<br /> . . .
<br /> , � ,.� �. u,�, _.
<br /> . . . . . . . . , . - . ..._ , �LLL��
<br /> ,. .. ... • .. . . .r.,
<br /> � --y�
<br /> �/�+r' `�41��� �y .,,�. �. _
<br /> ' � 18. Borrower'e b�igh4 to f��lnstete. If 9ortowwr rvwots Cort�ln CondRbne, BortoH•or shall hava the riqht to have ��,
<br /> onforcamant of ttilg Sccuriy Instrumenl d��oontinuod et eny time prlor to the earGSr of: (a)6 days (or euch olher perlod es oppl�C4bie
<br /> I��� mny opccity (or roinot�tcrnnnt) �cforo oa!-3 of tho Property pureuent to nny po�ver oP eflb contsinod ln 1h19 Securlty Inatrumont; or I __
<br /> (b) entry of a �udpment entornln9 thl9 SecurRyr Inetrument. Tho:� condttbna are that Bortower: (e} paye Lencfer on aurna wnbh thon -
<br /> would bo dw undor thli SoCU�Ny Imtrument ond th� Not� af Y no nccolor�tbn htd occurred; (b)curee any datQUY of tny other
<br /> oov�nant or �pn�mmtt; (o) p�y� �N��r►tN haurt�d In �nlorahp this S�curNy Intirum�nt, Inaludlnp,but not 1lmksd to, rwsonabk
<br /> �ttom�y�'fM�;and(d)tck���uoh aotbn u L�ndK may rw�ontbly requlr�to utun thst Iho lpn of thle SecurRy InBtrument,L�ndsra � '�•
<br /> rfphts In th�Prop�ty�nd Borrow�r's obNWtfon to p�y tPN tumi sYCUnd by thk Socurky Initrumwit ehtll continue unchtnp�d. Upon �
<br /> relnstatanw�t by Borrow�r, thle Securlry Inshvmeni and Ih�obVpatlane a�curod heraby sh�ll remrh tuly etteotNS ae N no acceleratbn ' �. ��tEt��
<br /> had occurr�d. Howw�r, lhb tiaM to rNn�Ult��h�ll nol appy h th�o�ao of�cc�MrelWn unchr aarQpraph 17. .�,
<br /> � 19. Sale of Note; Chanpe of Loan �rvicer. Tli� Not� ot ■ plrtiltl htllr�tt k� th� NotO (topYth6r wkh thb S�CUrity _
<br /> � Inetrument) rr�y be eotd oM or mon tYn�e wNhout prbr n�tice to Bnrtnwsr. A ealu mny resuk In a ohenQa h the entfly(known ae the �. _
<br /> � 'Lotn SNVfcw') that Coll�ot� monthy payrrNnti du� und�r lh� Not� and lhts t'aour�ty Inetrument. There tiso may ba or+o or more :
<br /> chanpas o} tha Lonn Swvicx unntat�d to�saw of th� Not�. It tharo�S �oht�Qu of tftu Loan Sarvica� Bonoww wfll bo�kon wrkton , ' ?�,".','.:
<br /> � not�CS of th�ohanpa h aCCOrdanC�wkh p�npnlph 14 abov� u1d npplb�b:Y F+�v. Thn notl��wIN�t�b t7��nune and�ddroae of the ":�'y'-
<br /> new Loan S�rvicer and tho addr�sa to whiah psym�n.s should be madr. 7he nolre�vNl efao conuh �ny other Infortnatbn rcqulrod by •_:�„�;,t_
<br /> � aPPl�oble law. .;�=-�.
<br /> �0. Hezardoua Substana�s. Bonowar �hall not oause or parmR tho pmsenco, uso, dlsposal, etonpo, or rele�so of any • � :;.��;_;
<br /> � ! Haurdous Subatancaa on or h ths PropKh/. Borrovwr shaY not do,nor albw wnyon�ofs�to do,anythhp aifeothp tho P�opwty that _j.�:�
<br /> ' ia h vbktbn o! any Envlronm�nt�l Lrw. Th� Dnadhp two antmc�� shaY not�pry to the pnaenco, una, or sto►ery� on the _ _ _--
<br /> , Property of ortwa quantRi�s of Hanudous Substuicu that w penanlry nscopnlud to bo approprkto to normai resldentl�l uaos and to
<br /> mahtemnce of the Property. ��-�
<br /> Bortowe►ehaY prompty 0����W���not��of any Inwstip�tbn,alaYn,dannnd,I�wsuk or othe�action by any Qovammw�tal :���
<br /> � � .:�.
<br /> or reyulatory�yenoy or prhrato puty hvotvhp the Praparty and any H�rardouts SubsunCe or Envtonmentui Law ol wiifch BorrOwsr hac � - -----
<br /> actuai knowtedpe. If Bor►ower le�ma, or Is notitlad by any yovemment4i or repuintory authority, that eny removal or other remedlatbn , . _ __ ___ _—
<br /> � of any Heze.rdous Substance eMecthp tho Proporty Is necessary, Borrower shail promptry tnko all necessary remediel iotbns h " , _ __
<br /> accordanco wRh Environmwiul Law.
<br /> - � As us�d in thla panpnph 20, 'Har�rdous Substanca" an thoto subaunca defhed as toxb or h�dow �ubsunca� by •�•;•�
<br /> EnvMOnmental Lew and tha lolbwhp substancws: gasolhe, keroson9,other ti4mmeble or toxb patroleum produots,toxb pestblses end
<br /> .� he+bbtdea, voY�tlla sokenM,materkis contthlnp ashestom or fortnald�hydo, and r�dlotothre materi�fs. As uswl h tFls panpraph 20, •,_,�
<br /> "EnvYonmantal law' maana tadx4l kwa �nd f�ws of th� Jurkdbtlon when th� Proparty Is loca4ed that re{ate to hsaRfi,6afety or _
<br /> �• onvYonmw�tat proteatbn. � ' . �
<br /> fVON•UNIFOFWI COVENANTB. BOrtow�r and Und�r fuKtH�cownmt tnd Iprs�aa toNOws: �,�����
<br /> � 21. AcceleraUon; Remediea. Lender sh�ll �ove nodce to Borrower prlor tm acceleration fotlowinp ...��.
<br /> Borrower's hreach of eny coven�nt or a�reepnen4 ifl �.'�0� �c�et4y In�lcuntent (b�t no! pr[QS t� ��;�•
<br /> ecceleraUCn uncler parayl'sptl i% unlesi ippiic�ln San M�vi+ii�c:�'.::o:�:�i. T!:� S:^tt�� �,lull itrfweltut ___ �'��.���1'�����_
<br /> -r-- • _ u.
<br /> (a) 4he deteul3; (b) the actlen requlred to cure the detauti; (c) a date� not les� then 30 days irom the r
<br /> date the noUce is glven to Borrouver� by which 4he defeult muet be cured; end (d) that failupe to cure
<br /> the detault ore or before the date epectried tn the noUce may �ewlt in �cceleretton of the aums ,�
<br /> aecured by this Securliy Instrument end sela of th� Property. The noUce �hall turther inform ,;� � .�. �
<br /> Borrower of the rlyht to relnstate after acceleratlon and the ri�ht to brin� s court ectton to as�ert the �:;.��` � •t
<br /> non-exia4ence of e defeult or any other dotense of eorro�er to ecceleraUon and �le. If the defsu{t Is �.� ;� ,
<br /> not cured on oP bebre the dete apecl�ed in tha notice� Lender at Its opUon mey require Immediat�
<br /> pa�ent In t�oll of all auma secured by thts Seeurity Instrument wtthout turther deinand and mey ; .r ,
<br /> invoks the power of aats �nd �ny othsr rsmediea permttted by �ppticable law. Lender ahall be :,�,�'`•�
<br /> enUtled to collect all expansea Incurred In purauln� the remadlei provlded in thla paraQreph 21�
<br /> includiny� but not Itmited to� reawna6le sttorneya' feea and cost�of tltie evidence. • ,��
<br /> if the power ot aate Is Invoked� Trustee shall record a notice of deiwit In eech county In�whtch �-��a
<br /> any put of the Rroperty Is loceted and shail mail coples ot wah notice In ths menner prescribed by �"�°`°'-
<br /> , eppllcable law to Borrower end to the other persons prescrtbed by epplicabte law. After the time ��:..;,�a_
<br /> requtred by applicabte law� Truatee ahsD �tve publte nvUce ot salo tfl the persons and In the manner .���;�.�—
<br /> prescribed by applic�bte law. Truatee�without demand on Barrower� ahall sati the Praperty et public �''��' `-�_��
<br /> .,,�,;---.
<br /> `; euctlon to the htphest bldder at the �Ime and pl�ce �nd und�r the tarms dedpmted in the notice of - ___
<br /> r a�le In one or more pvicels and In any order Trust�s dstermin�s. Trustee may postpone s�lo of ell � `.,:��qn_�.
<br /> or any parcel of the Property by publlc e�nnouncemsnt �t the tlme a�nd place of arey previausly • __ °
<br /> ' echeduled sale. Lender or tts desipnee may parchsse the Propeety at any eale. Ru_4____
<br /> '� ' Upo� reoelpt of payment of the prlc� bid Trustee �hall deliver to ths pureh�sar Yrur,S�a'�t d�ed -� ��-
<br /> , � ;v�,',��:,__.__
<br />- conveyiny ihe PropeKy. The rec{t�ls in the 7rustee's deed�hall be rlma tacle evtdence o� tfie uuth , -�•
<br /> P ��-::--
<br /> ot the atatemenb m�de thereln. Truatee ahell appty the proceeas of the eale In tho bllowinp order. , ::�
<br /> . �JY�^.�r,[ .'...
<br /> (a) to all cost� end expenses of sxeralsin� the power of ea1e, end tl�e ale. Includin� the payment of ,.�;,����.j,,•:ff,� :.'
<br /> the Trustee's 6ees actuall�r lncurred� not to sxceed 3 % of the principN amount ot the note ;:';,�;.:<,-.;:r.,:•;��::.
<br /> at the Ume ot the declaration of detoult, �nd reasonable ettorney'� toee es permitted by lew; (b) to all .�. ��:�-'�^�'���^
<br /> auma aecured by this Sacurity In�trument; and (c) any exceaa w the peraon or peraona le�ally - •
<br /> onUUad ta It � . . �;
<br /> �7. Reconveyance. Upon paymont of�A sums secured by tht�Securky Instruma�t,LQnder shall request Tnistae ta roconvey
<br /> the Property and shaA sumn�thi3 Soourky Instrum�nt�nd�N notes wlde�olnp dab! aocumd by thla S�curky Instruma�t tm Trustae. . -
<br /> , Truateo shaq reconvey tha Pro�erty wRhout warrenry nnd w�thout aherpe to tho psraon or peraano legaly entkiad to k. Slicli Cerso^a+ "
<br /> persons shaA pay any recordatbn costs. ",
<br /> �•,`•,..
<br /> �;,
<br /> � 23. Subatitute TruitOe. L�ndK, at It0 optbrt, miy hqm thre to tMY romove Trustes and eppoktt R auccossC�Wstoe to
<br /> - any Trustee appohted herounda by en hsWmsnt reaordud h tne aounry N wh�h thl� Secur�ty Inctrumont Is rocai�'eQ. Without
<br />-_'-._..—-.--- • .• - • . ----- •-'-•-- -�-� '•.�.� ... �u�+.� ��t� .�n�..�.nnd �4dluo nnntartee! unnn TrtIRtfl9 h[YOh BDf��IY -- - -- ----- --�
<br /> � . _. . � COflYB�fICB OT ttl� F'fop�try� 3ucb-rasur uuatw on�te auw..0 ... �....... ...+. ►••'••• -'_ '_"'- --...- -- --- - - �.
<br /> eppllCSbb lew.
<br /> ; . � 24. Requc38t for NoUCea. Bono+m�► roquests that cop�es ot the not�ces ot detauR and sab ee sont to Borrowers address '
<br /> whlCh IS tAe Property Address.
<br /> - 1 26. Rldera to this Securlty InatrumenL II one or more rlders ve wcecuted by Bortower Qnd recorded topether wfth
<br /> - � thM3 3ocurity In&trumait, tho cownant4 and aprows'wnte of oa�h suah rtda cha9 ba incorporeted hto and ahal!anend and suppleme�t �
<br /> _ � t►re covenants and apreern�nts of thls S�curky InaWma�t aa If th�rid�r(e)wen� part of thb 5ecurity Instrument. ,
<br /> �
<br /> � Fo�m 004E 0/W .
<br /> � Fi02a.1M0(?/GO) P�Oe t ol 6 .
<br /> _.. I
<br /> � � 416 ( -
<br /> - � _ ..�._ . . .. .
<br /> i
<br />