�,: .
<br /> � . . �..
<br /> ."��n�... � �;��: -. . . -,,..
<br /> - � .• �.�.s.++Yi��rJ+Y ;��- - . v , «.. _v:. . .._ . ... . .. ,. . . ,, r c. . �r,: . �, r . .. . ..1+MuiM 47�e�t _ ..
<br /> _.�..,,..,. .........u•�nt..n..�?.__., .�... . • .. . .. .. _ .. - ' � —
<br /> ' V'Y/�1J�li �_uL��- .�
<br /> � Borroworo oaarow�tcoount unGr tha 1�Wra1 Wd Etut� t�ttNm�nt Proc�clun�Aot ol �67�un�n�Prom t6n!tc tL�, 12 U.f3.C.
<br /> 2u0t e!cnq.(°ii�SPA"),unkse another Mv�thot�ppNt!tu Ih�Funda asta�I6eaK�mount. II ro, Loncler mpy,nt any tlno,collecl and � .
<br /> hold Funda in�n iunount not to oxc�ad th�Ms�K�n+ount. L�ndK rtwy ulhiat�th�unount of tund�dw an tha btsla o1 curront 6ata
<br /> �nd r�sonabM ostYnat�s ot�dRuns of�utun Ekrow Il�m�or oth�rwk� In�;,aordu�a�wkh Rpp�cabN f�w. ,
<br /> Th� Funds �haN b� h�ld Y► an hstkutbn wisaf� drposk� ara htund by � hcfKal ip�noy. InetrumentdNy, or M�tity (In9k,dfnp
<br /> L�nd�r, M L�ndN If tuoh m in�tquibn) pr In Yny F�dlral Hotn�Lo�n Bank. Und�►�haM�tppty the Funds ta pny th� Escrow Itom�.
<br /> Landw rtwy nct char{� Bortowa tor hofdhp �nd appyM►p Ilf�Funds,annu�ly�nay�np th��scrow account,or wrMyrinp Ih�E�c�aw
<br /> Ittm„ unb��f 6CndY paYe Borrowar Interett on th� Funds md�ppdc�bl�Yw pKmlts L�nder to mak9 tuoh v chtr�a. Howwor,londer
<br /> moY r�quir�Borrows►t0 WY�on�tim� ah�rp�for en Indp�ndmt n�l Nttt�tu�rpoRinO prvic� uNd by Mnd�r In oonn�ctbn wRh
<br /> thb ioan,unUp�ppFcabN Mw provWN othwwN�. Uni�se an�pr�trNnt M mad�o►�ppWC�bM i�w requlrN Int�not to b�p�fd,4MdN ,
<br /> ,;;,;,,� ah�q not b�nqutnd to pq Borrovwr ac�y htKMt a�r tapnnps on th�Fund�. Bortow��nd Under rtNy�prN In wrRhp, how�wr, tA�t
<br /> � -"� Inte�est ehaq b� pald on tM Fund�. L�nds�thaM pHa lo Borrowa, wAhout ch�rp�, an annual �ccauntfrtp of th� Fun6�, �howlnp • •
<br /> crrdRs�nd d�bNe to th�Funds�nd th� purpas�for which�ach WbN to Ih� Funds waf mad�. Th�Funds w pMdp�d�� addRbnd
<br /> securky tor�N eumt acund by thb S�curAy fntCum�n� �� '
<br /> If th�Funde h�k1 by Und�r axcwd th��rtaunq p�mRt�d to b�h�td by �ppYcabM�w,L�nd�r thd account to Bortowor for tha .� ,::,
<br /> exass Funda h �Cuordanc� wRh th�rsquU�tnM�t6 0l appYaabM hw. if lh� amount of thf Funds hNd by L�ndYr�t a�y ttm�b not ;;�'.��=',�`'
<br /> suftbient to pay ths Escrow Itams wh�n dua,Under may ao notity BorrowK h wrRhp,�nd,In suah caae Bortowc�r shtll p�y ta L�nder ' `�i'!i;
<br /> " the artsount noc�stary to rtuk�up tM dNiciN►cy. Barovwr sMY m�k�up th�dNloNnay in no mon than tw�ln manthy p�ym�nts,at , ;�•��-�
<br /> ,y•�.
<br /> � Lendare cob discrotbn. •__`�
<br /> Upon ptymont in tuM ot atl sume iacurod Dy thb SecurRy In�Wmwtt,Undor ehaN prompty nfund to Dortowar any Funds hetd by
<br /> �r�`__
<br /> $ LwiCwe. H, undat pam�raph�t,Leitt�r shstl scG�!E�e o�' e!9 EM Pr�perty,I.end�r,[xior to th��rsqu4kion or ur of th� Property, shtA —._--.—
<br /> � appy�ny Funds hokl by L.mWr at tM tinw ot�qvWtlon or sak tn a credR�gelnst the auma secured by thls�ecurky Inswment. �-;:�, -
<br /> � 3. AppllcaUon ot Pay111E11ti. UnWsi appYCSbY ftw Pro��ides othenvb�, aN payments receHsd by l.�nd�r und�r ptrtyraphs -- _
<br /> ;� 1 and P ahaN bo appfted:Bnt,to any propsymwit chupa duo under th�Note;socond,to amountt pay�btv uncfw pu�prvph 2; thtd '�-
<br /> • ' to htKest dw;fouRh,to prhop�l dw;and last,t� eny Yt1 olwp�s du�undsr the Nots. �_�L�
<br /> , ,;�j 4. GP�arpe�; Lfe11i. 6o+rowrr thsN p�y �n ouxss, tes�sama�ts,charQ�s, fh�s and tnposkbna attrbatobq to tho Proporty
<br /> •':•;� whiah m�y �tt,�h prforRy owr this SK3vtiy IntWmint, �nd M�Nhold p�ymenb or pr'ound�ls. M ony. BorrOwK sh�l pay th�N �'�
<br />, ;;�5�,�,;.; ,� obNpatfons fn th�rtwirwr provfd�d h parepr�h 2, or Y not paW in ptut muiner,BoROVwr ehaN p�y thsm on tlmo dtecty to th�person �,,.��
<br /> owed poymont. Borrowar 4haM prompty Nmbh to Unc�r tY noficso of�nounts to b�patd u;�der this ptraflnph. If Bortower makes ��.__
<br /> 'w thoa�paym�nts dfncty, 8orrowa s1u�M prompty fumkh to Lend�r ncNpb wid�ncinp th�payments. _
<br /> ,_�� 08TfOSYw shad prornptF� dkCh�eny!!en which 1►ea prbrly owr thb&�cur�ty lasWmmt unlasa Bortowor:(a)apree9 h wrRhp to �
<br />_.. •.:.��, J�•r•�m••!i nf tnn nnuo.tton socurad bv ttw Wn h�rrunnsr�cc�ptaba to Under; (b)aontaab h pood h(th th�Iimn by,or cia�Vs _� -
<br /> , � apalnst mTwcarrMnt ot th�Uan h, kpd prxaadhpa whiah h th�l.�ndwa opinbn opaat�to prrv�l th�mfo�t of th�fiws;cr. S�) �
<br /> . . . ,� securos hom th� hoider of ttw INn m +�yrNrtMnt s�tkt�ctory to Lendsr aubord�l�tY�p th� Y�n to thi� Securlty Inshum�nt. If L�an:.v
<br /> '� detaminos that�ny pert of tM PropKty b subJacl lo a Yon which may tttafn priorriy over this Securky In&Wment,Lendar m�y qi��
<br />�+ti:��. , . BoROww�notica kkntMylnp th�Yin. Borrow�r shap aatky th�liw�or t�lu one or moro o}the 4otlons e�i torth 4bow wRhin 10 days
<br /> � S;
<br />'=�j'.�:',,, ,, ot ths pbinp ot notx�.
<br />�;"`':;�:;;�i'• . `` S. Hazard or Property Insurmce. Bartow�r sh�t keep th� hiprowrrs��ts now extathp or h�rNR�r enct�d an cne
<br />_., 1.,,.:n*7.`
<br />'S�s:`�'� '� Propaty insund�paln�t bis by firs,haxuds Noludb wRhln th� term '�xl�ndod cwen�s'�nd any otha hwrde,inciudh� tbods or
<br /> :=� fbodiny, ta which L�ndK nqutr�s insunncs. Thb hsuranc� sheN b� mafnt�ined h tM �rt►ounte end tor th� pabde that Lendor
<br />;,:;�.`y'A requfros. Tha htutanC�Cartllr provldhG th• Nsurana �htN bf ohoe�n by BarowOr subJ�ct to Landw��pproval which nhal not b�
<br /> �r�;:ri;9`��; unroasonaby wkhhsid. It Borrow�r fdl� to rtytntaln eownp� d�scri�d abow, londK mdy,at Lend�a optbn,obt4h co��ersp�to
<br /> ���-�`�`^'...�-�,�`,, protect Lendere dpht�h the Property h�ccordmc�wkh par�praph 7.
<br /> °�'-�'�'����' AY h=urnnc�poNcta and nr►�w�k �haN G sccqtebM to L�ndK and ahaN hc0ude a et�ndtrd moR�p�c�uaa. lendar s�a7 have
<br /> '"" !'� th� rlpht to hold ttN poYalM��nd rMNwtM. II I.�n�i�r nqutra, Bortow�r shaA prompiy plw to Lmder aN nc�(pts of pdd pnmlums
<br />_ " "��"�� end �ewal notic�s. In th� want ol b��, Barovwr th�l phw prompt not�o to ttw Insu►anca cartier �nd La�d�. l.ender mey make
<br /> ����<,;� proof of los�M not mada prompty by Bortowx.
<br /> ...;
<br /> ,,.: ....,.
<br />"''°'" UnMif I.�fldK SIIA BOROWK O1hBRNN��prN tn writMp� hwrana proc�it shaM b��pplied 4o nstontfon or nptP of tho Property
<br />__,,,._.. .
<br />.__�.�`.H_ Y-
<br />_....
<br /> � °° : d�m�p�d, N th��to►Rtbn or npat k �conomicaly foatbt� �nd L�ndw�sacurky Is nct Nssonod. If th� �tontbn or roFv3� not —.__._..---
<br /> j_� oconcNnlr,�My h�sl+I�or L�nd�s uaurky woub bo I�ss�d,ths h=umco prxswis shaG b� �ppliad to th� sums socund by this
<br />.�:+�i��n=—z:�r�
<br /> � �=� fkcurky Inetrum«►t, whathK a not thon du�,wkh my�xcwa patd to Borrowor. I} Borrorv� abmdons th� PropKty,or dow not
<br /> ,=,�.=� enawar wRhin 30 d�ys a notic� Nom Lend�that th� In6uranco curiK has off�nd to aettb � chtm,thwi Lender rruy coYac! the Y
<br /> +��-�-- Inturanc� procpds. Landac rtu�y uto ttw proc«ds to ropUr or reaton th� PropKty or to p�y sums t�cund by thYs Securky _
<br /> �� InstrumK►t,wh�thar or not then du�. Th�34d�Y Pabd wlp bpb when the noi��b pM�n. -
<br /> '°"~� . . Unkss Lendor and Borrower othawiw ayr� In w�itYp, any appACatbn ot proceeds to prtnotpal shal not extend or postpone the �`
<br /> -_-•..�.� •
<br /> . � , du� d�to of tha monthy payrtanb rotwrod to h peresnphs 1 and 2 or oh�th�omount of th�payrr�ts. If undor pnnapraph 21 t.---�__ __
<br /> - th�ProprAy N�cquted by Landx.Borrow��r(pAt ro any In�una►co po�Cl�s and proce�de nsukhp hom dam�y�ro the PropMty prbr -_-_
<br /> r',�,;•;''; �� to the aaqukltbn shaM pass to Lontler to the �clent ot tho 6uma s�cured by thls Sacurlty Instrumw�t Immodf�te�y pr:or to the u��2-
<br /> >;r,r;?:°:
<br />_'�'.:i.'.•�' ecQuiskbn. <:'��--
<br /> � , 8. Ocaupancy� Preservetlon� Malnttn�nc� �nd ProtesSlan of the Property; �arrow�r'e Loan �"- --
<br /> ' ` � AppliC�t100; Le�aetwid�. sorrow.r s►w oecupy. Ktablkh, md us� tM PrapKty aa Barrowor's prtncsipal roslde�sc�wkhh s6Ry �:�,_�-___
<br /> daye aR�r th��xecutbn of thk S�eurky InsWm�nt Nd thall eonttnw to oecupy th�PropKty rs Borrow�r's pnc�ipal ��Idw�c�far at '''����-�-
<br /> . ;�tn«�.�
<br /> � teact ona ywr att�r tho dnt� of occupenay, unlsls l.�nds► othtwwk� pross In w�ithp, whbh cona�nt ehaN not b�umneesanably _
<br /> ° wRhheld,or uniess aodenuatinp ofr�cumsLncas lxfat which u�s Myond Bortower'e oonVob Borrower shaY not destroy,dam�Qe or tnpa3r _ __=_
<br /> � '��� tha f�roparty,allow 4?ie Proporty to d�ta�iont�,or �ommk wast�on tho Proporty. 8ortovwr�hatl ba h dofault If�ny forfe9ure�atbn cr --�?�'=�
<br /> �.�. ' •�._.._.
<br /> ..__ _.__,____ . . . . . . . .'�' "_��..�..�_`.__..0�..r� �.t�s... ..c aa�o.,...�.a.....n�h�nui�u ^-.b: �:..___
<br /> ___.._-___ _-___ �
<br />.� pfOC�Y1Q�W119tn8f CNH 0�Clminil�18 W�Un IRBT O LYnuw s ywu�awn ptymo���vww���wun.. .v.�v.aa�.......o...,�.�.y�. ....�....� ...�:._.___,-_
<br /> materi�ly Ynp�Y tho Ifen craatod by thb Sxurlty Instrument or Lende�e sdcuritp htereat. 8ertower may cure such o defauk and ',�'
<br /> reM�sub, aa providad In panprsoh 18. by caw►n0 No �ctbn or prxwdin0 to ba dkmbsad wkh e ruYnp th�t, fn Lenders yood hkh `'
<br /> detortnlnatlon, procludes foAVRura of tF» Bortow�e htK�st in th�Prop�rty w othK m�txkl knp�kmmt ot th� INn vrMted by thb
<br /> Sxurlty �nsWmont or Lendere 6ecurky intcrat. Borrow�r thaU�ISO !w in de!nuR H Bortowor, durhp the ban epplicttbn process, �
<br /> pave mat�ri�ly tais� or Inaccunt� htomwtion or lutsrrnnts to L�ndK (or hllsd to Qrovids Londor wkh eny mato►i4t Intortnation) In
<br /> � conneetbn wkh the ban widencsd by th� NoW. Includirq, but not IFnRed to,npnaentattont concemtnp Bo�row�ls occupanoy of the „ „
<br /> Proparty w a princ(p�l nsfder�cv. If thb S�curKy In�irumont I� on a IMSOhoid, BOrtower 6haN compty wRh �M th�provBbnn o1 the
<br /> le�se. It Borrower acquira ka tRk to the Property,th�loas�ho7d nnd ths No tRM eheM not merpa unNaa the Lender aQrMt to the
<br />;. �� f11gfQYf Ifl wfN,hO. Form S02e W90 � - '. .
<br /> F�02Y.1M0(7/ca) Pay�2 0l 6
<br />_ ' �..
<br />_ ;r.
<br /> N6 '
<br />