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'� �+Alr; '_ . �j <br /> , .v,. ' � • ., <br /> .__.�__.... ._ . . <br /> . � °- -- <br /> �.. i .. :,i,. . . . , . . . . , -. . . .. ..-�w.r, �� ..-., . <br /> - .. . � � - � � - ' � . _.. - <br /> , ' . ' F ,,. - .-. <br /> � __ �- <br /> ,�� , <br /> � 96- �0�6'�3 , „ ,:- <br /> • 16.Darrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall bc given ona confoxmcd copy of thc Notc and of�his ecunry InstrumcnG � _ <br /> 17.Trwnsk�of the PropeHy or A Bene(ical Imterest in Qorrower. If all or any part cf thc Property or suiy intcrest in it is * ' <br /> sold or vensfencd(or if n ben�eficlal intcrest in Horrowcr is sold or trensferrcd end Horrower is not a naturalperson) without "�� _ <br /> ' Lcncic,�'s prl�z w�itte,�consent,Lender may,ut IL optfen,rr.qulre immedtntc payment in fu�l of all sums s$curecl by ihis Socurity • '�. <br /> , Instrument.However, this opdon sball not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal Iaw as of the data of this :r ' <br /> Sccuriry Inswmcnt. •.�`k <br /> � If Lender o�cercises this option,L.ender shall givo Bocrower soticc af acceleradon.'Ihe notice shall provide aperiod of not less '� . <br /> � •�yjj than 30 days from�►c dau; tho nodce is d�alivered or mailed within whlch Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securfty � .•,��r,�; <br /> � j InstrumenG I f Horro�ver fai l s ta pay t hese sums pdor w the expiradon of this pariad.Lcnder ma y invokc any rcmrdics permitted ;;,.;� <br /> by thls Security Inswment without funher notice or demand on Borrower. ��,`. <br /> � 18.Aorro�ver'sRl�httoRefnstste. If Borrower mecis certain condidons, Borrower sh�ll have the right to have ��-;:,_,_ <br /> ��i enforcement ot this Set;ari Instrument discontlnued at nny time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other perlod as __- <br /> ty um <br /> � applkabk Iaw rri3y t�ecify ior relnstatement)before salo of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in t��s Securlty - <br /> � Inswment;or @)ermy of a Judgment enforcing this Security Inswmen�'Iiwse condidons aro ttiat�orrower:(a)pays Lender all - <br /> • sun�s which 1Jxn would be due under this Security Instrument and tha rlote as if no aa:eleradon had occurred; (b)cures any � <br /> , default of eny other covena.�ts or agrcements;(c)pays all expenses incuired in enforcing ttnis Security Insuument,including,but �- - <br /> � not limiud to,reasonable auomeys'fees;and(d)takes such acnon as Lender may reasanably require w assuce that the lie►�of this - •_,�m- <br /> Sxurity Instrwnent, L,c,�der's rights in the Property and Borrower's o b l iga t lon to pay the sums secured by thls Securi ry <br /> I n s t n�m a n t s.h a l l c o n t i n u e u n c h a n g e s l. U{i o n r e I n s t et c u l e n t b y S a rowe�, t his Seci�dty instnune�t and the obG gations secured ____ <br /> hereby shall remain fully effective as�f no acceleradon hed o:curred. However,this rlght to ninstate shall not npply in tha case of .. _ <br /> acceleratl�n under para�aph 17. .. - _,_ <br /> 19.SAk otNotes Change ot I.oan Servker. The Nate or a partial interest in the Alote (togethe� with this Secarity ..___ <br /> Insuument)may be sold one or mor�e dmes without prior nobce W Borrower.A sale may result in a change in tha enuty(kn�wn •� <br /> as tha"Loan Servicer")that collects monthlypayments due under the Note and this Securiry Inswment'Ihere also may be ona or •�S»'�:�:`';W <br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer anrelated to a sale of the ttote. If ihese is a change of the Loan Servicer. Borrower wiU b� <br /> . ':; given written notice of the change in aocordance with paea�raph lk above andapplicuble law.'Ihu aodce will state the rtame and �;.t <br /> �, ., address of the new L.oun Seivicer and rhe addmss to wtuch payments shoulcII be made.The nodce will elso cantain any other ;,_: ,�;,��•� <br /> infomu�tion required bY BPPlkable taw. ,��` <br /> 1A.H�rdoue Substaaas. Horrower shaU not cause or }�mit thc presence, use. dlsposal, swrage. or relcase of uny <br /> HaTardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do,enything affecdng the Propeity <br /> that is in vlolation of any Environmental Law.7ria preced3ng two sent�ences shuU not apply to the presence.u.Se.or swrage on the <br /> Pn�;w�y of cmatl quanddes of Hezardous Substencos U�at are genexnlly rocaymiud to be appropriate w no,rmal resideatfal uses _ . <br /> and w mainr.enartca of the Propeity. <br /> " Horrower ahall promptly glve I.e.�idea•written nodce of any is�vesHgatlon, claim, demand lawsutt or other acdon by any �� <br /> .. gove,mmental a e�egulatory ency or private nacty invalving the Propercy end any Hauirdous Substaace or F�vironmental Law ; <br /> of which Borcower has ac�knowledge.If Barower leams,or is notified by any govunmcntsl or regulatay authoriry,that any � +' <br /> nmoval or otlxr cemediation of any Hazar�ous Substance affecting the Property is nacessary. Borrower shall promptly tahe all � <br /> nocess�ry m,�nedial actians in accordance with EnvIra�mentel Law. <br />- �� As used in tbis�aragraph 20, "Hazardous Substanccs"arc those substanccs dcfined as tnxic or k�ardous substances by -- <br /> y.. . finvironmu►uz1 Iaw and tbe folbwing substances: gasollne. Icerosene. othu flammabl� or toxic p:troleum products. toxic ,-� <br /> - ,.. pesticides end herbicides.volaLUe solvents.materials containing asbesws or fom�aldehyde. and rndioacdve materl�Lv.As usecl in �� <br />- this 20,"Environtnetital Law" meRns fcderal lews and laws of the jurLSdktion whcre the Property is locauxl dmt relate - <br />_ � w health�ety or environmer�tal protxdon. <br /> ,'•::�':. - <br />' ','�1��'���` NON-UNIPORM COVHNAN'fS.Borrower end Lender further covenant nnd agrce as follows: ���`� <br />�������'4'�°� • 21.Aoodc»tion;Itemedies.Leeder s6al1`ive notke M Borrower prbr to aaxkrat+ou toUowing Borrower's breac6 ot `' <br /> _ li�i �. . �.., <br /> —T-r°'�•'•,- any covcnant or vgrameat fn thta Security Iostrument (6ut oot prior to accekratlon under paragrap6 1'1 unks9 <br />�-':�`. '_-, opplicabk law provSdes otherwise).The notice s6a11 specify: (o)the delauiti(b)the acdon requfred to cure the de[AUIt;(c) �..` <br /> c � a dak,aot le�e tlwu 30 da,Ys tkom the e�ate t6e aotke[�giveq to Burrower,by whkh thc detault must be cured;and(d) �' <br /> ��.: ..: • '. _- <br />�y� "`� tlwt hiN►re Ro cure the detputt oe or beGara the date specifka in tloe aotioe may�sult in�ackr�tbn of t1e Bums secured ... <br /> - .. by t66�Secudh Lttrument and c�k ot We Property.The nodue ehaU tl�rtber iolorm Borrowcr ot We right to rtinstate °-�.- - -- <br /> � ,: � atrer�ootkr�tbn tnd the rl�ht t�brins a courl acUon to assert the aon�xiste�ce at a defaalt or any oWer detense ot �'r ci'� <br />-W-_� �xz:�..• Borrowu tu�ecekration and s�le.If Qhe dd'aWt is not cured on or before the date specifkd in the notke,L.ender,pt its �"° <br /> �MY"��`" optbn,may require[�mediate Q�yment in tuU ot all suma secured by thjs Security Iastrument without turther dcmnnd "� <br /> .,:".,-..�... �'�- __- <br />-- ;« • aud may invoke We poiver ot�k add a�+y ot6er remedks pennitted by applkAbk law.Lcnder ehaU be e�Utkd to mUect :�� - <br /> ''"' aU racpenseg io�tmd in pvrsuing the re�sedies prnvi�lcd in t6�s paragrsiph Zl,includfng,Dut not Ilmfted to�reasonabk =-- <br />� ;��'' .'�. .� attorneys'tees aed co6t8 0!titie evidence. - ---- <br /> - If t6e pa�er ot�snnk i�invuked,Truste�s6xU reoord w notece o!detatiit in wch c�uaty in whicL any part of the =�-- ---- - - <br />- ��q;;?:, . i'roperty is iocaEed and 6hall mpU copies of such nodce ie the mannec prescribed by applicable 1aw to Borm�wer�nd to We ,`�J9,�"""-"=�_".`_a <br /> ''. ' ot6er peraona prescribed 6y applkable Itaw.Aner tlMe time required by applicabk Inw,Trustee shall give publk notice of �"''�"�"`�'�"-'= <br />— � ':.,.;��s%;�� <br />- , . aak to tbe persoa9 and in the a�s�nner prescribed by opplicable law.Trustcs�withuut dcmwnd on Iiorrower.ahall seU the `-1�;��+g�� <br />= Property at public auctio�s Oo the blghest bidder at th.e time and pincc aad under the terms dcsignated fn the nntioe of ss�k '•-.-�{-;,°��'"���•- "� <br /> -. ;Lj?�3u..�.; . <br /> ; . ,,f.� <br /> :;��,;; Fotm3028 9J40 , . <br /> - , �•6F�(N�)(02121.Ot Pep�GOts Inn1�4: --- . ,� <br /> - � � �r . � E�.. ... ._.. :.:.._. <br /> - . - .. . _ -_- -__ <br /> . . <br /> .. . <br /> _ _. , <br /> _ , . . . . � <br /> . .. �. .. � , „ , <br /> _.; . � , . � <br /> � _...1 _ , <br /> - � ____ __ _ _ __ <br />