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;� .---� . <br /> ,..,� ' . � <br /> ,I+rw►�v' . - . • . ..T_.. <br /> .�r,.7.. . � . � . <br /> . .� • • � �� , . . .. <br /> ..., <br /> ....JJ�:.r. . - .. . ._" '_>_—, — . <br /> '__'""'_'_"'"___ '" "' '" " _'" ' '__'".. _. .. . . . . . .� . . . -_ <br /> � ..T���`. � . . . � -.iMar..� ' . �I... <br /> ' ' .." '. ' . .. . . '. .. _ _'��l:a_ . <br /> ' " , . .'� '��I ._�..::.Yf:' <br /> .. . , .. , . .:�; <br /> �, . . <br /> . •z� <br /> � �..1��'�3 � <br /> � � paymcnts muy no longcr bc rcquired,nt the opdon of L.ender,if mortgngc insurnnce coverngc (in Ute omount and for thc period � � �' _ <br /> � that Lender rcquires)provided by an lnsurer opprovcA by L.ende�ag�in bocames ovutlflblc ond is ohtaincd. Borrawer shall pay the n�. <br /> premiums required ta msdr►tnin mortgage inswance in effect, or to provido n los� reservo,undl Q�e requirement for mongogo r� <br /> � insurance ends in accotdance with any wriaen ogreement bctwcen Boi-rower and Lcnder ar�ppl�cable law. ' ' ' <br /> '—__: <br /> 9.Insptttlon. Lcnder or its agent mny make reasonable entries upon and inspccdana of tho Propeny. Lender shall givc <br /> � • „��, Bormwer nodce nt the time nf nr prior to an insp�x;cion specifytug ceasannble cause for the inspecUon. , � .' <br /> �� � 10.Candemaatlon. The procee.ds of any awa�xl or claim for damagas, dircct or consequcntinl, in connccttnn with nny ,�i�; <br /> oondemnation or other tnking of uny ptut of ihe Ptoptuty,or for convayunca in Ueu of condemnation,ure hereby a5signed and �::L - <br /> . � shall ba paid ta I.ender. ,. ., _..�=- <br /> In the ovtnt of�total tutiing oi Q�a Property.thc Procerds sUaU Ue appAed to tha sums sccured by thi�Secndty Inscrument, , , .'��."` <br /> whethcr or nat then due.with eny eacess paid to Bocrowu.In the evnnt of a partiel taking of Ihe Properry in which the fair market . --- <br /> � value of ttro Property immediately bcfore Ehe taking is equs►1 to or�renter than tho amount of the sums�ecurcd by this Security ' , .,�� <br /> Insuumu�t immed�ately before the taking, unlass Borrower and I.ESnder othcrwise ngree in writing,the sum�� s�ccumd by this . ,,,-� <br /> • Security Insuument shall be reduced by the amaunt of the proceecis muluplied by the following fraction: (a)tSie total emount of ����-:___-- <br /> tha sums securecl immediatcly before the taking,dividcd by (b)the fair market vs►Iue of the Property immedietely befae th. ;..:'.,.- <br /> talring.Any 6aL�nce shall be paid to Botrowcr.In the evenY of a paztial ta{cing of tha Property in which thc fair market value of the ; �•'' <br /> , Propesty immedi�tely before the talcing is le�;s than the amount of the sums secured immediately before tho toking. unlcss = <br /> Bomnw�v and I.e,ndcr otherwise agnee in writing or unless upplicable law otherwise provides.dte procecds shall be applied co the ,._ . <br /> sums secured by this Security Inswment whether or not Ihe sums are then due. •• �.`� .� <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Bocrower.or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an �;,__-- <br /> � award nt.�ettle a claim for damages,Borrower fails w respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the nodce is given,I.ender `,�+�� •-- <br /> . is authorized to colkct aad apply the pmceeds,at its option,either to reswration or repais of the Pmperty or to the siuns secured <br /> r <br /> by Ihis Security Iustrument,whether or not then due. �..--� <br /> Unkss l�dei and Borrower othcrwise s�rce in writin8,�Y ePP�don of proceeds co principal s1�aL1 not eaciend or postpone '•'"� <br /> " the due dau of the monthly payments refeired ta in paragcephs 1 and 2 or change tha amount of such�aymenta. „ <br /> � 11.Borrower Not Iteiea�ed;For6earanoe By Lender lYot�t W�tiver. Hxtension of the time for pxyment or mc�dificarion <br /> 'a1 of amottia:atian of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lendex w uny successor in interest of Horrower shall <br /> _--_= not operate to nlcase the liability of the original Bomnwer or BoTrowu's successors tn interes�l.ender si�atl no�be requiceci io . ;.- <br /> � conunence proceedings Against any successor in intetest or refuse to eactend dma[or payment or otherwise modify amortizatan of ` <br /> � ,� the sums secured by this Socurity Insuument bY reusan of any demand made by the original Bo�rower or Bormwer's successor� ' <br /> ,_ in intcrest Any forbearana:by I.ender in exercLttng any right or remedy shnU not be a waiver of or preclude the eacercisc of any . <br /> dgfit or nemedy. �'� <br />- � , 12.SuaYasors and Assigns Bound;Jo�nt�nd Several Uabitityi Casi=ners. 'ltr. covenai►ts end agnxments of this �, <br /> - • Sx�uiry Instrument st�all bind and be�efit ihc successors and aSSi�s of I.,c.�der and aorrower, subjxt to the pmvisions of ��� <br /> �,. <br /> ' - "t; paragraph 17. Botrowu's covenants and a�eemuits sttall be joint end sisverel. My Borrower who co-signs tt►is Sc�urin� .�;`�� <br /> ; .,._. <br /> �"" ' Insm�t but do�a not eaecute the Note:(a) is co-signing ihis Sccurity Insuumr�►t only to mnrtgege. grent and convcy tliai ' , .s <br /> _ :.�;�;. . Bamwer's Litrnst ia the Pmperry under the t,eims of this Sccurlty Insuument;N)is aot�sonally obligated w pay t.�a sums r�------_- <br /> � .1;�..�:,�.�. <br />�':;!'+',;r 4' ., •, socurod by this Secunity InsuumenC a�sd(c)ag�.s that I.cndcr and any othee Borrowcr may s�ee W extend�modifY�forbear or _:,P <br /> - -:'�-;:::.r,: � make�►y a000mmodatians with regard to the tcrms of this SecurEty Instrument ar the Note without that Horrowu's conserit �-"�' <br /> = '�b �*.:: � � 13.Lws CharRes. if the loan secured by this Sac�uity Instrumeut is subjoct to a lav� which sets maximum loan charges. �- _ __ <br /> . �r__ � � �.__...� <br />_---.�,-;�•'� . end thae law is finally intapretod so that the intaest or othu loan charges coIIectod or to ba collocted in cau�ecdon with ihc ban �_,_ <br /> - ,. � •� �'.�' eaceod the pamitted limits.then:(a)eny sucti loan charge shall be redu�ed by the amount necessary w c�ed�cx the charge w Ihe �-' <br /> `:-_• <br /> -. , permiucd llmi�end(b)aay sums already oollected frnm Bomowet which eacecded pelmittad limits will be refunded w�i9rrowu. _:_- <br /> — • � I.ender may choose w make this refund by�ducing the princIpal owed under the Note qr by making a dIrec¢payment w e_�v- <br /> .=�� •_;'�` • Borcower. if a refuad reduc�s principal, tha reductbn will be trested as a pactiul PrePaYment without �ny pre�ment charge �.::�------ _ -- <br /> b„; ;. . , <br /> under the Note. � � <br /> ��r ° 14.Notices. Any notice to Boerowa provided for in this Secarity Instcumutt sl�all bts given by della�cring it or by mailing it " <br /> �'�^'�T' by Cusi class mail on{ess applicab]c law rr.quines use of nnother method.'Ihe nWice shall be dirocted to tha Property Address or <br /> ..,, , .'��`.R" <br /> �.,.:;; <br /> _i.,.,,;� ti _ <br /> �t^ .. <br /> :;,,X•. any otlxx address Borrower desigr►ates by notice W I.ender.Any notice w Lender shall Ua given by first class mail to I.ender's �"-�°""`: _...� <br /> �`'.•�, . addrass staled hertsin m any other address Lender designates by norice to Borrower. My no8ce provided for in Ihia Security �;��.;6u���; <br /> Inswmeat shall ho deemod to have been ven to Borrower or Lender when givcn eat ravided in this h. '����" <br /> , B� p P�B�P ��%n,;...- <br />— � . � 15.Covcrning Law�Severabi�ty. This Security Instn►ment stiall bc govemed by federal law end the Iaw of the _-_ _ _ _ • <br /> n�risdic�ion in which the Property is locatod.In ahe event that eny provision a cluuse of this Security Instrumeat or the Note 4 ��°-�—�m.: <br /> � � confllet�with appUcabie law.such conflict shall noi affact other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nate which can be ^°� ��,,«;.: <br /> given effect witho�t the conNcting grovision.l o this cnd the provisions of thls Security Instrument and the Note am declared to � ����� <br /> .: be savcrable. .• 'S:'���.. •;;�`'"��' <br /> }. :�...�z- �. , <br /> . , << . K�.- <br /> — Fo�m3028 9190 ' � ''•'"�;;,,. ', <br /> , ..�"�,�,'° , <br /> ' ��ER(NH)(o2�a).o� Papa��7o innuu:. -- -- ��::,,;:,';,j;,•',:;��3,�i��'+`~. <br /> ..' � . . . ��{.:``�i:,.t:_.���. . <br /> - , v ^.. . .. 7� . <br /> . ,_ -_ _ _— _ __ -- <br />' � _ . �_��—� ."_.'._^'"__.--,._"�— �„" , _ ' '_�� ' . _-__ _. --_. <br /> .—�—_.__�..._.__.'—'_'__.. ,_—'___' ___...'_'_' " __""""_" . � . <br /> . _ . . . . ���. ��f <br /> � � ,: _ ., <br /> . . ; <br /> � . <br /> . , <br /> � � _....,� �� � <br />