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' ' ,H� <br /> ,;., _ , . .. ... . .. ..... .. .. .. . . - .. <br /> �� �.O�Y�/�� '. .._ <br /> ' �i �- <br />���r,-, g. }lnznrd nr {'r�►{xrty Insuru�icc. Di�rrowcr s{iall kcep thc impravemcntti nuw cxi,ting c,n c�rcaftcr crcctul un thS ��V' <br /> Property insured���;aoi'` I�ch Lci�cr cyu'tres intiura t c`This�i h urnn�c y!t�II bc mau tai ed„in,thc un rnmty.ind�f��ythc�pericxls — <br /> �uudti ur fl��c�ding. f <br /> that I.ender reyuires.Ttie insura�ue currier pruviding the insurance shall b4�hu�cn bY i3orrnwer,uhject tn Lender'+ upProval �__��" <br /> .:�;:- � whirh shull not be unreawnably withhcld. If Borrowcr fails«� mnintnin cuverUge describui ubovc, l.ender nr,ry, at Lender's �.- <br />-_�� option,obtain caverage toprotec2 Lender's rights in the Propeny in uccurdance�vith puragraph 7. �,..... <br /> All insurancc policics and renewuls shall bc ucceptuble to l..endcr and shall includc a stm�dard murtgugc cluuse. Lcnder _ ,._•- <br /> shall have the right to hold the policics and re�t of loss,Bo rowe rshall�ga cr p ompth ot ce toPhe nsurunce 8[tCi'all(1 L.CDdCft ���� <br /> paid prcmiums and rene�val notices.In the even <br /> ��J,. <br /> �f'��. . �• L.ender may muke proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. ��.-. <br /> "'""' Unless I.ender and Borrower othEnvise agree in writing,insurance procccA1s shall be applied tu restoration or repuir of the � <br /> , ,�,.r _ _ <br /> •• . Propeny damaged, if ttie re�toration ar regai�is economic�lEy feasible and d,ender s security is not IessenQd.[f the restoration or �° <br /> repai�is not economically feasiblc or Lender's si notet en ducb�ith any�excess pa d to eorro�vershi Ig�r pper abandons the �,, - <br />':`�;';•;?� secured by this Securi¢ylnstrument, whether o <br />��- �•� Property, or does not answer wichin 30 days a notice from L.encler that the insurar.ce clrrier has offered�o s�ttle a claim, then � <br /> Lender nt.�}• culleet th�insurance procceds. Lender m�y use th� pro�y�5 �p �'epai� or res2orc ¢!:e Property ar to pay sums � <br /> _. �-•r';i�� secared by this Seeuri[y lnstrument,whether or not then du�.The 3�-d1 licatan of�roc edsetot princi�al'shall�not extend or = <br /> `:',; Unless �.end�r a•nd Borrower othenvise n�ree in writing, nny upp P =__ <br /> �,�.:�^id;ti � p ost pone the dur clate o(ihz monthEy payments referred to in purugcaphs 1 und 2 or change the wnount of the payments. If -- <br />-`;r1 v�'�`� � �' under pttr<<graph 2 i th�Pro}+erty is acquired by Lender,Borto w e r's r ig h t t o an y insurance policies und proceeds resuleing from <br /> ������':�' damage to the Property prior ro the acquisition snaU pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> �:��:i�:' immediutely prior tottseacquisition. Borrower's Loan Applicntion;Leuseholds. <br /> _„�;,�,�; 6.Occupuncy,Preservutlon,Maintennnce und Protection of thc Praper�Y+ <br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of <br /> " this Security Instrument and shall cantinue to occupy the Property as Horrower's prineipal ce:+idence for at Icast one ycar ufter <br /> ---= <br /> ---- <br /> -_.:.,,,,� the dste of occupancy.unless Lender utherwise agrees in writinb, which consent shall not be unreusonubly withhe . or wi ess <br /> cxtcnuacing cireu�ii:tn:�:t; :;xiss ::�hith a�c hryond BottoWCT's control. Borrowcr shuU niri dcstroy,, dnmagc or'impaiP�d�P � <br /> Praperty, aUuw thc E'roperty tu detcria:atc, or commit wust� on thc Prc�perty• Harrowcr snnii br i�� deiault i£:;a:° fo:f_i.s.._ <br /> � uction or proccafing, whcthcr civil �r criminal, is b c�ub �hhist Sc urtyr�n s u ncnt'tor,l.cndcrns sccur��iry intcrc tf�8orrnwcrf m'ry <br /> Propc�ty or athcrwise n�terinlly impuir the licn creut Y <br /> . cure such a d�fault and relnstace,as provideJ in parugraph 18,by causing the action or procceding to be dismisscd with a ruling <br /> that. in L,cndcr'ti good faith detcrminntion, precludes forfciture of thc Borrowcr's intcrest in thc Property or oth�er matcriul <br /> impairment of the li�n created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall ulso be in defuult if <br /> ' Bonower,during the loan application process,gave mnteriully false or inaccurate information or statements to L.ender(or f�lled <br /> _____ to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with the loun eviJenced by the Note,including,but not limited <br /> to, representatfons conaming Borrower's occupsncy of the Property as a principal msidence. If this Security Instrument i$on u <br /> Icaschold, Borrower shell comply wlth all the provisions of the lease• If Bottower acquires fee title to the Property, the <br /> - leusehold nnd the fee p�lu shall not merge unless I.ender a�rees to the merger in writing. <br /> ' 7.Protect[an oif Le�nder's Rights in the Property If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreemer►ts contained in <br /> thls Secudty Instrument, or there is a legal proceedtng that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such es a <br /> proceeding in banknaptcy.probAte, for condemnntion or forfeiture or to enfor�:e laws or re�ulations), then Lc:nder may do and <br /> �'� pay tnr whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in tlie Property. Lcnder's actions may <br /> include paying any sums securcd by u lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, puy�n� <br /> - -- reasonable attorncys'(ces and entering on the Property to make repairs. Atthough Lender may take action under this patag[aph <br /> 7, Lender does not have to do so. <br /> — Any amounts disbutscd by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower suured by this <br /> • Security instcument. Unless Bonower and Lendec agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> datc of dlsbursement at the Nate rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon noticc from Lender to Borrower requestin� <br /> , payment, <br /> S.Mortgage i�uurance.If Lender required mortguge insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Sacunty <br /> ---'"" Instrument, Borrower shall pay thc premiums requiird ta maintain the mortgage insurar►ce in effect. Ilf, for a�iy reason, the <br /> "-:�� martgase insurance covernge requirai by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect. Bonower shall pay the premiums required to - <br /> — obtnin coverage subsientially equivnlent to the morcgage insurnnce previous]y in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> ���"w;�'n.� ; cost to Borrower�f the mortgage insurance pmviously i��effect, from au a�cecnate mortgage insurer a�s�7oved by Lender. If <br /> Y;-;';",�;� ' substantially equivalent rnortgage insurance coverage is not av�����•B��Wer when tle in�u ance coverage lapsed or ceased co <br /> ��""� one-twelfth of the yeady mortga�e insurance premium bcing p Y - <br /> -_�=.:>.:.�� : <br /> _���-�?��' be in effect.Lender+vill accept,use and retain these payments as a Ioss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurancc. Loss reserve <br /> -,,_���.��: Form 3028 91J0 — <br /> -�-wii:ir,o�� Pogo 3 ot B <br />-"'....'-- ".vH"_';�. � <br />_-'�'`ir . •-°'_t',�}-=:: <br /> _ _,Fsit'd:r:ai..:- . . . . , " ' ' :7ii�n'. `.''t'... - .. �. <br /> �sc ,�i , __ ' . -� �. .. .. .,,�.. �,� . �c'a� . . . v:,�x.�' <br /> . . � - ' � . - � . Y'�.{-a . - � � '���� . �. <br /> . ' . ' � � � _«, .�::� ' . �;. <br /> t'� '�, _ , . , � '.1 . . <br /> _ - - `. , .. . r �r( .i'i iy�1���,F''1' ' . <br /> . . . . � ..� ��!, .ti�'.t, � , • � <br /> . ��` <br /> ' o � • • , *. �:�,'3' j . <br /> ,.l• ' � �.}�. � <br /> -A�.�� � :i°��^ �- � . - . . . .�!� .wi:. ._ ���„ � .. <br /> ' .1':«�L � . - - /� L� '. • , <br /> . . :1�•� � . l��i�: :!.'f� �._IF.'�}'M1�}�!. 1 . <br /> • ,� n� :a :r.�'•.-. ,;, <br /> . , . . <br /> , , ,, , <br /> , . , .., . ' � <br />