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�: , ,�, <br /> ,�;y,t,. ,,. <br /> :�. ' " ' _: <br /> �: . ,.L.,;. . .,a..�r�.:,�; <br /> 'wt. 1 <br /> '_ � . " . . �•"2"iY.=��. �'�'�!... <br /> . . " , . '• , . __�.�y��. <br /> � .. . � ., .. �•.. YIlM`A�`—--- __ <br /> � <br /> -"r..�'-=.���...�.� <br /> - . . . . .�s. -_. . .. , _ ._ .. ,� .. .. . , . ., .__ . , . .. . <br /> N�� ,�p �. <br /> payments may no longer bc requued,at the aption of I.ender,if martgage insur�nce coverage��e�n�d for the perind - <br /> that Lender requires)providerl by an insurer approvcd by l.cndcr Again becomes nvailnblc nnd is o6tained.Borrowcr shali pay the • ,� <br /> premiums requirecl to muintain mortgage insurance in effect, ar to provide n loss reserve,unul the requirement ior mortgnge <br /> insurance ends in s►ccordance with any wrilten agreement between Dorrower and Lender or appltcable lnw. ti. <br /> 9.Ius�eeib�. Lender or ita agent may n�al:c ec;asc�nable entr�es upon :.nd inspccdnns of�he Property. lrnder shnll givc , _ <br /> • Borrower nodce at the dme of or prior to an inspecdon specifying reasonable cuuse for the inspection. � <br /> .�� 10.CondemmoUon. The proceeds af any awurd or�lafm for demages, direct ar consequentIal, in connecdon with uny , . ,_ <br /> .tM�•� <br /> „�. condemnation or other laking of any part of the Prop�erty,or for conveyence in Ueu of condemnation,sce hereby assigned and <br /> shall be paid to L,ender. <br /> In the event of a total takL�g of the Propecty, the proceeds shall be appliarl to�he sums secured by this Security Instrument, <br /> whcdicr or not Ihc:n due,with c�ny excess paid to Sorrower.In the event of a partL�l taking of�he Property In which ihe fair mnrket �-' �,� - <br /> value of the Property immediately before the raking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Scxurity , , ` `�"�'��'�_ <br /> : .�,.= <br /> Insuument immedlately before the teking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwisa egree in writin ,the sums secured by this �'��'��""`"""' <br /> 8 Iri�Y.�9�4�_' <br /> Securlty Inswment shull be reduced by the amount of the procee�s muldplird by th¢foAowing fracdon: (a) the touil emount of "-,_ <br /> � the sums securcd immcdiately befon�he iaking, divided by (b) the fair market value of thc Propecty imrr�ediatcly befarc the ,"�.,y;��=-�_- <br /> ,� taking.Any balance shall be paid to Borrower.In the event of a pardal taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the • .•.;�=-°_� <br /> Property immed�atcly before the taking !s Iess than the amount of the sums Sccured 'unmediatel bc:fore the tnkin , unless '`"'"" <br /> Y 8 rri,;�;�s, <br /> � ' Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wdting or unless applicable law othenv:sc provides,[he pmcecds shail be applied W ih� - -- <br /> . sums sccured by this Secwity Instrument whether or not the sums are ihen duc. ,i=���<-��- <br /> ' • If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,at'ter noHce by L.ender to Borrce�ver that the condesnnor offers to make an • .,�;::_ <br /> award or seqlo a claim for damages,Borrowet fails to respond W Lender within 30 days after the dat�the nosca2 es given.Lendsr ;;=k"='_'�_ <br /> . .,.,,,�,� is authorized to oollect and npply the procc�ls,at its opdon,either w restoration or cepair of the Praperty or to t'he sums secured ;.:°�:: _ <br /> c� by thas Securiry Instrument,whether or not t�zn due. � �� �'� <br /> , Unless Lendcr and Borrower otherwisE agme in wr3dn8,anY aP�licabon of p:oceeds to prin�ip�7 shall not extend or posq►one , _ <br /> t�he due date of tha monthly payments referted w In pa�r�lgT.��phs 1 and 2 or change the arnount of such payments. ""'`� � <br /> �' il.Borrower Not Retes�sed;ForbeYrance By Len�3er Not a�V�ver. 8xten�ion of the time for payment or r�eodification <br /> , .�;' of amortlzation of the sums secured by this Secusiry Instrument graaned by L.ender to any successor in inteaest of Borrower shall ��; <br /> ' g not operate to reicuse G��liauitity c+f t,tie oil$fnal �o.—.owEr or so;�otiv�:r's successors in interes�Lender shall not be rcquir�i to `� . <br /> commCneC proceedings against enY suCCessor in interest or refuse to ea�Tend dme ior paymeni or otncrwise muwiy iu�iviuinuu��uf — , <br /> - ., the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reasc�z�af any demand medc by thx original Bocrower or Boarower's successors � . <br />_ in interesG Any forbearanse 6y l.ender in eaercising t��y right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude tbe exercise of any <br /> �: <br /> _ rlght or cemedy. ;';`:. ,^ <br /> �" �-�• 12.Successore and Assigns Buund;Joint and�evPral Liability; Co•signers. The covena.�ts and agaeements of this `,``.. <br /> '' �`'"` � Securiry Instrument shell bind and benafit the successors and assigns of L.eader and Sotrower, subje�:t t� the provisions of <br /> :� 1V';t�,'�.:: , Y <br />��:. :°,'',�!-�?;, paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants end ag�roements shall be joint end sevecal. Any Bocrower who co-sig»s this Security ° <br />�t� .�� '����,• Inswment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Jnstrameat only w mortgage.grant and convey that " <br />�::,^..� �',:� Bonower's interest in the Prope�ty under the te,rms of this Security Insuwnent; (b)�S not personally obligated w pay the swns . <br />,._. i:,,.L:e <br />-� secured by this Sccurity Instrument;end(c) agrces that�.ender and a*�y other Bonower may eg�ee to extend,modify.forbear or <br />-����...=�Y�4r:: maice any accommodadons with regard to the terms of this Secunity Instrument or the Note without ihat Borrower's consenG - � <br />?=:��.��d�: -• �• .�"�_ <br /> _�ti..,��, 13.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Securlty Instiument is subject to a!aw whkh sets maximt►m loan charges, _. <br />�;:....•:- <br /> ,4.�. � and that law is finally interp.reted so Ihat ihe interest or other toan charges collected ar w he collectecl in connection weth the loan m <br />��� exceed the pamiltted limits,then:(a)eny such loan chargo shall be reduced by the amoimt necessary w reduce ihe charge W the --- <br /> ss�ar.w.;.,-�.�- <br />=��::f�; ::� permitud limit;and(b)any sums alrcady wllected Crom Borrowe,r which exceeded permitted limits wi11 be refunded to Bormwer. -_ <br />��;: . ��;;;:{• Lerider may choose to make this refund�y reciucing the principal owed under the Nate or by m9king a dinct payment to <br /> • Bomowcr. If a refund xeduces prIncipal.the rcduction wiU be treated ag s parptil prepayment without any prapayment charge = <br />=�_ - under the Notc. �- <br />-�"'�� �_ 14.Notkes. My notice w Borrowcr pmvided for in this Security Instrument sf�l be given by dellve,ring it or by mailing it " <br /> �''�`ti-.';�' �:''--- <br />_�,,.;.�;;qy,. � by fl.rst class mxil unless applicable Iaw requIres use of another method.The nodce shall bo directed to the Propetty Address or ,�.. <br />_�= �;�''''' ' any other acl�ress Bomower designates by nodca to Lender.Any nodce to Lender shall be given by first class mail tn Lendsr's -i';�- <br /> '"r'•��•�.•�, address stated hei+ein or any other address Lender designates by no�ice to Bomnwer. My notice provided for in this Securi+ty �;'� __ <br /> i�'•:�•_� . 3nsuvment shall be deemed 2o have been ven to IIacr�sver or Lender when ven as rovidr�d in this h. `�- ___ <br />� iS.Governing Law;5�verstbility. 'li�is Secur�ty Insmimcnt shell be govemed by federal la�w and e3ie Iaw of tho � � — - <br /> f'�'-_- <br /> � ' � jurisdicdon in which tha Property is lc�cat�d.In the event that any pmvision or cl�use of this Security Insuument or the NoLe �_-_ _ __.�____.c <br /> • conflicts wish applicable law,such con^uict shall not affect other provisians of this 5ecurity Instnurcent or the Note which can be °- _�..___. <br /> given effecq without the conflicting pro++ision.To tt►is end the provisians of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to :R:�a:���_ <br /> � � � bc severable. `���`. <br /> _. . :�:J;;��v��; <br /> Form 302e 9/00 � °";,': ��� • <br />_� . i': f. . • <br /> �j •6N(NE)IOt�2�.ot Pap�4o18 InItIaU: ----_•-- ` •���,�'„ 1�� • . <br /> � `_Y .., <br />_ . . v� ` • �� . .'���P,'� <br /> ---.---._ _.__.-_ - ..-.-'- --r ---=-� � <br /> �_.r....._. .�.. •-'�--' '.._.,.-.---...,_. .---_-._�— --- . ..`�'.'__,'�. •.�«y'�,y���w <br /> . .... ...�Gw.z"._' ' .. . � ... ... <br /> ........ . f " <br /> . . , • : .. , ' _. ` <br /> -,� , . ,J .� � ._ . <br /> -.� - . - .. .. . . 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