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.. --� <br /> �-ri: „ <br /> .�� • ' �..�.:,w.:,.: <br /> :-...�;: , ., � .. <br /> �..�i�+.. ,, ... ..�.•�--.- <br /> . ., .. .. . . .. <br /> .�,..,.. __..N�_. . ... _..._----?„ <br /> . .....,.,•�,,,;�,,..�:.;• .. �. �, .,. , =—_ .._:.. . <br /> � ' , , • , ,h t�::::'�. -=�`:Z� <br /> . ..--.:i: — <br /> �, • � "•��r <br /> �' �� . .... �.. <br /> ' �� �� Q� 4 . <br /> 16�Borrower'n�:opy, llprtowcr ehull I�o gIvcn nna cuntormal c.�py c�f�ho Noto and c�f this Sccurlty[KKUumctRa��� . <br /> 17,'M'renstrr ot tha f'roperty ar A Nenetklal Intert+!In RurroK•er, If nll ar pny pa�t of the Property ar any intcrest fn it!s <br /> so1�1 or trnnsfc�rcd(pr If a hcnoticlal intcresl in Rnrrawef Is r,ald or transfcnal und C3arrowor is nnt u nnuualpc rr�n) withaut . <br /> �� L.endcr's�dor writtcn canscnt, L.cndcr mo ,nt its optinn, r uiro Immcdiuw aymcnt in full ai nll sums sccurcd by thiq Sccurity • _ <br /> - in�;truai�c�4 Floc.ucvcr, thin optton shnll not 6e exerci.SC�I hy�l.cndcr if o�cr�:iso ir� prohibited by fc�fernl Inw av of dic dntc af thie <br /> Socurity InsWmcnt. :6 <br /> • If Lcndcr oxcrcisc,y this opdon,Lcndcr ahall givc Barowcr nodcc of acccicrntion.'Iho noticc shall pr�vidc aperl�d of not lcss ';,.,--- <br /> � �hon 30 days from�ho dute the nodce is delivercd or meiled wlthin which Harrower must pay nll sumA secured by this Sccuriry --- <br /> '�'"��w ' lnswmcn�If Honowcr fails to pay thcsc sums pdor eo the capirndon of this period,l.endcr mny invokc any�em►cdiag permitud ':'i""_ <br /> . � by lhis Stxudry Inswment without furthcr nouc�or dcmand on IIorrowG�. � , - <br /> „ 18.Borrower's[tight to Refnstata It Bortawer mcets certain condidons, Bonower shall have the right to have � _ <br /> enforcement of thls Soci�riry Instrument discondnued at any dma prior to Ihe earlier of: (a) S days (or such othcr pedod us ___ <br /> - npplicablo l3w muy spcscify for reInstatement)befare sale of tha Property pursuant w any power of sNo cantained in this Sectulty � _ _ - - <br /> Inswmcnt;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securiry InsuumenG Tiioso condidons are Ihat Bonower:(a)paya L.endcr all . •, --- <br /> sums w h ic h t hen wou l d b e du e u n d e r t h i s S e c u r l t y I n s t n t m c n t e n d t h o N o t o a s i f n o e c c e l e r a d o n h a d o c c u r c e d; @)c u r e s a n y ' �;•:�'� <br /> defeult of an y other covenants or agrecmenta; (c)pays sU ozRenses incurred in enfo�+cing this Security Insvument,includIng.but ` <br /> not limiLed to,reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)tafccs such nct�on as H.en�es rtux�r reasenAbly requirc to assure that!hc Uen o f t t us . <br /> Security Insavment, Lender's dghts in tha Property and Bormwer's mbligab4n to pay the sums secured by th{s Securiry .r..: • =- <br /> � Inswment shall continue unchanged.Upon reinsuttement by Bormwer. sfiais Security Instrument and the obligaaons secuued -- <br /> � ° hereby sh�(1 retnaln fttUy effecti��c as if no acccler�tion had occurred.Howe ier,this right to relnstate shal!not apply in the case of <br /> ? accelerntton under paragraph 17. ` "� <br /> . 8� 19.Stk ot Note;Changt nf Lnan Servicer. The Notc or a partial intcrest in tfie Note (together wit6 �his Security <br /> ' Insiru�nc^.nt)may be sold one or more dmes without prior nodce to BorrowPar.A sale may result in a change in the ent�ty(known ; �';F <br /> , ,� as the"Loan Serv�cer")that collects monthly payments dues under the Note ar.d this 5ecurity Instrument'dtiere also may be one or _�;�_� <br /> more changes of ehe Loan Servicer wuelated to a sale of the Note. If ther��s a change of the Loan Se�vicer,Barrower will 6e <br /> .�, �iven written noticn�?the change in accordnnce with paragraph 14 abo•re aci�i a��►plicable law.The norica will state lhe name and ���:.':�a�� <br /> � ad�.rWss of ihe new Loan Suvi:,er a��d the nddress ta which payments sho�f�be mad2.Td�e notice will eLso contain �ny other � � .���u�: <br /> in��mn�don required by applicable law. .�.�f"'�� <br /> • � 2D.�iautrdous SubstAnees. Aorrower ehaU not cause or permit �he prescsnce, a�.sc. d�sposal, storage. or rcle�c of any ti.;�°"" <br /> � � Ha7ardous Substances on or in the Praperty.Borrower shaU not do.nor aS�'Imw anyone els�to do,anything affecting Ihe Praperty ;L���.�,= <br /> � ' that is in vtoladon of any Environmental T-aw.The preceding tv,+o sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or swrage on the •±� ,,�.`�:= <br /> ; , ''�' P r d o f s r r�ll q u e n fl t i c s a€�d o u s S u Q�s t a n c e;i h a t a c e g e n e.*�ll y r��eg r»e d s o b e a p p m p n a te ro c�a r m 21 rrsi c tcnti�!ases � i� :_ <br /> � .- �'� an tn r�aintenance of thc PruQerty. ��tr.,��� _ dei� '? <br />�T R'�� f . <br /> ,} .�,s, Bonower shaU prompdy give L.ender written noace mf�ny invesdgation, ct�i�, �lemnnd, lawsuit or otner �cunn Dy any � ��,}'�, t: <br /> j 5,',, : ; p�;;. gavcrnmental ar regulatoryagency ar private pam�involving ihe Prope�ty end any I9j�rdous Substart�s ar Enva��►nman�al Lew �4r ;,v;, , - <br /> �..7�. �A.��' of which Bonower hav actwl know,sdga.If BarrAever karns,or is notitled by nny govemmenl�l or rega�Aiar�au'ihprity,ibat any , :` <br /> ' " `'-'a' remove] ar othtx ramvc]IA2ion oi tmy Ha7ardous Subster►ce affc;cting the Propecty is necessary,Borr�wer�}�u9t pr�nmptly tnke a➢� 'a <br />�._ •,� • necrssary ranedia].acbons in accnrdance with HrrvironmantalLaw. �:,: <br /> ;�_. . '� Aa used in this paragraph 20, "Ha7�rdous Substances"are t�oso aubstences deSned as waic or ha7ardous subst�lnces by • r• <br />��,e .:.. .; Envlror�mental Law and the following substances: gesoline. kerosena, other flammable or toxic petroleum �roducts, toatc r� <br />=-_�c�.c:�.,.�„ . �, pes�ticides and herblcidcs.vola�ile s�nlvcnts,materials containing asbesws or fonnaldehyde.end redioacave macer�als.As used i.. <br /> c <br />;?:��- -. ,,;= this paragreph 20,"Snvironmental Law" mcares foderal lawa end laws of the jurisdicdon where die Frope�ty is located that rolate <br /> � -,�: ,,• m heaith,sefety or er�vironmental proucdon. . <br /> _.-.� .,,;. . ; <br />�"•::�. fs: NON-UMFORM COVEr1�'►NTS-Borrowu and L�cndct turtt�cr covenant�nd egn�a as follows: <br />��-�`"`'' � xl.Aocekration;Remedies.Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to accekratan tolk�wing Borrowu's breACh ot m�-� <br />'��f�y .. �., <br />_� any wveoant or agreement in tbb Security Instrument (but oot prbr to aooelemtion under paragrap6 17 unless <br />'.:'*`'i�."N`~ appiicabk law rovides ot6erwise).Tbe eotice shAU s ..o..� <br /> � p pecity: (A)the derauft;(b)t6e Action required to cure t6e detault;(c) _ <br />_����'��~ �date� not leae than 30 dAys from the date t6e notioe i�Siven to Botro� wbk6 the default must be cured;and(d) � <br />-��"`'�"�' that f�ilure to care t6e defAUtt oe or betorx t6e date specified in the notice may result io accekratfoa of the swns aecured <br /> ��1���� " by thtv Securky Instrument and sak ot the 1'roperty. The nod�e ehail fUrther iniorm Borrower c►f t6e right to�eia�state <br /> T''�'""''�. Aner aocelaratioa and t6e right ta bring a wurt Actbn to ossert t6e non-exfafence of A detault or any oil�u dEfease ot ---___ _ - _ <br /> - =_���:<,�,��-, Borrowrer to accekratbn and sak. If t�e detault ig oot cured o0 or before the date specil"�ed in t6e notke,Lemdsr,nt its __ <br /> ��- �»� ' '� optbn, m�y requlre immediate paymeat in tull ot aU sums secured by this Security Insrtrument writhout further d�maad - <br /> .?=_,.--`��� pad mAy invol�c t6a power ot sak and any otber remedks permitted by appiicabk IAw.Lcnder shall be entitled to rnDect ' , <br /> �Y. all ex nse� incurred in pursuing the remedies prnvided ia t6i� ara 6 21, Imc�ndin ,but not Gmited tn,reasonabk '��� <br /> _�rv•� pe P �D g <br /> � `�:�"�`,_r, attome�s'[ees nnd casts of titk evGdeece. •`�':::: <br /> • � �'",� "�' I!tbe power ot sak t� invoke�d,Truatee shaD reaord s�aolice o�default in eac}+ county in whech tmy part of We �-� <br /> Propert�[S located And sliaU mpil copks ot such notloe in the manner preacr[bed by Applicabk laa to Borrower and to the F����.��. <br /> „ M6er pereoas pnscr�hed by appilc�bk law.Atter t6e time requtred by applicable lew�Trustee s6sU give public notke of ,��"��=� <br /> ,ti�.;�v_=�_�.,�.z�r_ <br /> sak to the persoaS and in the manner prescribed by applir�6k law.Trustee.withoui demand on Borrower,shflll seU the ��:..;,�_:-..._�.,—_ <br /> ' Pnoperty at Rnblic auction to the highest bidder stt the ttme and place and under t6e Qerms designated ie the eo4➢ce of sAk fy��;�Yj�-_'°��$�r!I <br /> � Ru�•�J.jMl�1X��L,Q_r�. <br /> •,/.{�,�}�� 1_ <br /> +-'�w��; <br /> , ., , �u <br /> F0�1113Q��• 0100 :,'.t�4. �,��r <br /> �•ER(NE)tuz�z�.o� Pay�6ote inmw: /!G! .'{� +.`'`'- <br /> �q�r <br /> � °` -r" � ' , :x= <br /> .. . <br /> � <br /> , . . <br /> .; ..� .r,� �, .: � <br /> - •,• — _ <br /> _ _ __ -- <br /> .� _ -- `� <br /> �--------�-------___._.�.-,T-- ----�—•---- ._ ..___T .,���.,..��:.�t�:::;:.-::�:�.,.....---• � <br /> • . ,.. 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