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' ' .... .... . . . , .... . - ""' ..-. -......_._ _� <br /> , �- <br /> � _ . . . . „ - .. .._n .._.._,.. .. ........ . .. .. . _.. . . .._. .. -----�--�--_.�_.. .k: <br /> � t �� iVVV+/'7'� <br /> .. ;, <br /> ", pi�ymcnts nury ni�longcr he rcquircd,ut thc c�ption of I.cndcr, if mortgagc insurunrc ruvcragc (in tt�c nmount und for thc period <br />':'�'�`�+•`� that L.endcr rcquires) pravided by an insurer npproved by [.cndcr u�;uin becomes nva►ilublc und is obtained� BOifOWC[SFIAII FIAy <br /> � °�� thc prentiams rcquired tn maint:►in mortgagc insurancc in effect,or[�prnvidc a loss rescrvc.until t hc rcquircmcnt for mortgagc <br /> '--" � insurance ends in accordance with any written�greement 6etween Borro�ver and Lender or upplicabl e law. • <br />�:�•',;..�:_ , 9. Inspccd�n. Lender or its ngettt may makc reasonable entrics upon c►nd inspections of the Fropeny. Lender shaU give <br /> =�. Barrnwer•notice at the time of or prior to an inspection spu:ifying reasonable cause for die inspec�ion. <br /> _: ; � l0. Condemnution. The praceeds of any a�vard or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br /> ,. ,,� condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of wndemnation,are hereby assigned and <br /> '��� shnll bc paid to[.ender. <br /> �'' � �y� In the e��ent of a total taking of the Ptoperty,the prc�ceeds shall be applicd to the sums secured by tlais Sccuriry Instrument, <br />.-...1�t J;'�.. ': <br />-.•4.�:••tt�ii'� <br /> -`�•• ` whether or not then �ue, �+�ith any excess paid to 8orro�ver. In ti�e event of a partial taking of the Prm�erty in�vhich thc fair <br />'r4 L:' r. <br />:,�.,: <br />:., rnarket vatue�f the Prope.ty immediately b�fore the taking is equa!to or greater than the amoun¢ of tFne st�au�s se�i�nr,d ay¢his <br />';'�ti?�c�;,,, ,,•;l� 5eeurity Instrument imme�iately before the taking,unless Borrawer.rnd L.ender othenvise agrez in�nrritirng,t7ae sums�ca�..d 1�y <br />=�W"�'"�`���--�`� this S�curlty Imcn�rrn.r�t shall b� reduced by the x�aunt ��f the prac:eeds multiplied by the follo�ving fr�1..uinn: (u) the tatal <br /> -���: �mnunt of the sums sreured immediately befare ah� [nking. clivided bv (b1 the�C�ir market value of th�Property immc;distsly - <br />_-_�,;',s'� _. <br /> r=r;,;;�«��;;;�;1 before thc taki�b. Any balanc� ;�,`���i ?+e �.��4�1 io Sorrower. �� t1�e evet�. of a�a;►i:il taking of the Progerty in which the fair - <br /> `�"�y'"=••-:="' market valuc of the Property immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the <br />:_r1.�.�:,-� taking, unless Barrower and Lender otherwise asree in writing or unless applicable luw otherwise provides, the pmceeds shall <br /> '""� be applied to the sums securerl by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br />=•�•�4"f r <br />.,;;.,x..� -- If the Praperty is ebandoned by Borrower,or if, after notice by Lender to Horrower that the condernnor offers to make an <br />==�=��*� nward ar settle a cluim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lendcr within 30 days ufter thc date the notice is given, <br /> ' ---= Lcnder is uuthorized to collect and apply the procceds,at its option, cither to restoration ar repair�f ihe Froperty ar to thc sums <br /> _-� secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> �--'°°°° Unless I.en:ler and Burrowcr otherwise agrcc in writing, �my upplication of prc�cceds to principul sh�dl not extend or <br /> _ post�ne the due dnte at the monthly paymentn refcrred to In puragrc►phs 1 nnd 2 or cltange the amount of euch payments. <br />---•��—� 11.�arraever Mot I3elxsed;�orlxarance Ry I.eRder Not a Wslver. Extension of the timc for p.�yntent or mc�dificut�on <br /> o_ a c..M . � .���:�P��„ �i �nmct �f R�rrnw�r�hull <br /> irt urGii�7.ul�Gi'i G�tsi� iuSiS 5«23i�u tlj%2iiii.a�.Sii.3 fr:iZ:iSfii�.iS2^�T:iiilC.'�tS�L.L' '.��!Sf)352� ...! S' l...fl--•--- <br /> -°`_= nat operate to rcl�s�se the liubility of the ori�inul Barrower or Barrower's successors in interest.Lender shall not be rcquired to <br /> comnunce proceedings against uny successor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or othenvise modify amortizution <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the originnl B�trower or Borrower's <br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Successars and Asslgns Bound; Jofnt and Seve��l Liabil(ty; Co-signers. The covenan�s and ugrcements of this <br /> Security Instrument shall bind and btnefit the successors and assigns of Lend;r and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> paragraph 17. Bonower's covenanu and agreements shall be joint and s�veri➢. Any Borrower �thm rn-signs this Security <br /> Instrument but does nat execute the Note: (ai is m-signing this Security lastruez�ent only to moregag�, gr��t and wnvey that <br /> Borrower's interest in the Prope:ty under the t�rms af this Security Instrument; (b)is not Recsonally olrligat:d to pay the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrxas tt,at Lender and any other Borrower may agree ta extend, rnodir,�,forbear or <br /> �nake any uccommodations with regard to the terar�s oP this Security in�trumeret or the Note without that]Etnrtc�svar's a=s2nt. <br /> l3.Loan Char�es. If the loan secured 6y c}iis Security Instrumenl is s�bject to a law which se�s r��:.rnL:�'_:�t:a�:xarges, <br /> and tAiat law is tinally interpreted so that the in:er�,tt or other loan charges collected or to be mllected in cc:.^ECC:�c�s�ith the <br /> ' loan excced the permitted limits,then: (a)any s::rh!�an charge shnll he rcduccd by thc amaunt n�ce�ssary to re���:t��°charge <br /> to the permitted limAt;and(b)any sums already oollected from Borrower which exceeded permitted lin.ti�s�iill be refunded to <br /> Bonowcr. I.cndcr may choosc to make this refu�d by reducing the prin�igal owed under die No�? aT���f mAking a direct <br /> payment to Bottower, If a refund reduces �ri�cipal, the reduction will Le trented a� a parts�l y-.-�rA�rnent without any <br /> prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Bonower provided for in this Security Instrument shall L�+:�:iven�•y 8�i iiering it or by mailing <br /> ' it by first class mafl unless applicable law requires use of another method.'i'S:e r.otice��:z:3�dir��d�?o the Property Address <br /> or any oiher address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notia;rn Lender shall be �i4u.� by �irst class mail to <br /> I.cnder's address stated herein or any other address Lendcr designates by rtotice to Bonower. Any no2e:�e Esrovided for in this <br /> Security instrument shall be deemed to have becn given to Bonower or L.ender when given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> � 15.Governing Law; Seve��abfllty. This Security Instrument shall be governed by fcderal la�v and the law of thc <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located.Tn the event that nny provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with npplicable law, such conflict shull not affect other provisions of this Security Instrurrnent or the Note which can be <br /> — -= given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrumcnt nnd the Note are declaral <br /> =i ta bc sevcrablc. <br /> -_:.�.�� 16.Borrower's Cupy.Dorrower shall be given one conformecl copy of the Not�and of this Security Instrument. <br /> •iar+� Foim 3028 9I90 <br />-._-_�.=- Papo 4 0l 6 <br /> --�s7'�a�� <br /> yu <br /> �.�"ns�:.-o-'--".','.' <br /> �.,i.-��:�:d.•i " .. ----^--- . ^-�---�„_ -- <br /> <h± �. • . . � � . ,y.Q-- .%.�L��-. . . , �., -.. <br /> . _'•�. •�'�:` .. . .� � .. . . .. _ , <br /> - 'j .�(Y I,;: <br /> y .� ,.,� '� .`.`, t�}',r„` . .. . . <br /> � , . .. „ ' . �- � �� y. ti` , . <br /> . i'. •� s�;a� ��,f u tij'. 's� � <br /> `r y. I,' .. -`'; . _ r'. ,�,, . . , , i. . ,. ,�.~,.� � , -t.��� � � . �n' .r`'- <br /> s :c"! . , :... ��.: . '';;.,: f`' ,:�., . �;�,� .. <br /> � '�'�' � <br /> . .,���w�s i\. �_���Y � `. . . . ^ �.�_f 4:. . .-. <br /> . sln .S , �J��1:1 - . -' �� ' �."� '�� . _ <br /> . .. � . . • .» � ���� .. . <br /> � '. "•_.'_' .� .�� _.__— _'_."__ � <br />