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�• � • '=<<' . ' .. ' <br /> �� ' . . <br /> �`�. . , _-- _ _ <br /> .�W:�:__ . .._. ' _"_ __ � .. . .A'��MAI1'!.l . ._ ,.� � 1._. <br /> /i .��C� . �T/�. r _.�—__`t-'-.."_�_ <br /> � �:4'•'. �..._° <br /> ' . • . . '�.._:!..:r_�.i......._:..� _- <br /> "i!�rgw.�—.� - <br /> • .�E�.1•.n. - s"t i -.. <br /> . . . .�.� .._ .a t - <br /> , . _ • . �M�ta.. . .. . . . .. <br /> ���m <br /> .. . . .. .... . .. . -... ...... ._ ....._.. ... .. ' _ '.._. __ . . _ . . ............ . .. ._._"'_'___...__....._ ., ,... _ . <br /> . .. ._ .. ._ r:•:Y: :a.f,;`•�v:�.-. <br /> 1 <br /> � , <br /> .. �����v � �� - . <br /> 'fY3(IETHEiR WI'I'H nll tho improvementa now or herestfter erccted on U�o property,and all eusements,nppurtennncc.v,and <br /> fixtures now or hereaf�er a part of the property.All replacements nnd nddldane�ha'I also be covered by tl�is Security Inscrument. . � <br /> „ All of tho foregoing is�ferrcd to in this Sccudty Inswment ng�te "Propcety." <br /> . , � BCRROW6R COVENANTS that Borrowcr is lewfully sclscd of tho cstaw hcroby canvoycd and has thc dght to grnnt end - <br /> convcy tha Property nnd thet thc Property is unencumbcrcd,cxcc,Qt �'or cncumbrnnccs of'rccord. Bormwcr wnnnnts and wiU <br /> -� defcnd gcncrally thc ddo to tho Property agalnst NI ciaims end dcmands.subJcct to any encumbrance�of record. � : - _ <br /> THIS SEGURITY [NSTRUMBNT cambines uniform wvcnante for nadanal usa and non-uniform covenunts with I{mitcd <br /> variadans by Jurisdicdon to constiwtc a unifarm secudty instrument c�vcring real propcny. <br /> � .�,�°'� UN'IFORM COVEiNANTS.Bonnwer end Lcnder covenant and agcec e.9 followe: � "���.'ti:== <br /> -•� � 1.Payment of Princlp�l And interesti �p�yment and Late Churges. Borrower shell promptly pay whcn dua thc , <br /> principal of and interest on tho debt eviderced by tho Nata and any prepayment and lata charges due uuder the Note. . • <br /> 2.�nds for Taxes Ansl Insurance. Subject to applicable l�w or to a wrltten waiver by Lender, Boaower shall pay to ,�,���i�;�� <br /> Lendcr on the day monthly payments are dua under tha Nota.until the Note ie paid in full,a sum("Funds")far:(a)ycarly taxes � �`"�` � <br /> $, ,.,;,r.-�.__ <br /> .'�.�,^�'t--. <br /> , and asscssments which may atta3n prioriry over this Security Instrument as A Ilen on the Property;(I�S ye�rly ir.�zi;v�9{��r^r.:^;s � ;,�,��y___.— <br /> or ground rents on the Propeny,If any:(c)Yearly hazard or pmperiy insurance premiums:(d)Y�s:�Iy�'r.�i:.;�:�,r�:��;:.^c:;:�s�Ili . •r:��'�:�;`.� <br /> .. any�(o)Year:y mortgoge insuranccs premiums.if any:and(�any suiras payablo by Barrower w Ler��ier.�.i a,aa:�r.�a,wi•�a t;;,�a ' .::�',.;;•�:+•.;:"�._. <br /> � , provlsions of paragraph $, in iieu of tl�e payment of mortgage insurance premiums. 'Ihese Items are caL'a� "r..scroW d*.ems:' {,':;;;;�,{:='����'--�_-__-�'?•;" <br /> L.ender may,at eny time,collect and hold Funds ln an amount noi io exceed the maximum emaunt a lender for a federally r�,1:,� 27"�"T <br /> < ,�U�� <br /> .���,- <br /> . c�,��� ' <br /> martgago loru�may requfre for Borrower s escrow accaunt under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 197R�s �:�'l�,�����i1���•�� ;{�'±�."�= <br /> OFII yifl4�����?i"3'ti';F,—- <br /> , ' umertded&om dme to qme,12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et aeq. ("RESPA").unless another law that applies ro the Funds sets a lws:s ' .i .�, `��1,�:�;;•1:. --_ <br /> '• :���. amount. If so,L.ender may, ai any time,caUtxt and hald Fur,ds in an amount not to eacced tha lesser amouni. Lcnder may �:=:��',�,��•`h��``.��'= <br /> � �� ��t estim�te the amount of Funds due on the basis of curre�t data and seasonable estunates of expenditures of fuwre fiscnnw Items or � <br /> � ,��.�:�, otherwise in sccordance with nppllcable law. --- <br /> ��-:� 'Ihe Funds shaU fie held in an institudon whose depnsi�a vre insurcd by a federal�ency,instrumentality,or endty(including ��F;� <br /> �� ''s Lender�If Lender is such an insdt�don)ar in any Fecteral I�ome Loan Bank.I.ender shaU epply the�nds w pay the Fscrow <br /> �'�: <br /> ;��`'��� Items.Lcnder may not charge Borrower for holding and applying tl�e Funds.annually analyztng tha escrow eccount,or verifying - <br /> - , � the Fsciow Items,unless Lencler pays Bormwer interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to rnake such a charga. <br /> Hawcvcr,Lcndcr m;.y r.,guire Borrowcr to pay s one-sime char��for an inde{i°..ndent ceal�t:te ttis re�rttng s,.Prvice ussd by `�- — <br /> _ s� L.ender in connecdon with this loan. unless epplicable law pmvi�s otherwise.Unless an ngreement is made or applicable law "�� <br /> ' '���'`�'' re�uires intcscst to be paid,I.ender shall not be required w pay Borrowu any interest or eamings on ihe Funds.Borrowcr and <br /> .� �-•:5;.;�. <br /> ''`�,`. I,ende,r may agrce in wrldng,however,that interest shall be puid on the Funcls.Lender shall give to Borrower,without charge,s+n <br />_ ,�,f;;,�; . anrtual accounting of the Funtls,showing crcdits end debits to the PunCis end the purpose for which esch ciehit to the Funds wav <br /> _' . . '�:' madc.Ttie Funds ere plodgeil ns addidonal security for all sums secured by ihis Security InstrumcnG �,;� <br /> il:,:/..-"�.1 .�:��'. <br /> - �:�;<<=�'t, If the Funds held by Lendu excced the amounts pern�itted to be held by applicable 1aw,Le,rtder shalI account to Boerower for ;; <br /> �,.,;�.,..•�..,,; <br />_--::-'�;j:;;.. the eaccss Funds ni eccordance with the roqulrements of applicabl�law,If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender et eny time is <br /> -,�"�;;;';ti;,;,;;� not sufficlent w pay the Escrow Items when due.L�ender may so notiffy Barower in writing, smch case 8arrowu slu�ll pay -- <br /> _�'"':`'-�`Y��*� w Lender the amount neccssary to make up tha de�iciency. B�r_owe;r shall make up the deficiency in no mon than twelve — -- <br /> _ �:=°:�'�;?: .... monthlY I.ender's solc discredon. ,� <br /> __�--�``�� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thiv Socurlty Instzument,I.ender shall prompUy refund to Bortowu sny F�u�ci.s - <br />--��i�`' .':- held by Lenda.If,undec 21,Lender shall °. <br />-- ;���?:�:,; P�Ph ealuire or sell titc Propc�ty.Lender�PrIor to ttae acquisidon or sak of tha -- — <br /> -•`'''"�*` 1 �Y PP Y Y Y ecquisiuon or sale a�a credit againsE Q�e sums seciued by this —""—" <br /> ,stuil!u l an Funds held b Lender at the time of 'on <br />