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� <br /> � - :: <br /> � ,. , afi ' • <br /> ., . .� �� ', _ <br /> .. � � ' i, ! . . ..�.. . � _"_ <br /> � . . <br /> �� ���C•' . � ,^� ._. <br /> . ,�r <br /> 16.Borroaver'B Copy. Bonnwcr shall ba glvcn anc conCormcd copy of�hc Notc und of thi�Security lnstrument. " „ '`4" � <br /> ! 17.TrAnsfe�of the Properly ae a Deneflclnllnterrst tn li�rrower. If nll or nny part a[tha Property or any intcrest in it Is . <br /> sold or transfcrrcA(or if v bcncficia! intcrest in Qurtowcr is sold or tronsf�nad and 8orrowcr is not a natuml person)without • ���, ;;;:,5.,_ <br /> Lender's prior written consent,LenAer may,at its opdon,requiro immrdiate paymcnt ir fuU of ull sums secured by this Secwrity ,' �• i���.. ' <br /> . In�swmcnL Howcvcr,this opUon shNl nol bc cacrciscd by l.cndcr if excrcisc is prohibltcd by fcdcrnl lnw us of tho duto of this ' <br /> Soctuiry Inswmcn� , ,,� <br /> '" If Lender e.�en:ises�hiII apUan,l.ender shall givc�Hotrower nodce of occelemtion.'Iho nudce shull provide aperiod af nat less '-;•�:•,;�; <br /> ihan 30 days Prom the dnto tho nodca is dellvered ot mnilod within whlch Barrower must pay nll sums secured by th�s Sccurtty <br /> Inswmen�If Borrowcr fnilt w pay these sums prior to the explmtion of this perial,Lender may invoke eny remcdics permiucd --_`= <br /> by this Socurity lnstrument without funhar notice or demand on Borrower. .:�.-_ <br /> 18.Borrower's Rtght to Re[nst�te. If SaroMCr meets cenain condiiions, Borrower shell huvo thc r{ght w have - __ <br /> cnforcememt of this Security Inswment dIs�contlnucd at any dme prior to tha carlicr of: (a) 5 days (or such ather period as .., <br /> applicabla law may spoclfy Por roinstatement)befor�e sale of the Property pursu�nt w any power of sala contained in U�is Secun'ry �._``"'� <br /> Instrumen3;or(b)antry of n judament cnf�rcing this Se�urity Insuumen�'Ihflso condidons are that Borrower.(a)pays l.ender all : �.�,. <br /> sums w4ich then would be due under thia Security Instrument and the Note es if no acceleradon had occurced; (b) cures any � 'v� <br /> default of any other covenants or agrcemcnts;(c)pays ull eapcnses incumed in enforcing this Security Insnument,includtng,but � �"'' <br /> not Wnited to,reasonable auomeys'foes;snd(d)injccs such acdon as l.endcr may rcasonebly require to assurc that tho Uen of this • <br /> , Seciuity Imswment, Lender's dghts in the riropeny s�nd �o�rower's obllgudon w pay Ihe sums socured by this Security - _ _____ _ <br /> ' Inswme,nt shall continue unchangod. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, lhis Security Instrument end tha abliR�tions securcd <br />