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.. .�...�� - '�l:,�'�� � � �... , ' . . . �1�:�•iA�'_. <br /> •��� . ' ::w��••.� - <br /> .. ?�,��in:,. U - . � . .. .�.. ��� ._,'.._. — <br /> . .. .. , . � . . —�;,,.w�,�,. .. - -----. _ � <br /> . . ii, .«.�.w1rtJ�'1�UA��N+r.r•� ">� � . . • � . L:v .:�.r � .irw.. <br /> . _ . . � � � ,M•" .. �!�h9�^- . <br /> • . " ��'!l:i->_+t}�'��__ _ <br /> � . � ... . .. . •r..i .. - - -- <br /> _ � ' - . - . . .T3���._•. <br /> ��'�� ����� .. . .. ... <br /> r� <br /> payments may no IonQcn c�rcqulrcd,At tho opdon�f I.endcr. if mortgago insurunco ccrvcrugo(in thc cunaunt anA fur U�u periad - <br /> thet Lcndcr rcqulrc�)provfdcd by an insurcr apNrovcd by Lcndcr oguln b�comcs avuilahic und is uhtuincd. Borrowcr sholl pay tho . <br /> prcmiums rcyuircci tn matntain mortgaga insurrtinncc ln cttoct� ur to providc a loss rescrvc, undl Il�o rcyufromcnt for mangago <br /> � Insurunco cnds in accordnnca with any wrlttcn agrccmcnt bctwc�n Borrowcr end l.cndcr or applicnhlo law, � - <br /> 9.da��.it�ar�. Lender or its ngent mny mu!cc rcasonable cnuie9 �pon nnd inspr.ctlons of the PrnPeny. [.ender e;�ell Qivo _ � �= <br /> }3orrower notico at tho Ume of ar priar to an inspccdon speclfying rcasonebla cnusa for tho inspecdon. , � _� <br /> 10.CondemnAtlon. Thc procccds of nny awurd or clalm for damaga9, dlrcct or consrquendal, in conncctlan with any • , <br /> ...-�*'� candemnotlon or other taking of ony pun of the Properfy,or for�onveynnce in lieu of condemnutlon,nrc hereby assfgned nnd ' ' , ' <br /> , -�+' shall ba p�id to I.endcr. — ' ' _ <br /> In Ihe event of a totnl Wking of the Property,the proceeda ahatl be ap�lled w the sums secureA by this Security Instrument, - <br /> whr.ttter or not then duo,with nny excess paid to Borrower.In t6e event of a pardnl tAking of tho Property in which thc fuir market � •� <br /> value of the Property immcdiately before the tnking is equal to or grcater than the nmount of the sume secnrcd by thia Sccur�ry ;,.,. :'����' <br /> Instrument immedlatel bcfare the taking, unless Borrower and Lcnder otherwlse a ee im ,�¢m, the sums accured by this " �J�;.{.'»;�����` <br /> Y Br '�� ., ..�°,°,�.,�._. <br /> •� Security Instrument shall be teduceci by the amount o.f t7nz peoceeds muldplied by tha foltmtivd��ffuac�ion: (a)��tntal umount of � ,. °�"" <br /> the suma secured immediately before the ¢akir�s,c�vnc�c�l b� @) the fair m�3�E2 vv�a�z ot�u'a�Pa��gerty i�ra�n�td62ta9y beforc the -�`.`,,.,�,'��,;_-- <br /> ,.`. <br /> • taking.Any balancc shall be paid to�a�a�tiv,e,r.I�tte�Eve�t of a partial ta�ing of lhs F'aoperty in whnch the fais marke3 vnlue of the .�,��;�;'�,��"--_°� <br /> . Property immedlately before the t�9ceng e.^, less than the ameount of t�aE sums sectued immediately before tho taking, unless `:���;r�;ri,��_ <br /> Horrowcr and l.endcr otherwisz agcea in writing or unles,�applicable law othcrwise p.rovides,the pnoceeds s1�al9 Ue applied to i7+e '��',,,__ <br /> siir,s secured by this Secasety I�sm�enent whet�er or not�e sums are then due. <br /> • � If tfie Property is abandoned by Borrower.�r i£,afs�cr notice by Ler�der ro Borrower that the wndemnor ofSers to make an ': :"��' - - ----- <br /> �.:.`. award or sc��e a claim for damagcs,Bor�ower fails to re3pc►nzd to I.E�sder within 30 days after the date the nodce is gn��en,I.�ncler .�•••� ` ��°:• <br /> �.; <br /> �i»''�''�. is ai�thmrizev]to coAect and apply the�rmc�cds,at its opcion,either tc�rrs3oradon or repair of the Praperty or to the sums sccd���ed :i°���,���:;:;;,=- <br /> • �,�f"r •f,�',-, 7G%`:'S"��.� <br /> :';.:1•,t.::;' �,. , S ' ''+,t��, <br /> .. by this See:�ra�ty Instrument,whether or�ollhen due. .. _. �> <br /> �r�' Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrce in wridng,any application of pr�a�asds to princlpal shall not extend or postpone '° <br /> ��i t�a dua dnta of the monthl ents referred to in aTa r.9,hs 1 and 2 or chsu► e thn amount of st►ch a enGS. `'::'���� <br /> Y PaYm P � P B P Y� ;r---== <br /> 11.Aorrower Not Reka,sed;Forbtaraace Ay I.entl�er Not a Waiver. Ex�e�sior�of the qr�e for payrnent or modifica6on p <br /> '"�`� of amortizainon of the sums seeurer]b ahis Security Insuument ranaacl b Lender tc�any successc�r in interest of Borrower shail <br /> .;.�;:. y �� y ;. <br /> not operatz�o releaSe we liability mf et+�original Bur,row�r or Borzower's successors in interes�L.ender shall no�be n;iiulrui�u M ', <br /> �, <br /> ., .�. � _ .. �C aL' '°��.��,`. <br /> • � c.�mme�oe�tt�DCtedings ag8inst any successor in inie[raf vr caiusa iv nairaiu iiiiic iui},ny+r�iu�i Gi oiji�+�'i5o modify iuiit"n'.�Yfan.�f `= <br /> • ,��� ¢1�z ss��s szcured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Boaower's suc�cossms `�'�� <br /> ' `�'�,'�` in�ntcrrst.�q forbearancc by Lendcr in eaercising ony dght or remedy shell not be a waivcr of or preclude the epcenclse�ai any , '�` <br /> , ` �'.. right or crmedy. `' <br /> �`' lt.Suecc�ssors and Assigns Bound;Jo[nt and Several Liabil'ety;Casignere. The covenants and agreements of this <br /> � . �:�,:. ,, o ag <br /> � Sccurlty Instcument shall bind rind bene6i tha successors end esstgns of Lendcr and Borrower. subject W thc pmvisions of <br />- , . - paragraph 17. Barowet's covc,�wnts and egccements shall bo joint er�d savual. My Borrower who co-slgns this SecurIty i�:_ <br /> _,, � . .,,,. Instrurnent but das pot eaecuto tha Note: (a) is co-signing this Socurity Instrument anly to mortgege.grant and ccnvey that <br /> --- .�, Borrower's in�erest in the Property undu the temis of this Security Instrument;@) is not{m.rsonally obligatod w pay tho sums -° <br /> �;,:.' ". sccurai by th�s Socurity Instrument;and(c)egrees that Lender end any olher Borrower rrwy agr�x to extend.modify�forbav a • <br /> ��� '�N' niake any a�commodauons with ngard w the te.�ms of this Secwity Instrument or the Note without that 9orrowu's cansen� ��-_ <br /> '�''��x�{ 13.I.00n Cha�e�. If the loan soc�uod by this Secudty (nstrument is subject¢o a law which sets maxirttnm loon ctwrge,a. '�` <br /> --�L_�.Y1Y <br /> °-_-::==,�:;;;.. and ti�at Iaw is Cu�ally interprete�so that the i�terest or other loan chacges cpllocted or to be colkcted in connecdon with the loen <br /> -'�_':� ::-��� eaceed tha permiaed limtts.then:(a)any such loan chargo sh�ll be re�u�ed by the amount neccssary to reduce the charge to the <br />_..:s«ii:�:.;,::, :_ <br />�..::.,iiF�'.�Ttq r� '� p�tted limit;end(b)any sums alirady collected from Borcower which eacca:ded pemiittcd lImits will be rcfunded to Botrower. .. <br /> -*�- �•'`'�!. I�der may chooso to make thIs refund by reducing tho principal owed and� the Note or by maldng a diroct payment w <br /> -_.�::_. <br />.:-,a;�„�,. Bo:rower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be treated s�s a partial Prepayment without anY Pnpayanent charge ;. <br /> _ ' under the Note. � -- - <br /> ---•`�`�`. , 14.NMias. Any nodce to Borrower provided for in this Security Instnunent shall be givcn by dclivering it or by mailing lt -_ <br /> �`"'�'�.;;� , by first class mail unless appllcable law requires use of another method. 11�e notice shaU be dic�ctal to the P,ropecty Addmss or = <br /> -?'p!"4�. .. . any other addcess Borrower designates by no6ce to Lerida. Any noace w Lender shall be given by fust class mail lo I.en�er's y <br />--'��;,,,yx:-'�: address statcd herein or any othcr addmss Lender designates by nodce to Bonower. Any notice provided for ln this Security � <br />"'°`;^:�:�;. . Inshument shall bo do�ned W have bc�n giveri to Borrower or Lcnder when given as provided in this para�aph. <br /> -_ _ • 15.Cov�raing L�wi Severabili�ty. 'Il�is Sccurity InstrumenE shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the ��x <br /> jurisdiction t��vhich the Property is located.In the event thateny provision or clause of this Security Inswment or the Note �4�____-__.___�.___�_� <br />= '%�•�.°-•.� conflicis wlth applicahle law,such conflics shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which pn be ��--- - <br /> ' � given ef�ect without the conllicting provision.To this end the provislons of this Securiry Instrument and the Noi�ere declared to �-�-� -- <br /> • �� be severablr,. �`�' - <br /> �- , <br /> .::°�u�� <br /> .. ,. ;� . <br /> , � �_y:;•:,� �: . <br /> Form 9028 OJOO •s:,,;.� t ' �, <br /> �•QR(N�)fo2�2t.o, Paye4 01 E minau: �. _ i?ti �..: <br /> .�• • <br /> � � •��� . . . . . . •- •. . • , <br /> . i ' . ` _ ���. -- <br />`_. � �' - - ----- �__,�_ <br /> _ _ _ <:; ��.._-o..r�.-�-:__-_:-••-- �p1� -_=- ___= <br /> ' .,�--...- �+ty�-.,,���:,sv{::1�`-•n.c----.�...----� .r+.-_.-�. nz__.�...:,�---- F�� � ' . 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