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<br /> 17. '1'runsPcr of thc Pr��perty i�r E� Iicncflclnl Intcrest tu Norro�scr. If�ill or any part uf thc Pruperty or any intcrost in it
<br /> , �.��� is sold ur trantifc�r��i tor if u hencficiul intcrest in 13urmwer is sold ar tran�fcrred and Horruwer iti not u n�atural peisun)without
<br /> IAndcr'ti prior writtcn run+ent, l,cndcr may, at its uption, rcyuirc inm�cdiatc paymcnt in full uf ull tiumti scrure�i hy this
<br /> �� Security Instrument. However,this��ptiun shull not be excrcised by [.�nd��r if exercisc is prohibited by f'ederal law ati of the dute
<br /> of tliis Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> ,_, If Lcndcr cxcrciscs this optinn. Lcndcr,hall gi�•c Dorrowcr nuticc of arccloration,Thc noticc sl�all pruvidc a periud uf nut �
<br /> Icxs than 30 dAys fmm thc d�uc thc noticc is dclivcrcd or muilcd within which Borrowcr must pay all sums sccurc.�i by �his
<br /> ���•,. Securiry lnstrumcnt. If Borrower fails to puy d►esc�unu priar to Uie cxpirution of this period, Lcndcr may invoke any remcciies
<br /> ,-'�
<br /> permiued by this Sccuriry In�trumcnv withaut funhcr notice or demund an Borrower.
<br /> � . iB. Barrower'v Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall huve the right to have
<br /> . enforccmcnt of this Sccuriry Instrument d[scontinued at any timc prior to thc earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br />' "t•� upplicable luw muy specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property punuant to any power of sule contained in this
<br /> , '� � Security Instrument; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Borrc�kver:(a)pays =
<br /> t Lender ull sums which then w�uld be due under this Se�urity Instrument and the Plute as if no acceleration had occurred; (b)
<br /> ;'t.�s , �,� cures any defuult of any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays ull expenses incurrcxi in enforcing this 3ecurity [nstrurnertt,
<br />,,.:;�,, ;t.:,�{�. including, but nat limited to, reasnnable nttorneys' fees; und(d)t�ke+ such nction us I.ender mny rexsonubly require to assurs
<br />�.,.��y��4��•••:'tid:;:?
<br /> ;,,,,.,.,.,,,,� ,�:, thnt the lien of this Su:urity Instrument, Leniier's rights in the Propecty and Borrower's obligaticm to pay the sums secured by
<br /> •'•��` ���•;.��i�'''�' this Sccuriq• Instrumcnt shnll continuc unchangeci. Upon rcinstutemcnt by Burrowcr. this Security Instrument and the
<br /> �li�,��--'� obligntions sccured hereby shall remain fully effective us if no acceleration hud oc�urrcd. However, this right to reinstate shall
<br />-j1..�,.:;,.•
<br /> ?�?'�:,,�i not apply in the cuse of acccleration under parugraph 17.
<br /> ';r;F;;,y�•' 19. Sulo of Note; L'hange o� [,�►an 3ervtcer. Thc Notc nr u partial intcrest in the Ncne (tagether with this Securiry °
<br /> ^•.;;�,..,,�� Instrumcnt)may bc sold onc or morc timcs wi[hout prior noticc to Burrnwcr. A sulc muy rcsult in u chc�nbc in�hc cnti�y(known _
<br /> =��•:.r•��r.�. as thc"i.oan Scrviccr")that collccts monthly paymcni+duc undcr thc Nntc und this Security Instrumcnt. Thcrc al,u may hc unc
<br /> ` ' ` i�r mcuc chui�gc�of thc I.�r.m Scrvoccr unrclatcd to a,nlc of Ihc Nutc. 11'thcre iti u rhu��g�of thr Luan Srrvircr. Nurruwcr�vill hc
<br /> •�i�:'.+E�i4_�� 6ivcn writtcn nuticc uf thc rh�ui�c in iucurdunrc with purngriiph IA nbnvc und npplictiblc Inw.'I'hc no�lcc will,trur�hr nnmc nnd
<br /> �.�':n nddress i�f thc nc�v I..u�m Scrvircr mid th� uddrr,+t„ �vhlrh paym�n�, +huuld hr madc. 'I'hc nnUcc wf�l id,��c��nuiin any o�hcr
<br />_,,.`�t, �_ Infi�rmntiun rcquircd hy upplicnhlc Inw.
<br /> - '. � 20. H:uurdutts Sttltst��uccti. R�irruwcr shull nut rau,c ur perniii thc prc,cncc, u,c, dlspusul. �u�ru�!c. ��r rcicu,c nf'nny
<br /> -,.=R,: flurnrduuti Suhsl;mccti un �n' in Iltc 1'ruperty. 8urruwrr �Iwll nu� dn, nur nlluw turyonc cltie lu du, anyIhing nlicctinH lh�
<br /> „ .,� Prup;rty thnt is in viula�iun uf iiny tinvir�mmcntul Lm��. 'f'hc prccrding �wu ,cntcnrc,sh,ill nut nppiy tu tl�r prc,rncc, utic. or
<br /> .;_�;,�_�� sturugc�m thc I'niprrty uf+nudl yu��ntitic� nf Flanirduuy 5ubtilunrcti tliut inr gr�icrully rcrugniixd lo hc apprupriutc to nurnuil
<br /> u=-r--;�� rrsidcutittl uscs und tu mttint��nnn�:c iif the Properly.
<br /> �.b�.r�•�w.�
<br /> ==_._�-,�� Uorr��wcr shall promptly givc l.cndcr writt�:n noticc af any invcstibation, cluim, dcmimd. Ixwsuit or othcr uction by any -
<br /> °' ° br,v�ri�estai or�cgulutu�y ug�u�y or privutc pany invoiving cne�n�perty anq uny Ha•r.urd��us�ubstuncc��r�nvironmcntul l.aw
<br /> =�'�� of which Barmwcr has uctual knowlcclgc. If Bnrrmvcr fc.srns, or is notiticd by any guvcrnrocntal or regulatory utuhority, thnt
<br /> __ _ - any rcmoval or other rcmcdintion of any Huiardous Substuncc affccting the Propcny is necessury,Borrower shall promptly tuke
<br /> -„'�''� All necessary remedial actions in nccordance with Environmentul Law.
<br /> — � As useJ in this paragraph 20, "H:v;lydous Substunces"ure those subst:uices Jefined as toxic or h�zardous substances by
<br /> Environmentul Law and the following subct:u�ces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable c�r toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides und herbiciaes, volntile solvents, rnaterials contuining usbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As used in
<br /> this purugrnph 20, "Envi�nnmcntul Law" means fcderal luws and laws of the jurisdiction �vhcrc the Property is located that
<br /> rclntc to hcalth,safcty or environmcntal protection.
<br /> _ — NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.endcr Curther covcnunt and agrc:c as follows: —
<br /> ;_�:�n� Zl. Acceleration;Ren�eclies.Lender shull glve notice tu Borrower prlor to ncceleration fo➢Iowing Borrower's brench
<br /> of any covennnt or agreement in thls Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under pa•ragraph 17 unle�
<br /> ';:� uppllcuble law provides otherwlse). The notice shall specify: (a) the defnult; (b) the acNon requfred to cure the defuuth
<br /> -_ (c)a dnte,not less thnn 30 duyF from the dnte the ttot[ce Is�;iven tu Borrower,by whtch the default must be cured; and
<br /> (d) that fullure to cure tt�e dePnult on or before the dnte speciCed in tlie rtotice may result in ncceleratlon of the sums
<br /> - secured by this Secarlty Instrument And sale of the Property. The notice shnll t�trther Inform Borrow�er oY the rlght to -"�
<br /> reinstete after accele��ation and the rlght to bring A court nctlon to assert the non-existence of a defnult or any ottier
<br /> defense of Borrower to acceieratlon und sale. If the default is not cured on or befure the date speciilQal in the notice�
<br /> d.ender, ut its option,may require Immedinte payment in tYill of all sums secured by this Security Instrume7t w(thout
<br /> furthcr demand and may invoke the power of sule and uny other remedies permitted by uppl[cable luw. Lender shall be
<br /> ei�t(tled to collect HII expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provtded in this parugraph 21,Including,but not limlted =-
<br /> to,reasonable attor�ieys'i'ees und costs of title ev[dence. -_
<br /> It the �►oever of sale is invoked, Trustee shnll record u notice of default In each county in whtch any part of tl�e
<br /> --= � PropeMy 1.9 located and s!wll mail coptes oP such notice in the munner prescrEbed by applicable la�v to Borrower and to
<br /> •""'!�"-'��� � the other persons prescril�ed by applicable luw.After the Nme required by applEcabte law,Trustee shal!give pu611c notice
<br /> - . of sule to the persons nnd in the manner prescribed by applicuble luw.Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell
<br /> __.__ the 1Property ut publir auction to the I��ghest bidder at the t(me�nd place and under the terms designated in Uie nuEice of
<br />