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, ...."� - .. . . <br /> -� - . .. ' - <br /> ,���, ,. • . .. .�..,..__ . ... ,.�,.�,._ <br /> ...r�rn. . . " � .. � �v:nti, .. :•�,.,•.� <br /> . ' . :t: sc__. . <br /> � _ - . .,:.-.:. <br /> .. . .. ._.�..�.rrr:.�___ . . .. �; .... . . .._ . . . • . ,���,�-�_.,..___ . <br /> . . . . .. _ . . .. <br /> �. <br /> �.....-..-���..� .. - . �., . , .i .a�...'�'". <br /> .. �_ �-... . . _ ' ..- <br /> .. . '� . . ..-�. <br /> .. .. " r> . .. • U ,� , . +QS�tiYiv.-:��-_'....� <br /> T__ .. .. _ ._. <br /> . . . ._ . . _. . . - � .. .� ., . . ,��."= ���--_ <br /> . � .. - �,��� <br /> TQC3fiTHER WITH nll thc improvcmcnts now on c�rcaftcr crccted on tho �+raperty,cund AA�:�scmcnt�,uppu�tcnunccs, und <br /> „ Cuctures now on c�reutt�r n part af tho propeny.A11 rcplacemcntg and cKldiUons shnll also bc sovcrcci by this Sccu.rity Insvument. <br /> A�1 of thc forcgoing is rcfcned to in lhls Security Instrumcnt ps thc"Properry.' . <br /> BaR12pWBR COV6NANTS t�nt Honowcr is Inwfiilly �sciscd of tho estatc hcrcby canvcycd and has tho right to grant and <br /> co:�vcy Qic Frop:rty and th�t thc Propeny is unencumbcred, except for cncumbranccs of rccard. Donowcr wturttnts And will <br /> ° de€end generally the utla to the Pcopeiry against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances ot record. <br /> �� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covcnants for nadcinal usc and non•uniform covcnants wlth Umitcd <br /> ��*''""�r variadons by jurisdictian to cansdtute e uniform security instrumcnt covering real pruperty. ' <br /> ��� UIYIFORM COVENAN7'S. Borr��vcr and Lcndcr covcnant and agrcc as follows: n when duc the • <br /> 1.Payment of Principal and Interest;Prepayment and Late C6arges. F�orcower shull prompUy p y <br /> . principal of and ineerest on the debt evidenced by the Now and any prepayment end late charges due under the Noto. . , <br /> Z.Fupds tos Taxes and Insurance. SubJect to applicsble law or to a writtere waivcr by Lcndcr, Borrowcr shull pay to :,_ <br /> ' Lender on thc day monihly paymcnLS are due under U�e Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Fands")for:(n)yearly taxcs �.'''°`�f`::-- <br /> ;.a�:a. <br /> and assessments which may eusin priority ovcr this Secudty lnstrument as a licn on thc Property; (b)YearlY leasehald payments `__�� - <br /> , �Y or ground rents on the Prope�ty.if any;(c)Ycarly hazard ar properiy{nsurance premiums:(d)Ycarly tlood insurancc p��cmlums�if . r:'`�- <br /> , � -, � � ;(e)Yearly mortgage insurance premiums.if any:and(�any siuns payable by Borrower to Lender,in accordance with the ��"*;;�'"=--. <br /> ,.. y i;�;:-- <br /> provisions of psuagcaph B in lieu of ihe payment of mortgnge insurartce premiums.These items aro called "Escrow Items." t,��s: <br />:'.� �:'� Lender any time,coUect and hold Funcls u�err cu�ount nat to excccd Ute m;�im�un amaunt a lender for a faxterally related '�°�'TM"' <br /> mongage{Qan may require for Bomower's escrow eccflunt iu►der the federal Real Estete Settleenent Piocedures Act of 1974 ps ':.;`��--- <br /> �.� ecc <br /> "- tunended fr�rn time to dme,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that the Funds scis a lesser ,-F�--• • <br /> � amoun� If so,Lender may,at any tune, collect and hold Funds +��Rn amount noi to exceed the lesser amounw I.ender may ��_:�:,. <br /> :,. ,�� estimace the amount of Funds due o�tAa mv-is of c�ur�ni data end�r:uonable esdmates of eapendit�enes of fuwre Escrow Items or _4 <br /> otheiwise in accordance wi4h applicabk 11w. �;'�.-- <br />�• '[he Funds shall be hel�in an ins�tuiion whos:,cleposits are insumd by a fcx!�al agency.instrumentality,or entiry(incl�ding ;�,_ <br /> " • ` Lender.i�Lender is such an institution)or in sny Fadeial Home L�n aenk. Len�cr shall aPPly the Funds to pay ihe Escrow °���- <br /> �� �� �. Items.L.endcr may not charge Homower for holding and applying�he�unds.annually analyzin8 d�e escrow occount,or verifying �^- <br /> � the Escrow I2ems, L.ender pays�arrower intczest on the Funds and applicab�e 1�w permits Lender to make such a charge. � <br /> :� ,. �..�, � However,Leude� r��sy raquaa Bucaowa� to gay a�ns-Yime charge for an indcpendent reai cstate tax reportiing servke used by � <br /> ..:,: . _. <br />-.. �nder in connecdon wiin ii�u iwu,,ur��1�:��1a la:: gravld�� .. �P,?T�L�an yvrerment is medC oi apDIICa61e 18W <br /> reyuires ir+iarest W be paid,Lender shall nat be required to pay Botrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.Borrowor and <br /> � , ,;�;,�,: I.ender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall bc paid on the Funds.Lender shall�glve to Borrower,without charge.�n <br /> '� � ,��;���^ annual accounting of ihe Funds.showing credits and debits w the Funds and the putpose for which each debit to the Funds was �'� <br />=�:,, ,,;;,;;,:����. <br /> made.'Il�e Funds are.pledged as add.ibonal security for all sums secnmd by this Socurity Instrumen� <br /> ,,�y,�:,,,_ :,.;,i t ; ; I�the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts permitLed to be held by appllca5le law,Lender shall account to Borrower for <br /> .;�,:,�;;...:.;:. ; ' the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender cit any dn�e is <br />--;;; .,.:..::,, not sufficient to pay tha�Crow Items when due.Lender may so no t i fy Borrower in w r l t i ng,a n d,i n s u c h c a s z Borrower shali p a y <br /> -_.._� �i' to Lendu the amount necessary w make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than twelve <br /> �;,;� `�:. ,� monthly payments,at Lendu's sok discrerion. <br />'��`;�;�,,�.,J Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment,Lender ahall prompQy cefund w Borrower aay�unds ` <br />=-�.�s-�.:� held by Lenda�.If,undu paragreph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell ihe Propeity,Le�►der,prlor to the acqiaisidon pr salo of the <br /> �•^_-=s�=--� pnoperty�shall apply any Funds IzeId by Lender at the dme of acquisidon or sale as a credit egainst the sums secured by this <br /> -`°'� Security Inswment <br /> ---'��--,�"�� 3.Applkatlon of Paymente. Unless applicable law pmvIdes oth�rwise,all payments received by Lcndcr nnder paragraphs <br /> N:�:�:;:� <br /> --�_�,e;=rr 1 and 2 shall bo eppliod: first, to any prepayment ch�rges due unda the Note;second,w amounis payabla under paragraph 2; <br /> ;«;;�:: third,to fnterest due;fo�uth,w principal due;and las�eo any late charges duc under¢fia Nota. - <br />- �,�3`,�>`' � 4.Charges;Ltens. Borrower shall pay all tues. �ssessments,charges, d'incs end impositions attributable to the P1vg�crty <br /> L��'`i�:;�, <br /> ��'�'_=t_•.--� whlch may auain priority over this St�uriry Instrument,and lca�sehold payments or ground r�enu,if any.Borrowcr st�aU pay¢fiese <br /> ����� obllgations in thc manner provided in paragrs►ph 2,or if not paid in that mann�er,Borrower shall pap them on ame dirccdy W the <br />-��.=f�, . � person owcd pnyment�onower shall pmmpdy fumish to Lender all nodces of amounts to be paid undcr this paragreph.IE <br /> -`:�s;�`"",�°i`! g�rc�W¢i malces these paysnents directly,Borrower skall promptly fumfsh to Lender roceipts evideneing the payments, <br /> �-''' " ' Bonower shall pmmptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument anless Borrower.(a) �r�es in <br />=��x�`�.�� ' ` wridng tn the payment of the obli�ation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to L.ender.{b)wntests in good faith the lien __ <br /> , by,or defends against enfo�cement of the llen in, legal proccedings which in the I.enda's opinion operate to prevent the _-- <br /> enforcemci►t of thc lien;or(c) secures from the holder of tho llen an agmcment sadsfacwry w I.ender suUordinating the flen to _ <br /> � �. this Sccurity InsuumenG If Lender determines that any pa�t of the Pcoperty is sabject ta a lien which may attain priority over this ______ _ <br /> Sccurity Instrument,Lender�nay give Sonower a nouce identifying the lien.Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take one or more `;=�� __.____ <br /> .,:��..,�y., <br /> • of U►e acdons sct forth above within 10 days of the giving of nodce. -_-___- <br />- . , , r Form 3028 Ol80 �''rx= �: <br /> . a Inlllala: _ ,. _ "'-l� .. <br /> , �-6R(NE91DZt2�A1 Pap�2 016 ..... <br /> �`!R5;- <br /> . .. _ [, • • �:�*r•-i�� <br /> ..y.. 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