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� � �� <br /> ' i;.,�!'_�' , � .. <br /> _� <br /> .n�tii�a...-_. • . . . .. <br /> ,,. . ..._.. <br /> . . . ._.:��—`°._ . .. • -° . -- - <br />-- , �. ,., ,.,.. . :' ' , .. '' . ' . ' . ' �. . . ^ r' ..ryiy^;�..`..�. <br /> � _ <br /> � � g�� ���i'7� <br /> . . � . r <br /> � � S�tfpYard or fPropeety Insurance. Dorrowcr shaU kccp tho impravcmen�9 naw cxisting on c�rcnR�cr crcctc,�l an tha Pro�c ty <br /> , insurcd agalnst loss by Crc,hezerds inaluded within�he term'oxtendcd covcrago" ond any othct hazards,inGluding flcwdn or <br /> �� flooding,for whtch Lcndc�rcqulres insurancc.'Ihis lnsuruncc ehall ba muintalncd in�hc mm�unty ur.d far thc pertcxls that I.cndcr <br /> �•� rcqulre.g.7tie insurancc carrfer providing tha iasurance ehall bo choscn by Sorrower eubjcct to l,endc�'s opproval which c+huU oot � � <br /> ' Ixi unrcasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain cwvcraRo dcscdbcd abovo, Lcndcr may, at Lcndcr's opdan, oHtatn <br /> ;:�°"'�'`��i coverage W pmtect Lender's rtshte in the Property in accordanco with Pt�rrogruPh 7. , <br /> �"�'"�'� All in�urance policies and rencwals shaU ba t�ccccptuble to Lender and ehull includc a standned mortguge clauso.l.ender ehall <br /> ' have thc rigt�t w liold the polIcies and�ncwals.If Lcndcr requires,Borrower shall prompdy give to Lertdcr eU reccipis of paid <br /> . • premlums end renewul nodces.In Ihe event of loss,�orrower sheU give prompt noUice co the insurance carricr and Lender.Lender <br /> , may make proaf of loss if not�ade�n-ampdy by Borrowcr. ��• .• . <br /> Unless Lend�r anc�Bturo�v,�r m'tlh�vise agree in wridng. insv�r�sce proceeds shell be applied w restoradon or tepair of the ' o+a���'-'==- <br /> , property demagcA,i�a����r3;starauom or repair is economicaUy(easa�bfe and d�n�icr's seca�ety u not lessened.If thc restoradon or : �`;f„'�-. <br /> �'� <br /> � repair Is not econmrr.ic:�11y r�easnble or Lender's secnuity would be kssencd,tTa�inswam�e proceeds shall�e a;rp��tD Qo 6'ha se�ms .:� ^_ <br /> • ; � sccured by this Securan Instrament,whether or[�ot then due,with any eacrss paid Qo Bomower. If Borrower a'h�amd�ns the -,�,.:�';���'- <br /> ,.�.;�o-.... <br /> �; Property.or does not answer with��n 30 days a nodce from L.ender that the lnsurance carrier has offered to seule a c9a�,then � _ t-- <br /> �' �• Le�de,may callect thc insurancs pra�:es�s.Lender snay u..�e tt�e proeeeds ro m,Eu+ir or restore the Property or to pay sums szcured s •� , <br /> �� by this Security Instn+anent,whether or not ihen d�c.'Itie 30-day p�rIod will begin when tlie noticc is given. �'� . <br /> Unless Letider Anc•l Bonower ot!►erwlse agcee in writing,any applIcation of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or postpone ••""��°'�'": <br /> i�� '`� v' <br /> :`�': �he d►ie alnte of ihe mo�afl�ly payrnenis teferred to in paragrapt�s 1 s�d 2 or change ihe amount of the payments.If under paragraph ��'.;•;; <br /> 21 ih��sc,p�ty is acquired by Ler�if�r, Ronrower's right to any a�surnnce policles end prar.�^.cls resulting hom dam��to thc .��:� :J;:, <br /> Properry prior w the acquisidon sh�ll:pass to Lender to the extcnt of the surns secured by this Security Insuument im�eJiately ,f. ;,v.';. <br /> . • c„� , <br /> prior to the asquisition. --- <br /> . +� 6.Occupancy,Pseservation,MointenenaE unr]t'rotectian ot the Property; Borrower's I.oan AppUcxt��^^_,!°:�:.t���• --- <br />_ Bonowrs shaU occupy,establish,and use the Pra��ny as 9onowcr's principal residence widiin sixry days after the execudon of =___ <br />- • this Secauiry Insaument and stapll c�zntin►�e to occupy the Pro�ty�Borrower's princip�l residence for at least one year after the ��`',i��� ,,,— <br />� % dAIB OP dtuCla�iulC�l.un2ess I.ciadcr �v'�w^��.ce agsees In wdl3ng, which co��nt s��l not be w►reasonably withheld. ox unless �.,�An�:;��.`,;:�:_:. <br /> • A � I �1 ''t�- <br /> , � a;.t�ussinng c:r^.�m°..LQa:.^.�.°ez3�i•�Is�'..!!srp Lw;�t!r�i3�rr�wer c canrrol Hoirower ahall not destroY,damaKa or impair the Property, �'��'�s, <br />�.`��. �.°��� ��`�'� �� allow tlhe Property to �leteriars�u, or commit ws�ste on tha Property. Bonowar shell be in default if any forfeir�re acNan or ;,�:;---- <br /> :,;.•., '!.,,,',' �' <br /> - ,..:,i(.;S',;.'.•, ' P��B�whctt�et civi�oe criminal�is 6cgun that ln L,ender's good faith Jucigment could result in forfeiaue of the Property vr f�-_ -- <br />•�'� ..,:f.,,t�: othcnyjse matcrially impair tha 6era created by this Security Instnsment or Lcndu's security intsresG Boreowet maY cure sucl�a =- ��_ <br /> y;;•f; ;s'�U default and pruvided in ps�rregraph causing tho acdon or proce�eding W be dlsm�ssed with a rulir� �hat,in --- - <br />,, ;.. .. , = <br /> Lendet's good faith dcuumination,precludcs forfeiduo of the Borrowcr's interest in the Property or other meteriel impaim►ent of <br />`'�`'�r,�;'�. °;:'° the Iien creatrd by this Security Instiument or I.ender's securiry interas�Borrower shall also be in default if Bocmwer.dudng the <br /> ""'���'''�'�. loan lication process,gave materially false or inaccuraro infamatlon or statsmenta to I.ender(or failod to p.rovlde Lender with — - <br /> _•�.•a._.. aPP <br />��'_::.,,,..,r any matalal infomtation) in connocdon with the loan evidenced by the Nots, including, but not limited to. represeatationa <br />;'�*�:,.. .�. ecxiceming Harower's occupancy of Ihe Property as a principal residence.If this Sccurity Instrument is on a leasehold,Barowu <br />=..����, ,: shsll comply with all the provisions of the lease.If Bomower aa�uires fee dtk to the Proputy.the leasehold end the fix tiilc shall _ <br /> -"?'�--==''_�' not mage unkss Lender egrees to the meager in writing. <br />_ ..�.-y,:�d_,� <br /> d�.,.�.-,��� 7.Pralection otl.ender's Righta in the Pmperty. If Bortowa fetlg W pufa;m the covenants and agreements con <br />��:,��qis this Security Instrument,or thue is a legal pmcecxling Ihat mey signifx;antiy effect Lender's dghts in the Propaty(such as a _- <br />_ �,_,w..:,� - <br /> a-_ -� _� g���g�n banlauptcy�proL+at�.ftar conAamnadon or forfeiwre or to enface lawa or regulations).then L.ender may do and pay _ <br />---''��''•"'� fa wha�ever is necsssary w pmtec¢the value of tho Pmperty anc�I,enckr's rights in the Propertyr.I.ender's actiot�s may include <br /> -_'�,.,'��t paying any sums securod by a flr.n whtch has prlority over ihis Saurity InstzumaiL appearing in court,paYinB reasonable <br /> ���� atiomeys'fed and erascring on the Nropeaty to make mpairs,Aithough Lcndrr may take action undu this paragraph 7,Lcndu _ <br /> -_,.,�,;.�:_�,� does not have to do sa. <br /> ��.� My atnounts disbursed by Lenc�u under thi.g paraganph 7 sh�l1 bcxonw addidonal debl of Hairowu secuced by this Security ____ <br /> _::;;,��:'-"� Insuuma►t Unkss Bocrowei and Lcatidtx egroe to other tenns of payment, tix,se amo�nts shall beac inteicst from t2ra date of =- <br />_- -- .��'��",�'�� disburse�nent at the Note rata nrid s�all bo payable.with interesti upon notice from Lcnder to Bonower requestinB PaYmen�. _ <br /> -,.*��-` �.Morta�e Insur�nca If L.ender raquircd mortgage insuranoe as a oopdidon of making tho loan secu.-ed by this 3ecurity == — <br /> �.. 4w�r.r•t� -_- <br /> -- -•. ,A� Insuurnait, Bomnwer shall p�►y the�xemiums required to m�intain the morRga�e i�s�rr.nce in effect If, for any reason,tLe F.- <br /> ' � . mo�ig�,re inswanc�e cove:age roquarcd by Lender 4�pses or a�ses to be in effect,Bornowts�ahall pay the premic:ra.�x�quued to `�°-":-•� <br /> �:������_. <br /> -° obtain�ver�ga substantially cquiivaknt w the mortgage inswrNCe previousty in effeci,at m cost sufsstant�ally equiva]ent to Ifie ' ��?�__- <br /> ,; oost to Borrowec of thu mortgege insurance previously in eftoct,from an s�ltemato mortgags insuzer approved by I�nder. If =- <br />_° substandally a►uivak.�t matgaga insuranee covu"qge is not available.Boama��r shiU pay to L�endrr each month a sum equal to ':::��-�_ <br /> - oae-twellih of the yearly moctgage insurance premium being Qaid by Aoaowcr wf�cn�insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to :�;r�`"`-=-� <br />- be m effecL Lenda wW aoccpt,usa and re,min these payra��►s a4 a loss reserve in Di� of mortgage insurance.Loss reseave `���':,v.'- <br /> �,�._ <br /> :,,�y.,.. <br /> _ ��h,T_ <br /> - Form S0�_! OIQO ' >-i= <br /> �'1 G, ��,.�. <br />_ �-6R(NE)los�2l.o� P,��sote mw�i�: . - <br /> ..`j''� _ <br /> � , .:. <br /> , <br /> '�. :•a:�� •. -„'_ ':',•�•. <br /> - � • . . e.s� -- r-_ <br /> •:r .s• <br /> ^ -'fy..�.-.--�-.--..-.-v.�ra,.�-..-�r,..z-.-:.acr«�a:.�:.-. - - <br /> � .. . • ._'. '�_—.___—. r+sc.-r^v_ti:r�rv.r---..w.-� '"z�i^° �_...._.___� <br /> - - � . .. .. ' � .f� <br /> � � <br />— - ,. ,� ` - .. . <br /> . , 1 <br /> ] _ ! <br /> . •. . <br /> �__. _-_' __-- ____ .. '___- . <br />