of th� sums s�curW by thi� Socurity � <br /> �� inshuma�4 hwrwdkt�ly bNon th�WcHp, unMts Borrowar and L�+�d�r olhKwka �prM h xrtRiny, th�wme secured by thb Sxuriry �.=- <br /> InabumK►t ahaN b� r�duc�d by th� �mount of th� proc� mulb'�bd by th� (oMowir►p hyctWn: (�) th� total unount of ths aurns _ <br /> ' soCUrod IrtxrNdiatNy betoro th� WcinD� dNidod by ro)th�tair marhet vaUe of tha Froparty immedlttoy be(ore th9 takhp. My �elance - <br /> ' shaN ba paid to Borrowar. In th�w�nt of a pCrtit�fdciny of tho PropKty h whbh th�taM marke4 valua o} tho Property irmsedi�l9b <br /> �, bolon th� Wkhp I� kna thpn tha�mount ot th� eums acund YmNdktoty b�fore th�Wcfnp, untese BartowK�nd Undsr oth�nvise � <br /> op;ua 6� wrkNp or unkss epp�b isw oth�rwi� provida, the procwds th�N b� app6sd to th� sum� s�ound by thb :�curity ��� <br /> -- � �Ram�m.nt wh�ther or not the sums ara thM�du�. <br /> If tho Pro�terty fs�buidoned by Borrow�t,or R,attar notia by Lentlar to Etorrav�tnat tho canaemnor one.:i� +�:�e:�s==� =s -� <br /> aNtM a ciatm tor danup�s, Bonow�r fall�to nspond to L�ndK wthln 30 d�Y+aftK th�d�t�th�notica ia phren,Lwid�r It tuthodzed <br /> to coNoat�nd nppy th�procMd�,�t ks eptton, �Ither to natoratbn ar npaM of tM Prop�ty or to th� evma securvd by thM S�curiry <br /> Inauumw►t,wh�thx or no!thon dw. <br /> � � UnMSS Landar and Borrow�r oth�nxico�On+In w�kh0. �nY�AD���o!prOCwd�to prifo�al thaN not �xtMd or poatAon�tho <br /> dw dato ot the monthN payrtwnh nNrnd to h penpraphs t�nd 2 or ohan�tM�mount ot suah paym�nts. <br /> ��`�„d.,; � : 11. Barrower Not Relas�d: Fofiaranc� 911 Lendur Not�WaivK. �,a.nston ot c�+. �� ror or <br /> -_.::� .��� sAa�na�t onp�nt�to t rotiota thta YW►WtY of�th�oriphal 8o�rowK ar Bortowa�s succossoridh InM�st`L�ndK�aMM no�t b�►oquind o <br />- •• opmirMnc�procNdhy��pahst�ny succ�ssa M htwsst or nfus�to ncbnd tim�for p�ynwr►t or othKwk�modMY �monhatbn of t!N <br /> �!^' � suma eacund by thk S�curRy InsWm�nt by rwioe ot �ny d�nrnd mad� by th� alpfnal BarowK a Bortowere succsasoro h <br />~ °:='�"S1��':.,,,'�. htons�My torbwrmco by l.�nda in�aarokinp my ripht or nrtMdy sh�ll not b�r w�kN of Or pnoluW tPN �xlrcis�of�ny riQht or _ <br />.;��r;r�'`�}�'. YOf11�dy. <br /> .;^�?"�,"�;� 12. Succe�on and A�sipns Bound; Jolnt �nd Ssver�l Li�btlity: Co-slgn�:a. � co+�^�� �"d <br />-"-�_�����?:�;;� apnwnents of thb S�curlty Insuummt �hal bad and b�nNk tho succsaaors �nd assipn� of Lander md Boaowu, subJ�ct ro th� <br />- ��'-,`�f��$� prOVf�lons of panpraph 17.Borrowwe Covdn�nts m4 �tG����dhaM b�Joint or►d sw�'�I. My Botrow�r who Co-sipns this SiCUrity <br /> =ji��Y�'��-� InaWment but dws not �oa�aut� th� Notr. (�) b co-stpnlr�p 1h10 S�cudty instrumont on�j to morcp�0�� 9►�4 �d e0��1' =�t <br />�•`'"*'�'���'.ai -- <br />_ ',�� Bortow�fs Int�rat In tha ProE►�rty untMr th�M�ms ot thf�S�curitY MaWm�nt;(bI it not(�non�11►obllAat�d to p�y tM aume �c�r <br /> ,.rf. <br /> _�_ ,rc:. <br /> y,s.:,;,�r�•, bY thk S�cutky tnsttumM�t; u►d (o? �9�i that LondK�nd �ny otMr BarowK may�p'� to wclmd. modMY� or e y <br />- � ���--=-._ accommod�tlons wkh rpard to tKrta of thM S�curRy Instrum�t a th�Noa wRhout th�t Borroww's consont. <br /> --""=�= 13. L0��1 ChirQOi. If th� bu► acund by MI� S�curty IniWm�nt ts w4J�ct to a �w whiah��ta meximum ban cMrpK, <br /> �-���"'?��� and that kw !a Maly ht�pr�tsd so that 4M ht�rttt or othw lom aharp�s coM�atsd a to b�aolMct�d h aoen�cllon w�h tM loan <br /> -;.*�,-.c- .�.. <br /> ���',�:�,:. <br /> .,-::�:°,�,.��1• � axcMd th�P�rtnitt�d IMks�th�m, (t)anY such ioui ohuq�o ahal b�nducad bY th� �mount n�c�starY ro tiduco th�chvW to tha _ <br /> --. t�.�r,� . - <br /> - -;�,,,.• p�rtnitt�d Wnk; ind (b)�ny wms dnady oolMot�d kom BorrowK whioh�ac»dad P«mkl�d qmkf wW W nNnd�d to BonowK. len <br />''�'-`�� ' '�''�'� may ohoos� to m�ko th}s rNund by nduotny th�pitnotpal ow�d undK ths Nots or by m�khp a dtMCt paym�nt to Bortower. It� <br />�� `�`�� t chups under tM Not�. - <br /> re(und roduc�s prhetp�I,the roduatbn w!N W treatW as 4 patial pnpaYment wRhout any prep�Y�►� : <br /> � "i ;'•� .� 14. Not��ao. My notfc�to Borrowlr psovtded 1or In�hM 89curRy Irt�trummt sht�b�pkM�Dy d�MrKkW k or by ma�trq k by � <br /> tint ct�o� ma8 unl�as eppYC�bM kw roqufne us�of nnotfHr moD'�rd. 7hs notbr sh�I t� dYttt�d to tM Prop�ty Addnss or �ny �,: <br /> ' � othor addrsss Barower datp+►ata by notic� to Und�r. MY notba to Lende eh�Y ba 9M�n by tlrst oksa +►u�to Lvndets addrsss �,'�=�'-�_- <br /> stntod har�n or�ny tddnts l.aidar d�sipr►atos by notlae to BorrowK. My notbr provfded tor h this &cudty Instrumant shtq '-'- <br /> 3 bo down�d to h�w bNn 9Mwi to BortowK or L�ndvr whsn qM�n ts pravid�d h thb Pua�+Ph. �-J,�- . <br /> '. ,> 16. Qoverninp; SAYNeb111�7. Thk 8�curRy In�b'urrNnt shaN W �m�msd by i�denl law �nd ths kw of th� - .' <br /> � Juriodictbn h whkth th�Prope�ty is loaated. In tM wM'it th�t anY provtelon or ekuas of this&ecuiity InsWm�nt or th� Nota Contlicts �''.�uv=-__ <br /> . ,. �:.:.,, r::-_: <br /> � � �: wkh �pplkabM kw. tuoh centNot shaA rtot a4hot ottwr provkbn4 of this &�curity Instrun�nt er ih� Not� whkh c�n b�pN�n oMrct .j. c����'r.�� <br /> " G bn. To thb and th� vltions of thM S�curity Inahummt�nd th�Nots are d�afend to bs�swrnbM. ='��;'^.�r,,-. <br /> ^ wNhuut th�aonAiatinp provb Pro � .�r=*�.,.°��r" <br /> � ea n�.rn,.r.v�r P�nu_ ae�m,�.r:tun h�aluen one confoan�d copy ot tha Not�and ot this Security Instrumw�t. t,�,�-,E;f�f;�:' <br /> � 17. TrenNer of the Property or a Beneficid I�tere�4 tn Borrower. �� ar or any pvt ot t�� PropMty o► .�r : .� <br /> htarost h k ts cold or transfared (or M a benNbwl int�nst h Borrow�r Is totd or Mnsiart�and Bortow� Is not a natuml pason) . <br /> wkhout Lander�prior writt�n Qonaent,Lw�der rr►�y,at Rs opt6on,nquYs hwneditt�PaymMt k► PoN ot al1 sums axurod by thts 5ecurNy <br /> Inetrumont.Hawev�r,thia optbn ahaR not b�exe►cl�ad by Undu M axeraiss Is prohbk�d by tederi!taw Qs of the dete ot this S�aurity <br /> Inawm�nt. <br /> If Lender�ekat thb optlon,Landsr chaM plw Borronw notic�ot�cc�bntbn•1rie notice shaM provtds a perbd o!not I�a thm <br /> 30 ckys from th� dato th� notice fi deMre��d 0� mafNd Wkh„ WhICh thl+ Bortow�r must pty �N sums secured by thts Securty+ •• : <br /> InsWrtwnt.If Borrower fn4s to pay those sums prbr tu tt►��W11on of thla p�riod, UndK maY k►YOlcs anY �d�g P���by thb <br /> S�curily In�Wmant wkhout NrtM►notic�w d�+rw�d on FSorruvver, �orm oose v�ao <br /> F�o2aLM0(�/8a) Pap�0 ot 6 <br /> � 416 <br /> - .•-_..... ............ . - ---- ___ __ <br /> .. .. ... .... .. . .... _. . . .. . .,:_.. . _ ..._.�s�.....-- -_ i_��.u�__. <br />