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„-.., <br /> t <br /> �� .. � <br /> � <br /> � � ° �.vr,,a�..�. � . .. <br /> ... .,, <br /> „ .�ik1��N';• <br /> ,. . •- <br /> � ' <br /> _ __ .... -- . _._ - <br /> __ . . . _....._ ._.._"�►---- <br /> . <br /> - - -- <br /> ,.......... _ _ - <br /> � ' .,. <br /> . .. _Cc,�,F-°_~` <br /> ' .. .�:: <br /> . . _ , <br /> g6- 10�� <br /> S.HAZard or Property Insurs�nce. Borrower shnll kecp thc impravemcnts now cxisdng on c�rcaftcr crectcd on thc Property <br /> . insured against loss by Cuo, ha�.ards includcd withln iha t�crm "extended covcrago” and any othcr hazards,insluding llaods or „ <br /> � floading,for�vhich[,ender require9 ins��rnncc. 'Ihis insumnce shall be mnintttined in the nmounts and for the perlods ti�nt l.eader <br /> , � requires.'Ihe insurance cturier prc►viding tho insurance shall be chosen by Borrower s�+bject to Lender's approval which shall nqt „ <br /> be unrcasonably withheld. If Honowcr faiLs to maintalr► cavcragc dcscdbed abovc, l.endcr may. ut Lendcr's option, obtain <br /> ,��-_ coverage w protect L.cnder's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. <br /> • • � Alllnsurance policles und renewals shaU be ecceptable tu Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause.l.ender shall <br /> have the dght to hold the policles and renewals.If Lender mquires,Borrower shall prompdy give to Lendar atl receipts of paid <br /> premiums and renewnl notices.In the event of loss.Horrower shall give prompt nodce ui tho insurance cerrier end Lender.L.ender . - <br /> may make proof of loss if not made prompdy by Boirowcr. ='-= <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agcee in writing,lnsurance proceeds shall be applled to restoradon or repair of the `'�'"Y=_ <br /> praperty damagcd,if tha restoradon or repalr is economically feasible und Lender's security Is noi lesse„�ed.If the restoration or . "���,;, <br /> repair is not economically feasible or L.endcr's security would be lessened,tho insurance procceds shall be applied co the sums > :-'=�,�� <br /> ia1.. <br /> socured by this Security Instrument, whethec or nat tben dua. with any excess paid to Bocrower. If Bonower abandons the ,•_?�`_�- <br /> Property.or does not answer within 30 days a nodce from Lendei that the insurance carrier hag offered to settle a cluim,then ;;=�_ <br /> Lcnckr may collect ihe ir►surence piacc�ds.l.ander may use ths proceeds w regafr or restore the Property�r to pay sums secured �;�n,'__�- <br /> by this Scctvity Instrument,whether or not U�en due.The 30-day perlod will begin when the nodce is given. ,Y,,,;;�- <br /> Unless Lea�dcr and Borrower oUterwise ap�ce in writinn8,anY aPPlicntion of pcoceeds to principal shaU not extend or postpone '°" <br /> the due date of thc monthly payments refeRCd w in paragraphs 1 and 2 oa change the amount of the payments.If undea paragcaph <br /> 21 the Frepc^aty is acquired by Lend�r, Borrower's right to any insarance pollcies end proceeds cesuldng from damaQe W the �:`-=_`— <br /> Property prior to the acquisition shall pass w I.ender no the eatent of the sums secured by this Security Instrumant immediately �,.�;;:;�:;.— <br /> ��..;. <br /> prior ur ohe acquisivan. �,i�,��;--- <br /> � 6.OccupAncy�Preservation,Mpintenance and Pratectan ot the Praperty; Borrnwer's Loan Applkatipn;I.ease4olds. ��`�� <br /> Borrowet shall occupy.establlsh.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days efter the exesudon of E':'�- <br /> this Security Tnswmeat and shall contInue w ocr.u�py the Property as Borrower's principal re,ridence for at least one year after the __. <br /> '�� dato oi occupancy. untcss Lencier oth�wlse egr.,as :� weiti�g, Nhlch con..�nt shA!! noi b� unreasonably withheld.or unless �_ --- -- <br /> .. . C�{GIUAW��MLL�rYI���VAL���ictt:ss�;�nd �:�:�*•g i'nni*ol.R�►mwPr�hall not dest�oy,damagc nr impaie the Protxrt5►. ��:�._:� . <br /> allow the Peoperty to deteriorate. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiWre acdon or --- <br /> ' pt,oceeding.whether civil or cciminal,is boBun that in Lender's good faith Judgment could result in forfeiwrc of the Propesty or <br /> �rise rnaterially impair the lien created by this Security�nsuument or Lender's securiry int�uest Burrower may cura such a <br />- • • default and reinstato, as provided in para�aph 18,by causing the acdon or proceoding to be dlsmissed with a culing that,in <br /> ` . Lender's good faith detuminarion.precludes forEciwre of the Sotrower's interest in the P'POperty or other material impaimient of _ <br />-�:�, ,�, the lien crc,ated by this Securlry Instrument or I.ender's security interes�Borrower ahall also be in default if Borrowu.during the — <br />